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Rescued (A Bad Boy Navy Seal Romance Book 1) by J.L. Beck (28)



Chapter Three





I managed a quick nap, too frustrated to do anything about my dirty thoughts. The idea of having them in the next room was a bit too much. I was hoping that they would leave, but when my brother said they hung around a lot, he wasn't lying. It was still just the twins, too, surprising me that my brother wasn't back.

I checked my phone. No notifications from him. I supposed he really was as hard a worker as he said he was.

Hiding in my room all night wasn't really an option. I had to eat something at some point, and it wasn't as if I had any real reason to be scared of them. They weren't predators; they just made me blush and generally be nervous as all hell.

Building up some courage, I turned the knob and walked out of the room, ready to face down two hot guys who I had been objectifying for years.

I wandered into the main area of the apartment, feigning a yawn.

"Well look, it's Sleeping Beauty. Guess your trip took a lot more out of you than you thought?" Joel was standing at the stove cooking something.

I blinked his way. "Well, jet lag and all that." I shook my head then looked at his knife work. "You're cooking here? Are you sure you two don't live here?"

Joel chuckled. "No, no. Logan and I are firemen. We spend a whole lot of time on long shifts at the department. Being on edge. Working out. Eating Chili. You know the score."

"What, you live there?"

"No. We have our own place, just that we sorta went the opposite direction of Jeremy. He doesn't have much time yet rents this majestic place, while Logan and I rent a one bedroom where I take the bedroom, and he takes what's supposed to be the living room."

"Running into burning buildings doesn't pay the best, huh?"

"Eh, it gets better with more experience. For two bachelors, though? It's more than enough, and with Jeremy Megabucks here taking the load off, we can put a lot away."

My brother had entered the most boring field possible: finance. He was lured in by the big paychecks, and everything else was really secondary after that. I mean, money was nice, but wasn’t everything.

Hearing that the twins were fire fighters? Well, that just added to their charm. Literal professional heroes. There was something about the responsibility they were showing, too. Like, fiscal responsibility wasn't exactly what got my panties wet or anything, but there was something that just made them all the more appealing.

Like, even if they weren't surrounded by books and computers, they were still pretty damn smart. It's someone who could take care of you, who would be an anchor, and wasn't just about fast cars and shiny new toys.

I started laughing out loud. Me, the eighteen-year-old virgin, looking at these two and pondering marriage prospects and a future for my unborn children. That was entirely too responsible for me. I had to be at least a decade away from even considering something like that.

Logan turned from the couch. "What's so funny?"

I realized that I had broken out into laughter with no real indicator as to why. Apparently, I needed to come off as a crazy person to ward them off. "Nothing, nothing. Just had some weird thoughts is all."

"They about us there, babe?"

I stared his way. They weren't psychics, were they? I’d heard about the whole psychic twin thing, but I thought that they could only talk with one another or something. It was all crazy anyway, wasn't it?

Shaking my head, I went with the tried and true fallback of denial. "No, no, just something funny I saw the other day. You know how it is, they pop up in your head out of nowhere and you start laughing for no reason?"


"You hungry, Tate?" Joel spoke up, taking my attention away from his brother. "I'm making some pizza, since I got access to an actual oven and not a stove top like I do at the station."

"Homemade pizza? What, like your mom used to make?"

"Damn right. You didn't think I left home without that recipe did you?"

"Wouldn't believe it."

The twins’ mother was some sort of wizard cook. The way she made pizza was something amazing. Delivery, fancy Italian restaurants, whatever. None of those places had shit on Mrs. Pierce's pie.

"Going to throw a little house-warming party for you. You want a beer?" Logan asked.

"I'm eighteen."

"Yeah, and we absolutely never touched a beer until we were twenty-one, didn't we, bro?"

"Nope," Joel replied with a cocky grin. "We were perfect, law-abiding angels. Never even broke a law in private, where it's unenforceable, and I'm pretty sure probably has some loophole or something anyway."

Logan shot up, went to the fridge, and got out a bottle.

He offered it to me, and I felt as if I was in some weird after-school special about peer pressure and how if I took one sip, my life would be ruined forever because this was the first step that would lead me to a huge heroin overdose or something.

