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Destined To Fall by Bester, Tamsyn (12)

Chapter 12
~ Kyler ~

I caress Cassey’s tits from behind as I push into her. She cranes her neck and plants a searing, hungry kiss on my mouth before pulling away to catch her breath.
“Oh God, Kyler,” she moans loudly. “Harder, baby, please.”
I grin, and soon the sounds of slapping skin, whimpers, and groans fill the space in my bedroom. Cassey lifts her arms, and grips my head board as it hits the wall. I lean over and kiss the damp skin between her shoulder blades. I feel her pussy clench, and she squeezes, causing me to groan. It drives me crazy when she does that.
“Be careful, baby,” I warn. Cassey squeezes again, and I almost lose it. I raise my hand and slap her butt, causing her to cry out.
Wrapping my arm around her waist, I kneel back and bring her with me, her back flush with my chest as her body moulds itself to fit mine. Her butt rests in my lap and the shift in position makes my thrusts deeper.
We start moving up and down, and Cassey rests her head on my shoulder. She smells so fucking good, like me, and sweaty sex. It’s become one of my favorite scents, next to the Ellie Saab perfume that she loves to wear. I trail my hand down, and slip my fingers over her swollen, sensitive clit, rubbing in slow circles. Cassey grips my wrist, and her nails dig into my skin. “Yes,” she cries out, exhaling harshly. “Yes, that’s so good… Ohhhhh.” I sink my teeth into her shoulder, and thrust up once, twice and on the third thrust, Cassey’s mouth drops open. “Ahhhhhhhh.”
Her body quivers in my arms, and I feel her muscles squeeze my cock, dragging my orgasm out of me. A bunch of expletives leave my mouth as I come, hard and fast. Cassey’s hands rub up and down the side of my thighs as we come down from our high, and work to catch our breath.
“You okay?” I ask her breathlessly. I palm her tits, feeling her heart race against my hand.
She lets out a breathy giggle, and turns her head on my shoulder to face me. “Never been better.” I kiss her deeply. “That was…incredible,” she whispers. Our eyes connect, and what I see should come as no surprise. Because I feel it too. The more that has slowly creeped in, and changed everything I thought I wanted with Cassey. Neither of us have had the courage to say anything, and we seem to be content to leave our ‘relationship’ status as it is. It suits me, for now. It’s been a week since we found out about my Father’s illness, and the only time my fears and worries don’t fill my head is when I’m with Cassey. It makes me feel guilty, like I’m using her, and maybe I am, but I wouldn’t be getting through this if it weren’t for her.
The alarm goes off, and Cassey smiles at me, brushing a piece of hair from her sweaty forehead.
Her skin has a light sheen of sweat, and her cheeks are flushed, her green eyes shining bright. She looks incredible in the soft the lighting of the impending dawn.
“Good morning,” she says against my lips.
“A very good morning, indeed,” I reply, smirking.
I move back, missing the feel of her around me, and fall onto the bed feeling relaxed, and gratified. I watch Cassey bend down to collect my discarded shirt and pull it over her shoulders. Her butt teases me, as do her curves, and I feel my cock harden to half mast. I’ll never get enough of her sweet body. She turns for the bathroom, and looks at me from over her shoulder with a mischievous grin.
“You’d better hurry, we’ll be late for work.”
I follow her into the shower, and after another round of getting each other off, we get dressed for work. We move in synch as we watch each other from across the room, sharing secret glances, and trading unspoken words. “You look beautiful, Miss Emerson,” I whisper, brushing her long brown aside to expose her neck. My tongue moves to the spot below her ear. “Thank you, Mr. Knight, but we’re going to be late, and I’m not sure about you, but I’d like to keep my job.” She laughs, slapping away my wandering hands.
“Don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word with the boss on your behalf.” Cassey turns to face me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “No need,” she says against my mouth. “I’m screwing the boss, and I can tell you he’s very agreeable.”
With that, Cassey leaves me, and walks to the kitchen. I know what she said is the truth, but what I’m not prepared for is how her words make me feel. ‘I’m screwing the boss’. I don’t like it.
I shrug the thoughts from my mind, and make my way to the kitchen. After grabbing a quick breakfast, Cassey and I decide to walk to the office instead of taking the town car.
“Are you going to stop by the hospital later?” she asks, looking up at me. Her hair sways in the gentle breeze and I fight the innate need to run my fingers though it.
“Yeah, I told my Mom I’ll stop by over lunch. You want to come with?” “I wish I could, but I have a meeting and I thick it’ll run into my lunch hour. But I’d like to go with you tonight, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course,” I reply, giving her a small smile. I thread our fingers together and ignore the way her eyes dart to the side of my face. We’ve already blurred every other imaginary line in this ‘relationship’, why not just add to the list. We reach the lobby, and step into the elevator. The few people around us get off on the first floor, leaving us alone. I take the opportunity and push Cassey up against the wall. She looks up at me from beneath her thick black lashes. “You’re going to get me in trouble,” I tell her.
She lifts and eyebrow. “And why is that?”
“Because you look so fucking good in that dress, and I don’t think the security team would appreciate us having a repeat of this morning’s sexcapade on camera.” I plant my lips on hers and kiss her. She laughs against my mouth. “Then you’ll just have to be patient, and wait until tonight. Your place or mine?”
“Neither,” I reply carefully.
“Oh,” she says. Her smile falters, and is replaced by a fake one. “That’s fine, I need to work late anyway.”
The elevator doors chime, and Cassey tries to get past me. I grab her elbow, and pull her back in.
“This car is full,” I tell the people wanting to get on. “Take the next one.” The doors close and I press the emergency button to stop the elevator from going anywhere. I take hold of Cassey’s chin, and lift her head so I can see her eyes. They’ve always told me how she’s feeling, even if she doesn’t know it. We can be lounging around on the sofa, or tangled and sweaty in sheets, but I can always see what she’s really feeling with one look into those green eyes.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Nothing,” she replies, too preppy.
“You’re lying. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“It’s nothing, Kyler, I’m fine. You should have fun tonight, with whoever you’re going to be with.”
I look at her, and then understanding dawns. I can’t help the smirk that slips across my face. “You think I’m going on a date.”
“What?” Cassey asks, her voice rising a few octaves. “No! That’s silly.” I cup her face, and grin down at her. “It’s not a date,” I tell her. “I’m meeting some friends at ‘The Iron Maiden’ after work, and I don’t know what time I’ll be back. As much as I want you to be in my bed when I get home, I don’t want you to wait up for me.”
I chuckle. “You know, Cass, your jealous side is kind of turning me on right now.”
“I’m not jealous,” she replies, slapping my chest lightly.
“Yes.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Are.”
The elevator intercom buzzes, and we both freeze.
“Mr. Knight,” the voice says. “Is everything okay?”
I turn slightly, making sure my body shields Cassey, and glare at the security camera as if it’s a person. “Yes, Burton. Everything is fine.”
“Sorry sir, but we need to get the elevator moving again.”
I scowl at the camera, and reluctantly press the emergency button again to get the elevator moving again. Cassey giggles, and nibbles her lip. “Give me that lip,” I tell her. I suck it into my mouth just as the elevator doors open.
“Have a great day, Mr. Knight,” Cassey purrs. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” The thought of waiting that long to see her again doesn’t excite me. It’s going to be a long twenty four hours.

