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Foul Play (Barlow Sisters Book 3) by Jordan Ford (24)

Pointless Dreams


It’s been three weeks since I told Chloe to drop this and be with me.

She hasn’t.

The reason I know this is because every single note she’s left me explains yet another reason why we can’t turn our backs on my brother.

It makes me feel like shit.

He’s my family and I’m putting her safety above his freedom.

But my stupid-ass plan didn’t work, and after weeks of catching Chloe’s heartbroken gaze on me, I can’t take it anymore.

Screw this shit.

I need her.

I’m sick of sitting in the background of her life, following her wherever she goes to make sure she’s safe. I’m like her freaking stalker right now.

I haven’t slept in weeks.

I’m tired, grumpy and miserable.

This can’t be my life anymore. It’s shitty enough without this extra crap added on top. I need to convince Chloe that we should be together, no matter what.

If it means going to her father, then so be it.

The man might scare the shit out of me, but I care about Chloe more than my own fear.

He no doubt thinks I’m not worthy of her…and he’s probably right.

But it’s not like I choose to steal money from people or be Uncle Enzo’s delivery boy.

I do it for my own survival. And I do it in the nicest, most peaceful way I can.

Does that make me a bad person?

I rub my forehead.

Shit! Probably!

She’s too good for me.


I don’t want to live without her anymore. She makes me want to be a better person. She makes me want to be worthy of her.

When we’re together, I am a good guy. I’m her warrior.

Gazing down at the note, I reread my instructions with a thick swallow before folding it in half. I check both ways and then slip it into her locker.

In order for the coast to be clear, I had to wait until the late bell had already rung. I’m going to get in trouble for missing the first ten minutes of class, but it’ll be worth it.

Pumping my arms, I run down the hallway, my boots loud and intrusive in the quiet corridor.

I puff in to class and get told off by Miss Jenkins, but her sharp words bounce right off me. I might be getting my girl back. Nothing can touch me today.

* * *

I hover near the bus stop, pacing back and forth while I wait and hope, wait and hope.

I never got a reply from Chloe. Shit, did she even go back to her locker before baseball practice this afternoon? What if she didn’t get the note?

Raking a hand through my hair, I hover in the shadows, hoping no one I know notices me. The bus stop is just around the corner from Pedro’s. This is my block and I’ve tried hard to establish good relationships while collecting “protection pay,” but there’s still the odd person who hates or fears me.

I can’t wait to get away from this trash heap.

Crossing my arms, I lean against the building, trying to keep the dark feelings at bay while I wait for my ray of sun.

Please come. Please find my note. Please agree to meet me.

Nervous energy pulses in my head and I’m pacing again before I can stop myself.

The bus pulls around the corner and I tense, holding my breath until its brakes squeak and the only person I want to see steps out the back door.

I sag with relief as she walks toward me with a sweet smile on her face.

Before she can say anything, I take her hand and lead her down a couple of back alleys until we’re safely hidden in the greenhouse.

The second I close the door behind us, I spin and capture her face in my hands.

“I’ve missed you,” I murmur, kissing her smile, her cheek, her neck.

She giggles and wraps her arms around my waist, sliding her hand up my back and gluing us together.

I hold her like she’s precious, because she is.

She smells like vanilla. I subtly sniff her hair as she rests her cheek on my shoulder.

We don’t say anything. We just stand there, holding each other and making up for too many weeks of radio silence.

Finally her hands move and she pulls back to look up at me.

Her eyes sparkle with warmth. “I’m so glad you changed your mind. I’ve missed you, and I haven’t been able to think straight these last three weeks.”

“Me neither.”

“So now we can solve this thing and just get on with being together?”

I tense, putting my hands on her shoulders and taking a step back. “You sure you don’t want to just drop it?”

Her reprimanding look makes me sigh.

“I tried to raise it with my dad, but he says cases aren’t reopened unless there’s some solid proof, so we just need to find something. I’ve been doing some research on the internet, trying to find Latina detectives in the area, but I’m coming up short. You know, I think that lady who visited Camila wasn’t even a cop. I—”

“Stop.” I place my finger on her lips.

She goes still, her eyes studying my expression.

“I don’t want to waste this time talking about the case. I asked you here so we could hang out for a while. Talk.”


“Chloe, we can’t solve this, okay?” I swallow, nerves making it hard to speak. “I know you really want that, and yeah, if I can keep you safe, I want that too. But there are no guarantees.” I lick the side of my mouth and gently take her hands in mine. “But there is one thing we can try to control. You and me. Us, together. And if you want, I’ll come with you and I’ll meet your parents. I’ll say whatever I have to, wear whatever you want me to. I’ll be the guy they need me to be so that you and I can be a couple, like Holden and Maddie are.”

“Vincent.” She’s shaking her head. Not a great sign.

My tattered nerves rub together, creating an electricity that’s hot and irritating. I pull in a breath to temper my anger. I never want to lose it with her. Never.

“Please, Chloe. I want to be able to take you out, hold your hand, kiss you goodbye at the end of a date. Let’s tell your parents about us. Let’s tell the whole freaking world.”

Her lips pull into a sweet smile that gives me hope until she rests her hand on my cheek and whispers, “I want to do all those things too, but we have to clear your family name first. Don’t you see?”

I pull away from her, turning my back and pacing to the glass before spinning around and letting my anguish really show. “And don’t you see that I’m trying to be worthy of you, and I have nothing to do with any of this murdering bullshit! I’m so sick of my family name dictating who I am! I’m a good guy.”

“And so is your brother!” Chloe throws up her arms. “If we can prove he’s innocent, then all that stigma against you guys disappears.”

“That’s not true,” I scoff. “I’m still Enzo’s nephew, still have to do shitty things for the guy. I’m still a Mancini.”

“If Nick is innocent and gets out, you don’t have to live with Enzo anymore. You don’t have to be a part of that.”

“It’s not that simple, Chloe.” I sigh and scrub a hand down my face. “Can’t you just tell your dad that you like me and want to be with me? Can’t you just tell him that being with you makes me a better person?” My voice cracks. I turn my back on her, staring out the dirty glass and lamenting the fact that my dreams are never going to come to fruition.

Even if she does tell him, he probably still won’t believe her.

I should just shut the hell up and let her go.