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Colton by Melissa Belle (11)

Chapter Eleven

Friday passes agonizingly slowly. Mom tells me there’s still no new information on my father’s whereabouts, and when I call my brothers, all they say is to relax and focus on my life. So I throw myself into my work, just barely managing to stay above the line of total panic about going to Colton’s. For the entire weekend. Those four words are enough to send me diving back behind my desk to search for something—anything—to distract myself. I’m twenty-six years old and I’m terrified of spending the night with a boy.

Ted stops by for an impromptu meeting, and we settle in next to each other at my desk. I’m happy to have something to focus on, but he and I have worked together for three years, and he knows when I’m off. After I mishear him three times regarding the Maxwell White photos he’s put up on the monitor, he sighs heavily and steps in front of the screen.

“What are you doing?” I crane my head to try to see around him. “Now I can’t see the photo options. I want to help you pick.”

“Do you?” Ted crosses his legs at the ankles and stares down at me formidably. “Because you seem just a tad distracted.”

I roll my shoulders in an effort to relax. “I’m a little tense. Colton and I have a date tonight…well, more like a whole weekend of dates, and…”

“Oh, yay.” Ted claps his hands and throws himself back into his chair. “Tell me everything.”

I normally wouldn’t tell him. But my stomach is in knots, and all my usual tricks—the yoga breathing exercise and the counting down from ten to one that I practice before an interview—aren’t doing crap for me today.

“I’m just…I’m thinking of cancelling,” I admit. “I know that makes me sound like a horrible person, and I honestly don’t want to cancel, but…”

“There.” Ted points at my mouth.

“Where?” I rub at my lips, worried I have food on them. “What?”

“What you said. ‘I honestly don’t want to.’ That’s the difference between Colton Wild and everybody else. You actually like the hot tight end. You want him bad.”

I stare at him. “Yes, I like Colton. Too much. That’s the problem.”

“I get you, Sky.” Ted leans back in his chair like we’ve got all day to hash out my love life. “I get that you’re running from something. And it ain’t my business what that something is. But Colton Wild is the only guy I’ve seen you slow down for.”

I frown.

“Look, you even ran full tilt into the goddamn Pacific Ocean to get Maxwell White’s attention,” Ted says with a grin.

“I did not want that guy’s attention.”

“Of course you weren’t looking to score with that arrogant ass,” he says. “I’m saying you wouldn’t stop running—it’s like life is a series of hundred yard dashes to you. Even when those waves knocked you on your ass, you stood up and charged forward. Until you ran into Colton, and finally stopped.”

“You’re saying Colton stops me?”

“I’m saying you want him to stop you.” Ted picks up a pen off my desk and starts doodling on his notepad. “You don’t want to keep running forever, Sky. Why would you? It’s exhausting.”

By the shadow that crosses his face, he seems to be speaking from personal experience.

“When did you stop?” I ask him quietly.

“When I landed in L.A., looked around, and realized I finally didn’t have a target on my back all the time.” His sharp features sharpen more, even as his eyes soften with pain.

Ted’s told me before how he grew up in small-town Middle America, where being different wasn’t okay. His parents didn’t know what to do with a highly-creative, incredibly talented kid who also figured out at the age of seven that he liked boys instead of girls.

“I’m so sorry you suffered like that,” I say to him. “My pain is different than yours. But I also had to worry about being a target. My childhood…” I trail off.

Ted narrows his eyes on me. “Colton gets you,” he says earnestly. “And you know it. You’re just being stubborn. Not because you’re bitchy, but because you’re scared.”

“I know,” I say.

When you’re trained out of following your gut instincts, you can become detached from yourself.

Every single time my father hit me, or threatened to hit me, my instinct was to run like hell. But I didn’t think I could leave. I was a kid, and I would never leave my mother.

And for years, she wouldn’t leave him.

But then one day she finally did. We all got away from the monster in the house. We were free. Because we ran.

“I guess a quick getaway feels like power to me,” I say. “Because sometimes it is.”