Again, I chuckled, and took it. I needed it, probably. As nervous as I was around these guys for apparently no reason, maybe the liquid courage was just what the doctor called for.

Taking the bottle, Logan offered a bottle opener and pulled the cap off for me.

A deep breath.

I needed to calm my nerves. For this. For being around the twins. For everything else.

A swig.

I immediately followed it up with a very visual spit take, doing my damnedest to not actually spray beer on Joel or Logan.

They were laughing at my predicament.

"Did...did you just give me a bottle of piss or something?" I spit it out, putting the bottle down and looking for some water.

"No, no. That's what beer tastes like, Tate," Joel said, switching to chopping some pepperonis.

"People drink that stuff? For fun?"

"You get used to it. It tastes better as you go on, and that's pretty cheap stuff, so yeah, may as well be piss."

"Listen to Joel, Mr. Micro-brew Beer snob and all of that."

Get used to it? I guess maybe I would try. I picked up the bottle and carried it with me as I sat down.

We had dinner. We talked. We got along swimmingly. Still no sign of Jeremy.

All the while, I held the beer. Sipping it. Cringing. I knew I didn't have to worry about getting drunk because I was drinking far too slowly for that even to be a possibility.

The night went on. The conversation continued as I chatted along with the brothers. We didn't talk about anything really sexual or about relationships or anything like that. We kept it mostly light.

Until we didn't, anyway.

"You're trying art school, eh? Going the opposite way as big brother, starving artist opposed to his big, successful businessman."

Joel was sitting to one side of me, Logan the other. I was surprised they were still around, but they said they were off duty for a few days.

"Well, yeah. Life's too short to let a dream go unfulfilled."

"That's a good attitude. Your brother could definitely use some of that wisdom."

"What about you two? You've been asking me a million and one questions, and yet you've barely said much beyond pizza, chili, and being firemen, which lets you exercise a lot."

Logan stretched out, and then shrugged. "Sometimes you don't want to be immortalized through your art. You just want to have fun. Live the good life?"

"Find a woman," Joel mused. "House, two-point-five kids, family. Grow old. The whole typical path in life. That sounds pretty good sometimes."

"Find a woman, huh?" I mused. I brought the beer to my lips, caught a whiff of it, and put it back down. Hours later, and it was still about ninety-percent full.

"This where you come out of the closet for us, Tate?"

"No, no, it's not that. I was just sort of echoing the idea. Just... I don't know."

"You don't know what?"

"Well... I really, really appreciate what my brother is doing for me. Getting the tuition together was really expensive to begin with. Sometimes, though, I feel like I'm going to miss all the experiences that come with being in a dorm or a sorority or whatever."

"Like what?" Joel was leaning on me, pressing the questions, acting like he was my shrink or something.

"Um... you know. The experimentation. The trying new things. The learning a whole lot about yourself that you don't really learn in a place like this."

They both started to chuckle. Logan spoke first. "There's plenty of opportunity to learn, Tate. To learn what you like. What you love. You're away from home. You're an adult. You're a woman. The whole world is open for you, waiting for you to present yourself."

"Really, huh? Presenting myself? Just strut around and wait for a guy to show up and claim me?"

"Why not? There may be people closer than you know wanting to claim a girl like you. To show you everything you're missing."


"You repeat yourself a lot, Tate," Joel said.

"What do you want, Tate? What's this newly liberated woman, who’s sipped a little bit of beer, and who is surrounded by her brothers two best friends going to do?"

"Um." I was blushing hard again. What were they suggesting? That I do something stupid and sorority-like? Run down the street naked? Walk around in a short skirt with no panties?

I realized I may have had a jaded idea of what sororities were from the dirty books I'd read over the recent years.

"You need some help there, Tate?" Logan asked. "You need a suggestion of how to express yourself as an adult? As the woman you are?"

"I could use the help. I'm not exactly coming up with productive ideas here."

"You need ideas, eh? How about this one?"

In a flash, he kissed me.

Logan Pierce, one of my brother's best friends, had just kissed me.

Mouth to mouth. The way he lingered, too… There was definitely no doubt about his intentions or his meaning.

Stranger still was that I was kissing him back, my mouth opening to meet his, his tongue invading my mouth and making mine follow his. It was instinctual.

