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Wicked Winter Box Set by Robin L. Rotham (50)

Chapter Five




Being balls deep inside my woman was heaven. I knew I’d never get tired of loving on her. My old lady. The tingling down my spine told me I didn’t have long before I’d come but I wasn’t ready to stop. She was slick with sweat and writhing under me as I thrust in and out of her heat. Running a hand down her thigh, I lifted it up until her leg was up against my torso, her foot over my shoulder. The angle opened her up more and allowed me to get inside her deeper. When my cockhead tapped her cervix I winced, expecting her to curse at the pain, but she shuddered and groaned a happy sound. So I did it again, careful not to be too rough. Being as big as I was, this wasn’t the first time I’d bottomed out in a woman, and over the years I’d learned how to best play a woman’s body.

It wasn’t long before her body was shaking on the verge of another climax, and when her channel rippled around me, I couldn’t hold back. Dropping her leg down around my waist, I pounded into her as I filled her with my come. She cried out and clenched down on me as she followed me over the edge.

“Fuck me.”

When the storm had passed I dropped down over her, giving her my weight for a few moments before rolling to the side so I could gather her up against me. She was so fucking small against me, but she wasn’t weak. Nope, my girl was strong as forged steel, and she could more than handle me and the life of being an old lady. Not every woman would be able to cut it as an old lady, and I’d seen plenty of brothers choose wrong. That was what I’d been worried about, but I’d been wrong. I needed to focus on my brothers who’d chosen right. The ones who’d picked women like Missy, who were built for this kind of life.

After growing up in that commune, she craved the safety of being in with a group like the Charon MC. I could see clearly now that she needed it to thrive. And even though she’d been one of the club whores for the past six months, I knew she’d fit right in with the other old ladies. It helped that she’d never broken the rules. Never threw shit at any of the old ladies, or went after the married brothers. Once the news of how she’d been brought up spread, they’d all understand why she choose to join the club the way she did. It might take a few months for things to settle down, but they would, then she’d find herself with a solid family that would have her back forever.

Her soft, smooth, fingertips traced over my face before she scraped her nails through my beard.

“I love how this feels against my skin. Don’t ever get rid of it.”

I smiled and turned to catch a finger between my lips so I could nip the end.

“You giving me orders already, woman?”

I’d meant it as a joke, but her skin paled as her eyes widened. Fuck. She tried to pull away but I held her tight.

“I was joking, babe. You can give me all the orders you want. Can’t promise I’ll deliver on all of them, but my beard is definitely here to stay so I’m glad you like it.”

The tension left her muscles and she relaxed back against me.

“What happened to them last night?”

As much as I’d been waiting for her to ask, I didn’t want to tell her they were here in the same building.

“You don’t need to ever worry about them again, Missy.”

“So they’re dead?”

She’d gone wide-eyed again, but I wasn’t sure why exactly. Is that what she wanted to hear? That they were all dead.

“No, baby, they’re not dead. They’re roughed up, but as far as I know they’re all still breathing. Keys has some big plan for them, although I’m not sure what it is. I left them to it, to take care of you.”

She chewed her lower lip for a moment. “Do you think I could see him? My stepfather.”

That had me jerking back. “What the fuck for?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “Closure, I guess. I have some things I need to say to him so I can close that part of my life and move forward with a clear mind.”

I sensed it was more than that, but hell, what could it hurt? The bastard was chained up down in the basement and couldn’t physically hurt her. If he tried to verbally, I’d soon shut him up.

“Let me run it by Scout, see what we can do.”

Not wanting to leave her, I rolled over to grab my phone from the bedside table without leaving the bed, then dialed. Scout picked up on the second ring.

“Hey, Tiny, didn’t expect to hear from you for hours yet. Something wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Missy’s just wondering if she can have a couple minutes with her stepfather. Wants to tell him something, apparently.”

Scout’s laugh was dark. “Sure, she wants to speak with him. Make sure you show her how to throw a punch before you let her in there. Don’t need her busting up her hands on the fucker. Taz has been down with him for a few hours now, so not sure how much longer he’s got in him.”

I frowned at that. “I thought you wanted them alive?”

“We did. And hopefully once Taz finishes his thing we’ll have what we need and it won’t matter if he dies or not.”

“You gonna tell me what exactly Keys has planned?”

“Sure, but not right now. Get your girl cleaned up and down here. I’ll go see if Taz is ready for a break.”

I hung up after Scout cut the line, but wasn’t sure what to make of what the fuck they were doing with the assholes we’d picked up.

“So, what’s going on?”

I glanced over at Missy and smiled. Such a pretty little thing, with her sex-messed hair and reddened lips from all the attention I’d given her. And she was all fucking mine.

