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Claiming Chastity: A Fake Marriage Romance by Tia Siren, Candy Stone (152)

Chapter 34


My head was pounding, my eyes were red, and I couldn’t get ahold of my emotions to save my life. I had opened up and given Will a shot, and he had already prioritized his work over me and the baby. The entire time I was getting my hair done, I stewed over the situation, trying to make myself understand his point of view. I knew from having a successful father that it took a lot of sacrifices to get where Will was in his career, but at this point, he needed to start making sacrifices for me and the baby, too.

As the car pulled up to the complex, I sniffled, trying not to look like a complete mess when I got out of the car. I cried all the way up the elevator and to the door of my parents’ apartment, where I stood trying to calm down before going inside. I had really thought this time that Will was going to have my back. From everything he had said, I’d been actually starting to feel like I had a partner and not just some guy making empty promises. However, the minute I needed him, the first time I asked anything of him concerning this pregnancy, he turned his back on me to service his clients. No matter what he had to say, I wasn’t stupid. I knew that he had the ability to shift things around so that we could do this together. Instead, I was standing in the hallway, bawling my eyes out, and dreading doing this alone.

I pulled my purse in front of me and grabbed some tissues and my compact case, trying desperately to wipe away the makeup streaking down my cheeks. I looked like a damn melted snowman, and that was not the impression I wanted to give my mother when I told her. I wanted her to see me as strong, capable, and ready to be a mother. Instead, I looked out of my mind, emotional, and unstable—not things I really wanted to present as traits of motherhood. I felt completely damned by this entire thing, and I couldn’t get myself under control.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, forcing the tears to stop flowing. These hormones were making everything ten times harder to deal with, and I couldn’t wait until I got into my second trimester because the doctor said they would lighten up at that point. As I reached for the door, Will’s voice came from around the corner.

“Ella,” he called out, breathless. “Wait.”

He stopped in front of me and leaned over with his hands on his knees. He was sweating and covered in snow. He almost looked worse than I did, and I was the one with the hormonal issues.

“Why are you so dirty?” I asked.

“There was so much traffic,” he said, wheezing. “I rode as far as I could and then just got out and ran here.”

“You ran here? From where?”

“About three blocks from my office,” he said, finally standing up. “I rushed as fast as I could. I moved all kinds of stuff around so that I could get here. I tried to call you like once a block when I was running, but you never answered the phone. I was pretty sure I saw you in a cab on the way here, but your hair was different. It looks nice by the way.”

“Thank you,” I said, trying not to laugh at him.

He leaned against the doorframe and started to dust the snow and mud from the bottom of his pant legs. His feet were most likely soaking wet, but at that moment, all he cared about was being there with me. I had to admit, even though he had pissed me off earlier, this was a really good way to make up for it. He hadn’t put this much effort into anything that had to do with us before, except maybe getting laid.

“Look,” he said. “I know I’m not perfect, and I have a serious issue with speaking before thinking, which has gotten me into trouble with you more than once. I wasn’t trying to brush you off. Trust me. You and that baby are the first things on my mind in the morning and the last at night. You just caught me at a really difficult moment when I was watching a whole lot of money slip right through my company’s fingertips. On my way here, I tossed fifty bucks at a flower guy and grabbed these. I’m not sure what they are since I was literally running past, but they are a token of my apology.”

He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a small bouquet of purple lilies and baby’s breath. They were slightly smashed, and petals were falling out of his jacket, but the thought was what mattered to me. I knew he felt bad. I could see it on his face. So, instead of giving him hell, I was going to let it go. He was here now, and that was all that mattered in the end. He reached up and wiped away a tear that was drying on my cheek.

“I won’t offer excuses for my behavior anymore,” he said. “Instead, I’m going to make sure that this family always come first, including Avery.”

“Of course, Avery,” I said, smiling. “He’s my little man.”

“Are you nervous?”

“A little, but if I know my mom the way I think I do, she is going to be supportive, not judgmental,” she said. “And my sister will be there. She always acts as a good buffer. My mom is kind of flighty, but she has always been there for me and my sister, even if it was more like a friend than family.”

“That’s really great,” he said. “My mom has always been there for me, too, even if my father is absent most of the time. She told me that she supports us, she loves us, and she is really excited about having another grandchild to spoil.”