Yet as surprising and exciting as that was, nothing lasts forever. He broke away, leaving me absolutely breathless.

I swallowed, my wide eyes staring his way.

"Now, you may think that kissing is a bit tame and all that," he said, "but that's not all of it. Not by a long shot."

"You mean you want to..."

Before I could get all of it out, Joel cupped my face, turned me to face him, and forced his lips upon mine.

I didn't resist. Instead, I did the furthest thing from it—accepting his advances just like I had done with his brother moments before.

With each kiss, there was a rush in my head, so surprised, so shocked at what both of them were doing. Years of adolescent fantasies suddenly becoming so very real and so very adult. I felt the heat inside me start to boil, and I began to understand all too well.

Joel caressed me, his hand running through my hair, spiking up those passions and making them hotter.

As he continued to kiss me, his brother spoke to me in hushed, low tones, his hot breath tickling my ear. "You ever consider that we've been waiting, too? Waiting for a chance to fulfill our own fantasies? From the moment I saw you, Tate, I knew I had to have you. Jeremy be damned, you're too fine a woman to pass up."

Not even letting me catch my breath, he turned me to claim my lips as his brother copied his methods of whispering sweet nothings into my ear. "You're eighteen. Your own woman. If you don't want this, Tate, you have to tell us you don't want this. Spell it out for us."

The ball was in my court, and all I had to do was just sort of kick the ball out to stop the game. The metaphors were mixed, but it clearly represented what I was feeling deep inside. Just chaos, uncertainty, confusion.

Ultimately, though, what I was feeling was lust.

Logan's lips on mine, we leaned into one another, getting lost in the kiss. Joel, though, wouldn't be ignored.

He massaged my neck, my shoulders, going lower and lower and showing that this wasn't a touch of concern for the tensions I had. It was a prelude to something far filthier. Those hands descended my body, going down to the hem of my shirt and starting to lift it up, his brother breaking away as he relieved me of it.

I was blushing again. I was wearing a bra, but this was definitely more naked than I wanted to be in front of a guy. Or did I? Even in my bathing suit, I was wearing more. My mother made me wear a super conservative one-piece from all those years ago.

Now, though, I was free from even her protection, and with Logan's fingers against my flesh, I was pretty sure that I didn't want to have that protection anyway. Goose bumps followed wherever his fingers went…and they appeared where Joel's hands went, too.

Their intent couldn't have been clearer, and that intent was getting me naked. The button of my jeans was undone, my shoes unlaced, and all of them pulled off me bit by bit. Again, I did nothing to stop them.

I wanted this. I’d always wanted this. Only, I was in utter shock that it was all actually happening. My fantasies for the Pierce twins were always meant to be just that—fantasies. They weren't supposed to be real. Neither of them would never fall for me, I thought, let alone both of them.

Yet here they were. Taking me. Feeling me. Stripping me. It became even realer, more carnal as I felt my bra be unhooked. I wasn't just going to be in front of them in my underwear; I was about to show them something that was supposed to only be for someone I was to give myself to.

It wasn't meant to be something I just casually showed off to my brother's friends. Something told me there was nothing casual about this, though. I couldn't even call it casual sex. I knew these guys too well for that. Was what they said about me really true? That they were waiting for me to be legal? For me to be able to make my own decisions?

There was definitely something hot about that. Someone patiently waiting to have you. I suddenly realized I had a whole load of expectations that I had to live up to, and I was driven not to let either of them down.

With that, I stopped being a frozen and scared little girl. I started being a woman.

I reached out, pushing myself to kiss Joel back, running my hand over his head, feeling that bushy head of hair, all the while taking Logan's head in my other hand. Both of them. Both of them wanted me. I hadn't even fantasized about both at once; it'd always been sometimes Joel, sometimes Logan. Now the pair were going to put fantasy to shame.

The cool air of the room tickled my nipples as Joel pulled the bra away. They both paused for a moment, looking down at me, taking in my breasts.

"Fuck," Logan said, a single word that told me a whole lot. "Those are some damn fine boobs, Tate."

All I could do was giggle, but Joel wasn't satisfied with only looking. He wanted to touch.

I thought I liked them touching my skin with a gentle grace, but when he ran a finger around my areola, I realized that I hadn't seen anything yet. There was a whole lot pleasure the two of them could give me.

