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A Baby for the Beast by Chance Carter (101)

Chapter 40

Jane is still shocked at hearing from John that Brad has a habit of entertaining upper class escorts here all the time.

She tries to just focus on her career. If there’s something she’s going to get out of this trip, it will be contacts for when she goes back to New York. Whatever this sick man is up to isn’t her business. Yes, she feels hurt, terribly hurt, but she knows she can get over it. She is thankful she hasn’t slept with him yet.

She puts on the black tutu with gemstones and wraps the corset around her body, lifting up her breasts to make them look bigger than they are. She feels more determined and badass than before, and ready to take control of her life and destiny.

Forget this Brad Halliwell and his sick games. She’s going to take this opportunity by the balls and finally get her just desserts in this world.

All those people who think of Jane as nice, plain, sweet, and kind can go fuck themselves. It hasn’t served Jane very well anyway, and in fact, has trapped her in circumstances of being used and betrayed.

She has no time for this shit. If Brad wants upper class escorts, then let him have them. Jane has more decency than that. After tonight, she’s going to tell Brad exactly what is on her mind. She has nothing to lose. He can have his goddamn million dollars.

Jane struts out of the hotel room and walks with determination through the front lobby and into the ballroom to practice her moves before tonight. She goes in and gets all her anger out.

Turning quickly and with sharp edges, she falls, kicks, and turns, letting out all of her steam. After 30 minutes of letting it all out, she falls to the ground and starts sobbing.

I was fucking falling in love with him. How fucking dare he. How dare he do this to me? He lied to me and he’s a pig. I’m so fucking stupid. Stupid, nice Jane thinking she can live out some stupid fairy tale without a price. I’m going to show that bastard. He’s not going to get the best of me. He’s got a serious wakeup call coming.

Jane sobs and sobs and eventually settles onto the floor, exhausted and curled up. All she can hear is the lapping of the waves coming in through the open windows of the room. They are lulling her back to calmness. Her new friend, John, is outside and sees her through the glass. He rushes in to see what’s wrong.

“Jane. Jane!” he says, kneeling down and urgently rocking her to see if she’s okay.

“Leave me alone,” she says.

“It’s me, John. What’s wrong?” he says, his hand on her shoulder.

She rolls onto her back and sees his kind and gentle face. He sees the tears dried up on her cheeks and her eyes swollen and dewy.

“My gosh, Jane,” he says with concern. “What’s happened?”

“I can’t talk about it. I just can’t. It’s too painful,” she says.

“Come on. I don’t care. What’s happened?” he says, showing his friendship. “Is it Brad?”

“Kind of. It’s more about what you said about him,” she explains. “That he gets upper class escorts. I’m not one of those women, I swear. I just… just… don’t know, though, if that’s what he wants me to be.”

She starts sobbing again and John holds her closer so she can cry on his shoulder.

“There, there, let it out. You’re going to be okay. I know you’re not one of those girls. I was kind of joking with you, and I didn’t mean to imply anything,” he says re-assuredly.

“But, oh God, John, I can’t even admit this to myself. There’s something embarrassing I have to tell you,” she says, afraid to go any further.

“What is it? I really won’t judge you, Jane. You need someone to talk to.”

“He… oh God… he asked me to come here for a week and he’s giving me a million dollars. I mean, stupid me, right? Of course he’s asking me to be an upper class escort.”

“Have you had sex with him?” John asks matter-of-factly.

“Heavens no, I’m still a virgin. Though, we seem to keep getting closer. I’m afraid I’m going to make the biggest mistake of my life.”

“Well, did he say you had to have sex with him?” pries John.

“That’s the weird thing. He keeps saying I don’t have to do anything I’m not comfortable with, but I feel I’m being tricked into it. Every time we’ve come closer, I’ve said no, and he stops immediately. He doesn’t pressure me,” she recounts. “It’s actually pretty nice. But I’m so confused!”

“Okay, Jane, I’m going to give you some insight, okay, and take it for what it’s worth. The kind of escorts I’ve seen Brad come with are pretty obvious about what they are hired for. They don’t usually stay for a week with him here. They come for overnight and then leave.

“Sometimes, his buddies surprise him with a ‘gift’ of one of them. Sometimes he gets us to arrange this for him, but it’s only for overnight. Even the other night, rumor has it, there was a woman that a friend of his hired in the restaurant, and he refused.

“Seriously. He refused her. That has never happened, so the fact that he hasn’t pressured you to have sex, the fact he is refusing an easy lay, and the fact he has you here for a week with no strings attached says something to me. I think he’s got bigger feelings for you.”

Jane listens to everything he says and takes it in. She is now able to see a brighter picture of Brad, and feels a bit flattered that she may be capturing his heart, and someone else sees it. She sits up.

“So John, what you’re telling me is that Brad is perhaps a pig, but that I may actually be capturing his heart like no one else has?” Jane says with bright eyes.

“Well, yes, I guess that is what I’m saying,” John responds, feeling a bit confused about whether he’s making the right impression.

Jane jumps up and looks at John. She starts laughing with joy. “Oh my God, is it possible a billionaire is falling in love with me?”

John is sort of stunned and not sure what to say, other than, “Go for it, sister. You’ve got nothing to lose, really.”

She hugs John. “Oh, thank you so much. I’m so glad I talked to you. Could you imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t?”




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