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Kelan: Talonian Warriors by Celeste Raye (15)

Chapter 15


Had he heard correctly? Michelle was having his baby. Kelan's brain went numb. Was that even possible? He hadn't considered it, ever. It was amazing and scary. This could change everything. Michelle was right. The citizens would either embrace it and be thrilled or panic and demand her execution. There was a slight chance that Michelle was wrong about the whole thing. She might be ill from the flight or the food. He could hear her spilling her guts in the bathroom. An illness would be seen as trouble. Talonians didn't tolerate sickness well. They would fear death. Pregnancy was actually the lesser of fearful fates. Kelan tried to get up and go to her, but the world turned black as he sat up. He fell backward onto the bed and went unconscious.

Kelan had a nightmare. There were tiny dragons everywhere. Michelle was rocking one to sleep, and it set her on fire. The others attacked children playing in the park. Even in the nightmare, Kelan knew none of this was possible. Weredragons couldn't transform when they were babies, and he had never seen a female give birth to more than twins. Worry and fear were odd things. They took over your mind when you least expected it, twisting your thoughts into the impossible.

He woke up and discovered Michelle snuggled close. She was in a deep sleep. There were dark circles under her eyes. Her face was pale. Whether she was tired from caring for him or the pregnancy was taking a toll on her body, he didn't know. He felt guilty either way. Turning on his side, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her sweet lips. To his joy, the headache was gone, and his shoulder didn't protest. He was healing. He closed his eyes, content to hold Michelle for now.

The next time he woke up, the healer was standing over him. Michelle was dressed, her hair brushed to a sheen, and color was back in her lovely face. They were both grinning. "What is everyone so happy about?” Kelan asked.

The healer replied, "You're finally awake. For good this time, I think. Michelle and I have had plenty of time to become good friends since you decided to be a sleeping beauty. That's what Michelle called you anyway."

"Am I missing something? How long was I sleeping?” Kelan inquired.

Michelle answered, "Three days ago, I told you my secret. It must have been too much for you to handle. You went to sleep and stayed that way until now. We've been watching over you."

"But, I did wake up. You were snuggled next to me. I felt better, pulled you close, and went to sleep."

The healer stated, "Your body relaxed. It's been healing while you slept. Try sitting up. The cut is completely healed. Let's see if your head is as well."

Kelan slowly rose, expecting pain or darkness to stop him. There was none. "I'm fine, just really thirsty and hungry."

Michelle admitted, "You smell bad too. Take a shower. I'll make you something to eat. We can talk when you are done."

"Food first, please. I promise to stay downwind,” Kelan swore.

The trio made their way to the kitchen. Kelan settled in a chair at the table. Michelle placed a cup of water in front of him and began to make some of her precious coffee. Surprisingly, she appeared comfortable in the kitchen. "When did you learn to cook our food?” Kelan wanted to know.

"I taught her,” the healer replied. "She needed nutrition, and you were incapacitated."

Michelle added, "He found different meat and showed me how to make the eggs taste better. He brought plant leaves to make a tea that calmed my stomach. I don't throw up anymore."

"He knows?” Kelan demanded. "Was that a good idea?"

"It was necessary,” the healer explained. "She was dehydrated and weakening. She would have lost the child. Don't get upset. I've told no one, yet. However, the secret will make itself known before too much longer. As thin as Michelle is, the baby bump will show early. I suggest you make the announcement before gossip begins. It would be wise to get ahead of it. This situation is unprecedented and volatile. I find it interesting and charming. Others won't."

"Will it be a weredragon or human?” Kelan asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. It could be a mix of the two. I don't know how that would work, but it will be interesting to find out. I'm more concerned with getting Michelle through this unscathed. Her fate will be decided soon, and the baby should weigh heavily in that decision. Level with the citizens, but warn the leader first,” the healer advised.


