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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (57)




I had spent the entire day trying to convince myself that what I was doing to Lavender was right. I was cutting her off before things got deeper and it would hurt more, for both of us. Yet while I was trying to convince myself that this was the way, I could not stop thinking about her. I thought about her wet skin under the light of the two moons as we swam in the pond. I thought about her long hair moving in the water like a serpent. I remembered how I watched her sleep just before sunrise when I woke her up just to make love to her one last time. If I had known that truly was going to be the last time I would have never returned to base. What was it about this female that would make me give up my post as a General? That was something that I had never thought of before. I was sounding more and more like my cousin Dalik. That was a very bad thing.


Through out the day I would find myself walking to the reconstruction building and then turning around right before I entered. I could not believe that I was tormented by this, this is not who I was. I was sounding more and more like my cousin Dalik Moscurn as the hours went on. I was not sounding like the coldhearted General that had got me this far in life. My father would be very disappointed to learn that I was tormented over a human female. It was my duty to him and my father's before him to carry on the line of our blood. I did not know if the human females could cross breed with us, as that was still a mystery to us. But one thing was for sure I, General Rendor Moscurn, could not be the one to discover that. It was my duty to my family line to continue with sons of my own, Kalazaron sons. This is what tormented me all day. Finally in the evening before meal I found myself making my way to the reconstruction building once more. This time I entered just to catch a glimpse of her. It was just my luck that a female Kalazaron was right at the entrance and I took liberty to flirt with her. If the human female was watching, it would be good for her to see that I had moved on. It would be good for her to see that I was simply a sexual rogue that did any female that was willing.


"Good evening General," the female Kalazaron said to me.


"Good evening, you are looking prettier by the day. What have you been doing? What is your secret?" I said with a grin. As I expected she laughed and threw her head back in a flirtatious manner. Then I heard a loud ruckus and looked up to see that Lavender was leaving the building with Finock. My blood grew cold. Anger and jealousy flooded me. I could walk over there and pull his head off for talking to her. As they left out of sight I cautiously followed.

When I walked into the mess hall much later, she was sitting at a table having a grand time with Finock and a few other warriors. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits.

Then Finock surprised me as he stood up on top of the table and addressed everyone as he said, "Tomorrow night let us have a Govin in honor of the doctor and her skillful work in saving our friends!"


The room cheered and I was about to impose my power and veto such a thing when a warrior grabbed my arm and whispered, “The Master is on communication for you.”

I was annoyed by this but I had to take the communication.

“Master Bresh, what news?” I asked him.

“It seems that we are getting word of an impeding attack by the rebels. The attack you had on your patrol might be the first of many more to come this week. Keep all your patrols on lock down until further notice.”

“Yes Master,” I said.

“And what of the female human? I hear that she was somewhat of a hero during the chaos?”

“Yes her skills came in very handy. You were right about her,” I said not wanting to say anything else for good reason. I was no terrified that the Master would want her back in the city. He would probably want her for himself. I did not like that thought so I tried to downplay her expertise as much as I could.

“That is all for now. Keep up the good guard,” he said.

“Thank you and yes as always,” I said as I ended the communication. Now that it was over I could go back to the mess hall but I knew it was too late to call off the celebration. We would have to have it. The warriors morale would sink low if we had it. Though in this time of high alert we should not be having such a loud affair at night. But it was for her, for Lavender and she deserved it. I had treated her badly and at least this would lift her spirits. Not to mention that she truly deserved.

“Get me the tailor,” I said to a guard as I left the communication. She shall have a fine dress, though I could not let her know it was from me. I had to keep up with the notion that I did not care for her. It was the only way.

Later that evening, seeing her in the dress was too much to bear. She was damn sexy and it made me hit the bottle of Iccanis juice hard. I became very drunk and a complete mess. I watched her enjoying herself. I watched in jealously as she danced with my men and they lavished praise on her. I tried to stay out of sight when I could. Finally toward the end of the evening I was drunk enough to not care any longer.


I was leaning against the wall with a bottle in my hand. We locked eyes and she froze, then she turned sharply on her heel and began to walk away. But she was not quick enough as I grabbed her hand and pulled her very hard against me. The feel of her body on mine was enough to make me want to pour out my heart and the truth to her.


"Let me go you arrogant ass!" she shouted it in my face in anger because she was hurt and she had every right to be.


I mumbled in response, "It is not up to me. I am a General. I am to be with a Kalazaron female. It is not up to me. Can you not see that? I do want you. I want you badly," I kissed her as I let the truth escape my mouth. She tried to push away.

"Don't fight it. I have been trying to fight it ever since the morning. I cannot fight it any longer."

My hands began to move down her back and within seconds they were underneath the red dress groping her bottom. She moaned in my mouth and it was all the encouragement that I needed to keep going. We both wanted this. I wanted to forget the coldness that I told her earlier. I wanted to forget it all and just be with her, to just run away with her.


"Do you like my gift? The dress? It looks damn good on you and I knew it would,” I said as I placed kisses on her full soft lips. I wanted to lick and taste every inch of her. I was like a madman that had lost control.

"That was you? It is beautiful," she whispered. My fingers moved down her slit and she instinctively raised her knee against my thigh giving me better access. I took it. I let my fingers move inside of her warm body. I could not take it anymore. I needed to taste her. I moaned and drop to my knees in front of her. In a flash my head was between her thighs as her knee rested on my shoulder. I plunged my face between her thighs and stuck my tongue inside of her. I licked up and down quickly. I was lost in this deep fantasy of lust with this human female. I could not get enough of her. I licked and kissed her and tasted her. Then out of nowhere she said, "No."


She pulled away from me fast, and then she was gone. I was in complete and utter despair.


The next day I tried to make my amends to her. I knew that I had grown drunk and made a full of myself that I did not care. The truthful notions that I had said were not wrong. I did want her and had no control over it. I sought her out at work the next day.


"May we speak? "I asked as I snuck up behind her in the washroom.


She turned to me and I rolled her eyes and said, "leave me alone. Leave me alone for good. "


"No, wait just a minute, "I said to her but she had already walked out of the room. I followed her close behind. "Will you just give me a few minutes to speak with you, I wish to apologize? "


"No, I said leave me alone. I never want to speak to you again unless it is absolutely necessary for my work. I do not exist to you is that understood? "Her eyes flashed anger as she said the words in quiet restraint.


I thought it was strange that she was talking to me as though she was giving orders. The chips had turned. They had turned in her favor. She walked away from me and I followed again. Then she would walk away from me once more and I continue to follow until I grew tired of this. There was no point and we were beginning to draw attention. I left the building. But I did not give up the hope of speaking to her.