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Crash and Burn (The Witness Series Book 6) by Heather D'Agostino (14)


When Jase called me this afternoon to invite me out, I figured it’d be a nice way to blow off steam. I hadn’t really talked to Toni other than at work, and I knew I needed to fix the tension that seemed to keep rising between us. We said we were friends, but I knew that wasn’t true. We were so much more, but I didn’t know what you’d call it. We weren’t dating. Hell, any physical contact we’d had was a ruse. I had no idea what she was thinking most days, and I was always wondering if she felt anything that I did. We seemed to fight all the time when we weren’t working, and I secretly wondered if she was fighting the attraction as much as me. I decided to invite her along tonight and test some of my theories. If she shut me down, I’d walk away and keep us in the friend’s zone. We’d be partners and nothing more. If she felt what I felt, well I was willing to tell Dev yes and leave the force for her.

“So who’s going to be here tonight?” Toni asked as we approached the bar. We’d parked on the street a few blocks away.

“Stevenson said it was just him and Mase when he texted me, but Horn may come later,” I shrugged as I reached for the door and held it open.

“Thank you,” she smiled at me as we stepped into the crowded bar. People were standing in a crowd by the bar as Lena and another girl rushed around. A band was setting up on the new stage in the corner, and I assumed the group was in the back. Jase never could resist getting his ass handed to him in pool.

“Let’s find the guys, then we’ll get drinks,” I reached for Toni’s hand out of instinct, and she pulled away.

“This isn’t a date, Mark. You don’t need to treat me like I’m fragile,” she snapped as she pushed ahead of me. I saw her pace quicken and realized she must have seen the guys.

“I know that,” I growled as we rounded the corner to where the pool tables were set up and I came to a grinding halt.

“I learned from the best,” Amber’s voice filtered through the air. “You can break.”

Jase nodded as he bent down to take aim. “The best, huh? I only know of one other person that can school me here. Who taught you, your big brother or something?” He pulled the cue back and when he connected, he sent the balls flying.

“I did,” I stepped closer, causing her to stiffen. She may have been trying to hide it, but she was as surprised to see me as I was her.

“Glad you could make it,” Jase came over and clapped me on the back as I stepped around her, completely ignoring the fact that she was standing there.

Toni didn’t realize what she’d walked into as she made her way over to the table where Tiff was sitting with a pitcher of beer. She smiled as if she’d known our group forever, and I kinda like that fact. She fit right in, and didn’t hang back like someone else I knew.

The scene before me caused every part of me to go rigid as I watched the one person I didn’t want to run into tonight actually make me proud for a moment. I couldn’t let her know that she still affected me. We were in love at one time, and no matter how much it hurt to remember what she’d done, I still cared.

“Amber,” I nodded as I stepped back and waited for her to take her shot.

“Here,” she handed me the cue. “Pool was always your game. You play.”

“I’m kinda looking forward to seeing this jackass get beat by a girl,” I smiled softly, trying to let her know that I wasn’t mad anymore. Hurt, yes. Mad, no. I’d used the time apart to put in perspective what really happened. Amber wasn’t the problem between the two of us, we weren’t right for each other and it took her acting on a feeling to really enlighten me. I was still grieving the death of our relationship, but I wasn’t going to blame her anymore. At least that was the plan.

“Are you sure?” her eyes widened as she stared up at me, blinking a few times.

“Yep,” I nodded as Toni came over carrying a glass of beer. “Kick his ass,” I chuckled as I accepted the beer and thanked Toni. “This is my partner, Antonia Rossi.”

Toni held out her hand to Amber, “Call me Toni. Everyone else does; well, except these guys. They call me Rossi and I can’t seem to get them to change that,” she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

Amber’s eyes widened as her shoulders relaxed, “Nice to meet you.”

I don’t know what I expected to happen during this meeting. Toni was fairly low key for a woman, and Amber would never start anything in public. I watched as Toni went back to the table with Tiff, and Amber turned back to face Jase. “You ready to empty your wallet,” she teased as she leaned over the table. She wiggled her hips as she lined up to sink the red striped ball near the far end.

I positioned myself against the wall divider that framed in the area for the pool tables. As I crossed my ankles and sipped my beer, I watched in amusement as the cue ball knocked into the red striped ball, sending it into the far corner pocket.

“You can’t be that good,” Jase scoffed.

“It’s your money,” Amber taunted. I couldn’t help but feel some pride in knowing that I’m the reason she plays like that. We spent weeks perfecting her game when we first met. Hell, our first date was to a pool hall. As many bad memories as we’ve had lately, I still remember the good ones.

“You brought me to a pool hall?” Amber stared at the neon sign in the parking lot. I’d planned to take her somewhere else, but I’d gotten stuck at work and rather than cancel, I just modified the plans.

I sighed as my shoulders drooped, “I thought it’d be fun. Have you ever played?”

“Um, no,” she was chewing on her lip. “Is it hard?” she pressed her lips together before she started to giggle.

