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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (44)


Chapter 10



I was a damn warrior that was well respected for a reason. I was damn good. This was no different. I was going to crush the commander in every way the trials brought to me. This is what I thought when I first woke the next morning after having been with the human female slave known as Jade Roberts.

I was feeling extreme bliss and like the true warrior that I was, but then I began to panic. Damn. Being with Jade was unlike anything I had ever experienced. She was afraid that Commander Yun would have her by tomorrow and she wanted a night of fucking with me.

It was so much better than the projection. The panic was coming from the fact that she was right about the commander. He was a dirty cheat. I knew this about him and did not put it past him to try to take the Consulate position from me at any costs. I was arrogant and sure of myself before I had lay with Jade. Now that I had experienced her, I did not want anything to take that from me. My jealousy was heavier than it had been before I experienced her. I lay there in the dark figuring out what I could do. I finally came to the conclusion that there was only one thing we could do. We had to leave.


I slowly rose from the bed and went to my holographic screen and placed my hand upon it. It turned on and the information about Earth was still up. I swiped through it again. Was this possible? Could we really do this? I sat down and looked harder than I had before and studied the flight chart from Kaethon to Earth. I noted on how long it would take. How it could be done with a minimal ship that would not be noticed missing from Kaethon for a while. Ships were in and out of the warrior training grounds as part of the training. Ships were back and forth to the moon base of Tyla Wen almost daily. We had busy skies and it would be possible to fly out of here without a Kalazaron alarm rising.

I pulled out my hand held projection tool from a drawer and slid it into the holographic screen system. I transferred the chart courses from Kaethon to the small tool. I would take that with us later. Satisfied I turned off the screen and moved back over to my resting bed. The sleeping Jade was so beautiful as she lay peaceful. As I looked at her I knew that this was going to be correct way of going about this because she was too delicate and I had now coupled with her making her mine. I had to protect her.

I moved back onto the bed and under the covers with her. Her naked body was such a sight. I could lay here with her coupling for the entire day into the next. But there was too much to be done.

"Wake up Jade," I said as I nudged her. It was morning and I should be hearing from Master Bresh about the decision. If they were going to allow the commander to challenge my position, then we had to be prepared. She stretched long in the sheets and I did not want to move her from this glorious sweet spot.


I gave in and kissed her lips and allowed my body to lie on hers if only for a few minutes.


"Good morning Consulate," she said with a smile.


"Good morning. We must get started on the day. I should be hearing the news any minute, and if it is a yes then we must prepare,” I said as I got out of bed.


"Prepare for what?"


Ding! Ding! A call was coming in.


"Wait here that must be the Master on the projection screen?"


I moved out of my sleeping room and into the basic and answered the projection.


"Consulate, it has been decided that the commander is able to challenge you. The challenge will be held tomorrow. Take this day off to prepare yourself and best of luck to you Consulate," the Master said before he hung up.


I made sure that the projection was closed off on my side. I immediately moved back into my sleeping room and closed the door.


"We're getting out of here," I said as I opened the storage wall and began to pack a survival bag. Jade sat up in bed and looked at me confused, "What do you mean? Tell me what is going on here?"


"It has been decided that I will be challenged by the commander tomorrow. I was given the day off from my Consulate duties today to prepare. However, you were right. The commander will do all he can to win this challenge and pull any dirty trick that he can. What if he has a member of the council under blackmail or bribery? What if he has spiked food that I did not know was in my possession? There are many number of things that he can do as he has many resources. He could have me attacked on my walk to the challenge arena tomorrow and injure me just so that he can win in the combat trials. I do not trust it. Therefore, we are getting out of here."


"Where will we go? Are we going to the outlands with the rebels?" She asked as she got up out of bed and came to me.


Her presence was instantly calming to me. I looked at her and said, "No, we would be found quickly if we did that. There is only one place we can go that we would be completely safe."


"What place is that?"


"Earth," I said looking at her.


"Earth?! Do you really mean it Dalik?"


"I do really need mean it Jade. It is the only way to get you into a safe place. Do you think that there is a place on Earth that we could live where I would be accepted or we could hide and live alone together?"


"You mean live together, as a couple?" She said that she looked at me with a hopeful manner.


"That is what I mean Jade. I have realized that I have fallen for you. It is the only explanation of why I am willing to leave all of this behind. I am willing to leave the planet that I love and wanted to help transform just to keep you safe. I will not have any harm come to you."


"Oh Dalik," I feel the same way," she said and she jumped into my arms.


I kissed her deeply and moved my hands all over her body taking her in. However there was no time to do anything else.


"Come, we must pretend like we are going to the market and going about my day. However, we will be going to the pods," I said as I picked out a cloak for her to wear.


"The pods?" She said as she began to get dressed.


"Yes, there are emergency escape pods. They are designed to help us escape in the event of a disaster in the city. They are very fast once they are launched and go into hyper travel speed with in seconds and are hard to trace. We can get into one and plot a course to Earth before and launch. We will be more than halfway there before anyone ever discovers that we have left the planet."


"But are you sure? This is what you want?" She asked as she stopped and looked at me.


I had to admit that it was not what I wanted before she had entered my life. If it was only me I would be more than happy to take up the challenge against him and I knew that I would win. Now with so much weighing on the whether or not I won, made me feel like I would be too distracted to win. Her life depended on it now. Escape seemed to be the only way to be with her, to be happy, and to be away from that vile creature. I looked at her and simply said, "This is the way."