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Catching Fire: New Rules (Billionaire Romance Series Book 2) by T.N King (10)







Ellie had a full day as she’d shopped for a long while. As excited as she’d been to get clothes, she hardly like anything she saw. Funny, how you wait all your life to just be carefree and dress to the nines, then none of it appeals to you? She drove over to the diner. She needed to see her schedule and make sure it was clear for her extra class on Monday.

She suddenly spotted the Hunt Hotel and slowed her Mini Cooper a bit. This was where she and Morgan first got together. When she saw a familiar face out front of the hotel, her eyes widened.

The man waved his arms to make sure she saw him.

Ellie pulled over and waited for traffic to go by, so she could pull around the next street and get closer to the valet area.

The passenger door of her car opened.

Gasping in fear at the sound of the car door closing, she looked over.

Chance Givens sat in the seat smiling at her. “I didn’t want you to have to fight traffic.”

Ellie shook her head.

“Yeah, I know. I’m pushy and brash. So people tell me daily.” He rolled his eyes. “But it has been a while since I’d seen you and well…I waved you down then thought better of it. I mean how could you really come over to see me? So, I came to you.”

Ellie smiled at the long explanation and knew something was up with him. “What is it Chance. What is it really?”

He looked confused, as he nodded at her steering wheel. “Do you have some time now? Or...?”

Ellie felt odd about this and wondered again, about this man. Morgan’s supposed best friend, yet Morgan rarely spoke about him. Yes, he mentioned Chance was to be here for a new job or something, but she always got an odd vibe about the both of them. Like there were things, they both didn't want her to know. Maybe though, she was being too suspicious, after all Chance had been nothing but helpful when she and Morgan were having trouble a couple of months back. “Okay, where do you want to go?”

He smiled at her. “This is your town, you choose. Maybe we could have a meal. Have you eaten?”

Ellie realized that she hadn’t, not since that bagel at breakfast before she left the mansion. She wondered if Chance knew about the house that was a Castle. Probably. He seemed to know a lot about whatever Morgan was doing. She’d always wanted to get more information on her boyfriend from Chance but had never had the courage to ask him over the phone. Oh, not stuff that was too personal, but like from when Morgan was a boy or even a teen. Just stuff she could not find out from anyone else but Chance. After all, their worlds were worlds apart and she knew no one who had known Morgan before she met him.

“Do you like Italian food?’ she asked.

He grinned and said, “Molto bene.”

She nodded as she pulled out onto the road. “I'll take that as a yes.”

He chuckled.

Ellie drove them to a restaurant she loved. She paused, she hadn’t ever taken Morgan there. She mentally rolled her eyes. He takes her everywhere, so how could she have? She slowed down to park.

Chance jumped out before they even rolled to a stop. He ran around to her door and opened it.

Ellie smiled. One thing these billionaire types did was all the gentleman moves. Morgan always did this too. She giggled.

Chance grinned down at her. “Something funny?”

She shrugged, grabbed her bag and stepped out. “No, it’s just that you and Morgan are so much alike.”

His eyes changed. His smile never faltered but it didn't reach his emerald eyes. He made a bow for her to lead the way.

Ellie caught the look and her curiosity flared again. What was it between these two men?

Chance rushed up to the entrance door before she even got there and stood with it opened for her.

Oh, now she remembered when she first caught sight of Chance! He stood at a door just like this. When her and Morgan had gotten to the charity ball with her in that opulent diamond dress they had looked up and saw a man standing at the huge glass doors.

Ellie had to admit, she had stared at him. She had even blinked her eyes, looked closer. Then she had said, “Oh.”

Morgan had seemed to bristle next to her. “Oh?” he’d asked with an edge in his voice.

Ellie had looked over at him. “Is he a doorman?”

Morgan had halted and stared at her. Then he laughed hugely. He grabbed her face gently in his hands and asked, “You think he is—do you think he’s hot?”

Batting her lashes in confusion, she leaned her head around him and looked again. Yes, the man was handsome. He was tall and well built too. But he didn’t have any redeeming features that really caught her eye. “He’s…” She shrugged. “Okay, I guess?”

Morgan stilled. “Okay?”

She nodded. “Why? Is he someone important?”

Morgan had looked ecstatic and grabbed her hand as the limo door swung open. “Not anymore.” He’d stepped out and leaned in to take her hand.

She had grabbed his hand and swung a leg out as it flashed from the blue silk of the dress.

Morgan had pulled her up and tucked her arm under his.

Ellie remembered now that she had felt like she was walking on air. Something in Morgan’s eyes seemed to buoy her up.

He had led her to the doors where the man in a tux stared at her. His emerald like green eyes had never left her.

