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Can't Buy Me Love by Abigail Drake, Tammy Mannersly, Bridie Hall, Grea Warner, Lisa Hahn, Melissa Kay Clarke, Stephanie Keyes (5)










“Oh my God! Is that Brody Nash?”

The outburst came from yet another excited female fan. A portly middle-aged woman in a navy skirt suit and her slightly younger, skinner friend hurried over to where Brody and Willa were walking hand in hand along the Circular Quay waterfront, after their dinner at The Rocks. As he had all of the seven other times, Brody stopped, greeted the women with a friendly smile, signed what was offered to him and posed for photos.

Willa struggled to get over the strangeness of it all. Even though her grandfather was a high-profile movie director, she’d never had anyone rush over to greet him, as most of Brody’s fans had done that evening. When she’d questioned Brody about the difference, he’d explained it was because directors, writers and the like weren’t in front of the camera and therefore not as obvious in the public eye. Whereas actors, their entire job revolved around being on screen and so they were often more easily recognizable.

It made sense, but Willa still needed some time to adjust. It wasn’t every day strange people ran up to the man you were falling in love with to tell him that they also loved him.

As Brody wrapped an arm around the older woman and posed for yet another photo, Willa thought back to earlier in the day when they’d noticed Hayden and Carmody talking. The two had frozen, wide-eyed, like deer in headlights when they’d realized that Brody and Willa were watching them. Then Hayden had smiled, waving a little nervously, before diving off the jetty and swimming back to his yacht.

Appearing less fazed, Carmody had smoothed a hand down her floral dress and approached. When she’d reached them with a glittery white grin, both Willa and Brody had immediately asked her how she’d managed to get down to the private waterfront area. They knew that only people who lived or stayed in the few mansions along the coastline of Point Piper were able to access the private jetties and pontoons adjacent to them. When Carmody had admitted that Brody’s agent, had organized a key for her to access Brody’s place in order to ensure things had been ready before his arrival, Willa felt uneasy. Something didn’t sit right in her gut about the woman, probably the way she looked at Brody – as though she wanted to devour him in one bite.

Willa’s eyes connected with Brody’s as he posed next to the taller, skinner woman and he offered her a wink. She grinned. Even though Willa was desperate to have him back by her side, she didn’t really mind sharing him with his admirers, as long as his love remained only with her. As Brody smiled once again for the camera, Willa remembered how quickly he’d asked Carmody to return the key to his mansion. It had taken both women by surprise. Willa felt secretly pleased by Brody’s decision. She’d been troubled by Carmody coming and going from Brody’s place without his consent, not just for security reasons, but because she didn’t like the possibility of Carmody coincidently appearing in the vicinity when her boyfriend was deciding to take a shower.

Willa giggled to herself. Her boyfriend. It sounded so adolescent, as though the two of them were in high school and talking about who’s taking who to the prom. But, that’s exactly what Brody had said when the rather nosy, blonde waitress had asked before seating them for dinner. He’d grinned at Willa as though daring her try to correct him. Of course, she hadn’t.

When he’d said it aloud to the waitress, Willa’s heart had skipped a beat. It was exactly how she’d felt. There was something about him that made her heart swell in her chest and her blood run hot with lust, need – and love, if she was honest with herself. Willa knew it was too early, she had only just met him, but she felt as though she already knew him more deeply, more honestly than she had ever known Hayden. It was terrifying and intoxicating Brody was quickly becoming everything to her and she just hoped that he felt the same way.

Brody waved goodbye to the women, who chatted amongst themselves cheerfully as they headed away, and then moved back over to Willa. As he reached her, he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.

“Jealous?” His voice was playful, jovial as he bent his head to cover her mouth with his.

Willa murmured a distracted, incoherent reply as her hands went to rest on his strong shoulders.

He ended the kiss, but left his lips close to hers. “Sorry, what was that?” Again, his tone was teasing. “I couldn’t hear you through the lip-smacking.”

Her eyes narrowed and she nipped at his lower lip. “If you’re not careful, there won’t be any more lip-smacking tonight.”

Brody made his expression serious. “Okay, I’ll behave,” he told her, then laughed.

Willa chuckled as Brody ended their embrace and slipped a warm hand into hers. Enjoying his warmth in the cool night air, she snuggled closer to him as he led her over to a bench beside the harbor’s dark water. They sat silently, holding each other. Utterly relaxed, Willa moved to lay her head on his shoulder, but stopped as he turned to look down at her. His expression was serious.

“I hope you know I’m falling in love with you,” he told her, his voice rich and velvety.

Willa swallowed. She wanted to say the same thing, but was suddenly nervous of actually admitting it out loud and messing things up.

“I just thought you’d want to know,” Brody continued, “in case you want to head for the hills and escape the craziness that is my life—” He motioned to a couple in the distance who’d obviously recognized him and had aimed a camera their way. “Before things become even more serious.”

Willa swallowed again before brushing her lips against his. “It’s already serious,” she said softly. “I’m falling in love with you, too.”