“Sometimes,” Ted agrees. “But in other cases, the harder thing to do is think you’re worthy of staying. Because there’s beauty in being able to open your heart to love, Sky.”

Shit, I know he’s right. I’ve known from the moment I took a chance on the beach and agreed to go back to Colton’s house with him. But my heart closed down a long time ago, and I still don’t trust that it won’t be demolished if I truly open it again.

The rest of the afternoon drags. When my boss stops by my office, I look up at him in relief.

“Come on in, Glenn,” I say. “Do you have a few minutes? I’d love to run my ideas by you for part two of the Maxwell White interview. I was thinking I could delve even more into his art this time, and why he chooses to stay so private. He agreed to meet Ted and me at one of his murals in the city, so we could do half the interview there, before we go to the beach so he can make sure he’s on camera surfing. You know how gifted he is…”

“Skylar.” Glenn holds up a large hand to stop my enthusiastic rambling. “I love the idea. I love this whole interview series you’ve got going on with Maxwell White. It’s the break you deserve. And that’s why I have something specific in mind for you next week, starting Monday.”

“Great.” I’ll take anything to keep my mind off of what’s going on with my father, not to mention my intense crush on Colton Wild. “What is it?”

“A vacation.” His warm brown eyes twinkle as I stare at him in shock. “You haven’t taken one since you started working here almost five years ago.”

“But…” I take a deep breath, and let it out. “I’m busy. I’ve got this interview to prepare for!”

“Maxwell told us he’s not available until next month.” Glenn stays standing, which throws me more off-guard. “This is the perfect time for you to take a short break. You worked for years to get to this point, so take some time to enjoy what you got. Everything will be here waiting for you when you return.”

“Why?” I burst out, sounding like an adolescent, but too panicked to care. “Why would you make me take a vacation? I’ve never heard of that.”

“That’s because you’ve never worked for someone like me.” Glenn’s silver hair twinkles under the bright lights of my office. “I know what it’s like to burn out, Skylar. I don’t want to see it happen to someone as young and as talented as you.”

“But I’m taking the weekend and doing something just for me,” I say. “Non work-related.”

“Great. So extend that into next week. You’re not allowed into the WACR building until the following Monday.”

“What? Isn’t that illegal?”

Glenn shrugs, looking fully unconcerned. “I’m the boss. I say you’re taking next week off.”

“But…” I fumble for an excuse. “It’s too late to book a trip somewhere.”

“So sit in your apartment for the week. Or find a last-minute flight to a tropical island. I don’t care, as long as you’re not working. You try to come into this building on Monday morning, and I’ll have you escorted out.”

I drop my jaw. “God, you really are serious.”

Glenn winks at me and turns to leave. “Have a good week. Relax. Smell the roses. See you soon.”

I rest my head in my hands. What the hell am I going to do with myself next week?

Thoughts of Colton flash through my mind. Dirty, dirty thoughts, of us in the shower together. Of us in my bed together. In his bed together. I squeeze my thighs tight, trying to calm my racing pulse. The man has me this turned on when I’m alone in my office. What is he going to do to me when I’m at his house later? Knowing Colton, and the kind of sparks we’ve always had between us, it doesn’t take much imagining to envision. I shiver, and try to return to my work.

On my drive home from the office, I’m still seething about Glenn and his mandated time off. Needing a sympathetic ear, I call my favorite woman in the world.

“Hi, honey. How are you doing?” Mom answers on the first ring, a habit she never fails to break.

How she manages to always answer the phone so quickly is beyond me.

“Hi, Mom. I’m great. How are you?”

“Doing fine. And I know we’ve been caught up in other, less pleasant matters, but your interviews are always wonderful. You look and sound so professional. I’m so proud of you, honey.”

Her words mean everything to me. All I’ve ever wanted was to make her happy, something she never seemed to be when I was a kid.

“Thanks, Mom.” I take a breath. “So. Still no news?”

“Not yet. I promise to let you know as soon as I do. But I’ll be fine. Don’t worry so much.”

“Mom, of course I worry about you.”

