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Buried in Lies by T.L Smith (29)

Chapter 30

Date Night


I’m dressed in clothes I would not normally wear, but for her, I will. Stopping out front of her house, I get out of the car and walk to her door, knocking on it. Stephen answers it, her father. Last time I saw him, he was telling me that I had to choose, choose her or my sister. He didn’t already know I had chosen his daughter, so my decision was easy when it came to not getting her in any trouble. Keeping Jaya clean as possible was my main priority. Even if it meant my sister had to be burned and turned in to do so.

Stephen looks behind him then back to me. “She’s excited. More so than she’s been in a long time.”

I nod my head, she may be excited, but I’m a nervous wreck. My hands are sweating, and I have to keep wiping them on my trousers. “You won’t be getting her into any more trouble, now will you?” His voice is firm. The way he cares comes through by the way he speaks. She’s lucky, not everyone gets one caring parent—some of us get none.

“No, sir.”

He steps back, and she steps forward. Her hand touches her father’s shoulder, and she leans up to kiss his cheek before she steps forward to me. A black dress sits on her body like a second skin, her curves begging for me to run my hands over her, and her heels ready to leave on as I bend her over and take her. My eyes can’t stop scanning her, and I don’t even care that her father’s standing right there. After tonight, I plan to keep her, forever. And never give her back.

“You look...”

She blushes, stepping through the door, offering me her hand. I look at it, unsure if I should take it. Is it safe to touch her yet? She never offers me her hand, so I take it because she knows better. Maybe this is the change she wants? Maybe this is the change we need? Her taking the lead, but letting me keep control.

“Thank you,” she says, as I take control of her hand. Jaya smiles softly, shutting the door as she walks out, following me to the car. “Are you nervous?” she asks, as I open her car door. Holding it open for her, I drop hold of her hand while turning to look back at her.

“Nervous?” I shake my head. “I know what I want. It’s just a matter of making you realize you want the same thing, too. So no, I’m not.”

She doesn’t say anything at first, her blue eyes holding mine. “You seem... very confident in knowing what you want all of a sudden.” Her eyebrow raises as if she’s trying to make a point.

“I always knew what I wanted, it was just a matter of admitting it.”

She steps closer to me and gets into the car. I close the door, walking around the car to my side, getting in, and sitting next to her. Her thighs are exposed, her hand sits on the top of one, sliding her dress up just a bit higher.

“So now you admit it. Interesting. Just took fucking me over to do so.”

I start the car, pulling away from her house and driving. “I did what I thought I had to do.”

Her fingers tap on her thigh as I go through a set of red lights. It’s distracting, I want her, right fucking now in that dress and those heels. I fucking want her.

“I wanted you both dead,” she says after a moment of silence. “I tried to leave, to escape you, yet here I sit in your car with you, again.”

We pull up to the place. Her eyes roam around, and she appears confused. “Where are we?”

Not answering her, I get out of the car, walking around to open her door. She steps out leaving her purse in the car, taking my hand and following me to the gates. The pool lights are all on, and fairy lights cascade down around the pergola.

I did some work for the owner of the property recently, and he kindly offered me a favor. I took this favor and ran with it because sitting in a restaurant with people is not my thing.

Us, one on one, that’s my thing.

Basically, I don’t want to share her, with anyone, ever again.

“It’s so beautiful.” Her eyes scan everywhere until they land on the table situated next to the pool. She walks up to it, the food ready to eat. There’s a bottle of wine chilling. I pull her seat out. She smiles brightly, sitting down in it, while I walk to the other side to sit across from her. I pull open the cloche, and she does the same, revealing her dinner.

“I can’t believe you did this.” Her eyes are everywhere then back to me. Excitement and pride sit in her eyes staring right back at me. I didn’t think it was that much of a big deal. It isn’t anywhere fancy—it’s a pool with a table and chairs and some pretty lights—I just wanted to have her to myself.

“We have this all night.”

Her eyes fall on the pool then back to me. She picks up her fork ready to start eating. “What about the pool?”

I smirk, taking a bite, and nod my head. We eat quickly, hardly speaking. Once finished, she asks me about Toska, and I try to change the subject. I haven’t seen her today, and I don’t plan to for some time. This will be our first break away from each other, which when I think about it, is sick. We’ve never been apart, always relied on each other, Toska relying on me more so than me on her.

After our conversation, Jaya stands, kicking her heels off, and walks to the edge of the pool. Looking down, I watch her in awe of everything she does, and who she is. She turns back to me, her lips puckered and her eyes twinkling. “Should we swim?” she asks me.

“If you want.”

Jaya reaches behind her and unzips her dress, so it drops to the ground. She’s wearing nothing underneath it. Her skin shines from the glow of the pool. She pulls her ponytail out, letting it drop and cascade down her back, then she steps into the pool so I can no longer see her. I turn in my chair to watch her as she comes up and floats on her back, her breasts in clear view.

“I dreamed of you, did you know?” She doesn’t glance over at me when she speaks. She just stares up at the night sky while she floats.

“Why?” I ask her. Watching her, my cock’s hard, as I fight the urge to take her over and over again.