She had then paused to wonder about him. Who is this man? Oh, god is he Morgan’s brother or something? Is he like someone close to Morgan? She had never thought of this until now. But it would have explained the way Morgan had acted.

Morgan had stopped at the doors and smirked at the man. “Be a good man and open the doors will ya?”

The man had blinked and opened his mouth to speak then seemed to think better of it and shut it. He gave a sweeping but rather sarcastic bow and opened the doors.

She had assumed at the time that he was a Hunt employee as Morgan had said good man?

Morgan had swept her through the double glass doors with a little bounce to his step.

The man had stared at them, then broke out into laughter.

Ellie had turned her head to glance back. “What an odd doorman.”

The man looked stunned by this statement as his laughter slowed.

Morgan had started to laugh as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Dammit, you're perfect!” He held his head high and led her into his world.

Ellie blinked now as she stared at Chance standing just that same way at the doors to the restaurant they were about to enter and she started to laugh.

Chance tilted his head at her, a curious expression on his face.

“I was remembering when I first saw you,” Ellie tried to explain. “You were a doorman remember?”

Chance paused as realization showed on his face. “Oh, yes. I stand at doors all day waiting to usher people in.” He gave her a green eyed wink.

Ellie kept chuckling as she passed through the entrance.

When they were seated with menus, she peeked over hers at the man across from her. She knew already what to order, but she got the distinct feeling Chance had something on his mind besides food. “Order the lasagna,” she whispered from behind the large menu.

He tipped his menu down so he could see her. “I am. It sounded like the best thing on here.”

The waiter came and they both ordered.

Now there were no menus between them and Ellie was dying to know why this billionaire had flagged her down and why there was some niggling look in his usually carefree gaze. “Okay, Chance. Out with it,” she demanded.

He sighed and shook his head. “It isn’t anything earth shattering really.”

“Oh?” she asked. “Big enough for you to brave two lanes of rush hour traffic to get into my little car.”

He laughed. A genuine hearty laugh. “You see this is what I like about you, Ellie.”

Confused, she shook her head. He barely knew her, let alone have any reason to like her. Yes, they had two short phone conversations in the past, but that was it.

“You tell it true. You have no games. You say what you think.”

She felt even more confused as she wrinkled her brow. “I have never been any other a way. I also don’t see why I would have to do that? Dance around, mince words, lie? I mean I don’t get it.”

He stopped smiling and studied her face. “Yes, I can see that is the entire truth. That is the point I am making. You don’t have to. You see no need.”

Ellie’s confusion still didn't clear up.

He studied her earnest face and again, laughed. “Exactly.”

“Okay. I am not getting your point. Maybe I’m not made that way.” She felt insecure again. “I mean I’m not at all sophisticated like—well, the women you and Morgan are used to, I admit.” Her voice had gone low and quiet with the admission.

Chance looked concerned suddenly. “OH. Man, I am so sorry. I flubbed this all up.”

Shaking her head, she still felt lost in this conversation. Flubbed what up? Exactly what was he trying to do?

He leaned forward and took her hand. “When I first truly looked at you at that ball, I saw what Morgan must have seen. A woman who is what she seems. Honest and without guile. It was then I knew he was falling in love with you. I do have to admit that fact rocked my entire world.”

Ellie felt the warmth of his hand on hers. She stared into a green gaze that most women would simply fall into and never wish to leave. She didn’t feel like that, as there was only one pair of eyes in the world that could make her lost in them. But what did he mean by rocked his world? This was the mystery she had been wondering about all this time. “How could that rock your world? I just don’t get it. I mean it isn’t you who fell for me.”

He stared at her face his expression more serious than she had seen so far. “Morgan and I have known each other for almost all our lives. He’d never been serious about a woman before. Neither have I.”

“Yes and that is what I am wondering about,” she admitted. “What were you both doing all these years?” She smiled ruefully. “Or maybe I don’t want to know?”

He then went from serious to amused, in a fast second. “No. You don’t want to know. Take it from me. We were what they call in the old days, rakes. We often would go after the same woman to see who got her first.”

Ellie stared at him. Is this what he is trying to do now? She pulled her hand from his. “Well, don’t think that game is on here.”

He looked contrite, as he played with his silverware “I didn’t mean it like that. I just…” he seemed to stumble for words. He looked into her eyes. “I felt worried after…”

Ellie narrowed her eyes at him. So now is where we get at the heart of this very confusing conversation. “After?” she prompted eagerly.

He sighed. “I don’t wish to violate confidence, but when you two broke up…”

Ellie leaned forward, feeling very curious now.

“I found Morgan in a state he’s never been in before.”

“A state?” she asked with a hushed tone.

