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Match Me if You Can (No Match for Love Book 7) by Lindzee Armstrong (26)









Four Months Later


“So then the cat went totally crazy,” Tamera said. She sat in her favorite lounge chair at the back of Wyatt’s home theater, looking way too adorable in her fitted jeans and fitted T-shirt.

Wyatt nodded, trying to focus on her story as his hands shook. “Didn’t the animal trainer do anything?”

“No. I think she was in total shock or something. Anyway, the cat managed to step through the ranch dip on the food table and track it halfway across the studio before we caught him. The director was so upset he sent everyone home early so they could clean up the mess. It was insane.”

Wyatt glanced into the tub of popcorn, making sure the ring box he’d hidden was completely covered by the freshly popped kernels and M&M’s. He’d bought the ring nearly two months ago and had been working up the courage to spring the question ever since.

The guys on the team had been shocked at how quickly Wyatt and Tamera’s relationship had moved. But to Wyatt, it felt like Tamera had always been a part of his life.

Wyatt carefully picked up the bucket and walked over to his favorite recliner, right beside Tamera’s. In the four months since he’d moved in, they’d made frequent use of the room. After a spirited debate that ended in a very pleasant kissing session, they’d decided to start with the classic silent movies from the thirties and moved forward in time to where they currently were, the nineties. The age of romantic comedies, as Tamera liked to call it.

“I’m glad you’re liking your new job so much,” Wyatt said. The film was an independent project with a first-time director, but Tamera had been cast in the lead role. Wyatt had no doubt she’d slay it.

“So much better than selling houses.” Tamera glanced around the theater room and grinned. “No offense. Anyway, how was your day?”

“Practice was great,” Wyatt said. He handed her the tub of popcorn, struggling to keep the motion casual. His heart was going to beat out of his chest if he wasn’t careful.

“So you really think you might make it to the finals this season, huh?”

“I think we have a good shot.” The team had made remarkable progress over the summer, and their first game was next week.

“That’s great, Wyatt. I’m so happy for you.” She picked up an M&M from the popcorn and grinned. “Ooo, you put M&M’s in it. Excellent.”

“I know you like it that way,” Wyatt said, struggling to keep his voice steady. Her hand dug into the popcorn and he held his breath. But she didn’t find the ring box.

“I like M&M’s in popcorn, but you don’t.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek, sending his heart racing. “Thanks, babe. Did you hear back on the script you submitted yet?”

“Nothing yet,” Wyatt said. He’d finally sent one to a director he was distantly squinted with in Hollywood at Tamera’s suggestion. Wyatt wasn’t holding his breath—he knew the likelihood of selling the first script he ever pitched was minuscule. But he also knew that the thought of retiring from football no longer made him break out in a cold sweat. He’d enjoy his football career, however long it lasted. And when the time to retire finally came, he’d pursue screenwriting full-time.

“He’s insane if he doesn’t option it,” Tamera said.

Wyatt kissed her on the head, feeling so much love for the woman sitting beside him that his heart felt like it might burst with happiness. He glanced again at the popcorn tub and reached for the remote. “Should we start the movie?”

“Sure. What are we watching this time?”

Runaway Bride,” Wyatt said. Natalie had finally convinced him it was the perfect film for tonight.

“Awesome.” Tamera snuggled into him as the opening credits started.

Wyatt tried his best to pay attention to the movie, but he kept eying the popcorn, monitoring how low the tub was getting. Maybe he should’ve placed it closer to the top, because this wait was going to kill him if the nerves didn’t do it first.

Tamera was completely engrossed in the movie. She uncovered the ring box, and for a moment Wyatt’s heart stopped beating as he waited for her to discover it. But her eyes never strayed from the screen and she grabbed a handful of popcorn, missing the ring box by centimeters.

As Ike made his romantic proposal to Maggie, Wyatt watched Tamera’s eyes grow luminescent with tears. She reached into the popcorn and her hand finally—finally!—hit the ring box.

“What on earth?” She glanced down, her attention pulled away from the movie for the first time since it started, and held up the ring box.

This was it. Wyatt paused the movie and took the box gently from her hand, dropping to one knee.

“Tamera Hadley,” he said quietly, flipping the box open. His hands shook, but he kept his voice steady.

“Oh my gosh,” Tamera whispered, staring at him with wide eyes.

“I didn’t write a script for this one,” he said.

She laughed, and the sound was nearly as unsteady as his hands. His heart squeeze, like it had been wrapped in a warm hug.

“But I don’t need a script to tell me I love you with my entire soul,” Wyatt said. A dozen different sentences swirled through his mind, but none of them seemed adequate for this moment. He gulped, losing himself in her hazel eyes. Finally, he settled on the truth in it’s simplest form. “I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Will you marry me?”

“Yes!” Tamera shrieked. “I was beginning to think you’d never ask. Yes, you crazy man.”

Wyatt pulled the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger, then pulled her close and kissed her soundly. Later, he’d tell her about how long ago he’d bought the ring. How he’d taken to carrying it around in his pocket, hoping for the perfect moment to ask her to be his. But right now, he wanted to savor this moment.

Tamera Hadley was going to be his wife. He brought her hand to his lips, the sight of his diamond ring on her left hand filling him with immense pride and happiness.

Tamera laughed, wrapping her arms around Wyatt’s neck and pulling him close.

“I love you,” she whispered.

He groaned, pulling her more tightly against him. “I love you too,” he said.

And then he kissed her.