Euphoria filled his features and warmed her heart. If that wasn’t a sign they were on the same page, Willa didn’t know what would be.

Brody touched his full lips to hers in a long, slow, sensual kiss and Willa felt other, more sensitive, parts of her melt. Eventually, he pulled away just enough to gaze down into her eyes. His expression appeared suddenly curious and amused.

“Do you want to do something special with me next Thursday?”

Willa frowned. “With you? Do I have to?”

A smirk curved her lips as Brody chuckled.

“Some reps from Esquire magazine have flown out to do a photoshoot with me and I’d really love to have company.”

She quirked a golden eyebrow. “So, I’m basically coming for moral support?”

Brody nodded. “Yep, that and I need someone to get me coffee.”

In a playful motion, Willa slapped his chest lightly, but Brody just shrugged.

“What? You make really good coffee?”

She glared at him and the humor in his eyes turned to deep affection.

“And maybe I also want an excuse to spend more time with you.”

Willa smiled a little smugly. “You don’t need an excuse,” she told him lovingly and then captured his soft, delicious lips with hers.




Brody smiled to himself, he just couldn’t help it. He was pretty sure the smile hadn’t moved from his lips since he’d heard Willa say she was falling in love with him. It was all he could think about over the last week, when they’d spent time together and when they hadn’t. Even when he was supposed to be working, practicing his lines and getting into the mind of his new character, he was thinking about Willa.

Their romantic night at The Rocks beside the Sydney Harbor Bridge had been another incredible opportunity for them to open their hearts to each other. It still surprised him how keen Willa was to get to know him better and how much she wanted to support him in everything. Where had this woman been all his life? Had he finally found the perfect someone who would accept and love him just as he was?

Brody sighed deeply and his smiled widened.

“What’s wrong with you?” Carmody looked up from the pile of papers she had been looking through.

It was Wednesday afternoon, just over a week since Brody’s intimate dinner with Willa, and Carmody had come over to ask for some more signatures. One related to a company that wanted to add Brody as a brand ambassador, while the other was the final sign off on the agreed version of questions Esquire was allowed to ask for their magazine article. Carmody had sat opposite him at the dining room table as he’d scribbled his name next to each pink post-it note and was now double-checking that he’d signed on every dotted line.

“Are you coming down with something? I can head to the pharmacy if you need?”

Brody laughed and straightened in his chair. “No, thanks. I’m fine. Just happy.”

Carmody’s artificial grin returned. “Well, you’ve got plenty of reasons to be. You’ve got the Esquire shoot tomorrow and, chances are, they’re going to crown you the sexiest man alive.”

Laughing again, Brody shook his head. “I’m pretty sure there are lots of other front-runners for that title.”

She shrugged. “Well, I know who I’d pick.” With a wink, she leaned forward. “Want some company tomorrow? I know those photoshoots can be a real drag. I could always entertain you between shots?”

Brody shook his head. “Sorry, but I’ve already convinced someone else to come along with me.”

Carmody’s smile faltered and her expression hardened. “Willa?”

Brody nodded. “I hope she won’t find it too boring.”

Lowering her gaze, Carmody flicked back through the paperwork in front of her. “She wouldn’t have been my first choice,” she murmured.

Brody narrowed his gaze. “Pardon?”

Carmody shrugged again and then offered him an innocent smile. “Oh, nothing. It’s just, you know, she seems…flighty, like she’s got a problem focusing on one thing at a time. A bit like attention deficit disorder. But, whatever, I mean, she probably can’t help it, you know…with all her commitment issues. I just don’t think she’d be the one I’d pick to sit and wait quietly.”

Brody chuckled, but it was a sharpish sound of disbelief. “I don’t know where you’re getting that impression,” he told her.

Then he remembered how he’d seen her having a heart-to-heart conversation with Hayden the other day.

“Look,” he began again, trying to explain, “I’m not sure what Hayden told you, but Willa’s nothing like that. She’s told me about her commitment issues in the past, but it has less to do with her personality and more to do with not being true to herself and not being involved with the right person.”

Carmody’s left eyebrow rose as though in challenge.

Noticing it, Brody sighed, tired of her company and her behavior.

“Carm,” he said, doing his best to make sure his tone was full of reassurance, “you’re assistance while I’ve been here has been invaluable. You’ve done a fantastic job filling in for Kevin, since he couldn’t be here himself and I’d love for us to continue working together, but you have to know that nothing is going to happen between us. You’re beautiful, you’re savvy and you’re intelligent enough to know you’re better off hedging your bets on some other guy than wasting any more energy on me. Okay?”

Brody watched her closely, waiting for her to either shrug it off or scream the house down, but she did neither. Instead, her eyes narrowed on his.

“What makes her so special?” Her voice was calm, emotionless.

Brody’s grin returned as he thought about all the things he’d come to love about Willa.

