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A Reason For Everything by Nita Johnson (9)


Monday rolled around far too quickly. Shutting my alarm off I woke Kaylee, which she wasn't happy with. She had always been the worst to get out of bed and she really wasn't a morning person. It usually took her to well after breakfast for her to even smile. Yesterday had been a one off, the joy of seeing her Dad had made her forget that it had been early but this morning she was back to her usual grouchy self.

“Want me to send your nana in to get you out of bed?”


“You sure, baby? I don't see any movement under those covers.”


“Right, let me go shout her, she's bound to be up getting a start on breakfast.”

“I’m up, I’m up. What do I have to do to sleep in around here?” Her grumbling continued all the way to the bathroom but I pay her no attention. Her moaning loudly did me a favor, waking Nate so that saved me having to go into his room.

I quickly dressed, throwing on a pair of denim shorts and a racer back tank. Running a brush through my hair before adding some serum, I then fluffed out the natural wave in my hair. The school run was the only time I was thankful for having wavy hair. It saved me so much time in the mornings especially as it took me so long to get Kaylee up and sorted for her day at school.

Luckily for the rest of us Kaylee managed to perk up a little and breakfast passed without incident much to my relief. Both her and Nate went into school without any problems and yet again I was faced with nothing to do. I debated going back to the home I had shared with Rob to get some more of our belongings but I already felt that we had taken over enough of Nan’s home without turning back up with yet more possessions.

I really didn't think that we’d have to impose on her for long, but if Rob meant what he had said yesterday about selling the house, then I really was in a bind.

“You look like someone who's got the weight of the world on her shoulders.” Jesse’s deep warm voice broke into my thoughts, snapping me back to reality. It was then that I realized that I hadn't moved from outside the school. I was still standing by my car, yet to get inside.

“You’d be right there.” I gave him a small smile, tilting my head back to take him in. He really was so sexy. In another life I might have thought about asking him on a date but l was recently separated and I came with far too much baggage. Jesse seemed like a laid back guy, I’m not sure if he’d ever want to take a chance with someone like me.


 “What are you doing around here?” I asked him, the school was in the opposite direction of the construction site he's working on.

“I followed you.” He laughed when he spotted my confused expression. “Nothing like that, sweetheart, so take that look off your face.”

“What look!” I exclaimed albeit a little too loudly trying to cover my embarrassment.

“Never mind.” He carried on chuckling. “This is why I followed you.” Holding out his hand I saw the reason for him being here with me now. My wallet. How the hell did he manage to have that?

“You really do have the most expressive eyes, Will. I can see what you're thinking before it has chance to come out of that pretty mouth of yours.” He used the hand that wasn't holding my wallet to trail a finger down my cheek. I had to fight with everything inside of me not to lean into his touch.

“I was out getting my mail when I saw it lying beside your mailbox,” he told me, while still looking into my eyes. “I didn't know if you’d need it, so I followed you here. You looked so lost just now, sweetheart. Are you ok?”

Gulping I nodded nervously, still having to fight the reaction I was having to him. Nothing I had with Rob ever felt like what I was feeling right now and all he'd done was touch my face. I felt like my body was burning from the inside out. Pretty sure that my cheeks were bright red I ducked my head, breaking out of his hold over me.

“I’m just distracted today, got a lot on my mind, you know. Thank you for coming out of your way to bring me my wallet. I really appreciate the gesture.” Reaching a hand out to take my wallet from him I then tucked it into the pocket of my jean shorts.

“Anything you want to talk about, sweetheart? I’ve been told I’m a good listener,” he said so sincerely, like he really did want me to talk to him about what was troubling me.

“I don't think you have enough time to sit and listen to what's on my mind,” I joked, trying to lighten the tone a little but failing epically.

“When it comes to you, Willow, I will always have all the time in the world. Come on, let's go grab a coffee.”

Taking my hand in his, he led me over to his truck. We both got in and drove in comfortable silence. Inside my head my mind was racing with what he’d just said to me. I could fall for someone like Jesse Baker and that scared me right to my core.

Once we were at the coffee shop, I sat at a table and Jesse went to get us coffee. “Thank you,” I said all too gratefully as he pushed a large cup of coffee over to me before taking a seat opposite me at the table. “This is just what the doctor ordered.”

I blew on the hot brew before taking a small sip to check the temperature. Jesse remained silent but his watchful eyes never moved off my face which unnerved me a little, it was as he could see right through me and into my soul.


“So, want to tell me what had you staring into space earlier, sweetheart?” He finally broke his silence, asking me what was obviously troubling him. That was another reason to like this wonderful man, he hardly knew me yet he had taken time out of his busy day, not only to bring me my forgotten wallet but now to find out what was plaguing me.

I had to answer him truthfully. I felt that no matter what I told him, he would help me find a way through it, seemingly to genuinely care about me.

“I’m so lost, Jesse. My life’s always ran smoothly but now everything is up in the air. I’d hoped that Rob would have agreed to sell the house and split the sale, meaning the kids and I could look for another home to move into, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. I have a little money saved but it’s not enough for a new home. Plus with me not working I will need those savings more now than ever.”

Picking up my cup I used the few moments reprieve to gather myself together. The situation was affecting me more than I cared to admit to anyone, including myself. Jesse was lost in his own head, not saying a word, just casually sipping on his own drink. That made me more anxious. Perhaps he couldn't say anything because there was nothing that could be done to help with my predicament.

If I couldn't see a way through it all I’d be stupid to think that someone independent to my situation could either.

“Betty’s quite happy with you all living there, Will. I doubt she would want you worrying about trying to find somewhere to live when she has a perfectly good house that you're all welcome to live in for a long as needs be,” he finally said to me.

“I know that but we can't live there forever,” I said sullenly. Nan would have us stay there permanently and although I am really grateful, it isn’t ideal for the long term. Kaylee can’t continue to share a room with me, she's a growing girl. She needs her space too.

“No one said it would be forever, Will. Just until you're ready to leave. Stay with her for now, get a job, carry on saving money and to hell with Rob. Show him that you don't need him or his help. He's doing this to gain the upper hand over you, don't give him the satisfaction of knowing he's gotten to you. Do this on your own and flip him the bird as you move forward leaving him so far behind you that he's not even on your radar anymore. You’ve got this, sweetheart. I have all the faith in the world in you. You can do this, show us all just how great I know you are,” he told me kindly, taking one of my hands in his warm grip, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles. The gesture caused a shot of electricity to zip through my body. I could feel a throbbing start up between my legs, that's how much his actions were getting to me. I don't think I've ever had this reaction to anyone in the past including Rob.


“You've not known me long enough to say all those things.” I tried to brush off his compliments, trying to make a joke out of it all so he can't see how much his words mean to me. 

“I’ve known you long enough, Willow. Right from the first time I met you I could see that inner strength shining through and you continue to amaze me every time I’m around you. You have had something bad happen in your life yet here you are, still standing, still thinking of ways of protecting what's yours. You astound me. A lot of people in your situation would crumble under the pressure but you, Willow, you are surviving. One day, sweetheart, you’re gonna see what I see and you’re gonna be damn proud of yourself.” He continued to brush his thumb over my knuckles while still keeping eye contact with me.

I really wanted to lean forward and kiss him but my fear stopped me. My fear of going from one man to another, of placing my trust in someone else, giving them the power to break my heart. Jesse came across as a great guy but you could never be sure. Rob came across the same way and look how that turned out.