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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (143)




Perfect. I had been stuck with a female detective, and to make matters worse, she was extremely hot. She wasn't what I was used to when dealing with females from Earth. She was the exact opposite of what I had encountered so far, and it was a problem. As soon as those elevator doors opened and I saw her standing there with her shiny badge, I knew that I wanted to know more about her, so to distract myself, I made a joke at her expense. She didn't take it well, but she did give a feisty response that only turned me on more. At the time, I did not know that she would be the one I would be working with, and when I walked into that conference room and saw that she was the one to be my partner, I knew that this was some sort of prank on me from fate.


Of course I would meet a feisty and intelligent human female after I had already dedicated myself to another, one that my father chose for me. It was all a sick joke in the eyes of destiny. Only destiny would send me a human female with a perfect figure of a small waist, ample tits, and an ass that jiggled when she walked. Not only did she have these features, which included black, long hair and almond-shaped brown eyes with olive-tanned skin, but she was also armed. She was a trained detective, and judging by her position on the I.S.F.A., she was damn good at her job. She was exactly the type of mate I would have chosen for myself were allowed to, but that was not the case for me. My bride to be was chosen by my father, and now she was missing. I needed to do my duty and find her.


My father was an advisor to King Jarith Rykor, and ever since the king had taken a human female wife, it had become the fashionable thing to do for all high-ranking weredragons. Since my father had already been married to my mother, a Drackon, he put this new, fashionable way of living on his only son: me. Not only did he expect me to marry a human female, but he wanted that human female to be a person of great wealth and status on Earth.


"It will be good for your military career here on Mooreah if you marry an Earthling that holds great connections on Earth. You never know when you might need those connections in the future. You have reached the position of commander in the Special Intelligence Forces of the Battalion Army, and now is the time that you make a match that will push your career even further. I have chosen a few human females on Earth and you may pick amongst them," my father, Advisor Melik Handor, had said to me a month ago.


Amongst those women, I chose Katie Cormick based solely on her looks and her obedience to her father. She would be someone that would bear my offspring and obey her position as a dutiful wife and give me no cause for grief. She was exactly what my father wanted for me, and I was loyal to my father and to my career path. It was all working in my favor and I looked forward to meeting her in person and bringing her back to Mooreah to set up house with her. I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible so that I could move on in my career path.


But the day that I arrived on Earth, I was informed that Katie Cormick was missing. She was last seen the day before my arrival, saying goodbye to one of her female friends who was boarding a bride ship to Mooreah. Katie would not be on that ship because of her position, and my own position.


I made the arrangements to meet her on Earth and make sure that we were compatible in the most basic sense before taking her back to Mooreah and making her my forever mate. I would do this by inhaling her scent; then I would know if she truly could be the one for me. I did not expect to fall passionately in love with her, but I did expect to be able to find her irresistible in the sensual capacity, and I would know that through her scent.


Not only was I disturbed to find out that she had gone missing, but I was disturbed to find out that this had become a regular occurrence in the last few months. Human females that were meant to be shipped to Mooreah for their waiting Drackon warrior husbands were missing without a trace. I was on the Special Intelligence Forces and this should have been brought to our attention, and yet it was not. There was something going on here and I meant to expose it.


I knew I could do the work and solving puzzles came easy to me, but I was not expecting to be given a walking distraction in the form of Detective Katiama. I had expected to work on this case with my team, not with an Earth partner. But because Katie was so high-profile, the Earth Council insisted they had one of their own on the team searching for Katie and the other vanishing women. They too suddenly felt a need to solve the crime and put a stop to it. But I knew as soon as I took a deep breath and inhaled the pheromones of Detective Katiama that this mission was more complicated than it needed to be. After she stepped off the elevator and pushed narrowly past me, I was hot and heated. It didn't help that I had to step into an elevator full of her lingering scent, but at the time, I did not know that I would be forced to be around her scent for at least a month.


Now I sat across from her, trying to keep my eyes on my notes and briefing as I soaked in all the information that I could while being distracted by this feisty female. All I could do was continue to be as mean to her as I possibly could in order to stop any bond from growing between us. I was already engaged to another, dammit! I pounded my fist on the table as I thought about this.


"What the hell was that? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" the feisty voice said to me.


I grinned at her and said, “If a sudden burst of sound would give you a heart attack, then maybe you should not be in a career where gunfire is normal. You could quit this assignment; I am sure they will find me another," I said, crossing my arms in front of me, waiting to hear if she would back out.


