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Derailed (An Off Track Records Novel) by Kacey Shea (32)


“Wake up, my love.” My lips trace her skin like a map, needing to know the exact trail to her heart but getting lost along the way to appreciate the view. After making love until we both succumbed to sleep, you’d think I’d have my fill, but I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Jess. With the morning light peeking through the blinds to guide my view, I start at her back and kiss my way down her ribs where my hands get in on the exploration too.

“Sean.” She pants and rolls onto her back so I have better access.

My face settles between the apex of her legs. “Wake up, Jess.” I love that she opens for me, her hands reaching for my scalp and pulling me close to her center. “We have lots to do today.” I move her panties to the side and lick between her folds.

“I’d be good if we stayed right here.” She groans and lifts her hips.

I grin and slide one finger inside her. In and out. In and around. She meets my stare as I work her up for what I have next. “You’ll like my surprises. Promise.” I lean back onto my knees to peel off her underwear and toss it over my shoulder.

She shakes her head and a frown pouts from those gorgeous lips. “Sean, I said nothing over the top.”

I raise my brow and pin her with a glare. “It’s a big deal, Jess.”

“It’s really not.” She doesn’t see how proud I am. After spending the entire summer working her butt off, my Jess is the proud owner of a high school equivalency degree. She’s embarrassed by how long it took her, but I’m not. I’m so damn impressed. I don’t give a flying fuck if it took her twenty-five years to get to this point. She’s the strongest woman I know. She’s overcome more than anyone should have to in their entire lifetime, and whatever she decides to do next, I’ll be at her side to support her every step. Starting with worshiping her body.

My lips kiss up the inside of her leg and around her center, just shy of where she wants me most.

“Sean!” She squeals with laughter when I hit the spot on her abdomen that’s most ticklish.

Crawling the rest of the way up her body so mine covers hers, I capture her lips and steal the laughter from her smile. I kiss her with everything I am. As if my sole mission in this life is to reassure her she’s the only one for me. It may not be my only priority, but she’s the person I can’t envision my life without. Not now. Not ever.

That’s how we make love. She gives and I give more. Our bodies come together, both striving for the other’s pleasure, and eventually it gives way to a climax that wrecks both my body and soul.

All sweaty limbs on tangled sheets, I roll to my side and pull her with me. Jess tucks her body alongside mine and we just fit. Perfectly. We might both be flawed but she’s my perfect, and I will always do right by her. The ghost of Coy lingers in the back of my mind and I try not to give him any power, even there. I will always treat her better than he did, but that’s a poor benchmark. I wish I could erase the hurt and damage he caused her soul, but I can’t. Instead, I’ll paint new memories, kind words, and bold experiences in her life until those are the only ones that matter. Is it easy? No. But it’s something I committed to when I decided this woman was it for me.

I kiss her forehead and then climb off the bed. “We need to go.”

“Why can’t we stay here, again?” she calls, and rolls to her stomach.

“Surprises.” I hold out my hand and wait for her to take it. Pulling her from the bed, I wrap my arms around her. “But first, let’s shower together.” I drag her along into the bathroom.

“You don’t have to make a thing out of this. I don’t need anything, Sean. Just you.”

And that’s one of the ten thousand things I love about her. She means it. She’s totally unselfish, and that only makes today more exciting. “Oh, wow, what is that!” I point at the counter and tilt my head, confusion riddled into my brow.

Good thing they don’t pay me to act because by the twist of Jess’s lips I’ve done a horrible job. “What is this?” she chides but there’s a smile on her lips when she takes up the envelope marked for her and opens its. Laughter tumbles from her lips. “You are the strangest boyfriend.”

I turn on the spray to the shower and look over my shoulder to meet her laughter. “What? I want to take you shopping!” I want to give her everything she’s ever desired. Anything she wants, clothing or otherwise.

“It’s weird.” She rolls her eyes and sets down the gift card before sticking her hand under the spray to test it out.

“Not weird.” I wink and take her hands in mine, dropping a chaste kiss on her lips. “I love to shower you with all the beauty you deserve.”

Her lips pull with her smirk and she tugs me under the heat of the spray. “Come on, weirdo. Let’s shower me with water and soap for now.”

“I have no argument for that.”

* * *

An hour later we enter the department store and I ask for a personal shopper. I can hardly contain my excitement.

“What can I help you find today, Mr. Willis?” A woman greets us with a warm smile.

I glance at Jess and squeeze her hand. “I’m whisking my girl, Jess, away for a little staycation and I want her to pick out whatever she wants.”

“What?” Jess’s gaze widens as the words set in.

“I booked us two nights on Catalina Island. Is that okay?”

“Okay?” She laughs and clears her throat. “I think I can deal with that.”

“So, what kind of clothes are you looking for? Beachwear? Evening gowns?” the salesperson asks Jess.

“I’m not sure what I want,” Jess says, and I can tell by the way she hasn’t let go of my hand, this makes her nervous. She’s not one for the center of attention or spending money that’s not hers. But being with me automatically requires she goes outside her comfort zone on both of those counts.

“Well, that’s my job. I’ll help you figure out what exactly you want and make it as painless as possible. Promise.” She winks at Jess. “Why don’t you both come with me?”

We follow her down two hallways to the private dressing room atrium. “Can I get either of you something to drink?”

“I’m fine.” Jess waves a hand.

“I’m good for now,” I say and try to hold in my grin.

“My name’s Candice, so if there’s anything at all you need, just ask. Now, since we’re shopping for Jess, I’ll have you sit over there while she and I take a little walk to get an idea of where to start.”

“I’m okay with that.” I plop into a comfortable leather lounge chair.

