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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13) by Sadie Carter (8)


Oh, they were in so much trouble.

“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas,” Zoey said from beside her as they looked up at the dark building in front of them. The flashing neon lights at the top of the building sizzled then died.

“Well, if that’s not a bad omen I don’t know what is.” Zoey looked around the dark alley. “Of course, the fact that those guards dumped us here then took off like the hounds of hell were after them wasn’t a good sign either.”

“We should have insisted your guards come with us.”

“Yeah, that might have been a sensible decision,” Zoey agreed. “I’m not known for making many of those.”

Nassir was, though. She was imminently sensible. She should have figured out that something odd was going on by the way those guards acted. But they were Royal Guardsmen and they had insisted that Dex and Rohan had organized everything. Why wouldn’t Zoey and Nassir believe them?

“I’m pretty certain this isn’t the place Rohan recommended we go for dinner or if it is then he has terrible taste. So why did those guards leave us here?”

Nassir did not know, but she could only guess something bad was going to happen. “Maybe we should attempt to make our way back to the palace,” she suggested.

“Do you know the way?” Zoey asked hopefully.

Nassir shook her head. “This is a bad area of the city. I have never been here.”

“Yeah, somehow I thought you were going to say that. Dex is going to be furious, so is Boris.”

“He will be angry with you? But he works for you.”

Zoey snorted and shivered. “Boris doesn’t work for me. He chooses to stay with me. He’s my friend.”

Such loyalty was admirable and made Nassir feel slightly jealous. All right, more than slightly.

“Did I ever tell you how we met?” Zoey asked.


“I bought him at an auction.”

“What?” Nassir gaped at her.

“To free him. Only he decided to stay with me, instead. I’ve just sent him an emergency alert. He should be here to get us soon.”

Gods, she hoped so.

“You sent a message to Boris, not your mate?”

Zoey let out a sigh. “Boris won’t yell. Plus, Dex told me he would be out of communication for tonight. I don’t know what he’s doing with Rohan. He wouldn’t tell me that. I guess it doesn’t matter since I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“You are?” Nassir gave her a startled look then jumped as she heard a banging noise. Maybe they should go inside. This wasn’t a very good area to be in, especially when it was dark. Not that this drinking establishment looked very safe, but surely it was better than standing outside and waiting for Boris.

Zoey must have had the same thought because she moved towards the door. “Come on, how bad can it be?”

Pretty bad, Nassir thought as she walked inside. The occupants turned to stare at them, all conversation dying.

“That is not good,” Zoey muttered then smiled brightly and waved her hand around. “Go back to drinking. Nothing to see here. Just two chicks looking for a drink.”

“How far away is Boris?” Nassir asked.

“No idea,” Zoey answered, moving towards an empty table. Amazingly, a waitress came and took their drink order. Everyone stared, but no one approached.

Perhaps this place wasn’t as bad as it had first appeared.

A large man stumbled past, letting out an enormous belch. Nassir barely managed not to flinch as the rotten stench filled the air.

“Gross.” Zoey waved her hand in front of her face. “This place is going downhill fast.”

“Perhaps we should wait outside.”

“Boris will be here soon. Besides, inside there is alcohol. I need alcohol.”

Nassir watched Zoey worriedly.

“I thought that this trip was about spending some time together and celebrating our anniversary. Instead, I’ve seen Dex even less than I do at home. Which lately, hasn’t been much. I know he’s got a lot of duties, people depending on him, blah, blah, blah. I need to figure out some way of getting his attention. To show him that Elodie and I need him too.”

“Um, Zoey.” Nassir looked around her in alarm as several of those unsavory characters seemed to gather their courage and circled closer.

“Just because I got in a little bit of trouble, that’s no reason to send me back home like a naughty child. Or to yell at me. Or to tell me he’s going to lock me in my room for the next year if I get into any more trouble.”

Right now, that sounded like a really good idea to Nassir. She moved closer to Zoey, turning her head in alarm as the circle around them tightened. In fact, next time she saw Dex she was going to suggest he do just that. To both of them.

If she ever got to talk to him again.