“I’ve dreamed of you since I met you. You have kind of consumed me.”

“You consumed me.”

Her head turns, so she isn’t staring at the night sky, now her eyes are firmly on me.

“You had a funny way of showing it.”

I stand from my seat and walk to the edge of the pool, looking down at her as she continues to float. “Not everything is instant. Sometimes you have to lose to win.”

Her eyes don’t blink as she watches me, then she turns her head back to the night sky.

“I wonder if I’m winning or losing.” She doesn’t let me reply, because she disappears under the water then comes back up for air right at my feet. Her mascara is running down her cheeks, her lips pink, but she’s still the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen.

“I would say I’m winning, and you’re losing.”

She shakes her head at my words then pushes up out of the water. Hardly any light is on her, but the light from the pool’s fairy lights shines over her glistening skin, and I see her clearly as she steps toward me. Her body is still wet, her hands come up around my neck as she latches onto me.

“Make me a winner then.” She smiles, pushing her body into mine.

My hands slide down her silky skin to her ass which my fingers dig into. Her lips touch mine as she leans in, not giving me time to take control. Jaya pulls at my shirt until it’s removed from my body, then steps back, tugging at my trousers until they are gone as well. She smiles when she sees I’m as naked as she is, then steps back to me so our bodies are flush and my hard cock is pressed up against her. Jaya pulls me sideways, and we start to drop, both of us falling into the pool. Her hands stay on me as we come up for air.

Jaya’s legs wrap around my mid-section, and she pushes up until I feel her at the tip of my cock, just before she pushes down, sliding over me while she leans in, biting my lip as she goes. Her eyes glaze over as they do every time I’m inside of her. Her usual pale blue eyes become glassy, her nails dig into my shoulders as she pushes up and down taking me deep inside her.

It’s now that I usually get those words from her. The words she doesn’t like to give me at any other time. It’s now I can usually pull anything from her when she’s in this state. I could ask her to marry me right now, and the answer would be yes. I’m her kryptonite, and I know it, and I will use it any way I see fit. My biggest high is when I get her to say it, when she tells me she loves me. I love dragging it from her lips. The passion in the way she says it is real. She doesn’t use that word lightly, just as I wouldn’t. So I know when she says it she means it, just as I do.

“Tell me...”

She shakes her head, leaning in to bite my lips again to get me to shut up. I let her then pull back. She moves faster, and before I can pull it from her she opens her eyes and speaks the same words to me.

“Tell me....” she asks.

I know what she wants, she wants to pull them from me as well. My smile is snide as I push in her deeper as I fuck her. Holding her in that spot as deep as I can get, to have every inch of her, is what I want.

“Tell me, and I’ll tell you.”

She tries to move in the water, but my hands have her held down, she isn’t going anywhere. Not until she tells me. Somehow, she tightens around me and my cock feels it, as my hands loosen around her waist. She takes that and starts to move again. No words leave her mouth as she moves faster, but I move her even faster. My hands hold tighter again on her hips, the water swishing around us. Her wet hands threading through my hair, pulling at it, as she drops her head back when she comes.

“Tell me...” she breathes, her head still dropped, not looking at me while she’s riding her orgasm.

“I love you, Jaya Elmor.”

Her body begins to shake, and she pulls herself up, her hair completely wet, dripping from the water as she stays connected to me, her mascara still running down her cheeks from her eyelashes.

“You said it.”

I nod my head.

I meant it.

I fucking meant every damn word.

I love her like I’ve never loved any other person in this world.

She is it.

She will always be it.

“Good, let’s have babies now.”

My eyes go wide, my hands let go of her hips, and she starts to laugh, loudly.

“I’m joking. Fuck. You should have seen your face.” She pulls me back to her, so our bodies are flush again. Her pale blue eyes stare into mine. “So, the Wolf has captured the Mouse, finally.”

“The Wolf did. Did you even doubt it?”

“For a second...”

Pushing from the side, I swim with her still connected to me to the steps and carry her out, and as I step out, she doesn’t let go or even ask to get down. I asked for the cameras to be turned off and I checked to make sure they were when we arrived. Matt did well with the pool, and now I owe him as well.

“Who would have thought my Wolf could be romantic.”

I shake my head at her while reaching for the towel with one hand and holding her to me with the other.

“I’m not! This isn’t romance. This is us, fucking.”

She winks at me. “Making love.”

I smirk at her words. She’s playing with me.

“Whatever you say, Mouse.”

Placing her down on both of her feet, she pulls the towel from me, wrapping it around herself and eyeing my naked body.

“If you can be naked every day I’ll greatly appreciate it.”

“Well, for me to do that, you must live with me, but with that comes conditions,” I tell her.

She grabs her dress, her eyes falling back on my cock. “Tell me, Wolf.”

“You must bounce on my cock every fucking night.”

She laughs loudly, exactly the reaction I wanted.

“Bounce? That I can do.” She winks, sliding on her dress after dropping her towel. “Now take me to your place and let’s start some new memories... of bouncing.” She giggles, turns around and shakes her ass as she moves toward the car, picking up her shoes as she goes. I laugh at her.

And know that in this moment, that every other moment led me to her.

She is all my moments.