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Brody Judge (Heartbreakers & Heroes Book 5) by Ciana Stone (7)

Chapter Eight


Brody felt her stir but didn’t move. He lay on his back with one arm circling her shoulders as she turned in toward him, her head on his chest and one arm across his body. They’d been this way for hours, ever since he’d managed to find the place and stagger tiredly into the house and to her bedroom.

She’d wakened when he put her on the bed and pulled him down with her. Brody didn’t know if it was smart, but he couldn’t deny her, so he lay with her, slept for a time but mostly watched her sleep and wondered.

She was beautiful. Most gingers were blessed with fair skin and freckles. She was not. Yes, her skin was fair but not as fair as most. It was sun kissed and only a few tiny freckles danced across her nose and cheeks.

Her eyes were a most uncommon icy blue, rimmed with thick dark lashes that matched the deep brown of her brows.

She wasn’t a big woman, neither very tall nor stout. He’d guess her to be around five foot five or six. She was lithe, but well proportioned, uncommonly strong and fit and God, help him, sexy as sin.

“Thank you.”  Her voice had him turning his head to look at her.

She had her head tilted back, propped on his shoulder and her face seemed much younger. No, that was wrong. There was just no tension in her body.

“My pleasure.”

“You frightened her on the obstacle course. I’m sorry she hit you.”

“She?”  A seed of unease appeared.

“Catherine, the one who ran the course today. She took the run from Sadie who took it from me.”

“That’s as clear as mud. Who is Sadie and why did she do that?”

“She’s the fighter. The spy lady. And it’s her fault so she must help Catherine protect me. They both try.”

“Do they? What do they protect you from?”

“Everything, I guess. Sometimes I wish they didn’t. They don’t know, you see. I mean they don’t know all of it. Sadie only knows the bad parts, the secrets. She’s the one who makes Catherine forget, and it makes Catherine confused and sad. It’s why we ran away.”

“Did you want to run away?” She was making no sense at all, but if he kept her talking maybe he could figure out what her story was.

“Yes. I’m the one who made them come here. They just don’t know it.”

“Oh? How did you do that?”

“It’s very hard. I have to keep whispering to Sadie that this is where she can finally put it all to rest. And I must make Catherine believe that all the answers are here. That the fog that clouds her mind will be lifted here.”

She spoke as if the three were separate people and yet the same. It wasn’t at all clear but he wasn’t giving up. “And you? What’s your name?”

“I’m Katrina Rose—Trina, but I like it when you call me Red.”

“Then that’s what I’ll call you. Why do you want to be here Red?”

“I thought it was because I wanted to find my father, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe, what I really wanted was to find you.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because you don’t need to be fixed.”

“Say what?”

“There’s nothing wrong inside you. When I touch people, I can tell if they’re sick or hurt or angry. If they’re broken. You’re not. You’re strong and good and you like to laugh, and you see good in people…And you’re a very good kisser.”

“Well, thank you. Those are all nice compliments.”

“Oh, they’re not compliments at all. It’s just the truth.”

“Well, here’s a truth for you. You’re beautiful and obviously kind and a very good kisser yourself.”

“Thank you, Brody. I like you. Very much.”

“And I like you, Red.”

“But you think I’m a child.”  She pushed away and sat. “I see that now. You’re wrong. I was—once, a long time ago. But we all grow up, don’t we? I’m just not as damaged as the others. They shielded me from all that.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Because I’m real and they’re not. They just came to life to make sure I survived.”

It suddenly clicked. She wasn’t talking about two other people but two other personalities inside her. That didn’t just surprise him, it troubled him as well.

“That’s pretty incredible.”

“Incredible things happen when people are pushed to the end of their limits, Brody. Some don’t survive. Other’s find a way. Like me.”

“Then why not let the others go if you no longer need them?”

“Oh, but I do.”


“Because he knows I’m here and he’ll alert the others and they’ll come for me.”

“He who?”

“Mason James.”

Brody felt the shock literally sizzle through him like a current. “You know Mason James?”

“Not me. Sadie. She was with him for a while. She lied to him and it got her, and another man caught by some very bad people. The man died so she could live, but it almost ended her. It almost ended all of us.”

“Hold on. I thought you said you were the real one.”

“I did.”

“Then why was it Sadie that knew Mason and not you?”

“Because she came to protect me long before she met him and she does everything she can to keep me out of her life.”

“You’re a little complicated, Red. You know that, right?”

“Yes.”  She smiled and as much as he knew it was wrong, that smile lit something inside him.

“I’m going to have to leave here, Brody. They’ll come for us and I don’t want to go back to that place. I can’t survive more of their questions and drugs and shocks and imprisonment. I just can’t.”

“Where will you go?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do Sadie and Catherine know how to survive on their own?”

“Sadie does. That’s why I had to let her be in charge.”

For the first time in his adult life, Brody made a decision based solely on emotion. “She doesn’t have to be in charge, Red. Not if I’m with you.”

“Why would you come with me? This isn’t your problem.”

“Maybe because you’re such a good kisser.”

There it was, that smile that made something swell inside him. “Oh, Brody, you must think I’m terribly simple and I actually kind of like it, but I know the truth. You feel something for me. Just like I feel something for you.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I am. Like I said, maybe I’m not here for the reason I thought at all. Maybe it was you I was looking for all along.”

“Then it looks like you’ve found me, Red. Now, where is it you want to go and when?”

“Not far. I like it here. I just don’t want to be found. And I still have things to accomplish here.”

“Are you going to tell me what those things are?”

“In time. See, I still have to work around Sadie and Catherine. They don’t want me to control everything. But I’m getting stronger so soon I will.”