“You’ll get your wish. Taz has been in with him, so not sure on the condition he’ll be in.”

With a nod, she scooted over to the edge of mattress and rose to stand, before she stalled out.

“Um, I don’t suppose someone picked up my bag last night?”

I stood from the bed and went over to the closet to retrieve it for her. “Sure did. Here you go.”

She gave me a coy smile. “You gonna come help scrub my back for me?”

With a chuckle, I shook my head. “I do that, we won’t be leaving this room for another couple hours, babe.”

Giggling, she strode into the bathroom, twitching her ass at me the whole way. Damn woman was trying to drive me fucking crazy. Turning away from the temptation of her hot little body, I gave her five minutes before I grabbed a change of clothes for myself and followed her into the bathroom. I needed to clean up before we went downstairs. My beard was a fucking mess after me going down on her. I grinned, and decided it was totally worth the few extra minutes it was gonna take me to get ready in the mornings to wake up like that on the regular.

I slipped into the shower behind her and pressed a kiss to her wet shoulder.

“I thought we didn’t have time for water sports today?”

“We don’t, but I need to clean up and wash out my beard before we go downstairs.”

The red that bloomed over her face had me grinning. Totally loved how, despite her experience, I could make her blush so easily.

“Ah, yeah. I’ll leave you to it then.”

She slid out of the shower and I got a nice show watching her dry off and dress as I washed. Once she left the bathroom, I focused on what I was doing, and made fast work of getting myself clean, dried and dressed. Then we were heading down the hallway toward the stairs. Once we hit the ground floor, I took her hand and led her to Scout’s office. Knocking on the door, I walked in and found him sitting behind his desk, not looking happy.

“We good to go down?”

“Ah, yeah, sure. Fuck, this shit doesn’t sit well with me.”

With all that was currently going on, I had no idea which part Scout had an issue with. I knew it wasn’t the part about keeping Missy safe. “What part?”

“Having to keep those fuckers above ground. Men like that deserve to be put down, hard.”

“Can you just tell me what the fuck is going on? All this cryptic shit is starting to make me twitchy.”

He glanced from me to Missy, then back again. “I know this place loves gossip, but if I hear either of you have told this to anyone, it ain’t gonna end well, we clear?”

“Crystal, prez.”

“I won’t say a word.”

As Missy spoke I pulled her in against me while Scout went and shut the door before he moved to lean against the front of his desk.

“Taz lost his mother and baby sister to his stepfather.” Missy gasped and I was tempted to make a similar noise.

“That’s the tats, yeah? Lola and Grace?”

Scout nodded at my comment. “Yep. So naturally, he’s taken an interest in this current situation. For him, and us, it’s not enough to simply put down these bastards. Not when there’s a whole fucking network of them preying on other women. So, we’ve gotten a friend of the club involved and once Taz finishes his fun and games, they’ll all be handed over to the FBI. They’ve promised us they’ll go in and do what they need to do to shut that commune down for good. We’ll keep an eye on them, and if they don’t step up, we’ll step in and take care of it like we normally do.”

That had me frowning. “Why aren’t we just going in to clean house?”

“Because it ain’t that simple. It’s not one or two guys being bastards, but a whole fucking cult. And it’s not local. We got no backing there. What the hell do we do with all the innocent women and children? It’s a helluva lot easier to let the feds handle it in this situation. No matter how much I want to be the one who’s behind these fuckers going down, even I can see it wouldn’t be that simple. And I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a fucking jail cell if I don’t have to. Got me?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I get it. How long have we had a friend in with the feds?”

“It’s new. Someone Taz, Mac and Eagle worked with in their Marine days. I don’t intend on working with them often, but like I said. It’s the best solution for this situation.”

“What’s going to happen to them all?”

Missy voice was quiet, but it got our attention.

“Not real sure, sweetheart. The ones who attacked you are heading for prison, I made sure of that before I agreed to hand them over. And just to make sure they learn their lesson not to fuck with us, Keys found a little something that we can do to them to make sure they have a limited love life for the rest of their days. If you catch my drift.”

Damn, my balls shrunk up tight against my body in sympathy. I was certain I didn’t want more details on that one.

* * *



“As to the ones still in the commune, that’s gonna take them time to figure out. Counseling will be offered to the victims, along with assistance for them to resettle elsewhere. It’s not going to be easy, or fast. But charges will be filed where possible, and all the women and kids will gain their freedom. And speaking of freedom...” Scout stood and moved behind his desk where he opened a drawer and pulled an envelope free. “Got these for you in the deal, too. You’re now legally here in the US, Missy.”

I took the envelope, not really believing what he’d said. Was it even possible? Pulling the documents free, I glanced over each one. Birth certificate, passport... other paperwork. I looked back up to Scout.