“He’s been so distracted lately. Last week, I dressed up in this pretty little negligee, shaved everything from the chin down, and I mean, everything and do you know what he said? He asked if I was cold and wouldn’t I be more comfortable in some pajamas.”

“He was concerned about your comfort.”

She snorted. “I was trying to get him to throw me on the bed and ravage me.”

“I would be happy to ravage you, pretty girl,” a purple-skinned beast practically purred at Zoey as he stepped closer. He reached out a claw to grasp Zoey. She stepped back with an irritated sigh, slapping at the claw.

“Nassir, what do you think I can do to get his attention?”

“I am pretty certain you have already gotten his attention after what happened today.”

And after tonight, she was certain that Zoey would receive more of Dex’s attention than she could handle.

“Not that sort of attention. The good sort of attention. You know? The whole ravaging thing? Maybe I should go to the academy and get some sex lessons.”

She was really not the person to ask about sex.

Purple-skin reached for Zoey again. She slapped his hand. “Hands off.” Zoey looked around, as though only just noticing the group of creatures surrounding them. The place had grown almost silent. Everyone’s attention appeared to be on the two females.

Nassir swallowed heavily.

“Nassir,” Zoey said quietly.


“I think we’re up shit creek without a paddle.”

“I do not know what that means. But if it means we are in a lot of trouble, then yes, we are.”

“Dex is so going to kill me if I start another brawl.”

“I believe that your mate killing you is the least of our worries right now.”

Zoey blew out a breath. “All right, I need you to put on your bitch face.”


“You know that cold look you get on your face when you’re trying to hide what you’re really thinking. The look that says you’re in charge and everyone else better do what you say or else.”

“I do not have a bitch face.”

“No offense, but you totally do.”

“I do not believe that saying ‘no offense’ means I will not take offense.”

Zoey slipped her hand into Nassir’s. “We’re friends now, right?”


“Then I really need you to do what I say. Pretend that you’ve just stepped your foot in a pile of steaming crap. It’s what the old bat always looks like when she’s around me. We’re going to bluff our way out of here.”

One of the creatures grew bold and stepped forward, his scent, which was similar to a rotting carcass left in the sun, assaulted her.

“That’s the face. Right, here goes nothing. If this fails then I’ll create a distraction and you run for it.”

Run away and leave Zoey? She thought not. Nassir drew back her shoulders, channelling her mother.

Shoulders back, chin up, composure, composure, composure.

Nassir gave the creepy little creature with the four eyes and scaly skin a withering look.

“We are friends, are we not?”

“Yes,” Zoey replied.

“Friends do not leave other friends behind.”

“Ya know, Nassir. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”




Boris did not know which emotion affected him more strongly. Fear or anger.

But when he entered the drinking establishment to find the vast majority of patrons crowded in one corner, fear leaped up overtaking anger.

There could only be one thing that held everyone’s attention.

Well, actually two things.

What had they been thinking?

“Get out of my way. We are returning to our accommodations and we expect you all to behave like gentleman and allow us free passage.”

Boris raised his eyebrows at Zoey’s imperious demand. He started to push his way through the crowd. A few irritated creatures attempted to stand in his way, but whatever they saw in his face soon had them stepping aside.

He had never heard Zoey sound so commanding. The old bat would actually be pleased with her. Not that she would approve of her being in such a rough establishment.

He had no idea how he was going to manage to get the three of them out of this alive, but he had to try.

He shouldn’t have left them tonight. But he’d thought the other warriors would be able to take care of Zoey for a few hours while he found relief for his…problem.

He should have known that would not be the case.

As he grew closer, he felt a surge of pride for the way they were conducting themselves. Instead of cowering in fear, the two of them stood side-by-side staring down the crowd, daring anyone to make a move. So far, their bravado was keeping the hungry crowd at bay.

But it would not last forever.

A short, scaly creature moved forward, one of his several arms reaching out to touch Nassir’s hair. Anger surged inside him and it took all of his control not to leap at the creature, to teach it not to touch anything that belonged to him.

Nassir slapped at the creature’s hand. “No touching. Where are your manners? Did your mother teach you that it was all right to go around touching whoever you felt like?”

