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High Sticking (Puck Battle) by Kristen Echo (2)











“W hy are you standing there smiling and who are you looking at?” The singsong voice sent Meagan’s heart into her throat.

Getting caught ogling her new boss was mortifying. “Wh… no one. I thought I forgot something, but it’s all good.”

“Oh.” A girl with big blonde curls bounced on the step next to her. “I’m April and you’re Meagan. Right? You’re the lady coming to live with us.”

Meagan wiped the saliva from her chin and smiled. “I am. It’s very nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand.

April eyed her hand and hugged her instead. “I like hugs. Daddy says I can’t hug strangers, but we’re not strangers.”

A giggle erupted as she hugged her back. “I guess we’re not.” She looked down the stairs to see all eyes were on them.

“Okay, April, give the woman a chance to breathe. I’m sorry about that.” Cameron motioned for his daughter to join him by his side. April let go of her waist and bounded down the stairs. His dimples made an appearance and Meagan’s knees buckled. She gripped the railing for support as she slowly made her way down the stairs.

His stare caused her even more unease. Those jade green orbs lingered on her mouth. She wiped the corners, thinking she had drooled. Her heart raced. She couldn’t think of anything to say. A simple hello; anything would have been better than silence. She’d never been at a loss for words.

“Daddy, she smells yummy. Like popcorn and candy. Can we eat popcorn when we get home? Please.”

“It’s a little too late for dessert,” he said, never taking his eyes off Meagan.

She flushed from head to toe as he chuckled and hugged the pouting child. Side by side, the similarities were uncanny between Cameron and his daughter. They had the same big, expressive eyes, framed by long, thick lashes and honey-colored hair, a shade that looked kissed by the sun.

“Proper introductions are in order. Cameron Smith meet Meagan Rylen. She’s very trustworthy and dependable. Likewise Meagan, Cameron will take care of you. I know that the next couple of weeks will fly by,” Mr. Northcote announced.

Cameron extended his hand. Heat traveled through her when they touched. A zap of electricity that left goosebumps in their wake. “Hi. You’ve already met, April, my little hugger,” he said, taking his hand back and hugging his daughter close. It was sweet.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I think we’ll become great friends, April.” She crouched down and tapped the little girl on the nose.

“Why do you smell like that?”

Meagan’s cheeks flushed. “Connie and I made Caramel popcorn for her afternoon snack. I guess the scent lingered.”

“What does lingered mean?”

Cameron picked up his daughter and hoisted her onto his broad shoulders. “It means stayed. Another way to say it did not go away.”

“Oh. Well, I hope you lingered at our place. I don’t like it when people leave. You get the room across from me. I made you a present.”

“That sounds lovely. I love presents and I have something for you too,” she replied.

The child’s eyes got huge, making Meagan giggle again. “She reached into her backpack and pulled out a small unicorn stuffy. She’d planned to give it to Connie, but she got over her unicorn fascination months ago.

“Nice. I love it!” She snatched the toy out of her hands and made it dance by her father’s cheek.

“What do you say, April?”

“Thank you, Meagan. I don’t have this one. Daddy, let’s go so I can show my unicorn her new bed.”

“Right.” He smiled, and those dimples flashed again, sending another wave of heat through her. “It’s time to get into bed.”

She diverted her attention to the large suitcase on wheels sitting by the door and tried not to picture him naked sprawled across silk sheets. Meagan stepped towards the bag and stumbled over her feet. She’d have to stop going gooey every time he smiled. He beat her to it. Grabbing the handle of her bag, he pulled it away from the wall.

“I could take that,” she said, reaching for it. Their fingers met and a current of electricity zapped straight to her core. Every cell in her body reacted. She took her hand back quickly. “Or I’ll just say thanks.”

“Do you need another moment to finish packing or is this everything?” Mr. Northcote asked.

“It’s only for a short while.” Moving to different cities every couple of years had taught her how to pack smart and light. “This is all I need.”

“You sure don’t pack like my girls. Caroline packs three large suitcases for a weekend away. Nicolas has his hands full with that one and I wish him luck. Connie can never leave anything behind. Are you sure you have everything you need?”

She adjusted the backpack on her shoulder. “I’m ready.”

Cameron squared April on his shoulders and opened the door, ducking so she wouldn’t bonk her head. Totally adorable. She followed them out and tried not to stare at his ass. It was an impossible task when the most perfectly chiseled backside was less than a foot away. No man had ever filled out jeans so well.

The way he moved was distracting. The grounds surrounding the Northcote estate reminded her of a Christmas card. Snow covered the tree lined circular driveway. They had removed the big, red ribbons from the trees, but left the sparkling white lights. There was beauty everywhere.

She tripped and fell forward, catching herself before falling flat on her face. Cameron and April glanced back, and she smiled. Her cheeks were brighter than the setting sun. Only a few weeks, she reminded herself. She could do this without making a complete ass of herself. At least she hoped.

Once they were in the SUV, she buckled in and kept her eyes forward. It was the safest place. “Did you both eat dinner?” She needed to make small talk and food was always a good conversation starter.

