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Brody Judge (Heartbreakers & Heroes Book 5) by Ciana Stone (15)

Chapter Sixteen


“Do you honestly think we’re any closer than when we started?” Trina looked at Brody and then Etta. “Seriously. Can we take a break or consider switching over to my plan? No offense but I don’t think therapy is going to cut it.”

“Maybe not, but it was far less radical than your plan.”  Etta argued.

“Yes, but I still believe my plan could work.”

“If it doesn’t get you killed.”

“Okay, point taken, but please. Brody only has a few more weeks here and—and—"

“I get it. You want to spend more time with him and less time doing this.”  Etta held up her hands in surrender. “And maybe you’re right. It’s getting real hard to keep this from Deacon. Mathias said Deacon has even asked him if something is going on.”

“Can’t you keep him from reading you?”

“I can, but it’s a strain and—and I think you need to face him and your Uncle Wiley. It just might be the key to getting rid of the other personalities.”

“I know, and I’ll make a deal with you. Give me a couple of days off and I’ll come and meet them face-to-face.”

“Okay, deal. And with that, I’m out of here.”

“Thanks, Etta.”  Trina jumped up and hurried around the table to hug Etta.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy your vacation.”

“I will. Thank you again.”

She and Brody watched Etta leave and then Trina turned to him. “So, I was thinking…”

“Should I be afraid?”  He reached out and reeled her in with one arm.

“Very.”  She looped her arms around his neck. “Are you okay with us taking a break from all the sessions?”

“Babe, you’ve gotta call the shots on that. It’s your head and when it’s time to take a break or to tell people to step back, just do it.”

“Why are you always so understanding?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Oh, Brody, how can you be so perfect?”

He chuckled. “Far from it, Red.”

“You are to me and don’t—don’t put me off again. I need to say this to you.”


“I know I don’t have a lot of experience and maybe what’s happening isn’t anything new for you, but—but for me…”  She paused, trying to find the right words. “You’re my first, Brody. My first lover. My first love.”

“I like being your first everything, Red.”

“Do you?”

“I do.”

“Then how about having another first with me?”

“What’d you have in mind?”

“A picnic.”

“You do know that Sadie tried that once, right?”

“Yeah, she wanted to seduce you.”

“Whereas you want…?”

She smiled as she realized he was teasing her. “The same thing.”

“Well, hell, Red, why didn’t you say so? What time?”

“Whenever you can get back. I’ll cook and get everything ready while you’re at the training center and when you get home, we’ll go down to the lake shore. I’ll even split some wood for that fire pit we dug.”

“Sounds perfect.” 

It did to her as well and was topped off by his departing kiss that was perfect as perfect could be. Trina smiled, and waved goodbye then closed the door and literally danced back to the kitchen, eager to get started on their evening, determined to make it perfect.

Three hours passed before she had everything ready and had showered and dressed. Now it was just a matter of waiting, which was the hardest part. She walked outside to sit on the front porch and saw a plume of dust in the distance. There was only one thing that made that. A vehicle going very fast.

She walked to the steps and watched. It wasn’t long before she recognized who was driving the old truck. Trina ran down the steps and across the yard. “What’s wrong?”  she asked the moment he stopped in the driveway.

“Brody’s been hurt.”

The world went silent except for the sudden pound of her heart. Her legs went weak and if she hadn’t grabbed onto the door of the truck, she would have fallen. In that moment it became all too clear.

She loved Brody.

“Take me to him.”  With trembling hands, she opened the door and climbed into the truck.

Mathias backed up at breakneck speed, skidded to a stop then lurch forward.

“Tell me,” she said.

“He fell trying to save a recruit who was tangled in his line on the tower. The recruit panicked and—and I don’t know how but Brody fell.”

“He’s alive?”

“Yes. They called the doctor on call at the center. He called an ambulance. I headed straight here.”

“How bad is he hurt?”

“The doctor’s scared his back is broken.”

Those words hit her like a truck. She lost her breath and her vision swam. “Can you heal him?”  Mathias asked.