“Come on,” I reached for her hand and led her inside. This was our first official date. We’d met two weeks ago at the gym. I’d gone in to blow off some steam, and there she was. I’d watched her wrestle with some free weights before approaching her. She didn’t take my shit like most girls did. She called me out and we’ve been flirting through texts ever since. If I played my cards right, I might be able to convince her to go out again, at least I hoped so. I wanted to have a real date, but this was going to have to do. I was on a big case and it kinda ran my life at the moment.

When we got inside, I stopped and rented a table before leading her to the back corner. I’d requested one that was away from the crowds of men. I didn’t want her to feel like she was being watched, and I didn’t want anyone staring when she bent over. The jeans she was wearing should have been illegal, and I didn’t feel like arresting anyone tonight.

“Want anything to drink?” I smiled as I shrugged out of my coat and hung it over a nearby chair. She shook her head before slipping out of hers as well. I reached for two cue sticks and rolled them on the table beside us. “I have my own, but didn’t want to intimidate you,” I chuckled. “This is how you make sure they’re not warped.”

“Ok,” she watched with rapt attention as I began to rack the balls. I handed her the sticks as I rounded the table and set up the triangle opposite us.

“I’ll break, and then will see if you’re solids or stripes,” I set the triangle off to the side, rounded back to her, and grabbed one of the cues. “You might want to move over there,” I nodded to my left. “I don’t want to poke you by accident.” I smirked as she grinned at me and stepped to the side.

After breaking, the blue ball dropped in the side, giving her the stripes. I gave up my turn and opted to let her go. I knew that if we played by the rules, she would most likely never get a shot. I could usually run the table for a game. I can count less than ten times that I’ve played and the other person’s gotten a shot when they’ve let me break. This is what happens when you spend most of your childhood home alone. We had a pool table in our basement. I played every afternoon. I’m self-taught.

“Come here,” I reached for her as I leaned my cue against the wall. I turned Amber so she was facing the table and stood behind her. “Put this hand here, and this one here,” I positioned her hands before pressing lightly on her back, causing her to lean forward. “Relax,” I breathed into her ear. “You wanna line up with the cue ball. You’re stripes, so go for that one there,” I pointed at the green stripe. “It’s near the pocket and has a clear shot. Pull back gently and then tap it in.” As much as I knew I should step back, I stayed right next to her back. My pelvis cradled hers, and when she wiggled her hips, I couldn’t help but groan. My body started reacting, and I knew I was in trouble.

“Oh my god!” she squealed as the ball dropped in the pocket. “I did it!” she spun around and hugged me. “This is easy,” she tipped her head to the side as she stared up at me.

“Eh, I don’t know about easy. That was an easy shot, but you did good. Now, go again,” I smirked at her as I stepped back and let her choose what ball would be next.

She wiggled her hips as she began to walk around the table. I watched her narrow her eyes as she chewed the inside of her cheek. It was cute to watch, and I wondered which one she’d pick and if she’d be lucky enough to sink it. I got my answer soon enough when she went for the yellow. It was the wrong choice and an extremely difficult shot. She stomped her foot when she missed and I couldn’t help but laugh at her antics.

“It moved,” she pointed at the offending ball as she glared at me.

“No, it didn’t,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well then, why didn’t it go in?” she crossed her arms.

“Pool isn’t easy. It takes practice to develop the skill. If you play a lot, you’ll get better,” I mused as I proceeded to clear the table and show her what I meant.

I watched in amusement as Amber dropped one ball after another. Jase put up a pretty good fight, but I knew I’d been a good teacher. I could see a lot of myself in Amber as she played. She knew when to push him, and when to back off and she had him eating out of her hand.

“Eight ball corner pocket,” she called as she leaned over, giving me the perfect view of her ass. She was wearing the same tight jeans she’d worn on our first date all those years ago. I watched as she swiveled her hips. It was a signature move of hers. The top of her shirt hung open from the large neck, allowing a clear view of her bra. It was a black lacy one that I always liked. “Ready to pay up?” she giggled as she peered up at where Jase was staring at her. She pulled back the cue and in one swift movement sunk the eight ball, officially ending the game and winning.

“Holy shit,” Jase gasped as she stood up, did a little curtsy, and then held out her hand. I watched as he slapped a wad of bills in it and shook his head. “I’m never playing you again, or you,” he pointed at where I was still watching. I just laughed as I watched them.

Amber tossed the stick on the table before bowing and turning to face the group, “I’m out.” She waved her hand in the air as she pushed through the crowd and headed for the bar.

A mix of pride and sorrow filled me. It was moments like these that made me think that we would have been great together, but then I remember what she did and reality crashes in. How can something that seemed so solid, fall apart like it did? How did I not see it coming, or maybe I did and I was just blind to it?

“I’ll be back in a minute,” I called to the group before following after her. I knew we were over, but I needed closure. I needed something to help me understand why she did it. I needed to close this wound so that I could move on to something better. I deserved better and so did whomever I started the next chapter with.

“I’ll play him so he can win his money back,” Jeff, who just seemed to appear, shouted over the crowd as I turned to head toward the bar.

I waved my hand in the air as I made a beeline for her. She was perched on a stool, already flirting with some guy that was a little too close for my taste. “Can we talk?” I tapped her shoulder, causing her to glance back at me. “Please?” I held my hand out, offering to help her down. She nodded as she accepted my offer, and I turned to lead her outside.