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Foul Play (Barlow Sisters Book 3) by Jordan Ford (3)


Can’t Form the Words


I just kissed Vincent Mancini on the cheek.

Because he saved me.

The scariest guy at school beat the crap out of those assholes…to save me.

My confusion is still kind of potent as I creep through the kitchen door and shut it softly behind me.

Leaning my head against the wood, I relive the scene, fear pulsing through me as I imagine what could have been.

Thank God for Vincent—the one guy at school everyone tells me to avoid. Yet, in spite of my trembling limbs, I felt safe beside him. That’s why I let him drive me home. I trusted him to get me here safely. To not harm me the way those other creeps wanted to.

“Chloe, is that you, hon?”

I flinch at the sound of Mom’s voice and suck in a sharp breath.

Oh man, I hope my face looks okay. Lightly dabbing my cheeks, I try to think about warmth and sunshine, pasting on my best smile as I walk through the kitchen and out into the dining room.

“We’re in here, sweets,” Dad calls.

I can see his big foot resting on the carpet and have to take a second to gather myself. I should tell him about what happened tonight. He’ll want to know so he can track those guys down and make sure they never touch anyone ever again.

If Vincent hadn’t been there, tonight would have ended very differently. I close my eyes and shudder, wishing I were more like Maddie and Max. They would have fought like wild cats—claws, teeth, fists, whatever they could manage.

I could barely release a scream. It was pitiful.

My fingers start shaking again as I wipe my mouth. Creating a fist, I hide my trembles behind my back and inch a little closer to the living room.

I gave Vincent very valid reasons for keeping my mouth shut. But were they selfish? Should I be reliving my nightmare so justice can be served?

It’s the right thing to do, but…

“What’s taking you so long, kid?”

A familiar voice that I haven’t heard in a long time distracts me and I can’t help a surprised laugh when Uncle Conrad appears in the living room archway.

He spreads his arms wide, a happy grin on his face.

I smile and walk into his embrace. He wraps me in a bear hug, lifting me off my feet. Planting me back down, he stands back to assess me.

“Geez, you girls just keep getting more beautiful.”

I snicker and shake my head.

“I know, that was lame, right? Way to sound like an old fart, Conrad.”

I laugh at his self-deprecation.

“You’re later than I thought you’d be.” Mom checks her watch and looks up at me from the sofa.

“Oh, yeah, I…” My voice disappears as my heart starts thrumming again.

“You okay?” Mom smiles.

I bob my head. Do I do it now? Do I destroy everyone’s evening and create more drama than I think I can handle?

I don’t want Uncle Conrad to know.

I don’t want…

“Chloe’s been helping out at a church on the other side of town, serving meals to the homeless,” Dad explains to his younger brother. “It’s a really great outreach. I love that Chloe’s involved with it.” Dad’s smile is filled with pride as he grins up at me.

“Thanks, Dad,” I murmur.

“My little girl with the heart of gold.” He winks and I just can’t do it.

I can’t break that smile.

Not tonight.

“Sorry I’m late. It was busy tonight, we were understaffed, and things kind of went over time.”

“Have you eaten?” Mom stands, ready to prepare me a late dinner.

“Actually, Mom, I’m good.” I stop her before she leaves the room. “I just really want to go to bed.”

My eyes start watering before I can stop them.

“Sweetie?” Mom’s pale eyebrows dip into a frown as she runs her hand down my arm. “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, I…” Shoving my hand into my pocket, I wrap my fingers around my phone and decide to sell a lie.

It’s not like me.

I’m usually pretty honest, but I just can’t seem to form the sentence: I was nearly raped tonight.

“I broke my phone.” I pull it out of my pocket and show her the cracked screen. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, sweetie,” Mom chides, taking it out of my hand to inspect the screen. “It’s just a cracked screen. That won’t be too much to fix.” She grins at me, her blue eyes dancing. “You look like you’re ready to pass out. It’s just a phone. I’m not mad.”

“I just know how expensive they are. And you guys bought it for me for my birthday and made me promise to take really good care of it.”

“Replacing the screen is easy,” Uncle Conrad pipes up. “Don’t sweat it, kid. I can sort that out for you tomorrow.”

“Really?” I turn and beam him a grateful smile.

“Of course. That’s what I’m here for.”

Dad rolls his eyes while Mom lets out a soft huff.

It’s no secret that she’s not a huge fan of Dad’s little brother. Heck, Dad’s barely a fan, but we girls love him. Particularly Max. She’ll be stoked that he’s here.

I walk over to where he’s taken a seat and peck his cheek. “It’s nice to have you here.”

He winks and I take the chance to slip away.

“Good night.”

“Sleep well.” Mom rubs my arm and passes my phone back to me.

As soon as I walk out of the room, the pocket of air I’ve been storing in my lungs pops and my shoulders sag with relief.

I quickly text Rahn and hope it’s the last lie I need to sell tonight.

Home safe. See you tomorrow xx

It’s not exactly a lie. I am home safe…thanks to Vincent.

Her reply makes my phone vibrate.

Glad you made it! Sleep well xx

I can’t imagine that happening. I shudder and close my eyes.

I probably didn’t do the right thing tonight.

When Maddie was assaulted at school, she told Dad everything the second she walked in the door. Admittedly, she was beat up and bleeding.

Shit, that was only a week ago.

I can’t come out with my incident yet. Mom will flip out and then start arguing that moving to Armitage was a huge mistake.

There have been moments when I one hundred percent agreed with her. But I don’t know if I want to go back now. Even after what happened tonight.

Armitage is changing us.

Maddie’s fallen in love with a jock.

Max is… well, I don’t know what she’s up to.

The point is, if we up and left now, Columbus wouldn’t be the same. You can’t go back and expect life to carry on as usual. Being in Columbus won’t solve all our problems.

“Hey, you’re back.” Maddie catches me in the hallway.

She’s drying off her hair and looking happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.

What’s the bet she made out with Holden after school. They probably drove up to Cherry Top Hill or something.

I force a smile that she doesn’t buy.

“You all right? You look kind of pale.”

Do I? I blink and glance to the floor.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” My shoulder hitches and I swipe a finger across my mouth.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “I’m just really tired.”

“How was the soup kitchen? Tough night?”

“It was busy.” I cross my arms, my heart starting to race as my mind tortures me.

I glance up in time to see Maddie’s blue-green eyes narrow. She’s about to ask for more.

My heart lurches, threatening to cut off my air supply.

I was nearly raped.

The idea taunts me and it takes everything in me not to buckle to the floor and sob out the truth.

“Seriously, I’m fine,” I manage. “I’m just tired and I want to go to bed.”

I drill her with a look that hopefully screams, Don’t push me on this!

She takes a step back, slowly nodding while not believing me. “Sleep well, sis.”

My lips quiver into a smile as I quickly brush past her and into my room.

I close the door on her. “You too.”

Stumbling to my bed, I make it there before crashing onto it and fisting the covers.

They wouldn’t understand.

Maddie would want to know why I didn’t scream and fight my way out of it. Dad would want me to describe every detail. Mom would hear Vincent’s name and immediately assume the worst.

They won’t hear the truth.

Their shock and horror, their preconceived ideas, would mask what I’m saying.

I know I need to make it right and somehow let the police know about these men.

But I can’t face it tonight.

All I can do is scrub my skin in a hot shower, throw away these tainted clothes, and curl into a ball, safe and warm under my covers.