“I think so. Or die trying.”

He looked over at her and their gazes locked. She didn’t have to say anymore. She saw it in his eyes and in the way he nodded. “I’ll be with you, Trina Rose. Hold onto me and take my strength if you need it.”

“You don’t have to—"

“He’s my friend.”

It was her turn to nod in understanding and acceptance. Minutes passed like time had slowed to a crawl but finally they reached the training facility. She and Mathias jumped out of the truck and ran.

There was a crowd of people at the base on the tower, near the water’s edge. She saw faces she knew as Mathias pushed his way through the crowd, hanging onto her hand and pulling her behind him. Etta and JJ were there as was Mason and Wiley. And her father.

She didn’t acknowledge any of them. The moment she saw Brody, she flung herself down beside him. His skin was pale, covered in sweat. It didn’t take a medical degree to tell he was in horrible pain.

“I’m here, Brody.”  She ran her hands over his face, neck and chest, working down his body.

“No.”  His voice was weak. “Too dangerous.”

“Shh,” she smiled at him.

“Mathias,” he pleaded. “Don’t let her—"

“She knows the risk, bro.”  Mathias knelt on the other side of Brody and watched Trina.

She felt the injury as her hands passed over his torso. It was his spine. She looked up at Mathias. “I have to do this now.”

“Let me help.”

“Sit behind me in case I fall.”

He nodded and got up to kneel behind her. Trina placed both hands on Brody’s torso, just above his navel. Then she closed her eyes and opened herself to the injury that threatened Brody’s life.

She’d not tried anything like this since Sadie’s love, Barush died. She hadn’t been able to save him and had almost died herself. She might have if Catherine had not emerged to stop her.

This time, nothing would stop her. She’d not lied. She’d save him or die trying.

The pain hit her with such force it drove the air from her lungs. It was agony more intense than any she’d felt before. Dear God, how was Brody not screaming in pain? She could barely breathe from the agony.

“Stop.”  She heard the voice and recognized Etta but ignored it. She could feel it moving into her, feel his body as the fibers and cells began to knit and cling and rejuvenate. And her own started to crumble.

“Mathias.”  Trina didn’t really mean to call for help, but she could barely stay conscious and Brody was not yet safe.

“I’m here.”  He put his arms around her, holding her tight and she felt his strength radiate into her, amplifying her power. On and on, she willed Brody’s injury to leave him and she took it, crying silently in pain and trembling in effort.

Trina was unaware of anything but the pain and injury she pulled from Brody’s body. Then she felt something else. Mathias’ strength was ebbing. “I’ve got this,” she whispered. “Let go now.”


“Please, do as I ask.”

He did, and the loss of his strength had her bending forward, her hair draping the sides of her face to form a shield. Her gaze stayed on Brody and she saw the color returning to his face, felt him becoming whole and the joy that filled her was unlike anything she’d ever experience it was so vast.

The last of his injury passed into her and she struggled to push herself upright. She looked up at the sky, releasing her prayer for salvation and strength in one word.


A spasm of pain wracked her entire body, moving up her spine and through her chest, into her heart and throat, her face and head and she had time to think that she hoped she’d succeeded in healing the man she loved before everything washed into an endless sea of white.


Brody took Trina into his arms and held her close. The on-site physician was beside him and kept checking her vitals. She had a pulse, but it was far too slow, and her breath was shallow and weak.

“The ambulance will be here any moment.”  Etta crouched beside him to put her hand on Trina’s back. She closed her eyes for few moments then looked at Brody.

“I can’t tell, I’m sorry. She’s not just asleep, Brody. She’s unconscious.”

“Don’t leave me, Red.”  He whispered to Trina. “Don’t you dare leave me. I need you. You hear me?”

Etta stood at the sound of a siren in the distance and walked over to where Deacon and Wiley stood with Mason and JJ.

“Sadie made her do that for Baruch and she nearly died.” Mason said.

