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Close to You (Fusion #2) by Kristen Proby (12)


“Seriously,” Riley says, her eyes glued to the TV, “Stephan makes my insides tingle.”

“Your insides?” I giggle and sit back, giving Scoot room to jump onto my lap, give me the stink eye to make sure I don’t dare try to pet him, then settle in to sleep. “Are we fourteen? Your girlie parts are tingling?”

“Stop judging me,” she replies. “You know what I mean.”

“We really should go to a Comic Con sometime. They are always there.”

“Why haven’t we done that?” she asks as Landon walks back into the house, carrying a bag.

“I have several kinds of ice cream here,” he says with a grin, passing over the bag. “I also grabbed spoons so you don’t have to get up.”

“I like you so much,” Riley says, reaching eagerly for the bag. “Oh my God, seriously! Look at him!” She’s pointing at the screen where a very mostly naked Stephan is standing. “Hubba hubba.”

“He looks twelve,” Landon says, frowning. “You like the young ones, Ri?”

“He doesn’t look twelve,” we reply in unison.

“He’s over a hundred years old in the story,” Riley says, her face perfectly serious. “But he was in his late teens when he was turned, so he’ll always look young.”

“I’m so relieved,” Landon says, laughing.

“Well, I think we have everything we need,” I say.

“Does that mean, please leave?” Landon asks.

“It means, thank you very much, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wink at him, enjoying the way he looks at me with those hot, blue eyes. He kisses my cheek and waves, then leaves. When we hear his car start, Riley pauses the show.


“Spill it.”

“Spill what?” I open a tub of Chunky Monkey and sigh happily after the first bite. “You should have some of this.”

“Spill your guts,” Riley replies, also digging into the ice cream. “This is going to be much better than the show.”

“I really don’t have anything to say.” I keep my eyes on my spoon as I eat.

“Lies.” Riley sighs. “All lies. The electricity zinging between you almost electrocuted me. I want the details.”

“Okay, fine. I’ve already admitted it to Addie and Kat. And I’m sure Mia knows.”

“Why am I always the last to know?” Riley demands.

“I’m in love with him,” I mutter, and stare at the ice cream. “Like, head-over-heels, can’t-feel-anything-else in love.”

“That’s awesome. I’m assuming you guys are flinging around the L-word?”

“Nope.” I take a gulp of wine. “No L-words have been spoken.”

She stares at me, her brow furrowed in confusion. “Why not?”

“I’m not saying it first.”

“Now who sounds like a kid?”

“I don’t care if it sounds dumb,” I say, and shrug. “I really don’t. I’m not saying it first.”

“Whyever not?” she asks, completely confused. “I mean, who cares who says it first, as long as it’s said?”

“Because what if he just says ‘thank you’? Or ‘you’re so cute.’ Jesus, Riley, I would die. Dead. Deader than a doornail.”

“But what if he says, ‘I love you too, Cami’?”

“Well, that would be nice,” I admit softly. “But what if he just thinks that it’s all just a part of the crush I’ve had on him forever? Because it’s not. What I feel for him now is so much bigger, so much better. He’s not perfect, not by any means, and sometimes he makes me a little crazy, but he’s good to me. He listens to me. I care, more than I ever have about anyone, and I was married, Riley.”

“I know,” she murmurs softly, watching me with happy hazel eyes. “And I watched you be unhappy in a marriage that was just mediocre for far too long.”

“Yeah.” I nod and sigh and absently pet Scoot. “I don’t think anything with Landon could ever be mediocre. He’s not a guy that seems like he’d settle for mediocrity in anything.”

“Do you feel safe with him?” she asks, surprising me.

“Of course.”

“Honestly, Cami, I think you should tell him.”

“Maybe it’s too soon?”

“Oh, please.” Riley rolls her eyes and takes a scoop out of my tub of ice cream. “You and I both know that falling in love happens when it happens. You may have only been dating him for about a month, but you’ve known him most of your life. You know him, Cami.”

“I do.” I nod and stare at the paused screen. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should just let it slip out when we’re making love—”

“Bad idea,” she says, shaking her head. “That shouldn’t be the first time.”

“Why not? It’s as intimate as it gets.”

“Exactly. Don’t force it.” She’s staring at Scoot now. “How long have you had this cat?”