“That means a lot,” I said, feeling a bit better about everything. “She is a really amazing lady, and she is an awesome grandmother to Avery. That’s something I’m looking forward to for our child.”

“You ready?”

“Yep,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

We headed inside, hung our coats by the door, and walked into the kitchen where my mom and Taryn were standing. My mom smiled and walked over, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She turned to Will and hugged him, too, although I could see the curiosity on her face. I had called ahead of time to make sure she didn’t leave, telling her I had something important to tell her.

“Your hair looks amazing,” she said. “I love that color.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “How is Dad?”

“He’s doing a lot better,” she said. “I have to watch him so he doesn’t bribe a nurse for candy, but all in all, he should be getting out to come home soon.”

“Good,” I said. “I really wish he was here now, but what I have to tell you can’t wait any longer.”

“What is it, sweetie? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said, sitting down on a stool at the breakfast counter.

“All right,” she said, glancing curiously at Will. “I’m all ears.”

“Well, I found this out about three months ago, but I’ve kept it a secret to make sure all the loose ends were tied up and emotions were somewhat in check before telling you guys the news,” I said. “I found out that I’m pregnant.”

“What?” Her face showed a mixture of excitement and shock, a better reaction than I had thought I would get. “Well, I… Oh gosh, I’m speechless. Can I say congratulations?”

“Yes,” I said with blushed cheeks. “That would be appropriate. It’s not a terrible thing. Or at least, I’ve realized now that it’s not a bad thing.”

“Well, congratulations,” she said, coming over and hugging me tightly. “And am I to infer that Will is the father since he is here with you?”

“Yes,” I said, looking over at him and smiling.

“Well, congratulations to you, too,” she said, pulling him into a hug. “Although I have to say, I’m more than a little shocked. I had no idea the two of you were in a relationship.”

“Well, it’s been a bumpy road to say the least,” I said, smiling at Will. “But we’ve finally come to a comfortable place. We understand a lot more about each other, and this baby has done that for us. I’m sorry I kept you and Dad in the dark. I just wanted to make sure everything was going to go the way it needed to before I brought you into it. Taryn reminded me, though, how supportive you were, and that made me feel that it was necessary to tell you. I’m glad you had this reaction. It makes me feel a lot better.”

“Of course, honey,” she said. “It’s a baby, not the plague. These things always work themselves out, and to be honest, the world is in a place now where single mothers—or young mothers, because it seems you aren’t single anymore—have a lot more opportunities for their futures. Wait, did you say Taryn told you? Taryn, you knew about this?”

“Not much sooner than you,” she said, nodding. “But yes, I knew about it.”

“Well, thank you for being there for your sister,” she said, kissing Taryn on the forehead. “I always loved just how close the two of you are. Maybe Avery and his brother or sister will grow to be as close as you guys are.”

“I hope so,” I said, smiling at Taryn. “She has kept me in one piece my entire life.”

“I just want you to know,” Will said, “that I have every intention of taking care of the baby and Ella in every way I can.”

“Thank you, Will,” my mother said sweetly. “I don’t doubt that for even a second. Although I have to say that maybe it’s best for Ella’s father not to know about all of this for the time being, at least until he is out of the hospital.”

“I agree,” I said. “We already kind of talked about that. I know Dad is going to have to ease into the idea of being a grandfather.”

“That, and I’m not too sure how he is going to feel about you dating someone ten years older than you,” my mother said. “I don’t care—age is just a number—but you know how old-fashioned your father can be about some things. There’s really no telling which way he will lean.”

“We’ll make sure Dad is in a good place before I talk to him,” I said. “I want him to see this as a positive thing, not something that is going to hinder anything. I want him to be happy and excited.”

“He will be,” Mom said. “Just remember that if he’s not right away, it will grow on him. He can’t say no to a baby, so there’s no doubt in my mind that his heart will melt the first time he sees this baby, as will mine.”

“Mine too,” Taryn said excitedly, walking over and hugging Will. “Welcome to the family. I’m sorry in advance.”

We all laughed, and I sat back, watching the scene. It was crazy how easily Will flowed right into my life and my family. Maybe all of this wasn’t such a bad thing after all. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise.