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Love by Jaxon, Andi, Alexander, AJ (5)



Avery and I are getting ready for our date, we’ve changed an unknown amount of times, but our makeup and hair is on point.

Wearing a sweetheart neckline dress that swirls around my knees, I find Avery in black slacks and a button up white blouse, buttoned all the way up to her throat.

“Uh… Avery?” I say with an eyebrow raised taking in her outfit.

“What?” she snaps, not bothering to look at me.

“You look like a waitress at Olive Garden.”

She growls as I hear a knock at the door. I’m greeted by Charlie holding chocolate covered strawberries and a bouquet of pink Gerber daisies, bringing an instantaneous smile to my face.

He hands me the flowers and kisses my cheek as he walks by, Charlie stops in his tracks, noticing Avery.

“That’s an interesting look for you, Sugar.”

“What is wrong with it?” she huffs.

“I love your tits and ass, we’re old friends.”

I snort at his response. “Show some skin, girl.”

Setting the strawberries down I watch as Charlie gets into her space, whispering something to her before ripping her shirt apart, buttons go flying. She looks amused as he leans forward, placing a kiss on her sternum.

“Hey, if you get to play with Avery’s tits, I want to play too,” I say, walking past them to put my flowers in water. Avery rolls her eyes at me, but walks off to change.

I walk to Charlie, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You make her nervous.”

“Why’s that?”

I shrug. “She’s a strange creature.”

He thinks that over for a minute, then leans down and kisses my chest in the same place he kissed Avery.

Avery comes out of the bedroom with a dark pencil skirt hugging her hips and ass perfectly, and a tight vest that cups, cradles, and pushes her breasts up.

“Much better,” Charlie and I say in unison.

“Let's get this show on the road,” Avery announces as she heads out the door. Seeing her so unsure of herself is strange, but amusing.

* * *

Charlie opens the back door, and we slide into the Jeep, I guess he’s taken notice that we typically sit in back when one of us isn’t driving.

It's a Friday night, so there are people everywhere. Luckily we’re able to find a spot quickly, Charlie takes each of our hands, and we make our way down the street to Kansas City Barbeque.

“No way! I can’t believe that you brought us here,” I squeal in delight.

Charlie winks at me in response before bending down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Well, someone has been paying attention. Bonus points for picking Barbeque, it’s my favorite.”

Charlie gives her a smile and kiss as well.

“Shall we ladies?” Charlie says with a smirk holding the door open for us.

Avery and I stop once inside the bar, just taking it all in. It's gone through massive renovations since the fire about ten years ago, but it’s what this place signifies that means the most to us.

We take in the smell of good old-fashioned barbeque, my mouth starts to salivate.

Standing between us, Charlie wraps his arms around us before saying, “You ready to put some big meat in your mouth?” I can’t help but laugh, his sense of humor is so much like mine. Avery shakes her head at both of us.

We order and take a seat at a table, Avery and I usually sit at the bar, but that would be awkward with three people. There is no ladylike way to eat barbeque, and Charlie already knows how much we love to eat. After glancing toward Avery, we dig in. Charlie just shakes his head at the two of us.

“What? Fuck manners and hand me some napkins before I ruin my outfit.” I wink at Charlie before taking another bite.

It’s loud, and we aren’t able to talk, but there’s lots of flirty touches exchanged, none of us seem to be able to keep our hands to ourselves.

I can feel myself getting warm all over as he brushes fingertips along my collarbone. I want to climb him like a tree, maybe even get a quick kiss from Avery. Anything more would be trouble for all of us, Charlie hates sharing us with anyone.

“If you ladies would excuse me,” Charlie secretly rearranges himself before he pushes back from the table.

Avery slides into his seat, brushing against my side and I move closer to her. She doesn’t deal with emotions well. Anger and sarcasm are her forte, mushy love stuff? Not so much. I love that she’s open with me, lets me see the struggle, and comes to me when she’s overwhelmed. She’s tense, on edge, and I take her hand in mine. Putting her hand on my knee, I put my hand over hers, and stroke my thumb over her knuckles.

Charlie always leaves her feeling vulnerable. Right now, Avery is putty in my hands. I continue, her whimpering is going to make people notice. I lean my forehead against hers watching the storm in her eyes.

“What is going on in that head of yours, Avery?” I whisper.

She closes her eyes tightly, fighting her demons alone. We have shared all of our secrets with each other, but this she seems to want to keep to herself.

Once she opens her eyes, my Avery is back.

“Don’t worry, Muffin. Just nervous is all. What the hell is he up to anyway, he’s been gone for too long.”

As the words leave her lips, I start to look around. Now that she mentioned it, he has been gone far too long for taking a trip to the bathroom.

“Damn, if he was going to go rub one out he could have at least asked us to join him.”

Avery begins to laugh, causing me to break into a ridiculous smile.