"Just shut up already. Are you ready to work? I have many questions," she said to me.


"Fire away," I said, waiting to be bored with her analyses of the case information.


"Why do you think the lieutenant thinks that the vanishings are being controlled from Sala? Is that not a military post planet next to Mooreah? That would make no sense to me if I were a criminal," she asked. I arched my eyebrow at her, surprised by her good question.


"That is true. Sala is a military post and a landing port, but that is only one side of the planet. The other side is dotted with small outposts with high criminal activity."


"I have never heard that. We are led to believe those outposts are trading outposts, not outlaw outposts" she said to me.


"Yes, I'm sure there's a reason why Earth is led to believe that. Just as I'm sure that Earth is not one hundred percent honest with everything about Earth when they speak to the Drackon Council or to King Jarith Rykor. It is on a need to know basis, and there's no reason for Earth to need to know about those outposts."


"I see."


"Do you?"


"Yes, I see that the facts I have in front of me are not facts, and I should work knowing that. That all is not as it seems, and it is important to take that into consideration with each morsel of information I am fed. That is the type of case this is," she said.


My mouth fell open just a little. Holy shit. I was not expecting such a smart analytical answer from Detective Katiama. She was staring at the wall and thinking, so she did not even notice that she had shocked me into silence. She didn't care if I was in the room at all. Damn, she was hot. I cleared my throat that had begun to thicken with lust as I fought myself to keep from walking over to her, scooping her into my arms, and planting a hard kiss on her. One that would probably get me slapped afterwards. It was obvious that she despised me, probably even hated me. Good; it would be easier to keep my distance from her if she was disgusted by my behavior. So instead of congratulating her on a well thought-out observation, I criticized her.


"Facts are what make a case, Detective Katiama. Please don't feed me any of your misinformation," I said to her as I stood up from the table.


"You're misunderstanding me, Commander Handor. I merely meant that—a”


"No need to explain yourself. If you'll excuse me, I would like to see the port where Katie was last seen," I said to her.


"I'll go with you. We should retrace the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours of her being here on Earth. Everyone she came in contact with. Maybe there is something at the port that the authorities missed. Wouldn't be the first time," she said as she walked ahead of me and out of the conference room. She didn't even give me time to tell her not to accompany me; she was already a detective in action. Shit. She kept on talking aloud about the steps that we should take and I hated to admit that I had not thought of doing half of them. Perhaps she would be a good asset to this investigation after all.


When we arrived at the port, we met with the last person on Earth to see Katie Cormick. His name was Michael Spencer and he was a guard.


"Mr. Spencer, you said in your statement that you were blacked out when the women went missing. Could you elaborate on that?" Detective Katiama asked him as soon as she walked up to him. She was not messing around. She didn't bother with greetings other than a flash of her badge, catching the guard off guard.


"I already told the detectives yesterday everything that I could remember," he said, looking at both of us nervously.


I could feel that he was lying and the way that Detective Katiama turned and looked at me let me know that she thought it too. She pressed on, “Yes, but what I don't understand is how you blacked out? What do you remember right before blacking out? Did you feel a sharp pain, as though you had been knocked on the head?" she asked.


"No, it was more like fainting. I was standing over there by the ramp that leads to the launch pad where the women were boarding and the blonde woman was hugging them and saying goodbye. I was facing them and before I knew it, I felt faint and fell to the floor. When I came to, another guard was waking me up. The women were gone."


"Can you show us exactly where you were standing?" Detective Katiama said as she moved toward the direction he pointed in.


He walked over and stood exactly where he said he was standing the day before.


“Thank you. That is all for now," Detective Katiama said to him. The guard looked at both of us and walked away.


"He's lying about something, or keeping something a secret. He definitely is hiding something," I said to Detective Katiama.


"Yes, he is," she said as she took out a small flashlight and got on all fours, shining it under the various heavy machinery, ramps, and launching buttresses. With her in this position, I was immediately distracted. I could not keep my eyes off of her plump ass and I could not stop my imagination from picturing myself on my knees behind her, entering her. It was all I could do to restrain myself from smacking her ass.


I grew angry that she was making me feel aroused and distracted. I wanted to be fucking her from behind right in that moment. I felt my cock growing hard. I had to distract myself.


"What the hell are you doing, Detective Katiama?" I asked her, trying to look away from her in that position.


