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Athletic Affairs - The Complete Series by April Fire (32)

Chapter Five


When was the last time I’d had this much to drink? I could tell you one thing for sure- long enough that I had forgotten how much damn fun it was!

When Sam had been giving me that big talk in the car about what a crazy night it was going to be and how my city ass wasn’t prepared for it one little bit, I was so ready to dismiss him as talking the talk in front of the new girl so she would think he was a big man. But no- it really was as intense as all that.

I grabbed another shot from the bar- purchased for me by one of the regulars, I was told- and tossed it back in one. I screwed up my face at the sourness, shook my head, and held my hands up. The team- crowded around a small table at the other end of the room-cheered loudly for me.

I sashayed my way back over to them, and leaned up against Sam’s chair- he looked up at me with this stupid-cute crooked grin on his face, and cocked his head at me.

“You doing good?”

“Great!” I exclaimed. “Anyone want to come dance with me?”

“We don’t really dance here,” Nathan, the goalkeeper, remarked, exchanging a look with the rest of the guys around the table.

“Then why is there music?” I countered. He opened his mouth, but before he could protest any further, I grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled him to his feet.

“Come on. Dance with me.” I ordered, and he held his other hand up and led me towards a spot in the bar with a little more space. I could feel the eyes of the rest of the team on me, but I ignored them as a song came on that I adored and I wrapped my arms around Sam’s neck.

“Having a good time?” He murmured, just loud enough that I could hear it. I nodded.

“Amazing,” I replied, looking up at him and swaying back and forth. I wasn’t that drunk, but I was letting off a hell of a lot of steam- maybe this wasn’t the best way to get my story, but you had to live among your charges to really understand them, right? Besides, this particular bit didn’t have to go in the article. I slid my hips closer to Sam, and his hands drifted further down my back, and I knew with an absolute certainty where this night was going.

I was most surprised by the reaction the team got when they walked in- everyone seemed to know who they were, everyone pleased to see them and keen to buy them a drink. Sam told me it hadn’t always been like that- that the smiles and the pats on the back and the offers for a free beer or seven hadn’t come in until they’d started their winning streak not too long ago. I could tell they were wary of it- they enjoyed the attention, but they knew that it could all drop away if they didn’t keep up their end of the bargain.

I could tell there were eyes on us, but I didn’t give a damn. After getting dumped and struggling to right myself after moving across the country for this stupid story, I deserved to have a little fun. I felt Sam’s lips brush against my hair, and wondered how many girls in this town he’d hooked up with. Was he stud in high school, or had that only arrived with his success? I had noticed a fair few girls eyeing him when he went up to buy drinks or talk to me, and I wasn’t sure whether they were jealous of me or pitying. Either way, I didn’t care- there was enough booze in my system to make me think this was a good idea, to push from my mind the reminder that I would have to work with this guy and his teammates for the next few months. So what if things got awkward? I was a big girl, I could take it. I was here for the story, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t use my access to a team of gorgeous young men to help me get over the worst break-up I’d ever had.

Before I knew it, the song had ended, and a few people had started to trail from the bar. Sam turned back to his teammates, a couple of whom were reaching for their wallets and sidling up to the bar to settle the tab.

“You guys heading?”

“Yeah,” one of them- I forgot his name- shrugged. “See you tomorrow, though?”

“Sure thing,” he replied, and a couple of them flashed him those smiles- you know the ones, the “you’re gonna get laid tonight” smiles. It was as if I wasn’t standing there, wasn’t capable of guessing what they were hinting towards. In all honesty, though? I was too horny to think about much beyond getting Sam back to my apartment and out of his clothes. He ran a hand down my back, as if he knew what I was thinking and was reminding me that hey, babe, don’t worry, I got you.

I settled up my tab- Sam didn’t offer to pay, which was a relief, because I didn’t want to be one of those chicks who simpers and swoons while a guy covers her booze for her. We made our way outside, his arm tucked tight around my waist- he was lightly stroking me with his thumb, and even the slight movement was sending electric shocks across my body.