The little jittering of blissful lightning shooting through me as they touched my nipples was only the beginning.

He massaged them, that soft flesh in his hands feeling so good, and he continued to do so. His brother, though, had darker intentions, more carnal ones. His hands eased down to my hips, to my ass, taking a handful of it, making me gasp in anticipation. His hands curled around my body, going to my sex, feeling the heat that was there for him.

Another gasp, this time from him touching me between my legs. Was I that virginal, that sensitive to all of this?

It didn't matter. I could deal with all of this, both of them playing with my body and having their way with me. If this was all they wanted to do, I probably would have been happy with it.

The way they looked at me, though? I knew that a little fingering was hardly the final goal.

Joel's lips on mine, Logan took it as a challenge to distract me. He massaged my sex, making me shake. Rubbing the fabric against my clit, it was as if he knew my body better than I did. Sliding it into me, the friction of it all simply making me wish that I wasn't wearing panties at all.

So I wouldn't wear them then.

I was already trying to push them off and down before Logan did the honors for me, grabbing them in a fist and yanking them off my legs.

"Turns out our best friend's sister just can't wait to show us all of her body."

With me completely naked for them, they took a step back, looking me up and down, appreciating my bare form. It made me feel a bit nervous, really. If there's anyone who's ever told you they've had no anxiety about their body ever, they're a liar. I was no different.

I thought I could be better. Bigger breasts. A rounder butt. Thicker hips sometimes, thinner hips others—nothing was ever perfect.

Yet they didn't care. They were looking down at me, grinning like fools, appreciating the feast that had been laid out before them.

"So, who gets to taste her first?" Joel asked his brother.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors for it?"

"Sounds fair enough."

They proceeded to play a children's game over me, tying scissors to scissors first, then rock to rock, then Joel's scissors cut Logan's paper.

"Damn. Oh well, I get to taste her later. Only a slight delay isn't too bad."

"Knew you'd always be fine with sloppy seconds."

"Hey, this isn't to fuck her. This is just to eat her out, man."

"We'll see about that."

Were... were they fighting over who got to please me? Yes, I was a virgin, but I wasn't an idiot. I knew what they were offering up.

There wasn’t exactly a lot of bad press out there about having your pussy eaten out.

Joel was quick to take the prize. As I was sprawled out on the sofa, he kissed me straight on the lips again, but this time, he didn't linger. His lips descended my body, kissing me all along the way. My neck, my chest, my breasts, my abdomen, all of it leading down between my legs.

When he finally laid those lips right on my clit, I damn near came from that alone, the sudden bliss shooting through me strong. His hands weren't idle, going down my body right along with his lips. They caressed me, invaded me.

That was when he stopped.

"Your awkwardness...the tightness. Jerm's little sister is still a virgin, ain't she?"

I swallowed, acting as if him saying that sort of thing was going to disqualify me from having the two of them, even though the clear smile on his face should have told me otherwise.

"Never knew the Jerm was that good at birth control."

They laughed to themselves. After a moment, I laughed too. He really was.

Sending the point home that my virginity was a pro and not a con for him, Joel thrust his tongue inside me, another sheer spike of delight rushing through my body. A rub of my clit, and he was off to work. He sucked up my juices so happily, and the building bliss inside me was better than I had ever thought it could be. My legs draped around him, letting him have full access to me and all of my previously private parts.

It took me a bit, too distracted by the deftness of Joel's fingers and tongue to realize that Logan wasn't going to be satisfied with being a voyeur. My eyes darted over and caught him stripping down.

They weren't lying when they said their job at the firehouse gave them a whole lot of time to work out. God, he was ripped to shreds, and to send the point home? His chest was as smooth as a baby's ass.

Pants followed, and I suddenly became a little bit intimidated of what I had gotten myself into. He was a bit...on the large side, let's say, and if he and Joel were twins, I doubted it was likely his brother was that different.

Looking at all of him, though, it really was a dream come true. Like, he literally walked out of my dream into my face.

Joel didn't let me ogle his brother for too long, doing his damnedest to remind me just what was happening at that moment. His tongue, buried deep inside my pussy, slowly and steadily fucked me harder and harder by the moment.