“Your father is nowhere near me or my home. And it will stay that way. I’ve got the best security system in the world, thanks to you and your overprotective big brothers. Plus, with this latest situation, they’ve got an around-the-clock guard stationed outside. Nobody is going to get to me. Never again.”

Her words give me chills. “We’re just looking out for you, Mom. We love you.”

“I love you, too, honey. So, other than getting ready for the second interview with Maxwell White, what else is going on in your life?”

Not even remotely prepared to fill her in on Colton, I keep my focus on work. By the time I’ve finished telling Mom about Glenn’s forced vacation time, she’s laughing.

“Sky, you deserve some time off.”

“I don’t like time off,” I say, sounding like a spoiled brat, but knowing my mother will understand what I’m really saying.

“Sky, listen: you’ve been tethered to a ghost for too long.”

I go silent.

“When have you last been to see Dr. Bradley?”

“Mo-om.” I drag out her name as I groan. “I’ve been busy. So busy. With work, and…well, work, and…”

“How long, Skylar?”

I rub the heel of my hand over my right eye, keeping my left eye trained on the road. “It’s been a while,” I finally answer her.

“Make an appointment.”

“I will. In a couple of months maybe…”

“See if she has any openings next week.”

I sigh. “You’re suggesting I spend my week off in my therapist’s office? That’s going to make me feel super normal.”

“You’ve never been normal, Sky.” Mom’s tone is affectionate. “None of us are. Not after what we went through as a family. I kick myself every day that I didn’t get you all out of there sooner, that I didn’t value my worth enough to run earlier.”

“Mom, please don’t blame yourself. It never helps anyone.”

“I know. And that’s exactly what I’m saying to you, honey. Shutting off your heart, because of past pain, doesn’t help you to heal. Opening up is what will heal you. I know work is your boyfriend right now, and it has been forever…”

I snort. “Mama, come on.”

“You need to make room in your life for more than your career. You’re lonely, Sky. I can hear it in your voice.”

I hate hearing her fret over me, and I almost tell her about my weekend plans. But it’s far too much pressure to let anyone else in on whatever Colton and I are. I need to figure my own shit out first.

“I’ll call her now.” I promise as we end the call.

I click off and, before I can talk myself out of it, I pull into the nearby parking lot and bring up Dr. Bradley’s phone number. Reception answers.

“Hello, this is Skylar Rosewood. I wanted to make an appointment with Dr. Bradley. I know she’s very busy…”

“Actually, a patient just cancelled for this Sunday afternoon at one. She doesn’t normally work weekends, but she had scheduled the time weeks ago for this particular client. Would you like to take the slot?”

A million thoughts race through my head. Colton; being at his house for the weekend; how soon on Sunday will we part? Deciding that leaving his house by noon on Sunday is appropriate, I make my decision.

“Um, yes. I would.”

I thank her and hang up, then pull back onto the street. Spending time with Colton is now right in front of me, with no more delays, and I’m as nervous as I am excited.

By the time I step inside my apartment, I’m already practicing calming yoga breaths.

Karma’s furry white body wriggles with excitement, like she knows we’re about to do something different than our usual hanging out in my apartment and going for walks.

I pick her up and snuggle her close to me. “You’re so smart, Karma,” I say as she nibbles my hair. “We’re going to spend a couple of days—and nights—at a friend’s house. You, me, and River.”

I call out hello to my kitty cat, even though I can’t see her yet. She and Karma sometimes sleep together, but often River finds a secret spot all to herself.

The three of us make a good team. And now we’re going to go invade Colton’s space. I feel a touch of relief that I won’t be going to see him alone, which makes me either a coward, a weirdo, or some of both. But Karma, River, and I are a package deal, so if Colton wants me there, he’ll have to accept them as well.

I go find River, who’s sleeping on my closet shelf. I pat her black shiny fur, and she purrs as she gets up and jumps down to greet me. I feed her and Karma their dinner, and clean the litter box. Then I shower and shave, making sure to put on my favorite jeans and pink top. Once I’m dressed, I pack slowly. I glance over at my dresser, at the smooth stone that sits next to my jewelry box. I think about taking the stone with me and showing it to Colton, wondering if he’d remember giving it to me all those years ago.

