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Brody Judge (Heartbreakers & Heroes Book 5) by Ciana Stone (23)

Chapter Two

“My preference is often”


Wiley stood at the fence and watched as Trina worked with the wolf pup. “She’s a pretty good trainer.”

He looked around at the sound and saw Deacon approach. “Yeah, she is. How’re things working out for Brody?”

Deacon shrugged, propped one foot on a fence rail and rested his forearms on the top. “Remarkably well, considering that he’s not accustomed to being in one place for too long.”

“Or being sidelined.”

Deacon looked over at him. “Yeah, that has to sting.”

“I’m sure. But he has her and that makes all the difference.”

“Let’s hope so, for both their sakes. And speaking of being in one place, have you decided what you’re going to do?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“You have a place on staff at the training center.”

“I appreciate that, but I’m worse at being in one place than Brody. And I have a job.”

“Don’t I know it? Still, now that Linc is here, maybe it’s time for us to work on being a family again.”

That surprised and pleased Wiley. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Too long. And since it looks like Mica is pregnant, the family will be growing.”

“A child? At your age??”

“I’m not that much older than you, brother.”

“True, but it’s still late in the game for either of us to be thinking about raising a family. Hell, by the time the kid is out of high school you’ll be –”

“Yeah, I know and believe me, I never planned on it, but I’m damn happy about it.”

“Then I’ll be happy for you.”

“Thank you. And about the job. Think about it.”

“I will.”

Deacon straightened and gave him a clap on the back. “You want to come over for dinner?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

“You bet. Seven sharp.”

“I’ll be there.”

Wiley turned his attention back to Trina. She walked over to him with the pup following.

“Looks like you’ve made real progress with the little fella.”

She smiled and leaned down the rub the pup’s head. “He’s smart and eager to learn so it’s easy. Are you going to dinner tonight? Mica said Mathias is coming to help cook.”

“Yep. You and Brody gonna be there?”

“We are. But what brings you by?”

“Nothing. Just wanted to see your smiling face.”

“And what else?”

He shook his head. “Should know better. We’re too much alike. I met this woman in town, yesterday.”

“Oh? Do I know her?”

“I don’t know. She just moved in. Her names Caitlyn Little Fox.”

“Is she Native American?”

“Yeah, Cherokee – or half. From Oklahoma.”

“Interesting. Why did she move here?”

“I don’t know. But I do know she’s got a hell of a lot of work to do on the place she bought and since she’s alone and doesn’t know anyone here, I think she could use a hand.”

“And you want me to offer that hand?”

“No, I’ll offer. I’d just like to bring more than me to the table.”

“Then why not bring the A-Team?” She grinned.

“The A-Team?”

“Okay, the SEAL team. Me and Brody and I bet I can get Etta and JJ and Mica and Deacon to pitch in. In fact, let’s talk to them about it tonight.”

“Well, there’s the rub. How about we make it your suggestion and not mine?”

Trina stared at him for a few moments then her eyes widened a bit. “You like her, don’t you?”

“I don’t know, I just met her.”

“Oh, you just want to sleep with her?”



“No. What kind of man do you take me for?”

“The kind that has half the single women in Cotton Creek trying to wrangle a date.”


“No, it’s not.”

“Sure, it is. It’s more like two-thirds.”

Trina laughed, and Wiley smiled. “So, it’ll be your suggestion?”

“Yep, on one condition.”


“That you buy me lunch at the diner today and then we go over and meet Miss Little Fox. That way I can honestly say I’ve met her.”

“Deal. What time?”

“Meet me at the house at eleven?”

“I’ll be there. Thanks honey.”

She smiled, blew him a kiss then turned, calling to the pup. Wiley gave her a wave then headed for the training facility.


“Maybe we should just wait until after lunch.”

“Why?”  Trina challenged him. “We’re early and it’s a block out of the way, so let’s stop and I can introduce myself and see if she’d like to have lunch with us.”