“You don’t think she’ll die?” JJ asked.

“I don’t know what to think, except we need to disperse these people. Deacon?”

He nodded and turned to look around. “Recruits, return to barracks. We’ll notify you when training recommences.”

Several of the recruits had questions. Deacon led them a short distance away from those waiting for the ambulance. Etta watched everyone and noticed how intently Wiley was watching Brody as he held Trina and talked softly to her.

Did he recognize Trina, or was something about her familiar? Those questions were dismissed as the ambulance rolled to a stop and the EMT’s piled out. Brody was loathe to release Trina to them and it took Mathias to convince him.

Etta didn’t want to give away anything that had happened but asked that Brody be transported with Trina and checked since he’d taken a little fall. That’s how she put it and ignored the looks she received from JJ. She’d confess her reasons later.

For now, she and the others watched as Trina and then Brody were put into the ambulance. “I’ll follow.”  She promised Brody.

When the ambulance pulled away, she turned and almost bumped into Wiley. “Something I can help you with?”

“Who is that woman?”

“I’d like to know that as well.”  Deacon’s voice had her and Wiley looking around.

Etta wasn’t sure how to answer and even if to answer. She was saved from having to by Mathias. “You mean you don’t know?”

“Why should I?”  Deacon asked.

“Maybe because she’s your daughter.”

With that, Mathias looked at Etta. “I’m headed for the hospital.”

“You weren’t given permission to leave.”  Deacon said in a gruff tone.

“Then court marshall me.” 

Everyone watched in shock as Mathias walked away, then Etta turned to Deacon. His face was set in an expression of anger that was barely in control. “You knew?”

“I did.”

“And you didn’t think it was worth mentioning?”

“It wasn’t my truth to tell and she wasn’t ready to tell you.”  She then looked at Wiley. “Either of you.”

“You should have—"

She cut Deacon off. “No, I shouldn’t. You walked away from her when she was a child.”

“It wasn’t my choice.”

“Bull.” Etta glanced at Wiley before continuing. “The two of you abandoned her. Regardless of what happened between you two, or you and her mother, you both walked away from her and left her to live in a hell no child should have to endure.”

Despite her intention to keep her emotions in check, tears welled up and spilled over. “It was you and her mother and that criminal of a stepfather that broke her—shattered her. You all—" She looked at Mason who had just walked up. “All of you are in part responsible. You broke her and left her alone.

“And you know what? She’s better than the whole fucking lot of you. She healed Mathias and JJ and now Brody and because of it she may die before any of you get the chance to do what you should do if you have a conscience at all and that’s to beg her forgiveness. Now, if you’ll excuse me. JJ, will you take me to the hospital and don’t you dare ask their permission.”

He didn’t. He just nodded and took her hand. They walked in silence until they reached her office where her car was parked. “You drive,” she said. “The key is in the console.”

They got into the car and he started it before reaching to take her hand. “You were pretty rough on them.”

“I know. They deserved it.”

“Did they?”

“Yes, I think so. Look, I love Deacon and you know that. He’s like family to me and until recently I didn’t think I’d met a more honorable man. But what he and Wiley did to Trina—the way they abandoned her without a fight, without trying and—I… I have a tough time with that, JJ. A real tough time.”

“I know, but before you condemn them, walk a mile in their shoes?”

She nodded. “You’re right. I’m just emotional right now and maybe tomorrow or the day after or ten minutes from now I’ll want to apologize. But not now, so can we drop it? I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Fine by me.”

There was silence for a few minutes before JJ spoke up. “What she did? Healing Brody. Did you ever think something like that was possible? I mean, I know what she did for me and God only knows I consider that a miracle. But his back was broken, hon. Broken. How could she possibly have healed him?”

“God?” She asked.

JJ shrugged. “Good as an answer as any I guess. I just hope whatever she did, it sticks, and it doesn’t kill her in the bargain.”

“Me too.”  Etta reached for his hand and prayed that when they reached the hospital, it would not be to receive unwelcome news.