That’s a dumb idea, Sky. Focus on the present, not on the past. Colton’s probably had lots of girlfriends since then, and given them gifts as well. Even though he clearly feels strongly about our time together when we were young, it can’t possibly be the same for him as it was for me. I held onto that night with Colton like it was some kind of security blanket or something. Telling him I held onto the rock sounds like something a child would do.

I sigh as I pull on my ankle boots. I don’t know why I’m so freaking nervous. I trust Colton. But what I’m doing—staying with him like this—is unheard of for me. Sure, I’ve gone on dates, and had sex, but I’ve never cared about any of the men enough to want to spend the night together. With my night issues, having a sleepover always seemed like a really bad idea. And now I’m going to be spending two nights in a row with Colton. Even if I decide to stay in his guest room, it still feels like a big step to wake up in the morning and eat breakfast with somebody else.

I zip up my overnight bag and then wrestle River into her cat carrier. Karma jumps into her carrier happily as usual, and I turn off the light in my bedroom. It’s a short walk from here to my combination living room and kitchen, but I stop and put down both carriers in the bathroom so I can take one last look at myself. My hair’s not behaving, but that’s nothing new. I give up on wearing it loose and pull it onto the top of my head in a knot. Then I apply a touch more lipstick and eyeliner, staring into the mirror at my wide green eyes. I can read the fear in them, the absolute terror at opening up to somebody else. I stick out my tongue at myself and give a low curse, before I pick up both carriers again and finally make my way to the living room.

My entire apartment could fit inside Colton’s kitchen. I know he doesn’t think about those things, because he was always wealthy. But my brothers and I grew up noticing the rich kids. They were the opposite of us. And old habits die hard, I guess. I’m not self-conscious about my life, or my salary, or any of my choices. I’m proud of where I am, and where I’m headed. But Colton knocks me off-balance enough as it is, and feeling like we were on equal footing in some area of life would help. But that’s probably just another way for me to rationalize my terror of intimacy. I’m sure Dr. Bradley would tell me that.

I sigh as I open my front door, armed with the first round of stuff I have to bring to the car. Time to be brave.

I almost cancel a hundred times on the drive over. River cries incessantly, like she’s warning me to turn the fuck around and take her back home to familiar ground. But the tiny, curious, courageous part of me, the piece of my heart that never gave up completely on love, won’t let me change direction. I don’t want to go home and hide, and then spend the entire weekend sitting around and wondering “what if?” So I keep driving.

And now here I am, parking my car in Colton Wild’s driveway. He buzzed me in, the gate opened, and I drove right up, trying to ignore my shaking hands. My little sedan looks the way an ant on a football field would appear. Colton’s wraparound driveway is so large it could fit twenty vehicles. And he has at least five parked in full view. At quick glance, I spot an SUV, a truck, and the sports car he picked me up in for the amusement park.

I step out of the car nervously, but before I can even consider diving back inside, he opens his front door and waves. He’s wearing black jeans with a blue Henley shirt that shows off his well-built shoulders and chest. His feet are bare and his blond hair messy with the trademark lock falling over his forehead. The way the sunlight frames his face, he looks like an angel. Maybe he could be my angel. Shit, that thought is crazy.

I wave back and then open my back door. I stick my head inside and lift out the two carriers, one of an enthusiastic, panting dog, and the other a pissed-off, meowing cat. Placing them on the ground next to me, I reach back into the car so I can toss my travel bag over my shoulder, and grab the bags of pet food and the litter box. By the time I’ve shut the car door, Colton’s heading toward me. He jogs lightly down the stairs until he reaches me. Sensing a man is about, River’s meows stop immediately and she goes completely quiet, like she hopes he won’t notice she’s here.

Colton leans over and kisses my cheek. “I wasn’t sure you’d show up.”

I raise my head to meet his open gaze. His blue eyes seer into me, like he knows exactly how big of a step this is for me.