“We did,” he said as he started his vehicle. “You? I can stop and grab you something on the way if you need?”

It was a sweet offer, but she was too nervous to eat. “Thanks, but I had a quick bite while I was saying goodbye to Connie.”

The rest of the drive was filled with music and April’s voice, blaring the wrong lyrics to songs. They drove to his house; a modern bungalow in a newer subdivision. Once inside, he brought her bag to her new room. The space was furnished with an old country vibe. Flowered wallpaper on one wall and plenty of wicker furniture. It wasn’t her style, but it looked comfortable.

“This is my nana’s room, but you can stay until she comes back. Papa stay’s here too when he visits.”

“Well, I appreciate the offer and I accept.” She placed her backpack on the bed and smiled. “When do you expect her back?”

Cameron shuffled his feet and looked down the hall. “April head to your room and grab your jammies. I’ll time you. If you can do it under five minutes, I’ll let you stay up and show Meagan your doll collection.” He covered the side of his mouth, preventing April from seeing his lips. “It’s insane and they all have names too,” he whispered.

Blonde curls dashed out of the room without a word. Cameron watched her go before speaking again. “My mom’s not moving back. It was a temporary thing that lasted way longer than she or I intended. My dad wants her home and my aunt is happy to have her back in Saskatchewan. Her sister is undergoing chemo treatments again and Mom needs to help her through the rough times. In truth, she’s not a fan of the big city.”

“I’m sorry about your aunt. I take it April’s not aware of her nana’s permanent address change?”

He huffed and let his head fall back against the wall. “She moved in when I needed her, but this was never her permanent address. Her life is back there. My life is a fucking mess. I’m grateful for all her help though. I can’t do this alone.”

Meagan wanted to reach out and touch him but resisted. “Soon, you’ll find a live-in caregiver to help you out. For now, you’ve got me. You’re not alone.”

“I’ll take it.” Their eyes met, and she shivered. He didn’t look away until April returned, holding a pair of slush pants in one hand and a bathing suit in the other.

“What’s all this? I said jammies.” He took the wrong clothing and marched away. “Follow me and I’ll help you.”

April came in and sat on the bed, not listening to him. “I like tricking Daddy.” She looked around to make sure he wasn’t in the room. “My jammies are playing hide and go seek. Want to help look? Nana says he’s single and can’t find anything. So, he’ll never find them,” she said, holding out her little hand.

“I’m an excellent seeker.” Meagan took her hand, and they walked down the hall together. Cameron’s single status didn’t matter, but it didn’t help her nerves in the slightest. She focused on the house instead of its owner.

There were three bedrooms on the main floor; hers, April’s and his; his door was closed. She spent the next half an hour getting acquainted with her new assignment and helping them find the missing clothes. The little girl was lovely, smart and charming. She was the mirror image of her dad; her very single dad. Something April said repeatedly, staining the hockey player’s cheeks a delectable shade of pink each time she mentioned it.

After getting a tour of her dolls and then brushing her teeth, it was story time. Laughter filled the air. Cameron acted out the characters and April fell asleep in Meagan’s arms. She held her for a while until she was certain she wouldn’t wake before setting her under the covers. Cameron tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

Once in the hall, an awkwardness descended between them. Meagan wasn’t sure what to do or say. It was early, and she wondered what plans he had for the evening. “Are you going out?”

“No. I… suppose I could since you’re here. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. We should sit and discuss expectations.” He closed April’s door half-way and moved down the hall.

She followed, watching his ass glide all the way into a black leather sectional. Utter perfection. She took the seat opposite him. In her haste to get ready, she hadn’t changed out of her yoga pants and long-sleeved shirt. A decision she regretted as his eyes landed on her thighs. She crossed her legs.

He ran his fingers through his short hair, tugging at strands that weren’t there. “Look. I’m a blunt guy who says inappropriate shit sometimes. Because of this, I know my kid says things she shouldn’t. I blame all the locker room time she’s had to put in. But she’s really a great girl.”

“She’s adorable and I can see how much she loves you. You two make a great team.”

“Yeah. We’ve been just us for a long time. Since my mom left, it’s been tough. April hasn’t taken well to the change and the few helpers I’ve hired didn’t last. I’ve never seen her latch onto someone like this. I’m surprised she invited you into her room at all, never mind fell asleep on you.”

“Then I’m honored. I never would have guessed she takes a while to warm up to people. Maybe it’s because she knows Mr. Northcote and that I worked with Connie.”

“It's possible, or maybe you’re magic. Could be because you have some similarities to her mom.” He shook his head as if that thought wasn’t pleasant. “Either way, I’m grateful. Thanks for coming here. I’m not sure what Northcote said to convince you, but I’m indebted to that man.” He sat forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

“He didn’t have to twist my arm. Connie is so busy this month. Actually, she’s needing me less and less. I’m glad to have something productive to do. I adore kids.” She wasn’t sure if she should broach the missing mother figure. “If you don’t mind my asking, in what way am I similar to her mother?”

“Body type mostly. I’d rather not talk about her. You mentioned you like children. Do you have any?”