“Fine.”  Wiley knew when to surrender and now was one of those times. He made the turn and in under a minute pulled up in front of Caitlyn’s house.

“Wow, it’s really looking good, isn’t it?”  Trina asked.

“You’ve been here before?”

“No, but I went with Mica to meet Mrs. Nellie Mae and Mrs. Netta for lunch one day about two weeks ago and Mrs. Netta said someone had bought the place. She lives next door and is all kinds of eager for someone to get the place cleaned up.”

“Aren’t those two big town gossips?”

“Past tense. Mrs. Nellie Mae offered up her life to save Mica. Surely, Deacon told you about it?”

“When are you going to start referring to him as Dad again?”

“I just feel strange doing that in front of you.”

“Honey, you don’t have to. I know who I am to you, but a label isn’t important, and it’d hurt him for you to stop calling him that.”

“I love you, you know that?”

“I most certainly do. Oh, there she is.”

“Then let’s go say hello.”

Before Wiley could say another word, Trina was out of the truck, walking up the sidewalk, waving and calling out. “Hi there!”

Caitlyn looked up from the act of pulling her keys from her purse. “Hi.”  Her smile was a bit hesitant until she looked past Trina and saw him.

“Hello, again.”  She greeted him and stepped down from the porch to the sidewalk. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”

“Oh, it’s my fault.”  Trina jumped in. “Wiley told me he’d met someone new in town and since we were coming in for lunch, I browbeat him into stopping by, so I could meet you. I’m Trina Johns Judge. Wiley’s my uncle and I live with my husband Brody over off county road one oh four. We have a little place on Clear Springs Lake.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Trina,” Caitlyn’s smile brightened into one that seemed filled with genuine happiness. “I’m Caitlyn Little Fox.”

“That’s a beautiful name but – and tell me to hush if I’m too curious, but is that a Native American surname?”

“Yes, Cherokee.”

“Oh, I see. And Caitlyn?”

“Non-Cherokee. From my mother’s side. I’m only half Cherokee.”

“Were you headed out?”  Wiley asked while he had a chance.

“Yes. I spent all morning in the yard and realized I needed to go to the store if I want to eat.”

“How about joining us for lunch at the Diner and you can shop after?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Caitlyn replied. “Let’s do it. I’m so hungry I could eat the south bound end of a north bound cow.”

Trina laughed as Wiley gestured for her and Caitlyn to precede him down the sidewalk.

“Have you met many people since you arrived?”  Trina asked and fell into step with Caitlyn.

“Just my next-door neighbor, Mrs. Bloom and her friend Mrs. Baker. They’re two older ladies and so sweet it’ll almost give you cavities. I get the feeling they like to gossip but since I haven’t done anything yet to talk about, I’m a bit of a bore.”

“Yet?”  Trina asked.

Caitlyn leaned closer and lowered her voice. “Have you taken a look at your Uncle lately?”

Trina laughed out loud. “I hear ya.”

Caitlyn chuckled then turned to smile at Wiley as he opened the truck door. “Thank you, kindly, sir.”

“My pleasure.”

Caitlyn climbed in first, leaving the window seat for Trina. Wiley gave her a smile as he got in the truck. “It’s nice to see you without the dirt and vines.”

“So, I clean up okay?”

“Indeed, you do.”

“Why thank you. I would say the same to you, but I don’t recall you being a mess last time.“

Caitlyn turned her head to look at Trina. “So, tell me about you, Trina. What do you and your husband do at that training facility. And do you have a picture of your hubs? You must have one or a dozen on your phone.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”  Trina fished out her phone and accessed her photos.

“Holy mother of god, girl.”  Caitlyn looked at the photos of Brody. “Your man is smoking hot. Of course, it figures since you’re hot as a match, but still. D a y u m.”

“Yep,” Trina agreed and they both laughed.

“So, what does Hubby Hotness do?”

“He’s an instructor – mostly he teaches free climbing but also freefalls and air dives from planes and such.”