I cried out, gasping. Logan was there to pull my hair out of my eyes and level them toward the throbbing hard cock that I had caused.

That stuck with me for a moment. He had gotten that hard just from looking at me. Feeling me. Watching me get eaten out. I really was their dream, as much as they were mine.

"It's just common courtesy, Tate. You get head, you give head."

My eyes shot up to the cocky grin on Logan's face. As his brother licked me so perfectly, I couldn't argue with his logic. If they were going to blow my mind, I was going to try to blow theirs right back. I yearned for Logan's cock, touching it, feeling it throb in my head.

I caressed it and watched as he let out a little moan, too. Jerking him forward, I eagerly brought him closer, trying to explore him as much as I could, given what his brother was doing.

It felt so powerful, throbbing under my fingers as I touched him, running my hands down his girth to his balls, dangling heavily with his seed. My eyes closed, wondering why I was even thinking of that. These were guys I could trust to the fullest. They weren't out to knock me up and run away or anything like that.

Nonetheless, I cradled them, knowing that Logan would like that. I ran my hand over him, jerking him toward my face, trying my hardest to look seductive in spite of the situation of having my pussy eaten so expertly by his brother.

Urging him closer, I could experience the full scent of his manly essence. I knew I should haven't liked it, but for some reason, I did. Maybe I was some sort of slut and never got the chance to realize it until now. Whatever it was, I jerked him, a timid hand job as the prelude to my rookie attempts at cock sucking.

All I could hope was that my eagerness could make up for my lack of experience.

I started with a kiss to the end of his cock, tasting his flesh for the first time. I never understood how a girl could actually like doing something like this. Sucking on someone's flesh just seemed...odd at best, and disgusting at worst.

Seeing what the simplest of things were doing to Logan, though, I gained a whole lot of understanding about human sexuality with a simple gesture.

There was a definite thrill in pleasing them just as they pleased me, the desire to reciprocate, to become one lust-fueled lump of flesh with one another...or among all three of us.

I pulled him deeper into my lips, trying my hardest to give him the proper care and attention. Every so often, I would moan around him, courtesy of his brother. I wasn't going to be of very much use for long, and luckily, the twins seemed to understand that.

Logan held my head gently as he started to fuck my face, letting me relax into being used as a sex toy and as a meal all at the same time.

How did the girls in those movies on the internet I definitely do not watch do it? Manage to be taken by two guys like this? It was all rushing at me. It was too much. My heart was pounding, and I was quickly singing Joel's praises, and I was going to be screaming them all too soon.

"Goddamn," Logan muttered, my lips apparently as blissful as his brothers were on my own sex.

My thoughts echoed his words. The tide inside of me was rising, and it would soon consume me. It was a matter of moments and not anything more.

It was almost too sudden the way it tore through me. I could feel my eyes roll into the back of my head, my vision blurry, my screams muffled by Logan's cock.

My predicament was amusing for them.

"Fuck, she's even sexier like that," Joel said, finally relenting on his licks of my most sensitive of parts.

Logan pulled himself from me, too. "I gotta have her proper. I didn't wait all this time for a blowjob. I have to be able to fuck her."

I swallowed. Fuck me. It felt like a whole new line to cross, as if what we'd done so far was nothing in comparison. Something that was undeniably sex in every definition.

So daunting, yet I wanted it so much.

"Who gets to go first?" Joel asked, taking off his shirt and revealing a body just as sculpted as his brother’s. His had a little bit of chest hair there. It wasn't a forest or anything, but it was a handsome little bit of fur. I couldn't wait to run a hand down it.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors again?"

I had to laugh. They were again determining this with a childish game. The game of Rock, Paper, Scissors that was going to determine who claimed my virginity.

This time there were no ties. Logan won immediately, rock smashing scissors.

"I win the V-card, bro," he said, as casually as if he were declaring he won the last slice of pizza.

"Damn, sloppy seconds for me."

"Oh, I know you love that. Your favorite is when it's really sloppy. I'll make sure it's perfect for you." Logan shot a twisted grin at his brother.

Joel was not amused. "Fuck you, Logan."

"Wait your turn."