He nodded. “We had a fight over you.”

Her eyes widened as her heart rate picked up. She waited with a lot of anticipation for him to say more.

“Not like you may think. I was so angry at him for just sitting there drunk as a homeless bum on the streets. A man like him with all that he has accomplished with the world at his feet! He had given up, because he gave you up.”

Ellie tried to hide her shock. “W-what happened when you found him?”

Chance sighed as he leaned back. “I can’t tell you as he would kick my ass.” He smiled. “Or he would try to at least.”

Well, that got me nowhere.

He laughed.

Her eyes widened. “Oh shit, did I say that out loud?”

His laughter grew. “My god, where did he find you? You’re wonderful.”

Ellie gasped at this and she felt like a freak suddenly. “He found me in the slums, in a fire, which I went into to get the only possession in the world that meant anything to me.”

His laughter stopped dead as he stared at her.

“I only had my dad in my life. He got sick and died. I left the only picture I had of him in my locker.”

Chance sighed. “I’m sorry, Ellie.”

She raised her chin. “I’m not. I admit I don’t get you and Morgan’s relationship. Maybe I’m not the kind that would?” She shrugged. “But I do know he isn’t playing me or whatever it is called. I hope we have a future together.”

Chance sat forward. “He hopes the same thing.”

“But how?” she asked outright. “We’re from different worlds and I could never compete with these women that are in his world.” Tears gathered in her eyes before she could stop them. “I mean at anytime. Like even now, he could see one of these women and dump me.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she admitted one of her deepest, darkest fears out loud and to Chance, no less.

Chance looked upset, but then he smiled. “Oh, I don’t think that will happen. He’s had his pick of those. He’s even had many opportunities since he met you. You need to know he will stay with you.”

She sniffled and swiped at a tear. “I don’t know though.”

“I really didn’t come with you here to upset you, dammit!” He looked disgusted with himself. “I fucked this up.” He gazed intently at her and his expression changed as if she just discovered something monumental. “That’s it. Yes…” He laughed again.

Her eyes rounded at him. She could not even keep up with this man’s train of thought, let alone, his moods.

He patted her hand as he explained, “You disarm us with your innocence, your frank way of just being yourself. No, no. Ellie White you will not lose him to another female. This I can say.”

Ellie still felt a bit lost but she gathered he just paid her some huge compliment that she hardly understood. “So, is that the something you wanted to tell me?”

He stared at her face for a long quiet moment.

Ellie waited anxiously again to find out just what this man was really up to.

“Yes, mostly. I mean he is my best friend. We want the same things in life…at least we did at one time. We are in so many ventures together. You can see why I would wonder when for the first time ever? Business means little to him. It is monumental. You just don’t realize how much. He has worked since he was eighteen to be rich, to be on top. Now? All he cares about is, well… Being on top of you.”

Ellie gasped and looked all around at this statement as she felt her cheeks flush. She hoped no one else heard this.

Chance watched her reaction then tossed his head back and laughed as people turned to stare at their table. He looked at her again as he chuckled. “Dammit, I wish there were two of you.”

Ellie had nothing to say. What could she say? She really had gotten no real answer except that Chance wanted to get to know her? Or was it something again, that was between these two powerful men that she had no real grasp of? She decided to leave it be as like she’d said, it had gotten her nowhere.

Their lasagna came and they settled in to enjoy it.

Ellie’s thoughts were of course, still filled with questions. Like why did Morgan rarely talk about Chance? Why did they claim to be best friends when they never even hung out together, well that she knew of. Why did Morgan feel so threatened at that ball just by Chance’s presence there? Like she said though, it got her nowhere as they were both the type of men to keep things close to their sleeve as her dad used to say. Besides, she knew Chance wouldn’t answer any of them. The things he’d said was probably all she was going to get. So, she didn’t ask anything and they enjoyed the meal and spoke about her job, him being here for Helix Corp and her classes. Then she let it slip about Chemistry.

He perked up at this mention. “So, it’s hard eh?”

She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her wine. “Yes. The s teacher is this serious type and he was at first…well, kinda’ mean? I guess. But he came into the diner the other day.”

Chance stilled and stared at her. “To see you?”

Shaking her head, she knew better. “No, he came to eat breakfast. I really don’t think he knew I worked there.”

Chance sipped at his wine as he listened.

“But…” Her voice fell away. She didn’t want to tell him how scared she was about failing. She hadn’t even shared that with Morgan.

“But?” he asked.

Shrugging, she played it off. “There’s just a lot of pressure since I have that scholarship, you know?”

He nodded. “If anyone can make it. It would be you, Ellie White.” He grinned and gave her that now familiar green eyed wink again.