I shrug, trying to appear casual. “I said I’d be here. I don’t go back on my word.”

“I’m glad.” His eyes keep searching mine.

“I’ve got a bunch of stuff,” I say with a gesture at the baggage by my feet.

Colton appraises the pile of pet carriers, bags, and litter box on the driveway.

“I can take whatever you want to give me.” He picks up both bags and puts them over his shoulder, and then reaches for the litter box.

“Thanks. I’ve got these.” I pick up the carriers, one in each hand.

Colton glances into the carriers with a smile. “Hey, guys.”

“You wouldn’t know it now, but River howled the entire way here. When she’s unhappy, she’s louder than any dog I know.”

“I barely got a look at River when I was at your apartment,” Colton says. “She slunk past me in about two seconds flat.”

“Well, she and Karma look nothing alike.”

I cringe at my bad joke, but Colton throws his head back and laughs. “They’re both more than welcome here.”

We’ve reached the front door. Colton ushers me in ahead of him, and then he closes the door behind us. There’s a finality to his movement, as if I’m here for real this time. I spin around almost in a panic, but his warm hand touches the small of my back, urging me into the hallway.

He puts the litter box in the laundry room, and then continues into the living room.

I put the carriers down at my feet as I glance up at him. “Is it okay to let Karma and River roam free, or do you want me to keep them in one room?”

“Free, of course,” he says as he sets down the bags in his arms. “I want to see them.”

As soon as I open their carriers, Karma runs out and throws her little body against Colton’s leg. He obliges her desperate need to be patted by squatting down and taking her into his arms. She whines and licks his hand and presses her body as close to him as possible.

“It’s like she remembers you were the one who helped rescue her that night,” I say to him. “Okay, Karma.” I give her a pat. “Give Colton a little room, baby.”

Colton kisses her head, melting my closely-guarded heart at the same time. When he stands up with her in his arms, I resist the urge to hurl my own body against his.

As if to distract me, River is cautiously making her way to freedom. With a frustrated huff in my direction, she emerges from her carrier and takes a quick scan of her surroundings. Before Colton can pat her, she bolts for the nearest high perch she can find. It happens to be the top of Colton’s bookshelf next to the TV in the living room. She settles there comfortably and glares down at us.

I laugh. “River’s angry I took her out of her comfort zone. She doesn’t like her world to be upset.”

“Like kitty, like owner?” Colton teases me.

His dimple flashes. He looks like a little kid right now, and I feel like he would seriously pull on my braids, if I had braids. I glare at him. “Maybe. Maybe not. I could be okay with pushing my boundaries.”

The air around us goes from suppressed sexual tension to electric in an instant. Colton steps closer to me, and I inhale a sharp breath.

God, please kiss me.

Karma abruptly starts bouncing in Colton’s arms, breaking the moment. He lets her down and clears his throat.

And I try to put my tongue back in my mouth.

“Let me show you which guest room I think you’ll like.” Without letting me protest, he leads me down the hall and into a bright, airy room. A king bed is positioned in front of the window facing the ocean, and the room’s walls are painted a pale yellow.

“This is really nice.” I twirl around and then catch him watching me with bright eyes. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Right across the hall.” He puts down my bag in the guest room, and I follow him a few steps to the master suite. We have to walk up a short set of stairs, before turning the corner and entering the bedroom.

I let out a squeak. “Wow. This is incredible, Colton.”

His bedroom is enormous, but like every other room in his house, it’s warm and inviting. A chocolate-colored loveseat in the corner would make the perfect reading nook, and the California king bed is covered in dark plush blankets. The headboard is soft but masculine, and I can see an enormous marble bathroom around the corner.

I smile when I spot Sparky the Pink Pig sitting on the nightstand.

“Sparky’s very close to you while you sleep,” I say teasingly.

“Just the way I like it.” He lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “Personally, I’d like the real Sparky to be a lot closer than that, but the little pig is a good substitute for now.”

He succeeds in making me laugh, but I know how quickly we could shift into far more dangerous territory, so I spin around his room and take the rest of it in.