“My mother ate all of my brothers and sisters.”

Nassir’s eyes widened, her fear obvious for just a moment before she reined it back. She was an anomaly, for sure. At first, he had thought her cold and unfeeling. But the woman in his arms earlier hadn’t been cold in the slightest.

She held her emotions tightly in check until something shocked her into letting go. Like his tongue invading her mouth. His cock stirred.

This is not the time.

“And why did she not eat you? Do you taste bad?” Nassir asked.

“No, because I killed her first,” the creature replied, smacking its lips together. “She was delicious.”

Boris tensed. The mood of the crowd was changing, he could almost sense the desire for violence.

A creature with purple skin that towered over everyone else in the room, reached out to touch Zoey’s hair once more. “So pretty.”

“Do not touch the Empress of Zerconia,” an imperious voice demanded.

Gods help him. What was he doing here?

The crowd had frozen with his loud proclamation, but that wouldn’t last long.

Zillion pushed his way through the crowd, positioning himself in front of Zoey.

“Good one,” Zoey told him. “Way to announce me to a group of assholes who would probably sell their mother for a hot meal. Or eat them.”

And as if there had been some silent signal they’d been waiting for, the crowd surged forward.


Nassir grabbed Zoey and shoved her beneath a table as the crowd erupted into violence. Fear flooded her, making it hard for her to breathe as chaos reigned around them.

“I’m starting to think it’s me,” Zoey said loudly as she peered out. A body rolled past and Nassir flinched.

“What is?”

“It feels like everywhere I go, a fight breaks out. I think I’ve just got bad luck.”

A bottle smashed to the ground and Nassir reached out to grab it, holding it like a weapon on front of her.

“Good idea.” Zoey scrambled around and came up with a shot glass. “Huh. Fat lot of good this will do me.”

Suddenly someone dropped down beside Nassir. She screamed and held up the glass bottle.

“Wait, Nassir!” Zoey grabbed her arm as she went to stab at the creature. “It’s Boris. Stop!”

Boris? Nassir immediately dropped the bottle, wincing as it smashed against the floor. What was he doing here?

He reached out and grabbed hold of Zoey’s wrist, tugging at her. He gave Nassir a firm look and she gulped, nodding. His gaze held such fury that she felt a shiver of fear work its way up her spine. But as he pulled Zoey out, she followed behind them. Somehow, he managed to get them away from the fighting and towards the back of the room. They walked through the door into a storage area. There was a door at the back, which probably led outside.

“Wait,” Zoey said, pulling at Boris. “We can’t leave Zillion.”

He turned to her. The light above them, thought faint and flickering, was bright enough to highlight his irritation.

“I know. I know. But we can’t leave him behind, even if he is an asshole. Please, Boris.”

He remained still.

“I guess I could go,” Nassir suggested hesitantly.

Boris turned to snarl at her and she took a hasty step back, slamming into the wall behind her. She winced as her head cracked against a shelf. Boris made a low noise in the back of his throat, and reached for her, probably so he could throttle her.

But all he did was draw her forward to place his large, warm hand at the back of her head. He rubbed her throbbing scalp, his touch so gentle that she felt tears come to her eyes.

He was trying to rub away the pain.

Then he pulled back. He held up his hand in a clear gesture for them to remain here.

“You want us to stay here?” Zoey asked. He nodded. “While you go back for Zillion, right?”

He made an impatient gesture with his hand.

“Okay, okay, I won’t ask again. Thanks Boris.”

He snorted.

“Yeah, I know we’re in trouble. I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again.”

This time, it was Nassir who snorted.


It wasn’t long until Boris returned to the spot where she and Zoey waited. He held a complaining Zillion over his shoulder.

She shot to her feet, Zoey moving more slowly as she rose as well.

“Is he all right?” Nassir asked with concern. She hadn’t forgotten how rude he was earlier, but she felt they owed him something and she didn’t want to see him hurt.

Boris grunted which she took to be a yes.

“I am fine!” Zillion protested. “Put me down. Now!”

Boris flung him down, sending him crashing to the ground. The other man groaned. “Stars! Could you be any rougher?” he complained, grabbing at his leg.