I looked up their way, and soon, Logan was looming over me. He pressed his body against mine, our lips meeting, him not caring that my lips were wrapped around his cock mere moments ago.

His cock weighed heavily on the outside of my pussy. He looked into my eyes and spoke so softly, an incredibly stark contrast compared to how he had talked to his brother. "You're so fucking beautiful. Can't believe that I'm going to get to be the first."

I swallowed, both fear and anticipation strong within me. How would it feel to have him?

Soon, Logan's cock was spreading my pussy lips, slowly yet so very surely beginning to invade my sex.

I was already quaking from that, a slight moan escaping my lips. He pushed himself deeper, though. Harder. All the way through me.

The slightest sting and nothing.

"You like that don't you? You want me so much your body opened itself to me in every way." He grinned, but all I could do was nod in return. I was completely on board with avoiding a terrible first time.

Having him inside me, God, it was so immense. I was surprised how good their fingers felt, how good their tongues felt, yet a good, solid cock inside of me was definitely seeming to top it all.

Logan didn't rush me. He let my body adapt to the invader, get used to his girth. Even after that, he didn't jump right into fucking me like a madman. He took it slow, steady, driven.

Given what I knew about him, it was kinda a surprise that he was capable of such tenderness, but I shouldn't have been. I trusted them, after all. This was why I was spreading my legs for him, for his brother...and having them both as my first true sexual experience.

Logan gave me a simple little kiss on the lips, and then started to fuck me proper. It was like a powerful tide rolling in and out of me, coming at me stronger and fiercer with every penetration. He held me so closely, seemingly coming at me from a wonderful blend of love and lust. I wrapped my arm around him, and now more confident in myself than ever before, I began to fuck him right back, bucking into him, urging him to come at me harder, come at me deeper.

I was only moments removed from being a virgin, and I was more than ready to delve even deeper into being a proper slut.

All while his brother fucked me, Joel looked on, letting me enjoy this to the fullest. He stroked himself, his cock throbbing hard from tasting me, from watching me. I knew that I would soon experience him, too, and I had little doubt it wouldn't be anything less than as blissful as Logan was.

Harder. Faster, we bucked into one another. It was basic missionary sex, yes, but if the most vanilla of sex felt like this, vanilla was suddenly my favorite flavor.

I knew that would likely change before the day was out, as well as I knew these two.

Logan was relentless, coming at me like a machine. A finger on my clit, rubbing me with every thrust. It wasn't going to be long until I was a ludicrous mess of bliss by his hand.

Too much too fast, my nails ran down his back. I kept trying to do my part, but he wasn't going to stop, and I didn't have the intensity to keep it up. Soon he was bucking into me, my legs wrapped around him. It was coming.

I was coming.

The heat seared through my body. It was greater than even his brother eating me out. I could barely hear myself call out in bliss.

Yet he was right there with me. Thrusting into me. Pushing himself deeper. Even in the throes of passion, I could feel every subtle movement between us.

The littlest of pulses in his cock. His balls trembling as they slapped against me. The rush that was going through them.

Finally, the heat that escaped. It rushed into me, with all of its glory. It was soothing on top of the intensity of everything else.

It filled me. It lingered. It was literally the cream on top of something that was already so fantastic.

"Fuck. You're worth risking everything for, babe," Logan managed to whisper into my ear.

"You done?" Joel intervened, still stroking his hardness. "I don't want to break up your embrace, but just watching this has given me the worst case of blue balls."

"I wouldn't want my dear brother to suffer." With some effort, Logan managed to withdraw from me.

Me? I was a panting mess from one of them, and I still had one hard, throbbing cock that I had to take care of. It was daunting, but with how great the first time felt, I was sure I could find the energy for a second.

I pulled myself up. I struggled, my limbs weak from bliss. I could feel Logan's seed start to leak out of me.

For a moment, I thought of the implications of that.

No, I wouldn't let anything ruin this moment. I wanted more. I had to have more. The two men who I’d dreamed of for years wanted me, and I wanted to be everything they wanted in return. I was going to be their slut, putting all my energy not into worrying, but into pleasing them the best that I could.

Crawling onto the back of the seat, I offered myself to Joel. "Take me, just like your brother did. You said I'm both of your long-time crushes, too, huh?"

