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DIABLO: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 3) by Chiah Wilder (18)

Chapter Eighteen

The following morning, Fallon woke up refreshed and happy. Bitterness had stopped running through her veins since she’d finally opened up to Diablo. Telling him about her father pushing her off the roof was like an elephant had been lifted from her. She didn’t realize what a heavy burden she’d been carrying with her.

She glanced at Diablo as he slept and elation and desire swept through her, curling her toes. I love him. He’s my anchor, my salvation, my life. My one and only. Diablo had taken her out of existing and into living. Being in love felt unbelievable. She giggled and reached out to touch his beard. It was soft with just a hint of roughness. She loved it, but then, she loved everything about him.

Smiling, she rolled out of bed, careful not to wake him. Heading to the bathroom, she took a quick shower and washed up, then went over to his chest of drawers, took out another T-shirt, and slipped it over her head. The fabric was soft against her skin as it skimmed down her body. She inhaled deeply as Diablo’s fresh, clean scent surrounded her. How she loved his scent. She wished she could bottle it so she could smell it when he wasn’t around.

Shaking her head at her silliness, she picked up her phone and curled up in his recliner.

She opened her e-mails and covered her mouth to suppress a shout. There were two job offers: one at the library and one at the bookstore. As she reread the e-mails, she quietly clapped her hands. Since she’d met Diablo, her life had taken so many turns that her head was still spinning.

“I’m hoping our fucking from last night is the reason you have that big smile on your face.” Diablo’s voice, low and gravelly, stroked her senses like velvet.

“You always have the first smile on my face.” She went over to him and slid between the covers. The warmth of his body radiated from him and she cuddled close. His strong arm curled around her and her insides tingled from the scent, feel, and essence of him.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked.

“Best sleep I’ve had in a long time.” She hooked her arm around his chest.

“You up for looking at apartments? Muerto texted and said he had a few.”

Excitement skimmed up her spine. “I’d love to. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“You know you can always stay with me,” he said gently.

She kissed his skin. “I know, but I want to try to do this on my own. But I want you to feel comfortable to come over whenever you want. I just have to be able to stand on my own two feet.”

“That’s cool. I get it. I’ll be over a lot, so I won’t worry so much about you when I’m not there.”

“You’re too sweet.” She sat up and kissed him on the lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth. They kissed and ran their hands over each other’s bodies until she pulled away and playfully smacked him on the chest. “Get moving. I want to see what Muerto has to offer.”

He laughed and rolled out of bed, shuffling away to the bathroom while she jumped up and got dressed.

They went downstairs to the kitchen, where a woman with heavily highlighted brown hair turned away from the stove and smiled broadly at them. “Diablo. You’ve been a stranger for a while.” The woman’s eyes darted to Fallon and then back to Diablo.

“Been keeping busy. This is Fallon.” He moved her in front of him. “And this is Lena. She’s the one who keeps us fed with all her fuckin’ good cooking.”

Fallon laughed and extended her hand. “I’ve tasted some of your dishes and they were delicious. It’s so nice to meet you.”

Lena nodded, scanning Fallon from head to foot and back up. “You two want some breakfast? I’m making eggs and bacon.”

“Sounds good to me. You good with that?” Diablo said. She nodded.

“Go on out and sit down. I’ll have one of the club girls bring it out.” Lena turned her back to them and opened the refrigerator door.

Diablo grasped her hand and they walked to the main room, securing a table closest to the door. A few minutes later, a pretty blonde with Daisy dukes and a tight tube top came over to the table with two dishes. She winked at Diablo and leaned down real low when she put his plate in front of him, then slid Fallon’s plate to her.

“Hey, handsome. You want some coffee and orange juice with your breakfast?” she asked softly.

“Coffee’s good.” He leaned over and put his arm around Fallon’s shoulders. “What do you want, sweet pea?”

She glanced at the woman, who stared coldly at her. “Coffee with cream.” She lifted her chin and threw a don’t-fuck-with-me stare. The woman snorted and sashayed away. Fallon had to admit she had one of the sexiest walks she’d ever seen, and by the way the other men watched her wiggling ass as she left the room, she knew they’d agree with her. “She’s got a killer walk. All the men in here are drooling, and they probably see her every day. She’s pretty too.”