“I don’t know, a little more than a month, I guess.”

“You should probably take him to the vet.”

I frown down at him and realize that he’s been letting me pet him. Without trying to kill me. He’s coming around. “You’re right. I’ll make an appointment tomorrow.”

Scoot glares, as if he knows what I’m saying. “He’s smart,” Riley says.

“I know.” I chuckle when he slips out of my lap and curls up next to me on the couch to give himself a bath. “Want to help me take him to the vet?”

“Not a chance in hell of that happening,” she says, shaking her head. “I have a meeting with the Food Network tomorrow.”

“What?” I squeal, staring at her as if she’s just grown a third arm. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because I don’t want to get all our hopes up for nothing,” she says. “But I admit, I’m nervous.”

“Is this a phone meeting?”

“Video chat,” she says. “They might be interested in featuring us on a reality food show, and they have questions. I’ll be chatting with a producer and a publicist, a few others too. I’ll let you know if anything comes of it.”

“Well, duh. This is so exciting!”

“If the show wants to intrude on Mia’s kitchen, it won’t be. She’ll put up a fight.”

“She is territorial,” I agree. “But she’ll do what’s best for the restaurant.”

Riley and I stare at each other for a moment, then giggle.

“Okay, she’ll put up a fight. But wow, this could be really cool.”

“I’m ready for more wine and more Stephan.”

“Me too.” I nod and reach for the bottle. “Hit play, sister.”

THERE IS SOMETHING furry on my face.

“Mmmph,” I mumble, muffled. With my eyes still closed, I take stock of my body. My head is lying on something bony, and my feet are up.

What the hell?

I open my eyes, but all I see is gray fur. Scoot is sleeping on my chest. I glance up, and there’s Riley, sleeping with her head back on the couch, and my head is in her lap.

“Good morning,” Landon says, startling me.

“Holy crap.” I stare at his smiling face. “Is this a dream?”

“Yes, I’m your dream lover,” he says, and then laughs. “You weren’t answering your phone.”

“I don’t know where it is.”

“What the hell is happening?” Riley asks, stirring.

“Landon just woke us up.”


“You guys didn’t show up to work and neither of you was answering your phone,” Landon explains again, and circles around the couch, crouches in front of me, and nudges Scoot off my chest. “How are you, sweetheart?”

“Sleepy.” Hungover. “We stayed up late watching our shows.”

“There’s more than one?” he asks.

“We were behind by a few weeks,” Riley informs him. “Damn, my neck is stiff.”

“You were worried when we were late for work?” I ask.

“A little.”

“You know, I don’t know if you know this, but we own the joint,” Riley says, always grouchy when she doesn’t have her coffee. “We don’t have a set schedule.” She scowls. “Wait. What time is it?”

“Nine fifteen,” he replies.

“Fucking hell!” Riley exclaims, and wiggles out from under me. “I have a meeting at ten! Cami, I’m stealing some clothes.”

I slap her ass. “How are you going to fit this luscious ass in my clothes?”

I envy Riley’s ass. She’s curvy where I’m just not.

“I’ll find something.”

She dashes upstairs, and Landon and I just stare at each other until she’s out of earshot. “I missed you last night,” he says, and leans in to kiss my lips softly.

“Aw, I missed you too,” I say, smiling against his lips. “And I’m pretty sure I smell bad.”

“Not too bad.” He kisses me twice more. “Want to ride in with me?”

“I can’t.” I sit up and glance over at Scoot. “I have to take him to the V-E-T.”

“You have to spell it out?”

“Yes, because I’m pretty sure he knows what that word means. I’ve had him awhile. It’s time to have him checked out.”

“Want me to stay and help?”

God, yes. But I square my shoulders and do my best to look brave. “No. I’m fine.”

“Do you have a carrier?”

“Yes. I bought one when I bought his other things.”

Landon nods. “Do you think he’ll let you put him in there?”

“God, I hope I don’t die.”

He laughs and pats me on the leg. “I’ll put him in there for you. Do you think you’ll be okay at the vet’s?”

“Yes, thank you.” He brushes my hair back behind my ear and kisses my forehead as he stands.

“Where is it?”

“In the laundry room, on the dryer.”