They shared a look at one another, with Joel raising an eyebrow toward his brother.

I didn't need to ask him twice, though. He was quick to take me, his warm, powerful arms right behind me, that fur on his chest rubbing against my back. He was going to take my pussy from behind me, and I felt the throbbing head of his cock lingering right outside of my slit.

My lips parted for him so easily, and it was sloppy seconds. There was already more than enough lubrication back there, with how wet his brother had already made me, and along with the warmth he had deposited there.

He didn't need to take it easy on me. He picked up the pace there and built it swiftly and with dedication. It wasn't long before the steady sound of his balls slapping against me were echoing rhythmically through the apartment.

The spikes of delight were quickly returning, too. I was surprised how much my body yearned for more of this, the adrenaline pushing me further when I should have passed out long ago. I gripped the edge of the sofa, and Joel gripped my hips, and we embraced the need for one another.

Lightning was shooting through me, and it only grew stronger by the moment. I was free to sing out my delights for him.

Even as this happened, Logan was watching. He brought his cum-covered cock toward me on the other side of the sofa and offered it to me. I greedily took it and cleaned him off completely, savoring the sinful flavor that came with all of this, licking my lips even when he was completely clean of the mess we had made together.

He knew, though, that I had to let it out. I couldn't be silenced from enjoying his brother’s cock, him plowing himself deeper inside of me. My body was already so sensitive from two orgasms, and I was already looking for another.

Rocking through my body, I was ready to scream out. I fought it, if only for a bit.

It was then that the brothers unleashed what I would learn was their secret weapon on me.

Rubbing my nub, even through all the chaos that was our tryst. It was enough to make the good great, and the great... well, something better than great.

I screamed out for him, so loud that I was briefly worried about arising suspicion from neighbors but quickly realized I was enjoying it far too much to care.

Much like his brother, I was feeling all of him. All of his raw, naked cock inside me, its need pulsing through, feeling it inject me full of that heat, that warmth, that sweet, sweet cum. I couldn't help but notice the huge smile that was on my face from it and how it only felt as if it was growing wider.

So warm, so wonderful. I wanted this every single time. Damn the consequences. Damn what I should and shouldn't do.

I just relished it for as long as I could.

Joel wrapped his arms around me, his chest pressed against my back, and he too enjoyed me to the absolute fullest.

This time, there was no rush to let someone else have a turn. This time, I could just rest in his arms. He laid me down on the sofa, holding me tightly, and showed me the joys of spooning. Blissful, serene, God, I wanted to fall asleep like this every night.

Logan slunk down onto the couch beside us. He embraced me, too, making me a Tate sandwich between them.

I didn't think all of this could possibly get better, but somehow it did.

We were all sweaty messes, breathing deeply. I was leaking a cocktail of both of their seed. I should have been worried about that. I really should have.

Maybe it was akin to a drug high clouding my thoughts. I didn't care, though. Whatever it was, I could deal with it later. This entered my life out of seemingly nowhere, and I wanted to enjoy it to its absolute fullest.

No one was going to ruin this. Not Logan, Not Joel.

Not Jeremy.






Aches. All over.

Yet they were somehow blissful. Through the night, their grasps had loosened on me. It was probably for the best. If I got up because I really had to pee or something, it would be a pain to pry myself out of their death grip.

Naked, I stumbled through the house to the bathroom to do the former of those two things. After doing my business, I had a good look at myself in the mirror. I was a total and utter mess, and I oddly liked it. I laughed a bit, before my mind finally settled down from the chaos, the high of the night before.

The sex with the twins. The passion.

The complete lack of condoms.

I worried for a time. I thought about if I was safe or not, but I didn't really even take any solace in that. A guy's seed was persistent as hell and would wait to strike if it had to.

Why were they so reckless? I doubted I needed to sit them down and tell them about the birds and the bees. If they were virgins before last night, I was the Queen of England.

The entire ache in my body, though? Well, it made it all seem worth it. God that was the reckless teenager thing that I wanted to do when I went to college.

One wonderful, blissful night that could have over eighteen years of consequences. For a time, I wondered how the twins would be as fathers. Would they both be the father? They weren't identical. I'd be able to tell...wouldn't I? They were still brothers. They were close, though, so maybe they would?