“Well,” he breathed, “she’s just amazing. She’s fun, smart, and witty.” He laughed as he thought about how they teased each other, how much he enjoyed the playfulness of their relationship, even though it could also be so sincere, so real. “She’s got her own life, her own goals. She’s driven and passionate and wants to make her own way in the world, a bit like me. I love her honesty and how much she cares. She values me, not the characters I play, but the real me.”

He let out a deep, satisfied breath as he stared into Carmody’s impassive eyes. “There’s just so many things really. I’m not sure anything really makes her special – she just is, to me.”

Something flickered in Carmody’s hard gaze, but Brody couldn’t quite tell what it was. Annoyance, maybe? Or resignation? He hoped it was the later.

The corners of her lips quirked in a jaded looking smile before she glanced at her watch and then back down at the papers in front of her.

“Guess we should get back on task. I have a manicure appointment at three.”




Willa jogged down the tree-lined sidewalk toward her grandfather’s mansion. The pink and purple hues of the diminishing sunset added a moody atmosphere to the street. She noticed a familiar car parked in the driveway. Even as she thought to turn around and head back the way she’d come, Hayden opened the car door and stepped out. He waved and offered her a broad smile. Seeing no other option, Willa continued on her way and slowed to a walk just before she reached the white Porsche Cayenne.

“Evening,” Hayden crooned as he propped himself casually against the side of the tall, expensive vehicle.

Willa’s hands went to her hips defensively. “What are you doing here?” She tried not to sound accusatory.

Streetlights were flickering on automatically, like glowing orbs in the darkening street.

“I wanted to ask you to go out with me tomorrow. I thought we could take a drive up into the Blue Mountains.”

She frowned. “Rather last minute, isn’t it?” She couldn’t hide the suspicion from her voice.

Hayden’s face contorted as though he was offended by her remark.

“I was having a crappy Wednesday at work, so I asked for Thursday off. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a mental health day, Willa.”

She crossed her arms over the colorful spandex of her exercise crop top, slightly annoyed and also surprised by his defensive tone.

“Is that what it is? A mental health day?”

Hayden shrugged and then smirked. “Maybe.”

“It must be nice to have a boss that’s so understanding,” she told him guilefully and then quirked an eyebrow. “How is your father doing these days?”

Hayden’s smirk widened. “He wishes I’d have less mental health days, focus more on the business, marry you and have lots of babies.”

Willa chuckled. “Sounds like nothing’s changed.”

His expression became a little more somber. “Except us.”

With a tired sigh, Willa dropped her arms to her sides and headed past him to the keypad in front of the tall iron gate which guarded her grandfather’s property.

“I can’t go with you tomorrow,” she told him firmly. “I’ve got other plans.”

She blocked his view, typed in the security code and then glanced back at him as the gate rolled open. He’d moved away from the car and had crossed his arms over his chest, crinkling the fabric of his light blue shirt. She could appreciate how attractive he was, but the feelings were no longer present. Their moment together had passed and it was time for Hayden to move on to someone new.

He tilted his head in the direction of Brody’s mansion. “With him?”

Willa nodded. “He has a photoshoot and wants me to tag along.”

The huge gate thudded to a stop and paused as though waiting for further instruction.

Hayden frowned. “You can’t trust him, Wil. He’s not good for you. I’ve heard things about him, things you wouldn’t like.”

“Like what?” Willa couldn’t help but scoff.

She had been waiting for Hayden to fight back, to accuse Brody of bad behavior and make out he wasn’t good enough for her. He’d done the same with the few guys she’d tried to date since they’d broken up.

Looking solemn, as though breaking the news to her was somehow difficult on him, Hayden shook his head.

“He’s a cheater, Wil, a womanizer. Just ask Carmody.”

“Carmody,” she spat the name out. “I’m pretty sure she’s got her own motives in all of this.”

Hayden shrugged. “Probably, but I had to tell you. You needed to know the truth.”

Suddenly exhausted, whether due to the exercise or the direction of the conversation, Willa took a deep, calming breath and stepped over the threshold and into the confines of her grandfather’s property. As though reflecting her change in mood, the last colors of dusk dissipated and the sky darkened with the shadows of night. When she turned back to face Hayden, the large gate shifted, having been triggered by her movement, and slowly began to close.

“Go home, Hayden,” she told him, more weary than indignant. “I appreciate your intentions, but you don’t know the first thing about the real Brody Nash. You don’t know him like I do and Carmody doesn’t either. I know you want to protect me, but Brody’s not someone I need protecting from.”

Hayden’s eyes grew wider as his gaze flicked between the closing gate and Willa, who was now standing on the other side of the decorative iron bars. He opened his mouth to speak, but Willa quickly cut him off with a wave of her hand.

“Go home, Hayden,” she said again, her voice sounding tired and flat. “I hope you have a lovely mental health day tomorrow.”

Turning on her heel as the gate locked into place, Willa headed down the driveway toward the mansion’s front door. Even though she heard Hayden call her name and felt his gaze burning into her back, she didn’t turn around.




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