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Destined To Fall by Bester, Tamsyn (6)

Chapter 6
~ Cassey ~

Kyler walks out of my office, leaving me a complete mess of confusion, lust and wanton. Why did he just do that? Does he think this is some of kind of game. The click of my office door is what brings me to my feet, and I quickly fix my tousled clothes. My chest is heaving, and it has nothing to do with the sudden anger I feel bubbling up towards the surface. I’m angry now, because he has some nerve to come in here and man handle me, after I told him ‘no’ the first time. But I’m also turned on as hell, and that makes me angry to. I wish I didn’t respond to him, or the way he made me feel moments go, but I can’t deny how good it felt to have him kiss me like he wanted to. I’m sure if he hadn’t stopped it, I would’ve been naked by now, with him on top of me and most likely, inside me. I huff, and grab my purse from my desk. I need to get out of here. It’s not even three pm yet, but if I stay here any longer after what just transpired I might be tempted to finish what Kyler started.
I decide to kill the remainder of my afternoon packing up the few things I own that litter Quinn’s apartment. I’m moving in a few days, and while the thought of living alone frightens me, I can’t help the little flutter of excitement in my belly. I believe everything happens for a reason, and the possibility that this is the right time for me to learn how to stand on my own two feet is what calms my nerves.
The front door shuts and moments later Quinn appears in my bedroom. “Hey girly. You all packed yet?”
I tape the last box and smile at my best friend. “All that’s left is the bed, and my dresser.”
“You don’t have to go you know,” Quinn sighs, taking a seat on my bed. “I know,” I reply. “But I want to do this. I’ve been too dependent on you, and it’s time for me to try and do this on my own.”
“My baby girl is grown up and flying the nest,” Quinn muses. I laugh, and stand up.
“Tell you what, since you’ll be away with Jarred the rest of the weekend, why don’t we do one last sleep over with too much wine and ice-cream for old times sake?”
“Sounds perfect.” Quinn smiles.
A few minutes later we’re in the living room, a bottle of wine on the table, and The Notebook playing in the background. Quinn pours us each a glass, and we start reminiscing about all the amazing memories we’ve made here. “You’re quiet,” Quinn says, turning to face me.
“Preoccupied, I guess.” That’s an understatement. All I’m thinking about is Kyler’s kiss.
“Does it have anything to do with Kyler?”
My head whips to the side and I can’t hide my frown. “Why would you think that?” my voice is defensive, which gives me away.
Quinn’s brow lifts. “I’m not stupid, and I know you better than you know yourself, Cassey Emerson. I know when you have a boy on your mind. Or in this case, a man. A very sexy man.” Her smirk makes me giggle, and relaxes me a little.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yes, and I don’t blame you, but what’s stopping you from tapping that?” “What? The fact that he’s my boss isn’t reason enough to avoid falling into bed with him?”
Quinn shrugs. “It doesn’t matter what I think, babe, but think about what you’d regret more. Having one night of amazing, mind-blowing sex with Kyler, or wondering what it would be like to do it.”
“I don’t want to be another notch on his very busy bedpost. I might’ve grown up in a trailer, but I’m no hussy.”
Quinn’s eyes roll. “You’re anything but a hussy, but think about this: every once in our lifetime, we meet someone who sets us on fire, and the only thing that will douse the flame is if we give in, even if it’s just for one night.” Her words take me back to how I felt when Kyler kissed me, how he not only ignited the flame inside me, but also made it burn brighter, and higher. “He kissed me,” I blurt out, gulping down what’s left of my wine. Quinn’s eyes widen in surprise. “What? When?”
“Today, in my office. He just barged in and grabbed me, and the next thing I know he has me pinned on the couch.”
“And what? He kissed me, and then walked out.”
Her brows dip. “Well did he say anything before he walked out?” I sigh heavily, contemplating how much I should tell her.
“He said that we will happen, and that he’ll have me whether I admit it or not.” Quinn’s mouth drops open and she stares at me. “You’re shitting me, right?” I reach over and pause the movie. “Nope,” I reply, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis. “Why the hell are you not jumping his bones right now?”
“Because I’m not willing to risk my career for one night in my boss’s bed, not matter how life-changing the sex might be.”
“But this isn’t one-sided, Cass. Can’t you see that? He wants you. I knew it as soon as I saw you dancing with him last week.”
“Even so, Quinny, I can’t do it. It’s not who I am, and I’m not willing to risk everything I’ve worked so hard for on someone I barely know.” “Then get to know him. I’m sure you’ll find something there you might actually like.”
Before I can respond, the doorbell rings and Quinn jumps up. “Pizza’s here!” she yells from the entryway. I press ‘play’ and watch how Noah tells Ally that it wasn’t over for him when she left, and that it still isn’t over. I realize that that is the kind of love I want. The kind that lasts. The kind that is forever.