I walk through the hospital doors and turn left towards the oncology wing. It’s still difficult to walk down this hallway knowing I’m her to see my Father. The reality of it all is something I have to face every day, and it seems harder than the day before. When I reach my Father’s room, I find my Mother, Jessa, and Dr. Jameson deep in discussion. The look on my Mother’s face makes me panic. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her cheeks are wet. I look at my father and notice that he looks worse than he did yesterday. Something feels wrong here, and my stomach sinks.
“Mr. Knight,” Dr. Jameson greets. “I’m glad you’re here. You’ll want to be here for this.”
“What’s going on?” I ask quickly. “What’s wrong?”
“Kyler.” Jessa reaches out to touch my arm but I pull away. Why the fuck is she even here? “The doctor was just about to tell us, calm down.” Calm down? Is this woman on crack?
“What’s going on?” I ask, again. I ignore Jessa and look between my parents. My Father looks worse than he did yesterday, and I hate seeing him so frail. He was always the strong one in our family, and now he’s withering away. It’s harrowing to watch, I can’t imagine how he feels.
“Mr. Knight,” Dr. Jameson begins. “We’ve run some more tests, and it appears that your father’s cancer has spread to his lungs.”
My Mother sobs. Her knees buckle, and I push Jessa out of the way so I can comfort her. I kiss my Mother’s head, and feel her body shake in my arms. My Father hasn’t said anything. He’s too calm as he lies there, looking at us. “Do we have any options?” I ask, looking at Dr. Jameson.
“I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do except make your father as comfortable as possible.”
“How l-long d-do we have?” my Mother asks. Her voice sounds broken and desolate, and it breaks my heart.
“It’s difficult to say,” Dr. Jameson replies with sympathy filled eyes. “In most cases such as this, the patient has as long as four weeks, maybe less.” “Oh God,” my mother cries, moving to my fathers bedside.
“This is a lot to process,” Dr. Jameson says. “I’ll leave you alone. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
I nod, and he leaves the room. My father is comforting my mother, when he’s the one who’s dying, and in this moment it’s confirmed that my fathers shoes are too big for me to fill. Cassey’s face flashed in my mind, and it evokes something strange and unfamiliar in my heart. I need to tell her how I feel about her. This life is too short not to.
Jessa steps up to my side, and slides her hand up my arm. Is she serious right now? I grab her wrist and all but drag her from my fathers hospital room. “What are you doing here, Jessa?” I ask, barely able to contain my anger. “I came to see your dad, baby.”
I cringe at her term of endearment. Perviously, it wouldn’t have bothered me, but it sounds wrong coming from her mouth now. She’s not Cassey. “Don’t pretend you’re here for my dad’s benefit,” I snap.
“You’re right,” she purrs. “I came for you. You’ve ignored all my calls, and all my texts, and I’ve missed you. I thought we could spend some time together.” She presses herself to my body, and I push her away without too much force. “No. I’m seeing someone.”
“So? That’s never been an issue with me, baby, you know that.” “I love her.” The words come out of my mouth unbidden, but I know they’re the truth. I do love her.
“Oh baby, you can’t love her. You’re mine.” With that, Jessa turns on her heel and turns her back to me as she leaves. A dark cloud hovers over my head, and for the life of me, I can’t seem to shake it. I need to see Cassey, but I need to get a grip on my emotions first. Unfortunately, the only way I can do that is drown them out. At least for a short while. Then I will tell Cassey what I’ve known for a while. I love her.