“Sure, smile now. You get the easy part.” Jess glares over her shoulder as Candice drags her back out toward the clothes. She thinks we’re here to pick up a few things for a weekend getaway. With her out of the room, I don’t even try to rein in my excitement for what I have planned.

Jess and Candice return moments later with several items to start with.

“Let me see them all!” I call to her when she disappears behind the dressing room door.

“Only if they look good,” she retorts, but I think she’s still too hard on herself. Nothing she wears could ever look bad.

“Just come out and show me anyway,” I plead and she answers with laughter.

Candice brings clothes quicker than Jess can try them on, and I swear I’m living the dream, kicked back in this chair while my gorgeous girlfriend models just for me; I might be biased because I really do love everything she puts on. Eventually, Candice and Jess put together a rack of must-buys and another of rejects.

“This is more than I’ll need for a weekend,” Jess complains, but she’s smiling.

“Try this next.” Candice hands over a sundress and light jacket, and once Jess disappears inside the changing room she winks at me. My cue.

A few moments later Jess exits the room and scrunches her face. “I don’t know. What do you think?”

“Let me see.” I furrow my brow and act much more interested than I am. Like everything else, she’s beautiful in it, but that answer won’t do right now. I rise from the chair and walk closer as she twists in front of the mirror and examines her reflection.

“I like the print, but it’s a little much, yeah?”

“What about the jacket?” I step to her side and meet her stare in the mirror. “That’s funny.” I point at the pocket.

She lifts the pocket flap the rest of the way open and retrieves an envelope marked with her name. “Strange . . .” Her brow pulls with concern when it hits her. “Sean!” Her eyes widen and she turns to face me. “You’ve already done too much.”

“Just open it.”

Her lips mash together and she drops her gaze to slide out the card and note inside. The itinerary and ticket vouchers are there, too. I love that I get to watch every stage of her reaction. Surprise. Shock. Excitement.

“We’re going to Bali? You’re taking me to Bali!” Her mouth falls open and she shakes her head as if she can’t believe it.

“I’ve wanted to since the gala.” My smile is wide with her excitement. “The tickets are for next year, but you can use them anytime—for you and a guest. I hope you’ll take me.”

Her gaze darts between me, the note, and the rack laden with clothes as her brow pulls low with a frown. “Sean, this is too much.”

“It’s not.” It’s not enough. There are no material possessions on this Earth great enough to show her how thankful I am to have her in my life. I want to buy her all the things. I want to jet set around the world with her, one trip at a time. There’s no way I’d waste this time off without taking her someplace memorable . . . or without a beach. I wish we could do Bali now, but I only have a few days before I’m back on the road.

“Maybe you’d like to try these as well?” Candice appears with the bikinis and sundresses I requested when I called yesterday to set this up, and hangs them inside Jess’s changing room.

“Sure . . .” Jess eyes her with suspicion, but directs her scowl my way when she catches my ear-to-ear grin. “You . . .” Her lips flinch with the trace of a smile and she stuffs the envelope into my chest. I’m busted and I don’t even care.

“Me.” I grin and reach for the little white bikini. Taking it off the hook, I hold it out to Jess.

“You planned this entire day!” Her eyes widen and laughter bubbles from her lips. “Are we even going to Catalina? Or was that a ploy to get me to try on a thousand dresses?”

“It was more like two dozen. And yes, we head down as soon as you’re ready.”

Her mouth opens as if she’s about to say something, but instead she snaps it shut.

“Jess? If you’re not ready—if you want to delay the trip—we can do that too.”

“It’s not that. I . . .” Her eyes shut, but when they open again they’re full of so much admiration, I feel unworthy of their praise. Her lips open and I wait with bated breath for the words that come next. “I love you, Sean.”

God, I feel as though I’ve waited all my life to hear those words. I wasn’t expecting them. It’s certainly not why I planned this. But fuck, with that sentiment alone she’s given me more than I’ve ever hoped.

“I love you, Jess.” Closing the space between us, my mouth crashes down on hers. We kiss as though we’ve been starving for this one kiss, and maybe we have. I know we have a long way to go. Her past carries deep, damaging hurt, but it’s nothing we can’t work through. I can’t love anyone other than her. My heart chose Jess from the beginning, before she was mine to love.

The clearing of a throat pulls us apart and Jess’s cheeks heat with the appearance of Candice. “Anything else you’d like to try on?”

“Nope.” Jess surprises me with her boldness. “I think we’re ready to check out now.”

“You don’t want to try on the bathing suits?” I tease as Candice collects the clothing.

Jess grabs the white one—hell to the yes—and hands it over. She turns back to me and reaches for my hand. “I think we both know there was only one choice there.” Her teasing brings a smile to my lips. “Now, I believe you promised me a few days on the beach?”

“I believe you are correct. Shall we?” I tip my head to where Candice is already bagging everything up.

Jess threads her fingers through mine. “As long as I get to DJ.” She bumps my shoulder with a wink.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Our journey hasn’t been an easy one. In fact, it’s a path I wouldn’t suggest anyone travel when searching for love. Our happily ever after has been derailed more than once, but in the end every heartbreak, every pain, every tear was worth the suffering. Without them, we wouldn’t have learned how to be strong for each other. We wouldn’t have realized the value of what we have now. Without the struggle, we wouldn’t have found solace together.

Jess is the love of my life. Anything she dreams, I will support her, and she does the same for me. That’s how real love works. And if life jars us off track as it sometimes happens to do, we’ll be ready . . . and love each other through every step of the way.


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Continue reading for a look inside Kacey’s other novels, including an exclusive preview of the first chapter of Hinder, the third Off Track Records novel, AND information on how to receive a FREE bonus chapter of Sean and Jess!