The drive out the city is always one of my favorite parts of visiting Mr. And Mrs. Knight. To most people, me visiting my soon-to-be retired boss and his wife for Sunday lunch may seem unusual, and a little unprofessional. But for some reason, Robert and his wife, Estelle, took me under their wings in my first year at Knight Media. It was almost like they knew I was in need of a family, in need of people who cared. Now, I seem to be stuck with them. The only strange thing is how I’ve never seen Kyler there. Thinking about him makes my belly flutter and drop at the same time. It comes with the understanding, and not the acceptance, that you want something, or in my case someone, you shouldn’t.
The cab stops outside Kyler’s parents’ Colonial style home and I pay my fair. I grab the chocolate cake Quinn helped me bake, and the flowers I bought for Kyler’s mother. They’re white lilies. Her favorites. I stand in front of their door, and quickly take stock of my appearance before ringing the door bell. The top of my white sundress hugs my breasts and flairs slightly down to my knees.
It’s a classic, and makes my dark locks look even darker. The doorbell chimes and moments later Kyler’s mother, Estelle, appears in the door. “Cassey, sweetheart, it’s wonderful to see you again! Come in!” she says, embracing me in a hug.
“Hi, Estelle! I’ve missed you!” I reply sincerely.
We walk into the kitchen, and I place the cake down, and put her flowers into a vase.
“I brought you a home-made chocolate cake,” I tell her. “My friend Quinn helped me.”
Kyler’s mother smiles warmly at me. “Thank you sweet girl, but I’m sure Robert told you to bring chocolate cake because it’s secretly his favorite.” We chuckle, and just then Kyler’s father, Robert, walks in. “What did I hear about chocolate cake?”
“Cassey here, made us some for dessert,” Estelle chimes in, smiling adoringly at her husband.
“In that case,” Robert says, a naughty grin on his face. “Let’s skip right to dessert.”
I laugh as Robert hugs me in greeting and then pushes me back by the shoulders to look at me. “How are you, sweetheart? You look tired,” he says to me.
“I could say the same thing about you,” I chuckle. “I’m great. Thank you so much for having me.”
“Estelle has been talking about seeing you again for almost a week,” he laughs.
“Oh hush, Robert,” Kyler’s mother chides playfully. “I wasn’t that bad.” He leans down and presses a kiss to his wife’s cheek. “No, my love, you were worse.”
She slaps him on the chest, and the look they share is one of adoration, respect and pure love. The kind you see in fairytales.
“Now,” Robert says, turning to me. “Let’s go sit outside, on the deck, and drink some sweet tea.”

He leads me outside by my elbow and pulls out a deck chair for me. He takes a seat next to me, at the head of the table. I’m about to start talking when another voice interrupts me.

“Dad, I’m home!”


I turn around just in time to see Kyler step outside and head towards us.

His step falters when he see’s me, but recovers quickly.
“Cassey? What are you doing here?”
“Kyler, that is no way to speak to our guest.” Kyler’s mother comes out