Alone with Kelan, Michelle got up the nerve to ask, "Are you happy about the baby or angry?" She had come to realize how badly she wanted the child and hoped he did as well.

"Truthfully, I've been too shocked to think about my feelings,” Kelan began. "It was unexpected. I know it's often a consequence of sex, but somehow, I didn't imagine it happening between two species. We're very similar in a lot of ways, yet very different in one important way. Oddly, I think I like the prospect of being a father. I'll be happier once we're past the vote."

"Me too." Michelle was relieved to learn he was okay with becoming a dad. "I want this child, weredragon or human. It has begun fluttering inside me. It makes it more real. I love it already."

Kelan enveloped her in his embrace. "It's uncharted territory, and I like adventure. I want it too. We've got this. Everything will be okay."

Michelle wrinkled her nose. "It will be, if you take a shower. I may need some tea if you don't back away immediately."

Kelan laughed and headed for the shower. He was in love, healed, and soon to be a father. It was a good day to wake up.

Michelle cleared the kitchen. She was feeling so much better since the healer had helped her with food and the tea. Kelan waking up had added to her happiness. She wanted to show him just how happy she was. Quietly, she let herself into his bathroom. She could hear the deep blue water from the waterfalls rushing into the shower. She imagined it running over Kelan's hard muscular body. It made her shiver with anticipation. She dropped her clothes to the floor, rubbed the tiny bulge of her belly, and stepped into the shower.

Kelan's back was toward her, and his head was deluged by the water. He hadn't heard her enter. She slid her hands up his solid back, then around to his chest. He moaned and clasped her hands tightly, while her cheek rested on his spine. "Are you sure you want to do this?” he gently asked.

"More than anything,” Michelle replied. She turned her head to place her lips against his skin. He set her hands free, and they moved lower. She wrapped her fingers around his hard, erect member and moved them over its smooth surface, from base to tip. She kissed her way down his spine until she was on her knees. His firm backside was too tempting to resist. She gave each side a tiny nip of her teeth. Kelan quivered in response. She slowly turned him to face her. His hardness was enclosed in her warm mouth. He tasted of salt and the unique manliness that was Kelan. Her tongue probed at the slit in the tip, drinking the droplet that sprouted there. One hand cupped the dangling pair that contained the essence of his manhood. The other stroked his staff along with her tongue.

Kelan growled and pulled her up by her shoulders. He held her against the wall and plastered his body to hers. He kissed her with an urgent need. His tongue delved into her mouth, stroking hers and bringing the kiss to a whole new level of intimacy. "I've missed this,” he sighed into her mouth.

Michelle bit his lip in answer. His laughter echoed over the bathroom walls. "My kitten has become a tigress. I like it." He gripped her plump backside in his large, rough hands and brought her closer to his hardness. "The dragon wants loose,” he declared.

"Then let him go,” Michelle stated. "The tigress is capable of handling him."

With a strength no human could claim, Kelan lifted her to the top of the shower. He placed one of her legs on each mighty shoulder, opening her to his mouth. "You asked for this,” he breathed. Hot air went to her core, setting her center on fire. Kelan's tongue followed. It plunged into her wetness, bringing an immediate release to Michelle. She clamped his head between her thighs and rode the waves of ecstasy.

Kelan drank his fill of the sweet treasure he had plundered. His head was spinning. For the first time, he allowed the dragon to be a part of his love for Michelle. It was greedy. Kelan ached to join his throbbing member with her soft, pliant center. Carefully, he removed her legs from his shoulders and permitted her to slide down the wall. "Are you ready for more?” he inquired.

Michelle rubbed her rounded breasts on his chest. They were fuller due to the pregnancy. Kelan clasped them in his hands as she replied, "I demand more."

"Your wish is my command,” he stated. He circled her waist with his powerful arms and carried her from the shower. He suckled at her breasts as he walked to his room. She moaned with pleasure. Unabashedly, she sprawled on the bed. She reveled in the fire she saw in his eyes. The frightened, timid, abused Michelle was long gone. In her place was a confident, demanding woman who was ready to meet her weredragon as an equal.

