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Foul Play (Barlow Sisters Book 3) by Jordan Ford (26)

The Safest Place in the World


The kitchen door squeaks when I open it. I wince and click it shut as quietly as I can. It’s twenty past ten and most of my family will be tucked up in bed already. Especially the night before a game. Dad’s kind of strict on that.

Holding my breath, I tiptoe through the kitchen and past the living room where Uncle Conrad is snoring. I stifle a giggle; he sounds like a foghorn. Creeping down the hallway, I nearly make it to my room when I’m brought up short by a snap from Mom and Dad’s room.

“Chloe, is that you? Get in here.”

I cringe and head down to the end of the hallway.

“Hey, sorry I’m late.”

“Where have you been?” Mom asks, checking her watch and then sitting up and turning on the light. “Why didn’t you text?”

“My battery died,” I murmur, looking to the floor.

“Couldn’t you just have used Rahn’s phone?”

Shit! I didn’t know what Max’s cover was going to be. Rahn’s a safe bet. I’m glad she went with that.

I glance up with a remorseful frown and punch out the closest truth I can manage. “Okay, fine. I forgot. I’m sorry. I lost track of time and then when I did notice, we just jumped in the car and raced here.”

“I hope she wasn’t speeding.” Dad rubs a hand over his face while I roll my eyes. “You know, I don’t want you hanging out with Rahn on school nights if she’s going to be bringing you back this late. You have a game tomorrow.”

I look to the floor, wondering how I’m ever going to admit what I was really up to…or how I truly feel about Vincent Mancini.

“You know we trust you, Chloe.” Mom tips her head the way I do. “You’re the one we never have to worry about.”

“I know.” I wince. “And I’m really sorry I missed curfew. It won’t happen again. I appreciate your trust.”

Guilt singes my insides as I look between their smiles.

I think of Vincent and the night we’ve just spent together. How badly I want to do that again. How badly I’d love for them to know who he really is.

I can’t tell them I was with him tonight—that won’t do him any favors—but maybe I can tell them something.

Nerves attack me from all sides as I inch into the room and perch on the end of the bed. It’s hard to know which side to pick—both parents could erupt at this revelation—but I’m compelled to do it anyway.

“Actually, there’s something I have to tell you guys. I should have told you weeks ago, but I was worried you’d freak out.”

Dad groans and covers his face. “Please tell me you haven’t fallen in love with some loser and he’s got you pregnant.”



Mom and I complain in unison. She slaps his arm while I worry my lip.

“I’m not in love with a loser,” I clarify. “And I’m not pregnant. I’m still a…” I frown at Dad, too embarrassed to say the word virgin in front of him.

He gives me an apologetic smile, which I’m about to wipe clean off his face.

I look down and start tracing the swirling pattern on the bed cover. “Something did happen to me though. Um…” I swallow. “You know how a while back, the police got that anonymous call about a woman being attacked on Fort Street?”

Mom gasps while Dad sits up, alert with an intensity that’s kind of intimidating.

“W-well, I was coming out of the church and these two guys grabbed me and dragged me into this alley.” My voice starts to quiver.

Dad’s death glare is so not helping. I know it’s not directed at me, but it’s still hard to talk around it.

“They were going to rape me, but then Vincent Mancini showed up and he saved me. He beat those guys and they scampered. He was really nice and kind, and he drove me home and made sure I was safe. I think he was the one who called in the anonymous tip to the police.”

Mom hasn’t made a sound since her gasp. Her skin goes sickly pale as she closes her eyes and whispers, “Thank God you’re all right.”

“Why didn’t you tell us this before?” Dad’s voice is thick with emotion.

I glance at him then back down at the covers. “Because they didn’t hurt me. They never got a chance…thanks to Vincent. And then I heard you talking to Mom and the two guys got caught, and even though it was for drug possession…they weren’t a threat anymore. I was worried if I told you that you’d never let me see Rahn again…or even let me out of the house. The night it happened, I couldn’t handle the thought of some kind of interrogation. You can be scary sometimes, Dad. Especially when you’re upset.”