~ Cassey ~

I climb out of the bath, and wrap my fluffy pink robe around my wet body. I’m exhausted, and as much as I would’ve liked to be with Kyler, I’m glad to have my apartment to myself. I spoke to Kyler earlier, after he saw his Father during lunch, and he told me that his Father’s cancer has spread to his lungs. I tried my best to keep it together after hearing Kyler’s voice, but as soon as we ended the call, I couldn’t keep the tears in. I’ve had a special relationship with Kyler’s father from the time I started working at Knight Media, and watching him and his family go through this is incredibly difficult. I wanted nothing more than to see Kyler after that, but decided that he would probably want some time alone to deal with all of it. I collapse onto my bed, and catch the fading scent of Kyler’s cologne on my pillows. I catch myself inhaling it, when I know I shouldn’t. It only reminds me that I have to end things with Kyler soon, because I’m falling in love with him.
I promised myself, and Kyler, that I would walk away if my feelings changed, but I became addicted to Kyler without even realizing it. My eyes close and I doze off, only to be startled awake by my phone. The time reads eleven p.m, and I roll over to grab my phone. I swipe my finger across the screen when I see it’s a text from Kyler, and open it.

I need you.

It takes me a moment to move. My mind runs through several scenarios, and I contemplate ignoring it. Texts like this at eleven p.m usually only mean one thing: a booty call. But considering everything Kyler has to deal with right now, I reason that he does need me. I throw on a pair of discarded jeans and a tank top with a light sweater. I grab my purse, and my phone, and hail a cab as soon as I’m downstairs. It doesn’t take long for me to arrive at Kyler’s apartment. I greet Stan, the security guy, as he opens the door for me, and take the elevator up to Kyler’s apartment. I use the key he gave me, and unlock the door. I switch the flood lights on and inhale sharply. Kyler’s apartment looks like it’s been ransacked. The bar chairs are all smashed, and the sofa cushions are lying everywhere. I also notice the clothes that are strewn everywhere.

I walk down the hallway, past the guest bedroom, towards Kyler’s room. I bend down in front of his door, and pick up a black and pink lace bra. It’s definitely not mine. I swallow hard, ignoring the way my stomach is turning, and wrap my hand around the door knob. I take a deep breath, praying that for the first time in my life, my instincts are wrong, and slowly push the door open.
With the moon being my only source of light, I struggle to make sense of the shapes. Moving closer to the bed, what I think I see becomes clearer until I’m sure of what’s in front of me.

Kyler is sleeping, a sheet barely covering his bottom half, and Jessa is next to him. Her red hair is fanned out on a pillow, and her arm is thrown across his waist. I’ve slept in that exact position so many times, and to see someone else holding him that way makes me sick. He’s not mine, but I started feeling like he could be. Kyler stirs, and mumbles something under his breath. When he does it again, I realize he’s mumbling my name. Tears prick and burn my eyes, and I start to back away. Why would he do this? Why send me a text saying he needs me when clearly, he doesn’t? I turn on my heel, and walk back down the hallway, not worrying that my footsteps could possibly wake Kyler or Jessa. I shut his apartment door, and cup my mouth when a sob threatens to escape. I should’ve known something like this would happen eventually. But it doesn’t hurt any less. It doesn’t ease the crack on my chest or the ache that builds in my heart. With shaky legs, I make it back down to the lobby, and outside to a waiting cab. The short drive back to my apartment is a blur, and it’s only when the loud click of my door echoes through my empty apartment, do I allow myself to crumble to the ground. I would grant myself this one chance to hurt, and cry, and then I would get back on my feet and pretend it never happened. I will pretend that Kyler Knight is my boss, and not the man I fell in love with without seeing it.




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