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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13) by Sadie Carter (22)


“This weekend is a complete and utter disaster.”

“It has not been a total disaster, Empress,” Rastian replied mildly as he sat, cuddling Elodie on the large sofa in the living room area of the villa they’d rented. Ulrika was the most beautiful place she’d ever seen. Everywhere she looked there was something gorgeous to view. An amazing mountain range enclosed the valley. Their villa was situated right on the shore of a huge lake. Trees surrounded the twenty-five villas on this side of the lake, giving them privacy from their neighbors. The villa was enormous. It could have easily catered for twice as many people as they’d brought with them. Not that she would ever say that to Dex. His ego was big enough as it was.

No need to inflate it by telling him he was right.

Boris stood leaning against the wall of the living room as she paced back and forth, looking as calm as usual. Nothing much ever rattled him, not even being sold at auction as a slave, which is where she’d first met him, umm bought him, but so she could free him.

Wasn’t her fault he found her company so irresistible he’d decided to stay with her rather than returning home when he had the chance. At least that’s what she liked to tell him. He didn’t speak so it wasn’t like he could argue back. While it was sometimes frustrating that he didn’t talk, she had to admit she kind of liked being able to chat without being interrupted. She especially hated when she was in the middle of a rant, and someone interrupted to reason with her.

Uhh, reasonable. She didn’t need reasonable. She needed some sympathy. So she turned her glare on Rastian, who hastily stood. “The baby needs a nap.”

Zoey leaned down and kissed Elodie’s head, breathing in her sweet scent. “Have a good sleep, baby girl. Ignore mama’s grumbles.”

Elodie smiled up at her and Zoey felt her blood pressure drop.

Rastian moved out of the room, and Zoey’s temper skyrocketed once more.  “Ten hours. Ten hours we were here before he was pulled away for something important.” She turned to look at Boris. “All right, I get it. He has duties he has to perform. But I wasn’t asking much. Three days, that’s all. Three days of his company. Three days to spend together. Three days of some hot loving.”

Boris grimaced.

She waved her hand. “Yeah, I know. TMI.” She sat on the sofa, and immediately Giz snuggled into her. She ran her hand through his fur. “What am I going to do, Giz?”

Giz snuffled then rubbed his face against her, conveniently wiping away the few tears that had slipped free. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t someone who sat around and complained. Well, okay, she liked to complain a little bit. Who didn’t? She should just march into that room Dex had commandeered as an office and demand that he spend some time with her.

Only thing was, she knew whatever he was doing probably was really important. He wasn’t just her mate or Elodie’s dad. He was the Emperor of Zerconia.

She straightened her shoulders. Well, so what if Dex couldn’t accompany her everywhere she’d planned to go. Didn’t mean she couldn’t go alone. And maybe by tonight, he’d be finished with what he was doing and they could get some lovey-dovey stuff happening. All right, so not lovey-dovey. Dex was a warrior. He liked to hit things and bark out orders.

But he also knew exactly where she liked to be touched and licked and kissed…

“I’m going out.” She stood and looked over at Boris. He frowned. “You stay here with Elodie, and I’ll take Macon.”

Boris shook his head.

“Fine. You come with me, and I’ll tell Macon where we’re going.”

He raised one eyebrow in question. She smiled. “Where are we going? We’re going to do what I always do when I need cheering up. We’re going shopping!”

She turned away, and could almost swear she heard him groan from behind her. But it must have been her imagination, right?


Three hours later, her feet were aching, her head was pounding, and even she had had enough of the bustling, busy market in the middle of Ulrika’s major city center. It was miles away from the peaceful setting of their villa on the lake, and if she was honest with herself, she was regretting her decision to come here. Right now, she could be sitting on the porch of their villa, looking out at the peaceful lake and drinking some sola. Or giving Elodie cuddles. Or she could have snuck into Dex’s office, crept under his desk and done all sort of wicked things to him.

She shivered at the thought. Yum. Now, why hadn’t she thought of that before? That would have been much more preferable to pushing through crowds of sweaty, smelly people to buy things she didn’t even really need. She’d brought presents for everyone during the first hour.

She shuffled the bags onto her left arm, why hadn’t she brought someone to help her carry all this stuff? Boris couldn’t, not because he only had one arm but because he was her only guard. He needed to be free if there was any threat.

Idiot. She really hadn’t thought this through.

“Let’s go bac—hey! Watch where you’re going!” she cried out as a small, hooded figure in a dirty green cloak slammed against her, sending Zoey and her shopping flying. Boris reached for the person, but they quickly took off. As Zoey stood, she heard shouts and watched as a large creature stormed its way through the marketplace. It must have been close to eight feet tall, its body covered in coarse, brown hair, its chest bare. It looked like a cross between Chewbacca and a boar. Not a pretty combination. Black straps covered its bare chest, loops attached to the straps held a variety of weapons. A small piece of black cloth covered its private area. Thank the Lord.

Suddenly, it let out a roar and moved towards where the person who’d just slammed into her was trying to sift their way through the crowded marketplace. It thundered forward, people screeching as they moved out of the beast’s way. Zoey watched in fascination as the small cloth covering its private area swayed back and forth precariously.

She didn’t want to watch. But she just couldn’t look away.

A woman cried out as the beast picked her up and threw her to one side without a care. She missed landing on a small child by mere inches. Zoey’s temper sparked.

Time for a Zoey intervention.

She glanced over at Boris who gave her a quick shake of his head in warning. She knew he wouldn’t approve of her plan. But then, she wasn’t actually asking for his approval. But what could she use as a distraction?  Suddenly, Giz took off, running straight towards the beast.

“Giz!” she yelled out, knowing immediately he intended to give her the distraction she needed. Giz was so in-tune with her that sometimes it was scary. But she didn’t want him to get hurt just because she’d decided to interfere. “Giz, no!”

She chased after him, even knowing she wouldn’t reach him in time. He took a flying leap and attached himself to the big beast who paused with a yell. He turned, trying to shake him off. But Giz just dug his claws in and held on. Zoey winced knowing that had to hurt.

She came to a stop in front of the beast and placed her hands on her hips. She took a calming breath.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry,” she said in a falsely sweet voice, using Standard, the common language many races used. “Giz Is so naughty sometimes. He got away from me. He does so like a strong, handsome male to climb.” Okay, that might have been taking things a bit far. She actually felt a little ill.

She batted her eyelashes, hoping to hell this thing understood her. Or at least didn’t try to eat her.

“Get. It. Off.”

Good. So he understood. He attempted to reach back for Giz who bounced down off his back. The beast turned, but Giz wisely bounced away.

“Oh dear, his itty-bitty claws didn’t hurt you, did they?” she asked, hoping to deflect his attention away from Giz. The beast turned back and let out a giant roar.

Holy fuck balls.

She placed her hand over her mouth, gagging. Tears streamed down her face, her eyes burning.  “Oh my God, have you ever heard of dental care? Or mouthwash? Jesus, I’d offer you a mint, but it would be totally wasted.”

She’d never smelt anything like it before. It was disgusting, horrific, without a doubt the worst thing she had ever smelt. She gagged as the beast lumbered off. Right now, she didn’t care what he did. She was too busy trying to breathe without vomiting.

Worst shopping day ever.