Kelan felt the difference in her and was proud to be a part of her growth and confidence. She was exactly who she was supposed to be. His love for her was growing by leaps and bounds. He took a moment to study the subtle changes in her body caused by his child. The larger breasts and gentle swelling of her stomach brought forth an intense, overwhelming desire to stake his claim as her mate.

Michelle's arms rose, begging him to join her. He was unable and unwilling to deny her. He lowered his weight over her, resting on his elbows. She kissed his nose, then each cheek, and finally his lips. "I love you, my dragon,” she whispered.

Kelan swept his mouth over her delicate neck and down to her collarbone. He breathed in her special scent that he would forever find intoxicating. "I love you as well, human. I need no ceremony to claim you as my mate. It is only a formality that the leader will insist on. You are mine, now and forever, if you so choose."

"I chose you over Earth, so yes, I claim you as a mate."

Kelan spread her legs farther apart and rested the tip of his member at her entrance. "I take you as my mate for life. May we live forever." He slid inside to seal the proclamation.

Michelle rocked her hips forward to take him deeper. "You won't regret it. I swear,” she stated. She moved with him, thrust for thrust. He was fast enough for her taste. She pushed up and rolled them over, taking the lead. With her head thrown back and her hair brushing his thighs, she rode him. His shout of triumph brought her over the finish line. Their vows were sealed, for better or for worse.


Night came and with it a restlessness born from confinement. Knowing his days were destined to be lost digging in the mines, Kelan craved to set himself free in flight. His shoulder was healed, the nasty gash gone. The slight hesitation was due to his anxiety over whether his wing would perform properly. If it didn't, he was destined to remain grounded for life. It was a fate worse than death for a weredragon.

Michelle wandered across the balcony and touched the white line that scored Kelan's shoulder. "You have to test it,” she proclaimed. "The longer you wait, the bigger the fear will grow. It will hold you back until flying is no longer an option. Don't let it do this to you. You're strong and in full control of your body. The black dragon wins if you won't even try."

"I hear your words, but I need to believe I can do it or it won't work,” Kelan replied.

"I believe enough for both of us. Trust yourself as I do. If I had your abilities, I would fly with you. It must be marvelous to soar over the mountains and look down on the waterfalls. It's too bad you can't change me the way a vampire changes his mate in all the legends. I'll have to settle for a balcony in the sky and a waterfall at my fingertips. I'm making myself jealous,” she laughed. "Come on; I know you can do it."

"Would you truly change if you could? I've often imagined you soaring through the clouds. You would be a beautiful dragon and extremely unique. Your eyes are the deepest brown I've ever seen. No dragon has ever been that color."

"Maybe our child will be the first. He can join you in flight. Do weredragons have to be taught to fly, like baby birds or is it automatic? When will I have to let him go?” Michelle asked.

"We seem to know how as soon as we transform for the first time. It happens at adolescence, anywhere from eleven to fifteen. I was a prodigy. I changed ahead of schedule at only ten. You keep referring to the baby as a male. Are you aware of something I'm not?"

Michelle grinned from ear to ear and said, "No, not really. It just sounds appropriate. A son would suit you better than a daughter. Although, you would be an excellent protector for a little girl. Do you have a preference?"

"In gender, no. I would prefer that it was a weredragon, but only so it would feel a part of Talonia. It would be easier for it to be accepted. Then, there's the transformation. It gives you such a rush of power and you are connected to the planet. I can't really describe it. There are no words that strong,” Kelan admitted.

"Stop holding back then. Show me your power. I don't fear it anymore."

"I will if you promise me one thing,” Kelan demanded. "If I can fly, let me take you for a ride among the clouds. You can sit on my back and feel the wind in your face as we fly over the waterfalls you love so much. I will take great care that you don't tumble off."