“This is all real? Like, fully legit?”

“Well, it did come from the FBI, so I would assume it’s all legal and above board. You’re truly free now, Missy.” He paused. “Or do you want to go by Mercedes now?”

Tears pricked my eyes. I could go anywhere, do anything. No more having to hide in shadows when I was outside the clubhouse. No one could send me back to Mexico, where I didn’t know anyone, or anything about how to live there.

“I want to be Mercedes again. I’m my mother’s daughter.”

My heart ached that I got all this because she’d died to protect me. But I honestly felt she would have approved of my decision to stay here to be with Tiny.

Tiny cleared his throat, the sound a nervous one. “So, now you’re free. What are you planning on doing?”

I turned to face him and the look on his face broke my heart. Did he really think I would walk away from him now?

“You crazy man, what do you think I’m going to do? Run off into the sunset? I love you. I know Scout told me at the beginning not to lose my heart to a Charon, but that’s what happened. You took possession of my heart long ago. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here with you.” Then a thought struck me. “Unless you don’t want me here? Did you only say I could be your old lady because you thought I was stuck here?”

I tried to move away from him, but with a growl he snatched me back to him, wrapping his big arms around me so I was pinned against his muscular body.

“That’s what you think? That I just want you because you’re convenient? That’s a load of shit, babe. You haven’t been convenient since the first time I fucked you. That’s all it took, one fucking touch and you had me caught. You’ve been mine a while now, I was just too fucking stupid to see it. But I won’t be like your stepfamily, I won’t hold you here if you don’t want to be here. You’ll take my heart with you if you leave, but I won’t stop you.”

Tears were streaming down my face as I looked up at Tiny. My old man.

“Kiss me?”

With a feral grin, he lifted me up, and pressing my back against the wall, took my mouth in a hard, passionate kiss. Until Scout clapped his hands with a loud crack.

“I’m all for live porn, but we don’t have the time right now. We’re gonna be handing over those fuckers tonight so we’ve got a lot to do with them today. Oh, and, Tiny?”

Tiny lowered me so my feet were back on the floor before he turned back toward Scout.


“You might have been slow off the mark, but I’m not. Here’s her cut. Mercedes, you wear that whenever you’re around the club and you won’t get any trouble from anyone. If any of the brothers do try to treat you like you’re still one of the whores, you let me know and I’ll fucking deal with them.”

I wiped my face with the bottom of my shirt before taking a step toward where Tiny was taking a leather vest from Scout. This was all getting very real now. I’d seen the respect the women who wore these cuts got. The Charon brothers were the kings of this place, but the old ladies? They were the queens. I still wasn’t certain I was worthy, but if Tiny and Scout both thought I was, who was I to argue? I mean, the president of the club would know who was deserving and who wasn’t, right?

Tiny’s grin was wide and his eyes looked a little damp as he tugged on my hand to bring me back in close to him. He held the cut out for me, I slid my arms through the holes and when Tiny pulled the front halves closed across my chest, I pressed my nose against the shoulder and inhaled. The leather smell made me think of him and my blood heated with arousal.

Property of Tiny. Has a nice ring to it. Now, let’s get downstairs before I forget all about you wanting a word with that piece of shit, and take you back upstairs like I want to.”

Leaning in, I pressed a kiss over his heart. “Soon, babe. Just give me five minutes with him. Then I’m all yours.”

“Damn straight you are. All mine, for always.”

Scout made a gagging noise and shoved us out of his office, which had us both chuckling until we got to the hidden stairs toward the rear of the building. As Tiny opened the way, all levity disappeared. Taking my hand, he silently led me down a flight of stairs I’d never realized were there.

When we reached a thick timber door, Tiny reached up and pounded on it three times. A moment later, Taz opened the way and stepped out into the hallway. He was shirtless and was wiping blood from his hands with a rag.

“Hey, Missy. Cut looks good on you. You want a minute or two with him?”

“Ah, yeah, and I’m going to go by my real name now. Mercedes.”

Taz gave me a nod. “Good deal. Mercedes it is. Do whatever you want to him. Pretty sure he’s told me all he has to tell me. If you take it too far, it’s no skin off my nose.”

I frowned, unsure whether to voice my question, as I didn’t know if we were supposed to know what Scout had just told us. Tiny cut my thoughts off when he asked what I was thinking.

“Won’t your friends be pissed with that?”

Taz smirked. “Probably, but they’re getting so many new toys. One less won’t bother them too much. But, if you do want to get messy with him, take your cut off, luv. Don’t want to get his dirty blood on it.”

I nodded. “I want him to see me in it first. Thanks, Taz.”