next, carrying a tray of appetizers.
“Sorry, Mom, I didn’t meant to be rude,” he replies. He shakes his father’s
hand, and turns to hug his mother. I take a moment to drink him in. His
jeans cling to his thighs and travels up to hug his firm butt. His black t-shirt
shows off beautifully broad shoulders and accentuates his pecs. My cheeks flush when he catches me devouring him with my slow, intentional perusal.
“Cassey here, visits us almost every Sunday for lunch,” his father says,
winking at me.
“Is that so?” Kyler says. I catch the mischievous glint in his eye, and the
way his lip curls up to the one side. Dammit. He’s sexy.
I stick my hand out. “It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Knight.” His eyebrows shoot up and he takes a step closer to me, ignoring my
outstretched hand. His hand brushes against my arm as he leans in closer.
My ballet flats have me at a major height disadvantage and I have to resist
the natural inclination to stretch onto the balls of my feet. His lips meet my
cheek, and he breathes out my name against my skin, causing a slight shiver
to make it’s way up my spine. When he straightens, I huff out the breath I
didn’t know I was holding.
“Nice to see again too, Ms. Emerson,” Kyler says sweetly.
Kyler’s parents sit down, and I take the chance to excuse myself to the
bathroom. I need a moment to recollect myself. I’m more than surprised to
see Kyler here, and for some reason it has left me feeling a little frazzled. I
was hoping I’d only have to deal with him on Monday, when I tell him never
to kiss me again.
There’s a knock on the door, and I open it, thinking it could be Estelle
who’s checking on me after I’ve been gone for over ten minutes. Kyler steps
in, shutting the door behind him, and captures my mouth with his before I
even a second to think, let alone protest.
He lifts me and places me on the counter next to the sink. I should push
him away. I should. But I don’t. My body response on its own and my hands
grip his shirt, pulling him between my legs. His kiss turns aggressive, and he
bites my lip.
His hands dive into my hair and he yanks my head up, with the slightest
bit of force, and his tongue starts its assault on mine.
“Kyler, stop,” I mumble into his mouth. “Please, we have to stop.” Our mouths separate and he looks into my eyes. “Why?”
“We’re at your parents house. It’s disrespectful.”
“No,” he replies, holding my chin with his hand. “The things I want to do
to you are disrespectful.”
Oh no. He can’t do this to me, not now. Not when I need to end something that hasn’t even started yet. “I’m being serious, Kyler. We can’t do this.
We can never do this.”
His lips tilt up into a knowing smile before he gives me one last kiss.
And he makes sure it’s one I won’t soon forget.
“It’s not up to you,” he murmurs. “Stop fighting me, Cass, and just give
With that he leaves again and I realize it’s the second time in the space
of three days that he’s left me in this disheveled state. Bastard.
I jump off the counter, and fix my dress in a rush. I catch Kyler just outside the bathroom door and grab his arm. He turns to face me, a smirk on his
face. You’re not winning this round, Knight. I stretch on my toes and bring
his face close enough to mine so that our lips almost touch, while I rub his
hard-on beneath the zipper of his dark jeans. He sucks in a breath, and just
when he thinks I’m about to surrender, I pull the rug out from under him. “Don’t fuck with me, Kyler,” I whisper harshly. “I don’t have time for your
games, and I sure as shit don’t want to be another notch on your bedpost.” The trailer trash side of my personality rears it’s head, as does the Southern twang in my accent. If being as crass, and straight-forward with Kyler as
he is with me gets him to stop, then I will do what I have to.
Despite my conversation with Quinn on Friday night, I still have to do
what’s best for me, and one night with Kyler isn’t what’s best for me. “See you outside,” I say. I walk away, feeling slightly high after that stunt.
I just hope he believes it.

~ Kyler ~

Monday has found me drinking coffee at the breakfast counter in my loft. I should already be at the office, but I ended up sleeping at my parents’ house last night. I stayed up late, reminiscing with my father and we didn’t get to bed before two a.m. The image of Cassey’s butt sashaying in that white dress is ingrained into my memory and made for some good material in the shower this morning.

I dress quickly, throwing on my grey pinstripe suit, no tie, and head into the office. Instead of taking the town car my father always has available, I decide to walk. The sidewalks bustle, the lunch crowd milling between their jobs and lunch with friends. I ignore the admiring glances from the women who pass me, focusing instead on the one face stuck on repeat in my head. My phone vibrates in my pocket and the screen flashes with Jessa’s name and number. I slide my finger across the screen, and answer.

“Hey, Jessa, what’s up?”