“Ahh, so he’s a genuine bad ass.”

“He’s a Navy SEAL.”

“And what about you? What do you do while he’s teaching men to climb and dive and jump?”

“I work at the animal rehabilitation center at Sanctuary.”


“It’s a rehab center specializing in PTSD and rehab for wounded service people.”

“Nice. So, you like working with animals?”

“I do.”

Wiley was completely shocked at Caitlin’s next words, which she addressed to Trina. “Okay, so what’s this energy I’m picking up. Either one of you is psychic or there are a buttload of electrical lines around here I don’t see because the hair on my arms is standing up, or…”

She looked directly at him. “Your sex appeal is off the charts strong.”

She raised one arm. “See?”

Sure enough the fine hair on her arm was standing at attention. Wiley noticed Trina looking around Caitlyn at him, clearly as surprised as he.

“Well?”  Caitlyn asked. “What’s the deal?”

Trina shrugged. “People in our family have – abilities. My dad’s an empath and Wiley and I are – I don’t know what the technical term is. Wiley?”

“Energy healers.”

“Seriously? As in you can heal injuries and illness.”


“That’s amazing. And very cool. My grandmother will be tickled pink to meet the two of you.”

“Why, does she believe in such things?”  Trina asked.

Caitlyn laughed. “Girl, she is such things.”  She looked around as they slowed. “This really is a pretty town, isn’t it?”

“It is,” Trina agreed. “And the people are really friendly.”

“Well those women sure are.”  She commented the craned to see around Trina. “Sweet baby Jesus, this town is crawling with hot. Did you see that guy that was being mobbed by those four women?”

“That’s my Uncle Linc. He owns the blacksmith shop.”

“Well damn girl, your family’s got the market cornered on fine, doesn’t it? Oh, is this the diner? Wow, it looks just like something out of a movie set doesn’t it?”

“It does, actually,” Trina agreed as she opened the door.

Caitlyn slid out behind Wiley and he smiled as her feet touched the pavement and she looked up at him. “You smell good. Is that perfume?”

“No. Just me and a little essential oil. Its scent gets stronger when your body heats up.”

“Is your body heating up, sugar?”

“It’s starting to.”

“And why’s that?”

“Well.”  She inched a little closer. “Either it’s that sin in jeans thing you’ve got going or my body is burning my bones to keep me alive long enough to get some food in me.”

That not only flattered the heck out of him, it also made him chuckle. “Guess we better get you to the trough.”

“Lead the way.”


Caitlyn battled weak-knees when Wiley put his hand on the small of her back and escorted her to the door. It felt like a red-hot brand. It made her butt sweat and the back of her neck get damp.

The blast of cold when Trina opened the door of the diner was welcome. The many sets of eyes that zeroed in on them was a bit disconcerting. She saw smiles on some of the faces and wondered if she was being sized up.

Not that it mattered. People would either like you or not and she wasn’t one to try and be something or someone she wasn’t to win approval. Besides, she could barely think of anything but that hand on her back and the man it belonged to.

“Oh look, it’s Savannah and the Sweet sisters,” Trina said and waved to three beautiful women who sat toward the back of the diner and were currently waving Trina over.

“Oh, god, they want us to join.”  Caitlyn murmured while keeping a smile fixed on her face. She didn’t have an aversion to meeting new people, but she didn’t want to overdo a good thing and the truth was, she’d prefer to spend more time with Wiley.

“You don’t want to?”

“No, it’s fine.”  She looked up at Wiley. “What do you say?”

“Do I have a vote?”

“Dude, please. Any man with the balls to wear that t-shirt definitely deserves a vote.”

She saw the look of surprise on his face and wondered if maybe she had offended him. Then he smiled at her and the flavor of his smile told her that offended was not his reaction. Wow, does he realize the power in that smile?

“Then I vote we get our own table.”

Yay! She leaned closer and whispered “my hero” as Trina responded with “that’s fine with me. Let me just go say hi and tell them.”