The highlight is definitely the double-glass doors, which lead out to a balcony on the ocean side.

“Is that as unbelievable as I’m imagining?” I point to the glass doors.

“Come see for yourself.”

He walks over and swings open the doors so we can step outside. The warm evening breeze of Los Angeles hits me as I walk over to the balcony railing and rest my arms on top. The sun is hanging lower in the sky, but hasn’t dropped into the ocean yet. And the view is stunning: the peaks of the mountains juxtapose with the blue sea, and the pale blue California sky frames the entire picture.

I let out a contented sigh. “This. Is. Amazing.”

Colton’s arm goes around my shoulders. “I’m glad you like it.”

My gaze shifts from the ocean to Colton’s backyard patio directly below us. We walked past it so quickly the one time I was here that I didn’t get a really good look.

“You have an infinity pool,” I say in awe.

The palm trees frame the patio, giving it complete privacy from every angle but Colton’s house.

“We can go skinny dipping later.” He says it nonchalantly, but he can’t keep the smoldering tone out of his voice. “But first, dinner’s waiting.”

“You cooked?” I follow him back inside his bedroom and down the hall, with Karma close on my heels.

“I love to cook,” he says over his shoulder as we head for the backyard. “I especially enjoy grilling.”

His tone is tinged with sadness. I wonder if grilling is something he used to do with his dad.

We step outside onto the back patio, and I immediately walk over to the infinity pool.

“I always dreamed of having one of these,” I say wistfully as I kneel down and gently run my fingers underneath the cool water. “I don’t even know where I got the idea. It just always seemed so relaxing. So the opposite of…”

I cut off, but Colton finishes my sentence for me. “Of what you were living as a kid?”

I wave him off with a flick of my wrist. “It’s stupid.”

“Sky, it’s not stup…”

“Let’s change the subject, please?” I force a laugh. “I have a great life, Colton. I don’t need anybody’s pity. The loss you suffered with your father was far worse than what I’ve had to deal with.”

He comes closer and bends down so we’re nose to nose. “Measuring grief isn’t a game anyone should have to play, Sky. And you may not have lost your father the same way I did, but just because someone’s still alive, doesn’t mean they’re actually present and with you.”

He always gets to me. Right in my chest, where I’m aching suddenly. He makes me feel, and that’s something I haven’t wanted to do for so long. But Colton has this way of making me talk about things I never even allow myself to ponder in my head most of the time.

My laugh comes out shaky. “Seriously, I need a timeout from all this sad talk.”

“Okay. I’m sorry.” He smiles shyly, and then he leans closer.

His lips brush mine unexpectedly. Even more unexpectedly, I kiss him back, with more passion than he probably intended for this moment to go. He gives a low groan and cups the back of my head with his hand. His tender action just spurs me on, and I part my lips so his tongue slips inside my mouth.

And oh, God, I’m on fire.

Back up, Sky. Back up. You’ve only been here for ten minutes.

I jerk backward from Colton, my fingers going to my lips.

He lets me go, but keeps his eyes lasered on me. His cheeks are flushed as he takes a deep breath, looking like he’s trying to control his emotions.


“Did you say the food was ready?” I interrupt him as I stand up. “It’s probably getting cold.”

He nods slowly, like he doesn’t want to end this moment, but he stands up and takes my arm. “Let’s eat.”


Sky fidgets all through dinner. She says she loves the meal— when we talked on the phone, I remember her mentioning that good old-fashioned American food was her favorite—and in that spirit, I grilled hamburgers and potatoes. And Sky cleans her plate. But she averts my gaze whenever we make eye contact for more than a few seconds. And she rambles, about anything and everything. So I let her, and enjoy the fact that she’s here with me. With the amount of nerves she has over being at my house, I’m amazed she agreed to come. All afternoon, I waited for her “I can’t make it after all, because…” text, with some excuse or another. When none came by five, I started the dinner I had planned, but I kept my phone nearby. Then I wondered if she just wouldn’t show.