Dad looks pained, scrubbing a hand down his face and huffing. “I know I come across as hard sometimes, but the thought of you girls getting hurt terrifies me.”

“So you hide it behind this gruff mask.” I smile.

His expression softens for a moment.

“You’re not the only one who does that.” I give him a pointed look. “Things aren’t always what they seem. I thought Vincent was this intimidating bad boy, but he was really sweet and protective. He saved me.”

“Okay.” Mom clasps her hands together and totally misses my point. “So you haven’t been back to St. Michael’s again, have you?”

“No,” I grumble. “You wouldn’t let me after that first guy was caught. You were worried.”

“And rightly so!”

“Yes.” I nod. “But just because one bad thing happens doesn’t mean I should hide away from the world.”

“Is that why you’re telling us this now? Because you and Rahn have some humanitarian trip planned? You want to head to some war-torn country and risk your lives, don’t you!”

“Mom.” I hold up my hand to calm her. “I’m telling you because I don’t want to lose your trust. I’m telling you because I want you to realize that I was saved by someone everyone assumes is bad.”

Dad huffs and crosses his arms. “Well, I am grateful that Vincent stepped up, but that still doesn’t mean I want you hanging out with him…or spending any more time in that part of town.”

“He’s not a bad person. There are a lot of good people who live out that way.”

“Even so, there are a lot of bad people who live out there too. The Mancini family is dangerous, and if you were hanging out with that boy, it’d make you vulnerable. I’m sorry if you don’t like that answer, but I don’t care if that kid has a heart of gold. You are not to become friends with him.”

“And you’re not going back to that church,” Mom adds with her don’t even try to argue with me look.

I don’t bother hiding my disappointment. My plan is totally backfiring. I thought if they heard what Vincent did for me, they’d soften up a little.

Dad’s scowl catches my eye as he leans in to study my expression. “You haven’t been hanging out with him already, have you? Where were you tonight?”

Taking on Mom and Dad together was a bad idea.

I look between them, knowing the truth will decimate the rest of my year. Now is not the right time to tell them that I’m falling in love with a Mancini.

A thrill skitters through, memories of Vincent’s soft confession warning me to protect what we have.

Looking Dad straight in the eye, I lie. “I was with Rahn, and we may have talked about some ideas for the future, but at this stage I’m not planning a trip to some war-torn country.” Mom snickers as I rise from the bed and walk to the door. “Again, I’m sorry for being late. I won’t lose track of time again.”

“Good night, sweetie. We love you.” Mom blows me a kiss.

“Love you too,” I murmur before slipping out the door and hightailing it to my room.

I seriously don’t know if I’ve done more damage or good tonight. Mom and Dad will no doubt stay up for another hour dissecting and processing the fact that their daughter was nearly raped, and completely ignoring the fact that I was saved by a warrior. A good human being.

As I get into my pajamas, I relive the conversation, wondering how I could have played it differently, trying to find ways that I could turn this around. Maybe it’s going to be a case of dropping little nuggets of gold as the weeks roll by.

Vincent did this. Vincent did that.

He’s a hero. He likes to help people the way I do. I’m getting to know him and we have more in common than you think. We’ve spent hours writing each other notes and talking about stuff. He’s a gentleman. He has a kind heart.

He thinks I make him a better person, but he has no idea how brave I’ve become. How strong I want to be, for him.

Yes, he may be a Mancini, but he’s not dangerous to hang out with.

His brother’s innocent, and even though his uncle and cousin are jerks, he won’t be under their thumbs forever.

Slumping onto my bed, I brush my finger over my lips. The thought of Vincent’s kisses makes my body buzz. Being wrapped in his arms is a feeling I’m not willing to give up. I need to fight for this guy.

I need to figure out a way to convince my parents that being by Vincent’s side is the safest place in the world.