"The guard said he felt faint before blacking out. That means that he was not hit on the head: it was chemical. There must be something around here. There!" she shouted as she moved around to the backside of a large metal cabinet that was an inch off the floor. She reached her arm in under the cabinet and pulled out a blue cloth that I recognized immediately: it was Drackon material. She was pulling it toward her face when I slapped it out of her hand and yelled, “Don’t! It has conmer on it! I can smell it from here," I said as I used my foot to push the cloth away from her. “You need to wash your hands now," I said pointing to a metal sink.


"What? What is it? Conmer?" she asked as she walked to the metal sink and washed her hands thoroughly.


“It is almost like chloroform here on Earth, only one thousand times stronger," I said as I took out an evidence bag and put the cloth in it without touching it.


"I knew it! That must be what knocked the guard out. Let's take it to the lab and have it analyzed," she said, coming over to me.


"No, it is definitely not what knocked the guard out," I said to her.


"What? Of course it is," she said to me.


"No, it is not. If it were, he would still be out. It is very strong and knocks humans out for three to four days, not hours."


"Oh, I see. Then maybe it was used on the girls, which means there would be more than one kidnapper. They would have to get the girls all at the same time. This one cloth must be one that got away in the struggle. If it is, then there will be traces of DNA on it. Let's go back to the lab," she said, leading the way.


Once again, I was following her around, and she was giving orders. I was blindly following her because it was what I would've done as well, but she kept getting ahead of me and voicing the actions we should take before I had a chance to tell her what to do. I looked at the guard once more; he was just staring at us. He was sweating. There was more to his story, but for now, we had to follow this lead.


Moments later, we were walking back into the agency building. But Detective Katiama did not go to the elevator as I expected. Instead, she walked out onto the first floor, “Where you going?" I asked her.


"To see a friend. Come on," she said to me. Was I even taking part in this investigation, or was I just following her and being her assistant? It sure did feel like that to me. It was a bit emasculating for a powerful weredragon like myself. But a part of me enjoyed it, being put in my place by her, the small, curvy human female with a mouth on her.


"Whoa... who's the giant?" the man said as Detective Katiama and I walked over to him.


"Alfonso, meet my partner, Commander Handor. Commander Handor, this is my former partner, Alfonso."


I nodded my head at him in hello and he said, “You are a Drackon weredragon, aren't you? Man, that's so cool. I wish I could shift into a dragon. What is it like to go flying?"


Detective Katiama cut him off and said, “Alfonso, I have a favor to ask of you."


"Anything. What is it?”


Detective Katiama grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the words Michael Spencer and said to him, “I want you to follow this guard. You don't need to speak to him or anything, just follow him when you have time. Trail him. He is up to something. I don't know what, but I think over time he will show his cards, but I won't be here to see it. Think you can handle that?"


"Yeah, no problem, Melinda. Does this mean you are leaving? Where is your first assignment?" he asked.


"You know I cannot share that information with you. But yes, I am leaving on a mission. I will try to get in touch with you as much as I can, but it will be very, very, long long distance," she said to him with a wink.


"Right on! That is awesome, and about time. Enjoy this mission and I wish both of you the best of luck. Don't worry about things here; I'll keep an eye on him."


"Thanks, Alfonso," she said as she gave him a hug and then walked back to the hallway to the elevator. “We should hit the lab up with that evidence now," she said as she pushed the button.


Once again in the lead, but I was starting to get used to it. This was her planet, after all. I stood there and then said, “Melinda?"


She looked at me and said, “Yes, that's my name Melinda Katiama."


"My name is Eniv, if you want to be on a first-name basis.


She stepped into the elevator and said, “Call me Detective."


I grinned and walked into the elevator after her. Once again, my senses were bombarded with her overwhelming scent. It was hard to deal with as we went up to the fourteenth floor. She never stopped talking the entire way,


“I have a friend here in the lab that can put a rush on this. He's always doing me favors. Since we leave in two days, he can get us results on that cloth as soon as possible."


"You have a lot of friends here," I said to her.


She looked at me and narrowed her brown eyes in anger as she said, “It's not what you're thinking. They are just friends. It's not like I'm fucking them," she said.


"There's no one like you on Mooreah. You must excuse me for making these assumptions," I said to her. She sighed and stepped out of the elevator and I followed her into the lab.