When her car pulled into the driveway, the level of relief I felt was a little unnerving. I like her too much already ran through my mind. I’ve never been in love, but I’ve done my share of dating. I just didn’t feel much when the dating ended. I missed the companionship, but not the woman. I wanted to feel something, but that click just never happened.

It’s only happened for me twice. And both times it was with the same person, who happens to be sitting across from me right now. The woman with the blazing hair pulled high on top of her head, in a sexy-ass bun that I want to take down while I strip her of her clothes, and all her barricades she’s fighting so hard to protect herself with. I want her to see that not all men are like her bastard of a father. But I don’t know how to do that if she won’t let me in even a little.

“How about we take Karma for a walk on the beach?” I suggest as I bring our plates into the kitchen.

“That would be nice.” She joins me at the sink. “I can do the dishes for us first.”

But I set the plates down on the counter and hand her a chocolate kiss from the glass bowl. “I’ll do them later. Have some chocolate with me and let’s walk before the sun sets.”

The sun is hanging over the ocean as we leave my gated backyard and turn left down the beach. And out where it’s windy and just a vast body of water next to us, Sky lets go. I see it in her body first. The way her jaw unclenches. How her shoulders relax. When she turns her head to me with a smile, I pull her close to my side. She has Karma on a leash, but the lead is long, and she’s having a ball barking at the waves and racing along the sand.

“Why’d you name her Karma?” I ask.

“Because I believe in it, I guess.” She lets the lead out further as the dog barks at a seagull overhead. “She had a rough life before I found her. And I want to believe that despite a bad start, karma’s with her for a happily ever after.”

Kind of like you, I want to say, but I refrain from making her uncomfortable.

“I’m glad you came, Sky,” I say in a low voice.

A slight pause. And then—

“Me, too.” She leans her head on my shoulder.

We walk until the red sun is just about to drop below the horizon, and the only sounds are the waves lapping on the shore near our feet. We don’t talk, but the silence isn’t awkward, and I’m grateful for it, because my thoughts are all over the place.

“You’re unusually quiet, Colt.” Skylar’s voice is soft next to me. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah.” I clear my throat. “Um, I didn’t think about it beforehand, but my dad’s birthday would have been tomorrow. Sometimes the memories just hit me, you know?”

She lets out a small sound of sympathy, and then reaches over to slip her hand into mine. Her skin is smooth, and comforting. And I can’t hold back any longer. I’ve wanted her the entire walk, so as soon as we step back inside the safety of my backyard and she’s unleashed Karma, who tucks herself under the table for a nap, I cup Sky’s face in my hands.

“Skylar, let me kiss you without interruption this time,” I say in a gruff voice. “Please.”

She tilts her head up to meet me. The desire in her eyes is obvious, and her lips part as she watches me move closer to her.

I touch my mouth to hers gently. But like our other kisses, the level goes from calm and tender to heated and electric in an instant. I stop thinking about anything except her mouth on mine. She tastes like chocolate and a hint of strawberries. I briefly wonder why, when our meal had no strawberries in it, and then I return my attention to her tongue sliding around my mouth. When she presses her breasts against my chest, I put my hands on her hips and lift her into my arms. She wraps her legs around me, and I carry her over to the chaise lounges by the pool.

Even though the sky is dark overhead, the overhead pool lights let me see her clearly. I lay her down on the lounge chair, never taking my mouth off of hers. I don’t want to lose our connection, even for a moment. Her hands slip underneath my shirt, running up and down my torso, and I drop my head to the crook of her neck.

“Jesus, Sky.” I lick and nibble at her soft skin. “The way you fucking touch me, it’s…”

Her fingers slide over my nipples, and I groan. I shift so I can lift her shirt up and over her head, and then I slowly drag her bra strap off her shoulder. With my eyes on her closed ones, I pull down the cup of her bra so I can taste her again. Her nipple is a tight bud of desire, and I suck at it lightly with my lips. Her eyes fly open, and for a moment, all I see is panic.