“No. I’m only nineteen. My parents would have gone ballistic if I had a baby before I was finished college. Not that having kids young is bad. What’s bad is that my dad scares away all my boyfriends and you kind of have to have a partner to make a baby. The Colonel is a tad over protective. So…” Oh, hell. The verbal diarrhea wouldn’t stop. Her mouth kept moving, digging an even deeper hole. “I haven’t had a boyfriend since I moved out last year. Although, that was my choice. It’s been hard finding time to date. You’re single so you know how hard it is to meet someone. It’s probably easy for you. I’m not saying you are easy, but meeting people would be. Dating sucks. Making it a priority is more my problem. What was your question again? I think I wandered off course here. Feel free to stop me anytime because I’m sure you don’t want or need to know my boring life story.”

His big green eyes stared at her and the too much information lines creased his forehead. “No kids, no boyfriend and an overbearing father. All good to know. I like how you say what’s on your mind and don’t hold back. Anything else?”

“Nope. I ramble when I’m nervous.” She rubbed the sweat from her palms onto her pants. “Um, my sister and mother are both equally a pain in the bottom, but I love them dearly. They like to show up whenever they feel like it. Mr. Northcote tolerated their visits because he’s friends with my dad. I haven’t given them your address and I won’t if you’d rather I didn’t Mr. Smith. I promise April comes first.”

The muscles on his arms flexed as he crossed them over his chest. “Don’t be nervous around me. It’s Cam. I’m only twenty-one, so please don’t call me Mr. Smith. Sounds too formal. This is your home for now and I want you to feel comfortable here. They can visit if you want them to, and I’ll leave that up to you. Okay? I’ve got a list of approved visitors in the kitchen. If they’re not on the list, turn them away.”

“Right.” Don’t be nervous, like that was possible. Every time he smiled, she tripped; every time he walked by, her heart raced. She’d only been around him for a few hours and her nerves had already taken a beating. He was so much more attractive up close. She understood why Lindy was obsessed with him.

He stood, and she did too. “I will take advantage of your presence and head out for a run. I’m hoping to do my first marathon this year. Before I go, you should know April often has nightmares. She probably won’t wake up. If she does, she’ll scream bloody murder for a while, before calming down. If she has a nightmare while I’m away—”

“I can handle it. Have a good run.”

Their arms brushed as he walked by and her breath hitched. The same current shot through her, making her insides quiver. He rubbed the spot as if he felt it too. Surely, that wasn’t the case. “I’ll be gone an hour or two. Help yourself to anything in the fridge or pantry. I’ve got an early practice tomorrow and my schedule’s posted on the board. I’m glad you’re here.”

He left, and she exhaled for the first time since she walked down those stairs at the Northcote’s. She unpacked and settled into bed. Two hours later, she was three chapters into a new romance novel when April screamed. The sound pierced through her heart. Meagan dropped her book and ran into the little girl’s room.

The poor thing was curled into a ball, clutching her pillow for dear life. Meagan crawled onto the bed, pushing her way through hundreds of tiny pillows and stuffed animals to get to her. She reached out tentatively and rubbed her arm.

“It’s Meagan, sweetie. I’m here and everything will be all right.” She pushed the curls away from April’s tear stained face as she continued to wail.

Two tiny arms wrapped around her neck. “Don’t… go.”

“I won’t.” She pulled the crying child onto her lap and held her. They rocked and Meagan hummed a silly tune. The sobs began to subside as Cameron rushed into the room half-naked.

His body was wet and glistening from his run. His eyes were frantic until he saw them. He exhaled and marched towards the bed. “Thank you,” he mouthed as he sat next to her and took April from her arms. Their bodies were side by side, heat radiating between them. The little girl didn’t let go of her neck and they ended up in a group hug.

“Baby, I got you. It’s all good. You can let go of Meagan now. Daddy’s here and I’m not going anywhere.”

April finally released her and Meagan watched as he cared for his daughter. Within seconds the tears had stopped. He ran his fingers through her hair, calming her. His arm accidentally brushed against the side of Meagan’s breast with every stroke. She should have moved, but she didn’t.

“Can I sleep in your room?” April asked.

“Sure, you can come sleep with me. Good night, Meagan.” He patted her leg and stood. Cameron placed April against his chest and carried her out of the room.

A minute passed as she sat there amid the dolls and pillows, reeling from the experience. She could still feel his body heat, his arm against her breast, and his hand on her bare knee. None of it had been sexual. The inadvertent touches still left her hot all the same.

There’s no way she could fall asleep after that. Back in bed, thoughts of Cam’s chiseled chest and eight pack consumed her. She picked up her book, but the steamy sex scene wasn’t helping her cause. Her fingers danced around her breasts, toying with her nipples, following the same actions as the man in the book. He fondled the heroine, twisting the hardened tips until she was panting. Only Meagan imagined they were Cameron’s hands doing her bidding. When the character slipped his hand inside the woman’s panties, Meagan had to stop.

Masturbating while thinking of Cameron wasn’t a good idea. She shook those thoughts away and put the book on the nightstand. She wasn’t allowed to have the hots for her boss. It was wrong. So wrong.




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