"Robert, I have a piece of evidence here that I need logged for the Katie Cormick case. I need it analyzed. My acquaintance here says that it is a form of chemical called conmer from Mooreah. It is close to chloroform here on Earth. But could you take a look at it under the microscope and pull any hairs and also check it for DNA samples? Also, test it for this chemical, and be careful not to inhale it," she said in rapid fire that I almost could not keep up with. But the lab attendant knew exactly what she wanted.


"Yes, Detective Katiama, right away. I should have this in a few hours," he said to her.


"Great. I will wait for the ID log number," she said to him as he walked over to a station and began to document the evidence. I was impressed with her. This wasn't helping in trying to keep myself from being attracted to her. She was almost a phenomenon to me as I had not met a female, human or Drackon, that could think so quickly on her feet. I would almost say that she was a match to my own intelligence, but I did not want to take it that far.


"Here you are, Detective Katiama," he said to her, handing her a paper with an identification number.


She filled in the page, giving information about where the evidence was found. I stood silently, hovering over her, watching her fill out the form. She was quick, precise. I had no reason to question her expertise as far as investigation went, but I did not know what she would be like in the field. I didn't know how much experience she had working a case in space and dealing with the enemy. Space was a completely different territory and my home planets of Mooreah and Sala were very different from Earth. I didn't know how it would work with her there, especially because human females were seen as nothing more than an object to own and make into your mate for breeding purposes. I'm not sure any Drackon weredragons would allow a human female to question and interrogate them. If anything, it would piss them off even more, especially the criminal element. Thinking about this only made me want to protect her in that sort of situation. That was dangerous territory, because I would be distracted and wanting to make sure that she was safe above all else. That wouldn't exactly be an equal partnership in the field.


"I'm done. Let's hit the road and retrace Katie's steps," she said, handing the page to Robert and then walking out of the lab.


The next few hours were productive. It was very unusual seeing that she was preparing to move her life to Mooreah and only visit Earth every few years. She was preparing to be a wife, my wife, and it was a very strange thing to investigate that in this way. But as much as we retraced her steps, we turned up nothing. It really didn't give us any more or new information.


"It really does seem like Katie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Melinda said as she sat across from me eating a hotdog from a street vendor.


I watched her put the long link into her mouth, trying to not think indecent thoughts. I felt my cock growing hard as I watched her eat. Even though she wasn't trying to be seductive and feminine, and kept talking with her mouth full about the case, I was still getting dirty thoughts in my mind.


I looked away from her, around the New York City streets. The modern buildings were so different from the stone fortresses of Cerista. I considered Cerista to be a very beautiful city, one of stone and nature mixed together. I had been excited to go back there with a new bride. I was not expecting this new turn of events, or my alluring partner. It was almost comical to be with her, but there was nothing comical about the vanishing of the human female brides, and I meant to solve and stop it from happening.


Ping! Ping!


"That's Robert in the lab. He's finished; let's head back there," Melinda said, looking at her phone.


"Do you trust your friend to follow that guard?" I asked her. It was something I had been thinking about it ever since she asked him.


"I trust him with my life. He was my partner before I was promoted. He had my life in his hands every time we were out in the field," she said, walking quickly across the courtyard to the department building.


"That is a lot of trust to put in someone. I guess you and I will have to do the same when we are on the mission in space. It can be very dangerous on Sala. You will have to trust me as well," I said to her.


She stopped in her tracks and looked up at me. She was petite and her head barely came to my chest. Still, she was fierce in her presence as she said,” That goes two ways, weredragon."


Then she walked off. A few minutes later, we were back in the lab with her friend, Robert. He was giving us the lowdown on his results.


"I found blonde hair on this particular cloth it does belong to a female. Since I do not have a sample of Katie Cormick’s DNA, I cannot say whether it is hers or not, but it's definitely human female. The cloth is of Drackon origin, and the chemical is definitely what your friend here said it was, conmer."


"Robert, do you have any record of this chemical being used before on any other case in the profiles?" Melinda asked.


"No, this is the first that we have seen. Everyone here in the lab is nerding out about it. It is unlike any chemical that we have analyzed before," Robert said with a big smile.


"Thanks, Robert. Go home. It's late," Melinda said, patting him on the back.


Ping! She looked down at her phone and looked at me and said, “Lieutenant Kendall wants to see us."


“All right, maybe he's got some new information we can use before we leave," I said as we walked towards the elevator.