Then her emerald eyes turn liquid as desire replaces the panic, and she sighs as she rocks her head back against the chair.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Sky,” I say in a whisper. “If you can trust me, I promise I’ll make you come undone.”

Her breath comes in short bursts. “Please, Colton. Please make me come undone.”

“Keep looking at me.” Being careful to gauge her reaction, I shift one hand to the buttons of her jeans. “Is this okay?”

A quick nod. “Yes. More than okay.”

My hand is trembling as I undo the top button. And then the next, and the next. She lifts her hips so I can slide her jeans down and off her legs, along with her sandals, and then I kiss my way up her body. Over the inside of her calf, skimming up the inside of her soft thighs. I run my tongue over her panties, feeling how damp they are. I curse and breathe out her name in a hoarse tone.

I never thought I’d get a second chance to touch her. To make her mine. To be hers. And I don’t want to screw this up. I slip one finger inside the lace fabric. When I feel how wet she is, I rest my forehead against her hip and try to catch my breath.

“You’re perfection,” I murmur into her skin. You’re everything I’ve missed for the last ten years.

The lace comes off her hips easily, and I slide the fabric down and off her body.

I kneel in between her thighs and press one light kiss to her wet center. She moans. And bucks her hips. And says the thing I love to hear out of her mouth:

“Colton, don’t stop.”

I let my tongue give her one lick. She tastes like honey and rapture.

“Christ.” Another longer lick. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

I put my tongue back on her swollen, sensitive skin, and slide one finger gently inside her. She writhes against my hand, and my mouth, and this time, instead of pulling back, I go for it.

I lick and suck and kiss my way through her wetness, holding her thighs down as she moves faster and faster. She throws her head back and cries out as I feel her come against my tongue. And come. And come.

When I finally feel her stop pulsing, I slowly lift my head to meet her half-closed eyes.

“Holy shit, Colton. I’ve never…”

I wait in anticipation for her to finish the sentence. But she goes radio silent on me.

“Never what?” I prompt her as I crawl up next to her and kiss her shoulder.

“Felt like that before.” Her eyes open fully and lock onto mine.

Her emerald gaze is shining with an aliveness she usually keeps hidden from the world. I’ve only seen that look once before, when we were alone and spilling secrets ten years ago by a lonesome creek at the base of a Colorado mountain. Back then, I recognized the emotion in her eyes, because I was feeling the same way. For the first time in ages, I didn’t feel completely alone. And I wanted to keep that look on Sky’s face forever. So I lamely picked up a stone from the edge of the water and gave it to her. I told her it was a piece of the mountain watching over us, and that she could hold onto the rock so she’d know that someone always had her back. I’m sure she lost that stone long ago—how could someone hold onto something for ten years?

She turns and reaches for her shirt, but I catch her wrist.

“Not yet. Let’s go swimming first.”

I take her hand and lead her over to the steps leading into the pool. Then I pull off my jeans and shirt and dive in, boxers on.

“Hey! You’re cheating!” she says with a laugh. “I’m completely naked, and you’re not.”

“I don’t want to ruin the moment when you take my clothes off me for the first time,” I say in all seriousness as I splash around in front of her.

Skylar’s emerald eyes darken, but then she blinks. When she refocuses on me, she’s shut down. All she does is give me a business-like nod as she dives into the water headfirst.

What the fuck just happened?

When she resurfaces, I swim straight up to her and put my hands on her hips. “I lost you again,” I say bluntly.

She blinks, like I’ve surprised her. I get the feeling she’s not used to being called out on her ability to shut people out when they’re right in front of her face.

Then she lets out a heavy breath. “Colton.” She says my name like I’m a pesky child pushing her to do something she’s already said no to.

“What?” I brush her lips with mine, earning a gasp from her. “Why are you shutting me out again? I just tasted you for the first time”—I nibble her earlobe—“I felt you fall apart on my tongue”—Sky lets out a moan at my words—“and I want to be inside you so badly I’m shaking.” I don’t mean to let that truth slip out, but my biceps are trembling as I hold fast to her waist, and my heart’s a twisted-up mess. “So what’s going on in your head?”