“What happened?” Zoey asked, crouching next to him as Boris moved some shelving across the door to prevent anyone following.

“What happened is that I was winning a fight against a Teagan when Boris picked me up and carried me out of there.”

Boris grunted again then pulled off his top. Her heart stopped. She swore the world around her came to a stop as she took in his magnificent chest. She wished the lighting was better. The smooth skin on his right side became scarred and mottled on his left. She already knew he had scars. They went up his neck and down over his paralyzed hand. But they didn’t put her off.

If anything, they only seemed to make him more intriguing. Gorgeous.

Focus, Nassir.

She blinked as he ripped at his top with a grunt. What was he doing? And why had he taken his top off? He held the ripped material out to Zoey.

“What do you want me to do with that?” Zoey asked.

“He wants you to wrap my thigh,” Zillion said sounding slightly scandalized. “The Empress cannot touch me there!”

 “Hate to tell you, buddy. But I’ve touched other men’s thighs before.”

“Not there!” Zillion’s voice had taken on a high note that made her wince. Nassir noted how Boris had positioned himself between them and the door. Even though he’d put some heavy shelving in front of the door she guessed someone determined enough could get through. She moved to the other side of Zillion, who was still arguing with Zoey. Although what she could do to fight anyone off, she knew not, but as Boris gave her a nod of approval she felt warmth full her.

With Zillion injured, Boris had even more people to protect. And she was determined not to be a burden.

“The Emperor would sever my head from my neck were you to touch me there,” Zillion was saying.

She did not see what the issue was. Even royalty would tend wounds at times of war. This was not a time of war, although it certainly seemed like they were continuously engaged in battle.

“Zillion!” Zoey snapped. “Right now, Dex is not the person you need to worry about because if you don’t shut up, I’m going to murder you.”

That, surprisingly, quietened Zillion.

“Now where is this injury?”

Nassir had been unable to see the exact origin of the wound, but assumed it could not be that bad if Zillion could argue so vehemently against having it tended to.

“Show me. I can’t see,” Zoey said impatiently. “Boris is getting antsy and we have to go.”

How did she know Boris was getting antsy? Nassir hadn’t seen him move. Jealousy filled her and she had to work hard to tamp it down. She had no reason to be jealous. She hardly knew Boris.

But she was attracted to him. That dream she’d had earlier…it had felt so real.

Nassir sighed. She hated feeling this way. Unsure of what was happening, of where she stood. She felt things for Boris, hot, hungry desires that she knew she could not give in to. And yet…it went beyond that. This wasn’t about an urge to fornicate—her mother’s word, not hers—she wanted to know more about him. She wanted to be the one who could tell what what he was thinking, what he wanted.

Why now? Why did she have to feel this way about someone now when it was all so impossible?

And why did it have to be him? As if her problems weren’t enough, he had a whole raft of issues himself.

The man did not talk, for Gods’ sakes. How could they have any sort of relationship when he couldn’t even tell her how he felt?

But he could show you.

She shivered at the idea. Turning, she met his gaze with her own. She shivered again at the desire on his face.

Hunger. The predator was hungry.

And she was the extra-juicy prey.

“Holy hell, Zillion, you’re lucky he didn’t make a eunuch out of you,” Zoey said loudly, breaking the moment. Boris turned, his gaze roaming their surroundings once more while Nassir glanced down, seeing how high the injury was on Zillion’s thigh. No wonder he did not wish the Empress to dress his wound. Each time her hand wrapped the dark one’s shirt around Zillion’s thigh she brushed against his manly parts.

“You should be thanking Boris for rescuing you. Any closer and the family jewels would be missing their crown.”

“Must you keep speaking,” Zillion gritted out. “Have you not finished yet?”

“Yep. Done. Don’t bother saying thanks or anything.”

“I will not.”

Zillion pulled himself up, using the shelving behind him to steady himself. “We need to leave. It is not safe here.”

“We can’t exactly get far with you like that. Not unless Boris carries you.”

Boris shook his head. Nassir raised her eyebrows. “You will not carry him?”

“Carrying me would impede him if we are attacked,” Zillion answered.