My head was spinning, and I slapped myself for even thinking that far. Having unprotected sex once didn’t mean instantly pregnant. That's just a scare tactic they sometimes used. There were countless people trying to get pregnant and they couldn’t, so why did I think I was so fertile that it would happen instantly?

I shook my head of it. That was just a fling. A one-time thing. They were showing me a college experience.

Opening the bathroom door, I was going to go back to get my clothes and fall asleep in the bed Jeremy had so kindly prepared for me before I even showed up.


His bedroom door was cracked open. I was sure it wasn't earlier. I peeked in and gasped at seeing him there.

Facedown on his bed, still wearing his jacket and shoes.

Did–did he see what we did?

I swallowed, closing the door and trying to think of how to explain my insanity. I collected my clothes and got dressed, taking a deep breath.

Whatever I did, I’d better start kissing up to him. Be a good sister.

No longer buck naked, I returned to his room. I pulled his jacket off him and took his shoes off, too, urging him to lie on the bed in a more proper way. You know, head on the pillow instead of half your body dangling helplessly.

"I–I dun't wanna go to school, Mam..." He was mumbling incoherently as I guided him down.

 He really was out of it. I sniffed his breath. No, he wasn't ludicrously drunk.

"I said I don't want any!" He sat up straight suddenly, blabbering something else, surprising me so much that I jumped back. His eyes were wide open, then kinda lowered again. He looked my way. "Tate? What are you doing here?"

"You invited me to stay with you, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"I came in yesterday. You weren't home. You had your friends let me in."

"Oh yeah," he murmured.

I was gauging his reactions. Was he really so out of it when he came home that he didn't notice the mountain of humanity that was his two best friends and his little sister in a naked pile with one another? He would have said something about that if he’d noticed, wouldn't he? It wasn't exactly something you saw every day.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, really. I just had super long hours at the office. They wanted me to do some overtime."

"When did you get back?"

"What day is it?" He was looking around for a calendar.

"Yeah, you should just get some sleep. Everything is fine," I said with the biggest liar's smile I could manage. "Really, I'm thankful, and now I'm just worried you're working too hard."

"I put in my lumps early in, I might be able to retire by thirty-five."

"Or you'll be dead by then. Either way, I guess your workload decreases?"

He smiled, looking my way. "It's nice to see you again, Tate. Been too long."

"Missed you too, Jeremy."

"My home is your home when you’re here. I just want you to take care of yourself, and if you have any problems, you let me know."


"Like any boys trying to take advantage of you."

I blinked, looking away. "Um, why would any boy take advantage of me?"

"Tate, I'm not far removed from being a teenager or a student, and with friends like Joel and Logan, I know all too well how horny and out of control they can be."

Yeah. How horny and out of control they can be. I guess I learned that first-hand.

"Don't let assholes like that take advantage of you. I can't be there to protect you from everything with this job, but I want you to be a strong, independent woman. Mom's always wanted that for you."

"Are you trying to tell me not to date anyone still?"

He paused for a time. "I'd rather you not, but I can't stop that. Just make sure if you do do something, do it with one guy you really love and you think there's a future with. It's supposed to be special."

"Uh huh."

"Really, I see the twins pull so much shit on girls, it's not funny. Makes me question my friendship with them."

Other girls? Was I just one of many? Was I played? "Then why are you friends with them?"

"I dunno. Maybe I'm convinced they’re good guys at the end of the day. You gotta have some heart to run into burning buildings for a living."

All I could do was shake my head. It wasn't something I really should be sharing with him now, if ever. "Take it easy, bro. Get some rest. Joel made some of Mrs. Pierce's pizza. I'll make sure there's a few slices waiting for you in the morning."

He laughed. "That sounds good. You too. You look exhausted yourself, like you're drenched in sweat."

"Well, um, you know how it is. Travel and all that." I didn't even know what I was suggesting. That plane was freezing cold.

Luckily, I didn't need to go on. He fell back and was already out like a light and snoring.

As I left the room, I thought about his words. Was I really just one of many? A notch in the belt? Would they want anything else to do with me?

It wasn't as if I was a random girl. I'd known them for years.

I wondered what the future would hold for us.

And I wondered what Jeremy's opinion of that future would be.





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