"I wonder what he's doing here so late," she said.


As we walked into the lieutenant's office, he was walking out and said, “Come on both of you. I need a drink."


Moments later, we were three blocks away inside a dark bar. It was definitely what the humans called a dive bar.


"What's this about, Lieutenant?" Melinda asked.


"Three shots of tequila and three beers," Lieutenant Kendall said to a female server. Her eyes looked over me and she smiled. Typical. The human females always wanted me, and this one was not hiding it. If I wasn't already promised to another, I would take advantage of her invitation that she gave me with her eyes.


"I've got some information, but it does not leave this table,” the lieutenant said, leaning in close to us.


Melinda furrowed her eyebrows and said, “What is it, Lieutenant Kendall?”


"Have you new information?” I added.


He leaned in and said, “You didn't hear this from me, but I think these vanishings of women have something to do with the department or with the government.”


Melinda gasped and said, “Why do you say that? What did you hear."


"I did not hear anything particular. It is more of a hunch, and if you were to repeat it to another, I would deny it. But this case has been pushed under the rug for months, and it was only when a high-profile female was taken did everyone suddenly want to take action. There something going on here. I don't know what it is. But I wanted to let you to know what I am noticing since you are assigned to the case.”


"And what is that? What have you been noticing?” I asked him.


"That no one really wants to talk about it inside the department. That is very unusual for such a high-profile case. Usually everyone is jumping all over it and wants to be the hero. Everyone wants to speculate and be part of it. But this has many people turning away from it. It is highly unusual. I'm only telling you this so that when you are trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, you will not rule out that it could be an internal job. That our government or even the department might have something to do with it,” he said as he grabbed a shot of tequila and downed it. Then he started on the beer, chugging it. Then he threw some money on the table and said, “Enjoy. Remember: we didn't have this conversation.” Then he walked out of the bar.


Melinda and I were left staring at each other. She grabbed the shot of tequila and chugged it. Then she grabbed mine and chugged it down as well.


"Fuck," she said. “Can I get two more shots over here!” she shouted at the female server.


"What do you think it means? Do you suspect anyone in your department?” I asked her.


"No, it's news to me. That's why am chugging down this tequila. Well, that and the fact that I will only be on Earth for one more day before leaving into space. I plan on getting wasted. Care to join me?” she said as she drank down her beer. She was going to get hammered, and I suddenly felt the need to watch over her. I took one shot of that tequila and slowly drank my beer. I sat there listening to her rant on about various things about being a woman and the inequality she faced so very often as a female detective, before moving on to talk about the mission.


"I am feeling nervous, I'll tell you that. I know firing a blaster at the gun range is not the same as firing while on a ship or on another planet. I am nervous about it. Shit, I'm nervous just about being in space. I'm excited about it because I've never been, but this isn't exactly a vacation. Who knows what complications will come up that I did not expect."


I looked at her and shock. Was she saying what I think she was saying? She had never left Earth. She had never been on a ship in space, or on another planet. This meant that she had absolutely no experience in the field when that field was space. “Detective Katiama, you have never been in space?"


"No, the bastards would never let me. I'm not exactly rich and can’t afford a vacation on the space station like the elite. My only way was through the I.S.F.A., and I was only just promoted,” she slurred out her words.


"When were you promoted?” I asked her.


"This morning. This is a celebration,” she said as she pushed her beer into the air and it sloshed around the glass, pouring down her hand. She was a sloppy drunk.


"You got promoted this morning? So you have no experience at all as an agent in the Intergalactic Special Forces Agency?” I asked her once again, shocked and angered by this new information.


"No, I have no experience in space. Never been on a ship and never been to another planet. No, that's a lie. I have been inside the ship when it was at the port, but not when it launched. It was more like a tour of the ship as part of training.”


"Fuck. Why would they do this?” I asked myself as I waved the female server over for another shot. This one would be for me. I would need it. Now I knew that what the lieutenant was saying was true. There was something going on inside the department. There is no reason to promote a new detective and give that new detective a high-profile case on a first day other than the fact that they would want the detective to fail, or expect them to. Melinda was being set up for failure.


They were setting us both up. They did not know exactly how good of a detective I was, but they had no choice because King Jarith Rykor had set it up so that I would be the one to search for Katie. But the department must have been trying to counter at my ability to investigate by giving me a rookie detective that would not know what the hell she was doing well in the field. This was definitely a set up. There was more going on here, and we needed to get to the bottom of it.


