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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (98)


Chapter 6



We were tracking the Earth ship without any idea that they were tracking us in return. It wasn’t until it was too late that we knew. We were hit, and hit hard, with a technology we had never encountered before. I was on the command deck when the Earth ship came into range.


“Get ready to fire on the ship. Once it is disabled, we will engage with the ship and dock!” I shouted. Then everything went quiet as a blue light blinded us. Before I knew it, all of us, including myself, were on the ground in convulsions. It was like being electrocuted, and everyone fell from their stations. All our systems went black, completely fried.


I was nearly choking on my tongue as I convulsed. I turned my head to see that the other warriors were not convulsing; they were paralyzed in a frozen state. They weren’t moving whatsoever. I was the only one that seemed to be only half affected by the pulse. Perhaps it was because I was half human?


The pulse stopped and it wore off me immediately. I stood up and looked at my warriors, still in a frozen state. I ran to the controls. I hit the restart switches; nothing happened. I tried the radio communication: nothing. It was all fried. I ran to the artillery and grabbed a weapon, but it too was dead. This was unbelievable. The Earth ships had never overcome us in this way. It seemed that we were dealing with a completely new force that we had never seen before. I ran back to the command deck.


“Get up! We’re being pulled in by the Earth ship!” I shouted as the warriors rolled onto their sides. They weren’t paralyzed, but they were still unable to fully move. They slowly stood and were weak as they swayed. It was all up to me, but I had no plan. How could anyone plan for such a thing?


“Any way to reboot the system if it has been fried?” I shouted. No one answered me.


“Listen, the weapons do not work. If they board us, it will be hand to hand combat!” I shouted. Again, everyone was still just trying to stand. I watched, helpless as my warriors seemed to be overcome with a sort of motion sickness.


“Shit!” I shouted as I moved out of the command deck to the main door. Perhaps there was a way to block the door from opening? If they were going to take our ship, maybe I could delay them taking us. I stared at the large door realizing there wasn’t much I could do with none of the equipment working.


CRASH! BOOM! The loud sounds echoed through the ship and I knew that it was our ship making contact with the floor of the Earth cargo ship. I heard a loud, mechanical sound and knew it was the bay door of the cargo ship closing. Damn it! We were trapped. But why now? The Earth ships never fought back or tried to take us prisoner. Were these Earthlings at all?


Then the blue light hit us once more. We all went down. I was on the ground convulsing while the others were paralyzed. Then the light stopped. The door to our ship opened and Earth humans flooded in, fully armed in tactical ware. They swooped in fast.


“Cuff all of them! Wrists and ankles!” a tall human shouted as he entered. I could tell he was some sort of leader. But then, she entered. I was not surprised to see a human female carrying a weapon. My mother had been the same way: a strong fighter. But this one seemed to be running the show.


“Make sure they are secure before leading them off the ship!” she shouted.


I stood up fast and got in front of her. She jumped back and stared at me.


“You are not taking my warriors!” I shouted at her. In seconds, many guns were on me.


She put her hand up and said, “It’s all right. Continue with the others. You and you stay on this one.”


The human female looked at me closely. She had a look of shock on her face as her eyes roamed over me. I was pissed, not just because of the situation, but because I was already feeling myself becoming attracted to her. There was something about her and I wasn’t sure what it was, but I wanted to find out. My anger only grew the more that she stood there, staring at me, and the more I wanted her.


“What are you?” she asked. I was shocked. Why was she taking charge here and asking me questions? Why was it not the tall male human? Who was she?


“Answer my question. Are you Kalazaron?” she asked. I was shocked and angered by her question. Whoever she was, she was very smart and observant. She was able to tell that I was not a full Kalazaron. How did she know? What gave me away? She cocked her head to the side as though waiting for an answer. There was only one answer that I was going to give her.


“I do not take orders from females!” I shouted. The humans put more guns on me and I realized that she was of very high value for them all to react in such a way.


She put her hands up in a gesture toward her warriors, “Well, I am the one in charge here. If you would like, I could have one of my soldiers repeat the order in their male voice, but it is still my order,” she said in a very angry tone.


I liked it. She was fiery. She was not like any of the human females that I had met on Kaethon. The ones on Kaethon were just as docile as the Kalazaron females. This human female, however, was acting like a male, a very strong male. It was refreshing. Her words were also humorous, which is not what I was expecting in this situation. Still, I was not going to give them answers until they gave me answers. Why did they take us in such a way? And how did they accomplish it?


“Do what you will and get it over with. You will have no answers from me,” I said as I watched them lead my weakened warriors out of the ship in cuffs.


“Contain him,” she said. I was again shocked that she was giving orders. Who was she? Was she captain of the ship?


“Hands behind your back.” I looked at the soldier telling me orders. I did not like it. I could handle it from the human female because she was damn sexy, but from another male, it was insulting. I wanted to strike him, but I knew it was not wise. I turned my attention back toward the human female. I let my eyes lock with hers. She was uneasy with me. She pulled her gaze away, and shockingly she started to look over my body like I was meat at the market. It was a turn on. She was very forward, and I knew that she must be a good fuck.


As I was led away, she stated, “Don’t put him in with the others. This one is the captain of this ship and I want him in a separate cell. I will question him later.”


I looked at her with shock. How did she know I was the captain? I had not said so. I could be a lieutenant for all she knew. I would have to ask her once we were alone. That was what she had just said, after all. She wanted to be alone with me. I wanted to be inside of her. If I were to die, then I would die knowing what it was to be with her.