“You want me to take you home?” He asked, and smiled and shook his head at his phrasing. “Sorry, I mean, you want me to give you a lift back to your place?”

“Sure,” I nodded, feeling a little wobbly on my feet- and it had more to do with his presence that the booze. How was I supposed to take it from here? It had been so long since I had slept with someone new that I felt like all my mechanisms were rusty, that I’d need re-doing. We slipped into the car, and same reached for his keys- and in that split second, I just went for it.

I leaned towards him, caught his face between my hands, and pressed my lips against his. His mouth was cold but soft, and I barely had time to register how it felt before he had slipped his hands beneath my ass and hauled me on to his lap. I parted my legs to straddle him, and his tongue slid into my mouth, and in that second I couldn’t have given a damn how long it had been since I had last fooled around with someone new because all of this felt so natural and right.

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you,” Sam murmured in my ear as he kissed down my neck and towards my breasts. I let out a small moan, unable to articulate that I had felt the exact same way.

He slipped his hands up my shirt and found my breasts- the touch of his cold fingers was enough to bring my nipples to full attention at once, and I closed my eyes as his talented hands went to work. I was already aching for him, aching for more, and I knew I would be able to hold back much longer.

“have you got a condom?” I mumbled urgently, and he looked up at me and nodded.

“I need you to fuck me, right now,” I leaned down to kiss him again, harder this time. I had never wanted someone the way I wanted him at that second. It wasn’t that I’d never been turned-on before, or wanted to fuck before- but it had never been so desperate and needy and important. I swivelled my hips a couple of times against his lap, feeling his erection growing quickly beneath me, and watched as he registered what I’d just said. Putting a hand on my hip to steady me, he leaned forward and rustled about in his glove compartment for a few seconds before pulling out a condom.

I lifted myself off his lap the best I could, awkwardly trying to give him the space he needed to sheath himself- there wasn’t a lot of room in the car, and my head was already pressed against the ceiling. But all thought of how difficult or weird or maybe not a good idea this was got lost in the sound of our heavy breathing and the way our steamy breath mixed between us. He shuffled down his pants and rolled on the condom, and then he reached over to flip up my skirt- before he penetrated me, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my pussy, his warm breath (even through my panties) sending a shiver down my spine. And then, he pulled the fabric aside, gripped my hips, and slowly lowered me down on to his cock.

We both let out a long, satisfied sigh as he entered me- his cock was thick and stout, spreading me as I enveloped every inch of him in my pussy. I let my head fall back, and clunked it on the top of the car as I did so- we both laughed, and then, finally, I began to move. I took my time at first, pressing my hands against his chest and using them as leverage as I moved up and down. And, soon enough, he began to meet my movement, thrusting up inside me as I came down. We soon built up a pace, and, without thinking, I slipped my hand between my legs and began to play with my clit.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Sam growled, his fingers sinking in to my hips as he watched my fingers get busy between my legs. I watched as the expression on his face twisted into something darker, more desirous than before- and, when he looked up and made eye contact with me, it happened.

I shuddered with pleasure, my hands curling into fists by my sides as I came- it usually took a lot of foreplay to get me anywhere close, but the situation was just right then and there and I was able to get out of my head and just let it happen. I let out a loud moan, my pussy clenching around Sam’s cock- and a few seconds later, I felt him reach his own release inside of me. He leaned up to kiss me as he came, pulling my head down so he could push his tongue into my mouth once more. I held him inside me for a few more moments after we were both finished, savouring the feeling of him within me. Then, I climbed off and slipped back into my seat, shooting him a satisfied look.

“Well, that was…” he began, but trailed off as he disposed of the condom and zipped up his pants.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “It really was.”

We sat in silence for a few moments, and I wondered what happened now.

“Is that…lift still going?” I wondered aloud, and he nodded.

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” he replied. He’d only had a couple of drinks over the course of the night, so I wasn’t worried about him driving me. As my own booze-buzz began to wear off, I watched as he started up the car, and tried to figure out whether or not I had just made a huge mistake.