“And until then?”

“Until then I’ll trust you, Brody, to help Sadie and Catherine and know that everything you do for them, is really for me.”

“I honest to God don’t know that I’m equipped for this, Red.”

“Sure, you are. You’re a hero. My hero. Just help me find some place safe.”

“I will, Red. I promise.”

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him softly and he wondered if he was setting her up for disappointment. How was he going to hide a woman who had three personalities and only one of whom trusted him?


Less than twenty-four hours later, life supplied the answer Brody sought. He, Grady and Deacon were standing at the end of the obstacle course, watching a new batch of recruits start their run.

At first, they talked about the recruits, then Grady changed the subject. “Either of you know anyone in the market for a little place on the water? I was talking to Chief Greene in town and he mentioned that Nellie Mae Baker has a small house left to her by her husband on the south end of Clear Springs Lake, and she wants to either rent or sell it. I told him I’d ask around.”

“How small is small and how much is the rent?”  Brody asked.

“Just two bedrooms, a kitchen-den combo, one bathroom and a big porch that looks out at the water. Tom said she was asking eight-fifty a month, and that includes utilities. Well, everything but Internet and for that you’d have to do like everyone else and get a dish.”

“I might be interested.”

Both men looked at him in surprise, but it was Deacon who spoke. “I thought you were just here while you’re on leave?” 

“I am, but I was thinking that it’d be nice to have a place to come home to when I have down time and at least here I have friends.”

“Don’t you still have family?”  Grady asked.

“I do. Mom and Dad are still going strong and moved to Canada to be closer to the grandkids—my two sisters’ kids.”

“And you don’t want to live close to your family?”

Brody shrugged. “I can go see them whenever I want, and I seem to be a better son when I’m not so close. Besides, it feels like I’m stepping all over my sisters’ toes when I’m there. They’re all thick as thieves but get their feathers ruffled a bit by my presence.”

“Why do you think that is?”

“’Cause I’m Mom’s favorite.”  Brody grinned.

“Mama’s boy.”  Deacon nodded. “Might have guessed.”

“Bite me.”  Brody retorted then quickly added. “Sorry, I meant, bite me, Sir. And it all evens out because my sisters and my Dad are like peas in a pod.”

Grady chuckled. “Well, if you’re serious, I can get Ms. Baker’s number for you. Or better yet, get it from Mica. She and Mrs. Baker are friends.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks.”  Brody turned his attention to the recruits. “Say, who’s that old guy out there with them?”

“Wiley.”  Deacon answered.

“Wiley who?”


Brody cut Deacon a quick look. “Any relation, sir?”

“My brother. He’s retired. Sort of. And likes a challenge, so I said he could run the course with the kids.”

“Kids?”  Grady asked.

“Some of them are young enough to be mine. Present company excluded.”

Brody snorted at the exchange as he watched Deacon’s brother. “Well, he doesn’t seem to have a problem running the course.”

“He’s holding his own,” Deacon agreed.

“Who’s holding his own?”  A male voice had everyone looking behind them.

“Deacon’s brother.” Brody answered as Mathias stepped up beside them, then added. “Dude, you make me feel like a shrimp.”

Mathias smiled. “You are.”

“Yeah, thanks, bro. Feeling the love.”  Brody retorted good-naturedly.

“Anytime. So, why’s Wiley running the course?”  Mathias asked.

“You know him?” Brody asked before anyone could answer.

“Yeah, we’ve met. Stand-up guy. Good with engines, too.”

“Yeah?” Grady couldn’t help but feel a tingle of interest. He loved engines, well to be specific, loved making them run better, faster and cleaner. Particularly faster.

“Yep.”  Mathias nodded, then looked at Deacon. “Mica said to tell you she was going to be in the shop over at my place this morning.”


“Hey, would you mind if I went over and saw her?”  Brody asked, and added quickly, “Just to get Mrs. Baker’s phone number from her. I hear Mrs. Baker has a house she might want to sell or rent.”

“Sure. I left a jet ski on shore near the Sanctuary dock. Take it if you want.”

“Cool. Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

“You remember you have a training class this afternoon.”  Deacon commented.

“Yes, sir. I’ll be there.”

Deacon turned his head and watched Brody leave. “Anyone find that odd besides me?”

“What?”  Grady asked

“Brody wanting to rent or buy a house. He’s the least tied down person I’ve ever known.”

Grady shrugged. “We all reach a point in life when we’re ready to settle down, let the young men lead the charge so to speak.”

“Have a home,” Mathias added quietly. “Someone to share it with.”

“You think that sounds like Brody Judge?”  Deacon asked.

“Depends,”  Mathias answered. “Remember, Brody isn’t green. He’s what? Forty-something?”

“Forty-five, I think.”  Grady replied. “But what does it depend on?”

“On whether he’s falling for Catherine.”

“The woman who runs the course?”  Grady asked.

“She’s a lot more than that,” Mathias said. “But yes.”

“Brody fall for someone?”  Grady chuckled. “Man, that’ll be the day.”

“That’s what everyone said about you not so long ago.”  Mathias pointed out and then looked at Deacon. “You too. And look at the two of you now.”

With that he turned away.

Deacon and Grady watched him go then looked at one another. “He has a point.”  Grady said and grinned. “But I swear, it’ll be the day when Brody Judge sets down roots.”

“Amen to that,” Deacon agreed. “But wouldn’t that be something?”

“It would indeed. Not that we’re likely to live long enough to see it. This is Brody we’re talking about.”

Deacon nodded but didn’t comment. Mathias’ words rang in his mind. Not so long ago people said the same about him. Now look how his life had changed.