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Crash and Burn (The Witness Series Book 6) by Heather D'Agostino (17)


The ride back to Toni’s place was too short for my liking. After sexting her most of the day, and then flirting on our date… it was killing me. I’d been semi-hard since I picked her up in those tight jeans, then having her tell me she was commando underneath did me in. I’ve been taking my time on this ride trying to talk myself into not pushing things tonight. Amber and I got physical at the very beginning of our relationship, and I think that was our downfall. We were great in the bedroom, but the other stuff… not so much. Toni and I are actually talking and getting along, and I’m not ready to complicate things with sex yet. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. My dick has other ideas. He’s literally pulsing right now, and I know when I get home, I’m going to have to jerk one out but for now I need to think about how to move whatever this is ahead.

When we got to the front of Toni’s building, she practically jumped off the bike. I wondered if she was as nervous as I was or if she just wanted to get away from me. “I had fun tonight,” she smiled as she fiddled with the strap on her helmet.

“You like kicking my ass, huh?” I chuckled as I cut the engine and moved to help her. When our fingers brushed on the buckle, she inhaled sharply. “I’m planning to go to the gun range tomorrow. I was wondering if you might want to join me?”

“You know I had the best marks in my class, right?” she grinned up at me as I moved to set the helmet on the bike’s seat.

“For a girl,” I nodded.

“Um no. I beat the boys too,” she rolled her eyes. “Still want me to go with you?”

She shivered and I rubbed my palms up and down her arms for warmth. She’d put on her jacket, but the temperature had dropped rather far once the sun set. “I’ll take my chances,” I moved closer and dipped my chin. Toni was shorter than any girl I’d dated, and it was a stretch for me to lean down to reach her lips. “I think it would be good for me to have a challenge,” I continued.

“Maybe we could have a little wager,” she nibbled her lip.

“Like what?” I leaned even closer, letting our foreheads almost touch.

“I don’t know,” her breath whooshed out.

“It’s hard to think when I’m this close, huh?” I teased. “It’s ok. I have the same problem,” the words were barely a whisper as I gently pressed my lips to hers. Toni’s hands lifted to wrap around my neck as I cupped her cheek with one hand and pulled her flush with my body with the other. I had to keep telling myself that it wasn’t going farther than this tonight. It was our first date and as much as I wanted to pin her against the wall in her apartment, I knew that it wasn’t the right time.

She moaned as I licked at her lips, allowing me to sink into her mouth and get lost. My body lit up as her hands moved to fist the material of my shirt. Her hips pressed forward, and I knew she could feel how hard I was. Her body shivered again when my hand drifted down her back, cupping her ass. I had dreams about that ass and when I ground myself against her, she pulled back.

“I need to go upstairs before I do something I shouldn’t,” she panted.

“Yes, you do,” I gasped as I ran one palm down my face.

“I thought of something we could bet for tomorrow,” she smiled saucily.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I adjusted myself in my now too tight pants.

Her eyes zeroed in on the bulge as she giggled, “If you beat me, you can come upstairs tomorrow.”

I swallowed as my head bobbed. I turned and quickly rushed to my bike.

“Something I said?” her brow furrowed and I couldn’t help but laugh.

I flipped the visor up on my helmet before glancing over at her. “Not at all,” I cranked the engine and revved the bike. “I gotta go practice. I’m beating you tomorrow,” I winked before revving the bike again. “My balls can’t take me not,” I shouted over the engine before flipping the visor down and peeling out, away from the curb. I didn’t look back, I couldn’t. I didn’t need to see her cheeks turning pink, or her licking her lips. I stared enough for one night, and if she did pretty much anything at that point, I’d be taking her upstairs tonight regardless of what I should’ve done.


To say that I had a rough night’s sleep last night would be an understatement. When I got home, I took a cold shower to try and calm down. When that didn’t help, I tried jerking off. I got a little bit of relief, but then I started thinking about what she said ‘you can come upstairs if you beat me’. That was all it took to get me hard again. Jerking off is never as good as the real thing, and I haven’t had the real thing in over a month. It’s been six weeks since Amber and I broke up, and before that we weren’t even having sex regularly. I feel like I’m back in high school, counting down the hours until I can meet up with my girlfriend.

I don’t have to go into the station today, so I decided to go to the gym and try to get rid of some of this energy before picking up Toni. I called Jeff but he claimed he was busy. I’m sure he was busy with Lena, but I couldn’t blame him. Those two went through hell to be together so he deserved it. Jase said he’d try to meet me, but it would all depend on how Joy, their daughter, had slept. Tiff had been bugging Jase to have another baby, but he wasn’t ready. Joy was a handful, and according to Jase, she never slept.