A woman on the serving staff stopped beside Caitlyn. “Two?”

“Three.”  Wiley answered.

“Take that four top over there,” the woman gestured toward the opposite side of the diner.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, hon. I’ll send your server right over.”

Caitlyn and Wiley made their way to the table. He pulled out her chair for her then took the seat beside her. Before either of them had a chance to speak, a server approached. Caitlyn noticed the way the woman looked at Wiley. The expression of unconcealed lust fit perfectly. She looked like she wanted to take a bite out of Wiley.

“Hey there. I’m Sheryl-Ann and I’ll be your server today. What can I get you to drink?”

“Iced tea, thank you.”

“You want that sweet?”

“I do.”

“You want lemon with that?”

“No, thank you. And you can make that two. We have someone else joining.”

“Okay then.”  She finally looked at Caitlyn. “And you?”

“Iced tea, sweet with lemon please.”

“Coming right up,” Sheryl-Ann directed the comment to Wiley, then did something Caitlyn could only call sashayed away, with hips twitching to beat the band.

“I guess you’re used to all that,” she said when she turned her attention back to Wiley.

“To what?”

Caitlyn didn’t believe for a moment that he wasn’t aware of the affect he had on women and since she’d never been particularly shy about speaking her mind, said so. “Pul-eeze. You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to know and I’m betting you’re none of those. Not to mention that shirt.”

“Again, with the shirt. You have something against t-shirts with writing on them?”

Caitlyn smirked. “My preference is often?”  She read the words on his shirt.

“I’m not sure that’s the correct inflection.”  His smile was as sly as his voice was sexy.

“Oh, it’s the correct inflection. Trust me, not a woman in here hasn’t considered just how often she’d like you to be.”

“You flatter me.”

“No, I don’t. Look, Wiley. You have to know that you’re hot and I have eyes and a libido and am just as susceptible to a sexy man as the next woman, but I never play games and I don’t say it unless I mean it.”

“I appreciate the honesty. So, are you among the women who’ve considered it?”

Caitlyn felt a bit of heat flush her face. Not because she was particularly embarrassed but because her idea of dirty with Wiley was something that would trouble her sleep for some nights to come. “Honey, you can’t begin to imagine what my mind conjures up over those words.”

“I’m pretty sure I’d like to find out.”

Damn it all, if that wasn’t the very moment Trina picked to return to the table. Caitlyn pushed back the disappointment and reminded herself that her lack of male companionship for what seemed like an eon, and her attraction to Wiley may have prompted her to let the flirt go a bit further than was wise.

“Hey, sorry,” Trina said as she sat beside Caitlyn. “I was telling the girls how you’re fixing up the place beside Netta Bloom to move in and they said they’d be happy to help if you want. And I’d love to help. I can clean and pull weeds and paint or whatever you want.”

Caitlyn was sincerely touched. It’d been a while since she had girlfriends. Since Kaylee was born it’d been just her, Gran and Kaylee. “That’s so kind of all of you, but I couldn’t impose.”

“It’s not an imposition if it’s offered.”

“You’re right and I apologize. I would be very grateful to have some help. I don’t know if Wiley mentioned it, but my daughter and grandmother will be arriving within a week and I’d really like to have the place in decent shape before they get here.”

“You have a daughter?”

“Yes. Kaylee. The love of my life.”

“You have pictures?”

“Well duh!”  Caitlyn pulled out her phone and accessed the photos.

“Oh my god, she’s adorable!”  Trina turned the phone, so Wiley could see. “And she looks just like you, Caitlyn.”

“Well, I think she looks a good deal better, but she is the apple of my eye.”

“And your grandmother lives with you and your daughter?”

“Yes. She’s helped me raise Kaylee.”

“So, there’s no Mr. Little Fox?”

“No, there never was. It’s just us girls.”

“That must be hard.”

“No, not really. After all, women have been caring for children since man crawled out of the primordial soup.”

“I can’t wait to start a family.”

“Really, and you’re waiting because?”

