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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4) by Blake, Joanna (41)

Chapter 12


S abrina stood offstage, alternating between watching the monitor and the live interview happening just a few feet away. She felt the tension leaving her body, replaced with something else .

Blessed relief .

Well, mostly relief. She was feeling something else too. Something she was not pleased about. Even after the way he’d behaved, she liked him .

In fact, she was starting to develop a crush on her client .

Not good. Not good at all .

Nick was killing it. He oozed charm and confidence. He was telling stories about starting out as a scrappy English lad from a working-class neighborhood. Later he alluded to the scandalous behavior of several A-listers. He kept it lose and juicy. He made the host look good .

Sabrina felt herself responding to his winning manner. He was so warm and intimate. He made you feel like you knew him. Even better, he made anyone listening feel like he knew them .

He was truly irresistable .

Even she was falling under his spell by the time they cut to commercial. She caught Nick stealing a glance at her while he chatted with the host and sipped a bottle of mineral water. His gaze felt hot- almost palpable. She looked away, pretending to be doing something with her phone .

Coward .

She didn't know what was getting into her. She worked in the business for God's sake! She'd met tons of stars. Brilliant and talented artists. None of them had ever made her feel like this .

Particularly not after acting like such a pig. No, a goat. He was a stubborn, horny old goat .

Not that he was old exactly. Just older . She had a feeling he’d know what he was doing in bed. And then some .

Damn it .

The commercials were over relatively quickly and the interview continued. The host brought up something that hadn't been on the talking points. Warning bells went off in her head .

Uh oh .

"Nick, you are famous for not doing interviews. What changed your mind ?"

"Well, I hope I'm famous for something other than that ."

"Yes, of course. Your music has influenced a whole generation of artists. But, seriously, you've never made any appearance like this before. What's going on with that ?"

"Well, I have a new rep at my label. She wanted me to do some interviews here and there. Get the word out about my upcoming tour ."

"She just asked you? That's all it took after all this time ?"

"She's very persuasive ."

He wiggled his eyebrows at the host, obviously implying that Sabrina was giving him something else entirely. She felt like a fist had landed in her stomach .

Jesus Christ .

He wouldn't .

He couldn't .

"She must be very convincing ."

“I’m telling you, she could convince a sheep out of its trousers. I mean - wool ."

He laughed and covered up his supposed mix up. But Sabrina wasn't fooled. He'd done it on purpose .

He was getting even with her .

The rest of the interview went by in a haze. She stood there, feeling utterly naked as people stared at her, whispering. And this was nothing compared to what they would do when she got to the office tomorrow .

He'd just ruined her career with a casual comment .

He'd destroyed her .

Everything she'd worked for was gone .

The host was giving his closing remarks and plugging the next show while Nick sat there, looking supremely relaxed .

Finally, they clasped hands and it was over. He came off stage and smiled at her .

"Well love, how did I do ?"