As I moved to go into the room, the light caught on Taz’s chest highlighting the words tattooed in large letters over his pecs. Lola and Grace. My heart ached for Taz, to have lost both a mother and sister. I couldn’t imagine. I opened my mouth but one look at his face had me closing it before I uttered a word. With my chin held high, I strode into the room, Tiny and Taz following me in before the door was closed.

The smell of blood and other things was so strong in the air, it had me clearing my throat a few times.

“Yeah, the smell’s pretty bad. Sorry about that.”

A groan had me looking to the back of the cell and cringing. Damn, Taz had been busy. With a deep breath, I tilted my chin up a notch and strode over to stand right in front of my stepfather.

“Hello, Gerald.”

He curled his lip as hatred burned in his eyes. I’d never called him by his name before, he’d always insisted I call him stepfather.

“What do you want?”

His words were slightly slurred, like he couldn’t quite move his jaw normally.

“His jaw is a little fucked up. Might be a little tricky to hear him. Not that he has anything to say that’s worth hearing.”

I’d never heard Taz speak with such hatred, but then, I knew full well how Gerald could bring that emotion out in a person.

“That’s okay. I mainly just wanted to see him broken like this. To replace the image in my head of him lording over me with one of him as he truly is. Nothing but a weak, pathetic bastard who thought hurting those weaker than him was the only way he could gain any power.”

He growled a low rumble, sounding almost animalistic.

“I have no idea why my mother stayed with you for so long. She deserved so much better.”

“It’s your fault she stayed. To save you, she whored herself out to whoever, whatever I wanted from her.”

A shot of pain flashed through me at his words, which he’d managed to say clearer than before. It was nothing my mother hadn’t confessed to me before she died.

I shook my head. “No. That wasn’t on me. That was on you. You and your asshole buddies who would threaten a mother with the well-being of her child to get what you wanted from her. Did she even know what I was being trained for at that school? That you always intended to treat me just like her in the end?”

He grinned. Well, I assumed he was attempting to grin. Taz had really done a good job on his face. It was a mess.

“She had no idea you were being trained. She thought she was taking your place when I brought others around. You illegal immigrants make the best slaves. So willing to do anything to stay in the US. Just wait till I tell those feds about your status. You’ll be on the first bus back to Mexico. Then all that training will come in real handy, I’m sure.”

I could feel the anger radiating off both Tiny and Taz behind me, but I kept my expression blank as I glanced at the table beside us. At all the blood-covered things laying there. Then I turned to Taz.

“I need to hurt him, do some damage he won’t forget. What do you suggest?”

The feral grin that spread over Taz’s face would have scared the fuck out of me if I didn’t know the man. But before he’d taken Flick for his old lady, he’d been a regular in the whore room and he’d always been sweet with us. I knew this harsh, violent side of him was all for Gerald.

“I think you deserve to be the one to end him, luv. Knife to the stomach will do it nice and slow. We’ll leave him down here to die slowly. Let him really think over his sins before he goes to hell for them.”

My stomach turned. For all my anger at the man, I couldn’t do that to him. I shook my head. “No, I can’t do that. I know he deserves it, but I just, can’t make myself be that cruel. But I would like to be the one to end him. Jail is too good for him, and I don’t want to worry about the day he gets released and comes for me. Or my kids.”

Yes. That’s what this was really for. To keep my and Tiny’s kids safe from this monster ever coming for them. I turned to face Tiny and saw the love shining in his eyes.

“Hand me your cut, babe. Taz is right. We don’t want to taint that with his filth.”

I shrugged out of the leather and handed it to him. Tilting my head up, I waited for him to give me a quick kiss before I released him and turned back to face Gerald for the last time.

Taz handed me a huge, nasty looking knife, and once I took hold of the grip, he wrapped his hand around mine. “Straight through the heart will do it fast. But let me help you get it done. You haven’t done this kinda shit before, and we want to get it right first go. Any last words for him?”

I calmly raised my gaze to Gerald’s. They were peeled wide now, like he finally understood this shit wasn’t going to end well for him.

“I just received all my paperwork, I’m now legally in the US. And now that I’ve found my home here, I am never leaving it. Not for anyone, especially not for a slimy bastard like you. This is for my mother, and the years you stole from us both.”

I lifted my hand, and with Taz’s guidance, pressed the tip of the knife against the left side of his chest. I paused to look him straight in the eye.

“Go straight to hell and stay there, asshole.”

Then I pushed forward, and Taz added his strength to get the blade in deep enough to enter his heart. I stood there until his eyes went dim and his body limp. Then I released the knife, leaving it embedded in his chest before I turned and strode out of the room. With Tiny by my side, I left my past behind with Gerald’s dead body.





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