He looked terrible. Half of his hair had escaped its band and was sticking up at right angles around his head. His clothing was ripped, his face dirty, so unlike the warrior she had met earlier in the day.

Zoey winced.

“Are you well?” Nassir asked, concerned as Zoey held a hand up to her head. Was it from the bang on her head she’d had earlier in the day?

“Yes. It’s just that Dex is super mad. He’s not happy because I’ve put a block on our bond so he can’t speak to me.”

“Should you not remove the block?” Nassir asked.

Zoey looked at her as though she was crazed. “Didn’t you hear me? He’s super mad. I’m going to get yelled at all too soon. Why start any earlier than I have to?”

“Boris should take you to the palace and leave me here,” Zillion said.

Zoey sighed. “Once, I would have agreed. But, you came to our aid in there. So, you’re one of Zoey’s now, Zillion.”

“Do I wish to know what that means?”

“Zoey never leaves one of her own behind,” Nassir explained with a grin. She could pretty much feel the frustration coming from him, and she admitted it was a little fun to torture him. She still hadn’t forgotten what he had been like earlier.

He deserved to be frustrated. Just a little.

Zillion reached back to brush his hand over his hair. “Does my hair look all right?”

“Perfect,” Zoey said without even a hint of a smile. Nassir turned away with a grin. Her smile faded as she felt rather than saw Boris stiffen. She stilled. What was it?

Something banged against the door to the storage room and Nassir had to bite back a scream.

Boris swung Zillion over his shoulder before she could blink. She gaped. Zillion was not a small man and Boris had just picked him up as though he weighed nothing.

Nassir leaped for the door to the alley, holding it open for Boris, then Zoey. As she stepped outside, she wondered why they had come to a stop. Then she saw him, almost as though he’d been waiting for them.

“Hello, Princess Nassir,” Tazan said smoothly.

“Tazan,” she whispered.

“Princess Nassir?” Zoey turned to look at her. “What are you talking about? Who are you and why are you blocking our way?”

“Oh, you have not told them who you are?”

Nassir turned, ready to run. Her heart raced, her stomach ill.

She would not be taken. She would not be taken.

Coming up behind her were two of Tazan’s men. She swallowed heavily. She’d seen them before—many times—but this was the closest she’d ever come to them. They were huge. Even taller than Boris, and thick with muscle. She whirled back around to Tazan.

Boris slowly placed Zillion down and moved closer to her and Zoey.

“You cannot take me back there,” she told him. “I will kill myself first.”

Tazan smiled. She could feel the evil rolling off him. “Oh, your uncle prefers you alive, but dead works just as well for me. I get paid either way.”

“Nobody is taking Nassir anywhere.” Zoey wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Nassir realized then that she was shaking.

Tazan turned his gaze on Zoey. No, no, she couldn’t let him focus on Zoey.

Before she could offer herself as a sacrifice if he let the others go, Tazan spoke. “We have no issue with you, Empress. You and your people are free to go.”

“I go nowhere without Nassir, buddy.”

Tazan raised his eyebrows then smiled. The knot in Nassir’s stomach tightened. “Very well, I tried.” He raised the weapon in his hand. Suddenly, Boris leaped towards her and Zoey, throwing them to the ground. Her breath left her in a whoosh, the pain of the impact temporarily stealing her voice. Then she realized that Boris was trembling against them, his arms and legs vibrating as though filled with electrical currents.

“Boris!” she screamed as he fainted against them, his not inconsiderable weight pressing against her. But Gods, even unconscious, he felt so right. Then she glanced up, dread filling her as Tazan appeared. He raised his weapon as she heard yelling and scuffling in the background. Beside her, Zoey whimpered but she couldn’t turn to see if she was well. All her attention was focused on the threat before her.

“This should have been so easy. One thieving little princess to grab and return to her loving uncle.”

Loving uncle? Thief?

“I am not a thief. That accusation is false.”

He raised that weapon again. “That is just it. I do not care. All I care about is the money. You made us chase you for months. You made this so hard. And now, I shall make this as unpleasant as possible for you.”

Nassir screamed as a light blinded her.

Then she knew nothing.




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