“Well, we’re not. We just haven’t gotten pregnant yet.

“You will. Just relax and let it happen.”

“I like you, Caitlyn and I think we’re going to be great friends.”

“The feeling is mutual, and I think you’re right. Now where the heck is that server? Oh, good there she comes. What’s good here?”

“Everything.”  Trina replied. “But particularly the burgers.”

Sheryl-Ann delivered their drinks and started to hand them menus, but Trina waved them away. “I want a cheeseburger, medium, the works with cheese fries.”

“And you, hon?”  Sheryl-Ann smiled at Wiley.

“Sounds good, make that two.”

“Okay then. And what about you?”  She looked at Caitlyn with far less enthusiasm.

“I’ll have the same, but regular fries. Thanks.”

“I’ll put this right in.”

When she left, Caitlyn looked over at Wiley. “So, I know what Trina does, but what about you? Are you a real military man?”

“Retired SEAL, now just Navy.”

“And where do you call home, just Navy?”

“Wherever I hang my hat.”

“Really? You don’t have a home you go to when you’re not on duty?”

“I have a couple of places, but I wouldn’t call them home.”

“Why not?”

He was silent for a moment and his gaze locked with hers. She felt like he was looking right into her soul, sizing her up. “Home’s where the heart is. At least that’s what our mama taught us, and I never knew her to lie.”

“You love her very much.”

“I did.”

“I’m guessing that means she crossed over?”

“Yes, she died.”

“And your father?”

“Him, too.”

“But you still have two brothers and a niece, and – do you have children?”

“He has me.”  Trina answered. “I might as well be his daughter.”

“Then you have a family here.”

“I do.”

“It seems like a delightful place, from what I’ve seen and the people I’ve met. I think Mrs. Bloom was a bit set back when we first met. She asked if I was another of those Injuns like the Gray Horse brother and sister. I don’t know who they are, but I said yes, I was an Injun but that I’d given up stealing horses and collecting scalps, so she was safe with me living next door, but she better keep her liquor cabinet locked, cuz you know how us Injuns are with that firewater.”

Wiley and Trina both burst out laughing and Caitlyn joined in. “Oh my god, what did she say?”  Trina finally asked.

“Nothing. She just sort of huffed and marched off. But later she came back and brought her friend Nellie Mae Baker and let me tell you that woman is a little spit fire of a munchkin. She said Mrs. Bloom – Netta didn’t mean any harm and as for herself, she didn’t have a prejudice bone in body. In fact, she and Mica Gray Horse were the best of friends. She showed me this incredible silver bracelet that this Mica gave her and said Mica made it. I don’t know if that’s true but if it is I would so love to see her work.”

“That can be arranged,” Trina said. “She’s married to my dad, Deacon.”



“Well, I’d love to meet her sometime.”

“Oh, you will. And girl, what happened with Nellie Mae and Netta?”

“Oh! I asked them for advice on how to make the yard look good and an hour later, I was tucked right under their wings with a mountain of advice on how to grow and prune and fertilize. Honestly, they’ve been the sweetest ladies and I think Kaylee is going to love both of them, but then she loves everyone. I have to keep hammering the old stranger danger thing and just hate it.”

“Maybe here you won’t have to.”  Trina suggested.

“Wouldn’t that be something?”

Sheryl Ann returned to deliver their lunch, and everyone dug in. Caitlyn let Trina take the lead and talk about all the people she’d come to know and all she’d learned about the town. Every now and then she’d ask a question. She caught Wiley watching her once and when she looked at him he gave her a wink.

How wonderful she felt in that moment, and how lucky. She couldn’t wait to tell Gran about her morning and to thank Gran for pushing her to buy the house here and make the move.

Nothing might come of the flirtation with Wiley other than enjoying being flirted with by one sexy damn man, but that was okay. She had a feeling that Trina was right. She was going to make friends here and make a happy home for Kaylee and Gran.

And that was what she wished for more than anything.






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