He disappears through the kitchen to the laundry-slash-mudroom and returns quickly as Riley makes a mad dash down the stairs, wearing a cute winter dress I forgot I had. “That looks better on you than it does on me.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep it.” She winks at me and hurries into her jacket. “Are you going to stick around tonight for Jake’s set? He’s bringing Max.”

Max is Jake’s business partner and a former member of their band. Jake brings him once in a while to join him onstage, and when the two sing together, the harmonies are magical.

“Yep, that’s my plan. Wanna hang at the restaurant tonight and listen to music?” I ask Landon.

“I can do that.”

“Awesome, I’ll see you later.” Riley waves and runs out. And then, as calmly and easy as you please, Landon reaches over and picks Scoot up in his arms. Instead of the bloodshed I’m expecting, Scoot nestles against Landon’s chin, purring.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I mutter, glaring at both of them. “He barely lets me touch him.”

“I don’t know what to say. I’m irresistible.”

“You’re something.” I shake my head and watch as he easily slips Scoot into his carrier.

“There. All done.” I stand and sigh happily as Landon pulls me into his arms for a big hug. “Good luck. Will you be coming into work when you’re done?”

“Yes, I’ll just run him back here and go in.”

“Okay, babe. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Well, it might help if you’re on standby with an ambulance and some Neosporin.”

He just laughs and kisses my head, then leaves. Scoot glares at me from behind his cage door.

“You’re not in jail,” I inform him. “You just have to go to the doctor.”

He growls.


“SO, HOW DID it go?” Landon asks that evening as he joins me at the bar. I’ve been locked in my office all day and into the evening, trying to catch up on work. Being with Landon is awesome, but it’s been bad for my productivity.

Not that I’m complaining.

“Well, it was fine—”


“Until we got to the office.”

“Oh no.” He chuckles and smiles at Kat as she joins us. “She took the cat to the vet today.”

“Oh, I’ve heard the story,” Kat says, and pours Landon his usual gin and tonic. “I just want to hear it again.”

“What happened?”

“The cat is evil,” I reply calmly, and take another sip of my wine. “Like, certifiably evil. I could call in a priest, and the priest would agree.”

“He’s so mild-mannered.”

I stare at Landon, and then bust up laughing. “Right.” I hold out my arm so he can examine the scratch marks from my elbow to wrist. “I made this up. Of course, this didn’t happen until after the vaccinations. When we first got there, all was fine. I opened the carrier, and he came out, meowing, looking all innocent and cute. He let the male doctor hold him and examine him. He’s perfectly healthy, by the way.”

“Good to know,” Landon says with a smile.

“He thinks that Scoot is about two years old. He was malnourished at some point.” I frown, not enjoying the thought of the evil cat being hungry. “I guess he can tell by his teeth? I don’t know. Anyway, he got a couple of shots since we don’t know if he’s ever had any before. He’s been neutered, so probably, but we can’t be sure. So, he got some shots. He sat perfectly still, looking around like, whatever.

“And then.” I swallow hard. “The vet left me alone with him.”

“Take a sip of wine,” Kat suggests, and I comply.

“So I opened the cage and reached for him, and he became this . . . wild creature.

Landon is holding his hand over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter, but it’s not working.

“His ears went back, and his eyes got super wide and all wildlike and he hissed at me.”

“He doesn’t like the cage,” Kat says, nodding sagely.

“You weren’t there, Kat. You didn’t see it.” I take another sip of wine. “He actually scratched me. And I was so surprised, I practically threw him into the cage!”

“Aw, poor Scoot,” Landon says, earning the glare of death from me.

“Poor Scoot?” My voice is calm, but I feel my cheeks flush. “Poor Scoot?”

“You know what I mean,” he says, reaching for my hand, but I jerk away.

“I bled. And then he screamed at me all the way home, and when I opened his cage, he ran out super fast and tried to trip me . . . and the worst part?”

“There’s a part that’s worse?” Landon says, laughing.

“He freaking peed in his cage!” Both Landon and Kat are laughing now. “Have you ever had to clean cat pee? It’s the most disgusting thing ever.

“But tell him the rest,” Kat says, waving at me and holding on to her stomach. “Seriously, it’s the best part.”