I grabbed the new shot of tequila placed in front of me and threw it back. Then I waved the server over for another. The strong drink of Earthlings was only half as strong as the drinks of Drackon. I could drink forty of these and barely feel anything, but it did give me a good sense of calm in this sudden realization about my partner and why she was assigned to work on the case. I looked at her, ready to tell her that she was being set up to fail, but she was too drunk and would not understand what I was saying.


"Detective Katiama, I think you've had enough. Let's get out of here. We should get an early start on tomorrow,” I said as I put more human money on the table and lifted Detective Katiama out of her seat.


"But I'm just getting started,” she said in a whiny voice.


"No, you're done.”


"You don't tell me what to do," she said leaning on me and looking up at me. Her body so close to mine was giving me a reaction, one that I would have to restrain. I had to use a clever trick here because she was way too stubborn to do anything I asked her simply out of spite.


"But wouldn't you rather drink the wine you have at home?” I said guessing to watch you might have to drink at her own place.


She looked around the bar and then looked at me and said, “Good point.” She stood up straight and then staggered her way out of the bar as I followed.


Once we were on the sidewalk, I grabbed her arm and said, “Allow me to walk you home.”


"I'm perfectly fine on my own, Drackon!” she said angrily to me.


"No, you're not. You are a novice; you have no idea what you're getting yourself into,” I said, moving closer to her, towering over her petite frame. She put her hands on her hips and strained her neck back, looking up at me with narrowed eyes.


"How dare you say that to me. I am a better detective than you will ever be. Take it back,” she said as her hand swung up toward my face as she tried to slap me. I stepped backwards, dodging her sloppy swing and in her momentum, she went crashing down to the sidewalk.


"Oh great,” I said to myself. Not only was she a novice in the field of space, but she also could not hold her drink. This should be entertaining. I knew that she would not willingly let me walk her home or put her in a cab, so I would have to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed her bag and searched through for her identification card.” 862 87th Street, number fifteen twenty-one," I said.


Melinda was sitting on the floor as I put her ID back in her bag and stepped away from her and down the sidewalk a bit, “Stay right there. Don't move,” I said.


"Hey… I told you don't tell me what to do. Where are you going?” she said drunkenly. I moved down the sidewalk and then in a flash, I shifted into dragon form.


"Holy shit,” she whispered as she watched. I stretched out my wings and stretched my arms out above my head, preparing for flight. I swiftly flew over next to her.


"I have never seen that happen before. It is amazing. You are amazing. Wow,” she mumbled in her drunken stupor.


"It's all going to be fine. I'm going to get you safely home so that we can continue to work on the case tomorrow. We don't have much time before we have to leave on the mission and you have a lot to learn,” I said as I placed her bag diagonally across her body and then scooped her up into my arms. Her hands instinctively went around my neck. Her full lips and almond-shaped eyes were so close to my face. I inhaled her scent and closed my eyes with a groan.


"What is it?” she asked me.


I debated telling her the truth, then I realized that she would not remember any of this anyway, so I went ahead and told her the truth. “You smell absolutely ravishing; I've never smelled another like you. It drives me wild with lust."


"Oh," was all she said, but the way her lips parted slightly and the way she looked up at me through her lashes let me know that my words had an effect on her. I needed to get her home and away from me; she was too much of a distraction. I took flight, shooting straight up into the air and she let out a delightful squeal. I flew high above the buildings and soon she felt comfortable and was looking down with a smile.


"Are we really flying? Or am I just really drunk? Is this a dream?” she asked me.


"We are really flying; you're almost home. You are safe in my arms. I will not let you fall,” I said, squeezing her closer against my body and my metallic scales. Her arms went tighter around my neck and she was no longer looking down at the city; she was looking up into my face. I had to restrain myself from kissing her.


I looked away from her face and straight ahead, concentrating on that direction. I could see her building up ahead with the numbers 862 in white neon light on the side. I landed firmly on the roof, which was an outdoor lounge and garden. I could see doors for an elevator so I knew that we could definitely get into the building this way.


I set Detective Katiama on her feet and she stayed pressing her body firmly against my chest for balance. Her hands moved from my neck down my shoulders and over my scales sensually. She was touching the shiny metallic of them, feeling them as though they were a wonder to her. She stared at them and the more she touched them, the more heated I grew.