“You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” begins to play and a microphone turns on.

Oh. My. God. He didn’t!

The lights dim and a spotlight turns on, straight at Charlie and Logan.

I begin bouncing in my seat as they start to sing, soon joined by the rest of the team. I can’t believe he decided to act out one of our favorite scenes from our favorite movie!

Best first date ever! Someone is definitely getting lucky tonight. I look over expectantly to see the same excitement on Avery’s face, but instead, she has a shocked look on her face. Cheeks pink with embarrassment and tears pooling in her eyes

I don’t understand why she’s reacting this way. I know that she’s not a fan of public displays of affection, but we’ve been touching and holding hands throughout the night. I can’t help but reach over to cup her cheek before leaning over to whisper in her ear, “Breath, babe, just breath.”

She looks over at me wide-eyed, that scared look in her eyes is back once again. Before I am able to say anything, she pushes back from the table and runs toward the door.

I look toward the stage at Charlie, a confused look crosses his face. I smile and encourage him to continue his song. Our eyes lock in silent communication, he nods his head in agreement. He continues his song for the rest of the crowd, while I head in the direction of the exit, I need to find Avery and find out what the hell is going on.


I can’t believe he just did that to me! I hate that I’m standing just outside the entrance crying like a baby. My emotions are all over the place right now, I’m angry at him for making us stick out more than we already do, but I love that he went out of his own comfort zone to make us happy.

Damn it! I love the big oaf, and I hate it. Now he has a piece of me, a piece I can’t get back. A piece that I’ve only ever given to Amber. I’m startled from my thoughts as the front door swings open and Amber comes flying out.

“God damn it, Avery. Where are you?”

“I’m sorry, babe.”

She jumps at the sound of my voice before throwing herself at me, wrapping her arms tightly around me. My lips take from hers with a bruising force, taking the nerves and frustration at myself out on her. She lets me punish her lips with mine, her fear of my running coming across when she whimpers against me. I slide both of my hands into her hair and take control, tonight I need the upper hand, and she gladly gives it to me. She wants me to take control of her, she needs it as much as I do. Pulling back, I place a gentle kiss on her lips before squeezing her in a tight hug.

“Aren’t I the one that needs comfort, not you? I was the one that went running out here like an idiot.”

Amber lifts her head from my shoulder and starts to giggle, that is one of my all time favorite sounds.

“Why don’t we head back inside, I think we have a SEAL to give a proper thank you too, don’t you?” She gives me a wink before untangling herself and detaching from my body.

I nod my head and grab her hand before walking back to the bar. I honestly don’t know what reception I’m going to get walking back in there, but I’m not one to back away from a challenge.

Before I even make it back to the table, I’m wrapped in a pair of strong arms.

“I want to kiss you, right here in front of everyone. You okay with that?”

With a smile and a nod, Charlie pulls back and gives me one hell of a kiss. I hold onto his neck, letting him know without words, what this date has meant to me.

Charlie pulls back and kisses my forehead before placing my feet back on the floor, stepping between Amber and me, reaching for our hands.

“What about me?” Amber whines, causing both of us to chuckle.

“Oh, I can never forget about you, Sweets.”

Charlie leans down to give her a playful kiss. She breaks the kiss and notices people staring, her cheeks heat, but neither one of us are going to let any of them ruin this moment for us.

“Hey, let's get out of here,” Charlie says.

Grabbing our purses, Charlie leads us toward the door. People are whispering, pointing, and staring at us, but we don’t let it bother us.

We’re almost out of the bar when some dumbass steps up behind Amber and grabs a hold of her waist.

“Get off me!” she screams.

“Since you’ve got a spare, you won’t miss this one,” he says as Charlie, and I whip around.

“You’re going to take your hands off of her or I will knock your nuts into your throat.” A skirt and heels will not stop me from schooling this asshole.

Charlie steps around me and grips the man's wrist, breaking it.

“You ever touch one of my girls again, I’ll break a whole lot more than your favorite wrist,” Charlie says as he pulls Amber away from the man crying on the floor.

We don’t even make it a block before Amber doubles over in laughter. I can’t stop the sigh that escapes my lips. Laughter is her tension release, it’s how she deals with pretty much any type of stress.

“What the hell is this?” Charlie asks.

“It's what she does, give her a minute, and she’ll stop.”

She’s laughing so hard that her legs give out and she collapses to her knees.

As she begins to calm down, she looks up at us while taking a deep breath.

“Are you done schizing out you lunatic?”

“Yup. Thanks,” she responds with a smile.

Charlie shakes his head, offering his each of us an elbow. Leading us toward the Jeep.

“Let’s get you two ladies home. I think we’ve all had enough excitement for the night.”

I can’t stop the smile that crosses my face, although we had a few bumps in the road, I can honestly say this was the best first date ever.