When I got to the gym, I went straight for a treadmill. I figured maybe I could wear myself down enough that being near Toni wouldn’t be so hard. I stretched, and then climbed on and started at a slow jog. It didn’t take long before I started thinking about her again. The dreams I’d had the night before were nothing compared to the visions now clouding my head. I started picturing her naked and panting beneath me. Begging me to take her. My feet moved faster as I cranked up the speed on the treadmill. Sweat began to bead across my forehead. My breathing was coming in gasps, but it didn’t help. Visions of Toni flooded my brain and I began to lose focus on what I was really here for.

“You plan on killing yourself?” Jase’s amused voice came from behind me.

“Shut up, fucker,” I growled as I slowed my pace a little. My legs were starting to quiver from the pace I’d been keeping, but I knew I could go longer.

“Not getting any yet, huh?” he chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I narrowed my eyes on him and clenched my jaw. It didn’t help that he was right, but the truth was, I could have probably gotten some last night if I’d pushed. Toni was the one that said she needed to get upstairs.

“You’re not fucking funny,” I snapped as I slowed my pace more and went into a cool down.

“I’m sorry, man. What’s going on?” Jase stepped back, allowing me off the treadmill, and I followed him over to a weight bench. He began sliding free weights onto a bar before motioning for me to lie on the bench.

“I want her, man. I want her so bad, but I don’t know how the fuck this is supposed to work,” I sighed as I laid back and positioned my hands.

“Well, you get her all worked up, and then you just,” he snickered as I frowned at him.

“I know how that part works,” I groaned. “I’d hate to be your kid when you give them ‘the talk’,” I rolled my eyes as I lifted the bar over my chest. “I mean,” I lowered it as I sucked in a breath, “how are we supposed to work when we’re partners?” I pushed up, exhaling at the same time.

“Easy, don’t be partners anymore,” Jase shrugged like it was really that easy.

“I can’t ask her to leave,” I groaned as I lowered the bar again.

“So don’t. You leave,” again, Jase acted as if it were simple.

“You know I can’t,” I growled as I did another rep.

“Yes, you can. I don’t know why you feel so tied to this job. You did your time. Take your pension and walk away. If you’re worried about work, come work for Ford and I.”

I placed the bar back on the bench and rocked forward to a sitting position. I took a few deep breaths and placed my hands on my knees. “I don’t know what I’m worried about,” I muttered. It was the truth. I didn’t know what was holding me in place. Jase was right, I could work with them. They’d been offering me a job since they opened their firm, and they’d stayed busy. I’d still get to do what I loved, and have better hours. I could date Toni in the open and not have to worry about our relationship affecting our work.

“I’ll think about it,” I nodded as I stood up. “Thanks, man,” I switched places and Jase sat on the bench. 

“No problem,” Jase laid back and gripped the bar.

“So the baby’s doing better?” I watched as he lifted the weight above his chest.

“Not exactly,” he grumbled, “Tiff had the afternoon off. She wanted to work on number two.”

“You used me to get out of having sex with your wife? What’s wrong with you?” I laughed as he forced the bar into the air.

“I have no idea,” he shook his head. “A year ago I would have thought you were crazy if you said I’d give up sex to come to the gym with the likes of you,” he snickered as I frowned. “I don’t get any sleep now though, and I know if we have another baby right now that it’s only going to get worse.”

“But it could take a while,” I mused.

“Um, it didn’t last time,” he groaned. “In fact, we didn’t even plan it. I love my daughter, but sometimes I just want time with my wife,” he blew out a breath before rocking forward to sit up.

“How long do you plan to hang out here?” I grabbed a towel and wiped my face.

“Not sure. What are you plans for the day?” he reached for his water bottle and squeezed some into his mouth.

“Heading to the range,” I began walking toward the locker room. I’d planned to take a shower here before meeting up with Toni.

“I could use some practice,” he mused.

“You are not crashing my date, Stevenson,” I pointed at him as we stopped by the door to the locker room. “Go talk to your wife. Sounds like you need it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he waved me off. “I’m gonna go run a bit. Think about what I said about the job,” he turned and began walking toward the treadmills.

“Thanks, I will,” I called before stepping inside the locker room. I shuffled over to the showers, and sat down on one of the benches to remove my shoes. My muscles were almost shaking thanks to the abuse I put them through. It didn’t seem to help though. When I stepped under the water, thoughts of her flooded my brain, causing my body to begin to come back to life. How was I going to keep my hands off her tonight? The answer to that was I wasn’t. I had to beat her. I had to win this bet. I had to get her to invite me upstairs. I had to. I couldn’t take another night of fantasizing with my hand. I needed to be on my A game, and then I needed to talk to Dev tomorrow. It didn’t matter what I did for work at this point; as long as I could have Toni, the rest would work out.