"It's so shiny," she mumbled to herself.


"Yes, it is,” I said in response to her. The words came out of my throat with a thick layer of lust to them that I was trying to hold back. I would not last very much longer if she continued to touch my scales the way she was, massaging her fingers up and down my chest and stomach.


And just like that, I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I lost all control in that one moment. I pulled her up my body toward me and planted a firm kiss on her mouth. Her hands went up around my neck, into my long hair. Her lips parted, allowing my tongue to explore. My hand ran down her back and over her backside and squeezed her, and she moaned in response. We kissed deeply and passionately, each of us letting out lustful breaths of air and sighs. I felt myself growing hard and my heart beat faster and faster. My wings stretched out fully behind me in a display of being aroused.


She tasted delicious as my tongue slowly and sensually moved inside her mouth. Then I pulled away and softly placed kisses on her lips, on her cheeks, and on her neck. I groaned like a wild beast.

I had to stop. I groaned louder the more I realized that I should not be doing this. I was promised to another, and that other human female needed my help. She was in danger, and instead of helping her, I was here indulging my lustful fantasies with this human female detective. It was wrong, and I knew it. I pressed my lips firmly against hers for one last kiss, knowing it had to be the last. She moaned wildly.


But it wasn't her, the real her. She was drunk. I was taking advantage of her lack of capacity to think and it was very wrong. I pushed her away from me and then she looked up at me with wide, questioning eyes.


"We can't do this. It is wrong. You are not yourself right now. You will regret this,” I said, stepping away from her and turning my back to her.


"No, I know what I'm doing. Don't stop,” she said to me. But I ignored her plea because I knew that she did not mean it, and I knew that it was wrong on my part. I would never force myself on a drunken female. Even a willing one was still a drunk one, and that was wrong. No matter these details, the biggest wrong of all was the fact that I was already promised to another. I could not be doing this when my wife to be was in danger and expecting loyalty from me. It was just plain wrong and I had a sense of honor and duty that I was loyal too. It was what set me apart from other criminal Drackons that had lost their way. I was not one of those.


"Stand back. Stay where you are. Do not come near me," I said to her, holding my hand up while she stepped toward me. They were clumsy, drunken steps and watching her walk, I knew that I had made the right decision.


"What are you going to do? Are you going to fly away?” she asked me in an almost a sad tone that I had not heard come out of her mouth since I had met her earlier that day.


I moved away from her, getting myself to the other side of the roof as she stared at me. I shifted from Dragon form back to normal. Her mouth fell open as she watched. It was amusing to me to see her reaction. She had never seen a weredragon shift before and I was happy to be her first, and in some ways, it made me feel special. I walked toward her.


"Let's get you inside," I said to her, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the elevator. She swaggered as I led her into the elevator and push the button for the 15th floor. I easily found apartment 1521, and her keys in her bag.


Moments later, we were inside her apartment and she clumsily made her way to her bedroom and plopped herself on the bed. I stared at her. She was properly drunk and a bit silly. I laughed to myself as I moved toward the door, ready to let her sleep, when I heard her say, “Wait. I can't sleep like this.”


I turned to see her sitting on the bed working at getting her clothes off. She pulled off her boots, and then pulled her shirt over her head. I knew that I should look away, but I couldn't. My eyes were glued on her beautiful and delicate body. She worked fast and sloppily removed each item until she was completely naked.


“Fuck,” I whispered under my breath. She was stunning, with perfect, rosy-pink nipples topping her round breasts. She pulled on her ponytail and let her hair down and the black silk tumbled down over her shoulders. My mouth fell open watching her as she laid down on the bed.


She looked at me and narrowed her eyes at me angrily and said, “Don't just stand there; get me a blanket.”


I was shocked by her words. Then I laughed. The vixen was even bossy when she was completely naked and vulnerable. I sighed to myself and grabbed a blanket off the chair next to her bed and pulled it over her. In no time, she was completely asleep.


I restrained myself from wanting to kiss her lips. I turned off the light and then left her apartment, making sure to lock up. I walked down the hall and when I got to the elevator, leaned my hand on the wall, trying to catch my breath at the experience I had just had. Why did she have to be so damn attractive, and feisty? I would never get that image of her beautiful, naked body out of my mind for as long as I lived. It was going to torture me, and this was only the beginning. We were set to leave in less than twenty-four hours on a mission together, where she would have absolutely no idea what she was doing. Great.




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