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Deepen The Kiss by Willow Winters (31)



Krissy, it hurts,” I practically seethe through my teeth as I lean back to try to breathe.

“The little stinker has his foot in your ribs, doesn’t he?”

“Yes,” I groan, waiting for my little man to move. He’s so big, and we still have another month before he’ll be here. So strong, too.

Krissy puts her hand on my belly and I can feel the slight pressure and then his little kicks. Although they hurt some, I can’t help the smile that grows on my face.

Krissy’s wide grin helps put me at ease, too.

“He’ll be here soon, and then you’ll miss this.” Her eyes get a little glassy and she puts her hand on her own belly.

She’s a month behind me. And her emotions are through the roof.

I look at her perfect, beautiful bump and lean back in the porch swing. The summer breeze from the lake hits my face and carries the faint smell of the laundry that’s hanging on the line. It’s a perfect combination that puts me at ease, and little Ryder, too.

He must’ve moved away from my lungs because I can finally breathe.

Krissy kicks off the ground and sends us rocking backward.

I turn to face her and say, “I can’t believe you aren’t going to find out ahead of time.”

“I want it to be a surprise,” she says as her hand rubs soothing circles on her belly.

“You’re crazy.” I turn away from her as the screen door opens and the guys walk out. They both have Krissy’s kids, Cady and Everett, on their shoulders and they’re squealing for them to go faster.

My heart swells with happiness. He’s been wanting a baby for a while now. Ever since he slipped the ring on my finger and made me his wife. Now that I’ve got the teaching job I’ve always wanted and Haley’s taken over the bakery, I had no excuse to tell him no. Haley’s a damn good baker, too. More than that, she’s good with the business side of things.

Everything’s perfect.

Well almost. Everything I can change. Everything I have control over.

I was hoping for a little girl. So I could name her after my mama.

Tears prick my eyes, and I brush them away. She lived a life with love and happiness. I’ll do her proud by doing the same.

“Aww Vi, what’s going on with you?” Hunter slips Cady off his shoulders and she runs off the steps and barrels to the field in our front yard. She’s old enough to know not to go into the lake and we’ve told her enough times, but that little girl is a rebel and Krissy instantly stands to keep an eye on her. Jared follows behind her with Everett laughing on his shoulders and slapping his head.

They’ve been coming over every weekend and now that it’s the summertime and school’s out, it’s been more often.

The swing shifts backward as Hunter sits next to me. I easily lay my head on his shoulder and sniffle.

“You alright?” he asks, rubbing his hand down my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I say weakly. “You’d think after three years, it’d be easier.”

“You’re emotional and having a baby of your own. It’s only natural.” He kisses my hair and holds me as I calm myself down.

I miss my mama all the time now that I’m pregnant. I always thought I’d share this time with her. At least I have Haley and Krissy and Hunter’s mom. I’m surrounded by love, and that would make her happy to know.

We swing gently back and forth and I close my eyes, just enjoying Hunter’s touch. He’s so good to me. We’re practically the town sweethearts now… almost. I think Jared and Krissy will always have that title.

Hunter gets down on his knees and kisses my belly, wrapping his arms around me. Him holding me like this makes me feel so small, even if I am as big as a house now.

His hand rubs back and forth and he waits for Ryder to kick him, but he doesn’t.

“I think he’s sleeping,” I say softly.

Hunter snorts a little laugh and plants another kiss on my belly and I can barely take it.

“I love you, Hunter. I love you so damn much.” I don’t know where my life would have gone without him in it. If he’d just given up on me instead of fighting for me.

He leans up, placing a hand on the back of the swing on either side of my head and kisses me sweetly.

“I love you too, Vi. Always have, and I always will.”

The End.