“Oh God,” Landon replies. “I have to hear it.”

I square my shoulders, trying to wrap a little dignity around myself and failing miserably, I’m sure. “Well, I took the cage into the laundry room, and I had it in the big sink back there to wash it out.”

Kat doubles over, lays her forehead on the bar, and hits it with her fist. “Oh my God, I can’t handle it.”

“So, I’m running hot water into it, and swishing the water around.”

“Oh my God, I’m gonna pee!” Kat exclaims.

“And suddenly, out of nowhere, Scoot jumps into the sink! Which isn’t such a bad thing because after he peed in the cage, he needed a bath anyway. He starts flailing about and howling, and sending water all over me and over the side of the sink onto the floor, and to try to climb out, he latches on to my other arm.” I pull my sleeve up so Landon can see. “And proceeds to almost amputate me as he launches himself across the room!”

Now they’re laughing so hard that I wouldn’t be surprised if one or both of them has a stroke.

“I’m so happy that my bloodshed is funny to you.”

“Oh, baby,” Landon gasps, trying to gather himself. “I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s so horrible.”

“Horribly funny,” Kat agrees, wiping tears from her cheeks. “Damn, my makeup is a mess.”

“Yes, and my arms are a mess,” I say, which only makes them laugh more.

“Seriously, it hurts.” I pout, but I have to bite my lips because I want to bust out into laughter with them, but now it’s the principle of it all.

Jake and Max are onstage, singing one of their old hits, the restaurant is packed, and I’m back here with these two being ridiculed.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Landon pulls me against him to give me a hug. “I should have gone with you.”

“Why does he like you so much and not me? I feed him! I give him a place to live. I’m nice to the little bastard.”

“He’s just temperamental,” Landon says reassuringly. “Are you set on staying through the show, or can I steal you away?”

“I guess we can go,” I reply with a shrug. “I’m not really in the mood for this anyway.”

“Come on.” He takes my hand and leads me out back where his car is. He must have swapped out the work truck earlier and come back.

“Where are we going?”

“Nowhere fancy,” he says, and takes my hand as he pulls away from the restaurant. He looks down at my arm. “Boy, he really got you good.”

“No kidding. I wonder if I need a rabies shot?”

“It’s not that deep, and I am quite sure that Scoot doesn’t have rabies.”

“No, he just has a bad case of the assholes,” I reply, sulking, which only makes Landon start chuckling again. “Keep laughing and you’ll be sleeping by yourself again tonight, funny man.”

“Oh, come on, I saw your lips twitch earlier. A year from now, this will be the funniest story ever.”

“I’ll wait until the wounds heal to laugh about it.”

The car comes to a stop in the parking lot of our old high school. I frown and glance over at Landon. “Did you forget your homework?”

“No.” He smiles and unfastens his seat belt, then mine, and turns to face me. “Do you remember that day when I was home from college for the summer and you had just graduated but needed to come back to the school for something or other—”

“I had to pick up my diploma,” I add, already knowing where he’s going with this. Of course I remember that day.

“Right, and you asked me to drive you over here. When you came back to the car, we just sat here for like an hour and talked about so many things.”

He leans toward me, his eyes on my lips. “I knew it then, but I was so young, and didn’t know what in the hell to do about it. And you were so fucking young too.”

“You knew what?” I ask with a whisper, but he keeps going.

“I had to take a step back and give you room. Time. Time to grow up and experience some life. But I’m not going to keep giving you room.”

“I don’t want room,” I say. He smiles softly, in that way he does when I’ve done or said something that he finds particularly cute. He brushes my hair behind my ear and rubs my earlobe between his finger and thumb. “You were the one that got away, Cami.”

“I didn’t go anywhere.”

“I’m not doing this right.” He licks his lips, and then leans in and stops talking altogether when his lips meet mine. I sigh into him, the way I always do when he kisses me because it feels so damn good. I fist his shirt and pull him closer, then moan when his tongue meets mine.

God, I can’t get enough of him.

But suddenly he takes my hands in his and pulls back, and when I open my eyes, he’s staring at me with wide, sincere eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Absolutely nothing.” He takes a deep breath. “I just wanted it to be here, in this place, where I wanted to say it then and couldn’t, for all of those reasons.

“I love you, Cami.”