“Hey baby,” she purrs. “I wanted to stop by the office and bring you some lunch.”
On any other day, I would say yes in a heartbeat, because Jessa’s lunch has nothing to do with food.
“I can’t,” I lie. “I’m slammed with meetings all afternoon.”
“What about tonight?” she whines.
I walk into the lobby of the Knight Media building and lower my voice. “I’m busy, Jessa.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she chimes. Her voice oozes seduction, but it’s familiar, and boring. I’ve already done this with her on numerous occasions, whether it was for publicity because of our family connections, or because we both simply wanted to fuck around. Either way, I’m over it, and I thought she would’ve caught the hint by now.
I haven’t seen her since the Blake’s anniversary party, which ended up being another ambush on her part.
“I’m sure you will, but I’m busy.”
“Is there someone else?” she shrieks. I pull my phone away from my ear, winching.
“It doesn’t matter, Jessa. You and I weren’t dating.”
She starts spouting off a string of obscenities, and I end the call quickly. The elevator chimes, and I step in, grateful to be the only person in it. I watch the dial above the door move with every floor, until it stops and chimes on the third floor. Our technical division. I keep my head down, but then her voice hits my ears.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll take the next one.”
My eyes meet hers. “No, it’s fine. There’s no reason we can’t share an elevator Cassey.”
She nods briefly, and diverts her gaze, but not before I see that her eyes are red and puffy.
“Hey, are you okay?” I ask, taking a tentative step towards her.
“No,” she mumbles with sniffle. “But I will be.”
For a moment I’m stumped. What do I say? I’m not normally the guy who offers comfort when a woman cries, but something on Cassey’s face makes me want to.
“Anything I can do to help?”
Her shoulders drop and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth. “Sure, you can find me an apartment to live in, since Quinn’s apartment has already been sold and the owners of the place I was going to move into tomorrow have decided to get a divorce and sell the place instead of renting it.”
I open my mouth, but Cassey’s hand comes up to silence me. “Forget I mentioned it. I’m rambling, and it isn’t your problem.”
The elevator comes to another stop, and before I can say anything, Cassey is out the doors. When they close I’m left alone again, and make the rest of the trip up to my office.
Sitting down at my desk, an idea pops into my head.
I know a way I can help Cassey.

“Thanks, Chase. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I put the phone down, and smile to myself. My buddy Chase is a Real Estate developer, and he owns a new apartment block only a few blocks from here. They won’t be completely finished for another week, but Chase has agreed to let me show Cassey what they look like.

I use the excuse that I want to find out how Cassey is progressing with her digital publishing platform, and pay her a visit.
Her office door is open, and she’s on the phone, so I walk in, close the door and wait for her to finish her call.
When she puts the phone after five more minutes, she stands and walks around her desk, but does’t come any closer. I know she’s keeping the distance for a reason, probably a good reason, but I’m not here to talk about that.
When she puts the phone after five more minutes, she stands and walks around her desk, but does’t come any closer. I know she’s keeping the distance for a reason, probably a good reason, but I’m not here to talk about that.
“Can I help you with something?” Cassey asks, keeping her voice hard with impassivity. Her eyes are still a little red.
“What you said in the elevator earlier - ”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” she says quickly, interrupting me. “It’s not appropriate - ”
“Will you let me finish talking, dammit?”
Her eyes widen at the tone of my voice and she snaps her lips closed.
“Is it true? That you need to find a new place to stay?”
“Yes, but Kyler - ”
“I can help you,” I say, cutting her off.
“I have a friend who’s a real estate developer, and they’re finishing off a new block of apartments not too far from here. I call him, and he said we can go look at them tomorrow.”
“Why would you do that for me?” I hate how suspicious and incredulous her voice sounds. Like she doesn’t quite trust me. I’m going to have to change that.
“Because I wanted to,” I reply honestly.
“Wow,” she breathes out. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. We have one thing to clear up first.”
“And that is?”
“Well,” I rub the back of my neck, “They won’t be ready for one more week.”
Cassey’s face drops and she leans against her desk. “I don’t have anywhere to stay until then…I can’t stay with Quinn and Jarred, and I can’t afford a hotel for that long… oh no, what am I going to do.”
I take a breath, because for some reason I feel nervous about what I’m going to say next.
“You can stay with me.”
Cassey shakes her head. “No, no, that can’t happen. It’s a terrible idea.” “Ouch,” I chuckle.
“You know I’m right, Kyler. It’s crazy!”
I take a step closer. “I know you have no other option, and I’m offering to help you.”
“I…uh…” Cassey hesitates. “Will we have to share a bed?”
“No.” I keep my face straight. “But if you want to…”
Cassey’s eyes bug out. “If this is some ridiculous ploy to get me to sleep with you, it won’t work.”
Closing the space between us, I rest my hands on her hips and lean down close enough to touch her nose with mine. “It’s already working, because I can hear you think about it. I’m offering to help you, Cass, just accept it. I’ve already told you we’re going to happen.”
Her breaths quicken, and I grip her hips tighter to stop myself from sliding them up to her tits. Her gold blouse is unbuttoned, and her perfect tits are spilling out from her white lace bra. Her skin looks soft, and I torture myself with thoughts of how it will feel under my fingertips, and how it will taste. “Say yes,” I whisper against her mouth.
Our eyes connect, her hazel to my blue, and I see her internal war. Her feelings, doubts and ability to think rationally all crash, and collide like waves. Until her decision is made.
“Okay,” she replies quietly.
Her eyes close and she presses her lips to mine.




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