“Ruby? Yeah, she’s popular around here.”

“Have you been with her?” She regretted the question the second she uttered it. Did she really want to know which club women he banged?

“A few years ago. Didn’t mean anything.” He shoved a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

Ruby came back out with two steaming mugs of coffee. She gave Fallon hers without even a glance and made eye contact with Diablo as she put his down. “How’ve you been? It seems like I don’t see you much.”

Diablo bit off a piece of bacon and munched on it. “I’ve been hanging out with my woman.” His hand went over Fallon’s.

Ruby pursed her lips. “You need to party a little so you can unwind. We’re all missing you.”

This bitch has a lot of fucking nerve. I bet she’s waiting for me to say something. She’s purposely trying to get under my skin. Not wanting to play into Ruby’s hands, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she leaned into him and ran her fingers over his head. From the corner of her eye, she caught Ruby’s face darkening.

“My woman’s taking care of me fine.” Diablo’s words had a sound of finality to them, and Ruby walked away.

“I don’t think she likes me. Actually, I don’t think any of the women like me.”

“Do you give a shit about it?” Puzzlement crossed his face.

“Not really. I’m used to bitchy women not liking me. I just don’t know how I feel about all of them hanging around wishing you’d screw them.” She pushed her barely touched plate away.

“It’s the way they are. It’s the way our world is. If a brother wants one of them, they go. If he doesn’t, then they move on to the next. It’s pretty simple. Nothing to be worried about.”

“Okay. I’m just going to come out and ask. Are you the type of guy who thinks it’s okay to screw a woman just for sex but still love and stay with a girlfriend or wife?”

Diablo pushed his empty plate away and cocked his head, his gaze locked on hers. “You’re the only woman I’ve been serious about, and I’m not gonna stick my cock in any other pussy but yours.”

Her cheeks warmed as she looked quickly around the room. A few men sniggered, and she wished Diablo didn’t have such a loud voice. In a hushed voice, she said, “But do you think it’s okay for a man to have fun on the side when he’s in a serious relationship?”

“I think I just answered you. I don’t roll that way. If a guy does, it’s his fuckin’ business. I’m not the goddamn moral badge.” He took a big gulp of coffee and grabbed his phone when it vibrated on the table. “Muerto’s asking when we’re gonna go look at his places. You ready now or do you wanna keep talking about whether I’m gonna fuck a club girl?”

“I’m ready, and I was just wondering because I’d think it’d be hard for a man to resist a woman if she keeps throwing her boobs and twat in his face.”

He stood up. “For some men it is. For me it’s not. And I trust you don’t think it’s cool to go behind your man’s back and fuck another one.”

“Of course not. I’m totally not that way.” After grabbing her purse off the chair, she followed him out.

“Good. Then we’re on the same page.” He helped her on his bike and they flew out of the parking lot.

Muerto was waiting for them at a three-story stucco building that had a red-tiled roof, double glass doors, a lobby decorated in Native and southwestern designs, and two sets of elevators. A pretty woman with long black silky hair stood next to him in a pair of skinny jeans that looked like she’d painted them on.

“Hey, dude.” Muerto bumped fists with Diablo. “Fallon.” Muerto tipped his head.

“Hi.” She glanced at the woman who had her face buried in her phone.

The woman looked up and her lips pulled up. “I’m Raven. I’m Muerto’s old lady.” She laughed. “I’ve been wanting to meet you.”

“I’m Fallon.” She shoved her hands in her jean pockets.

Her gray eyes slid up and down. “So, your Diablo’s woman. We gotta grab lunch sometime. I’ll ask Breanna to join us. Have you met Breanna?” Fallon shook her head. “You’re going to love her. She’s so sweet and caring. Anyway, we’ve been wanting to meet you and get to know you. Give me your number and we can set up a day for lunch.”

“Okay.” She liked Raven. She seemed to be the antithesis of her: extroverted, confident, and strong. Fallon admired those qualities, and was starting to see them in herself somewhat. Since she’d met Diablo, she noticed that she didn’t always look at life as a series of obstacles which had been her habit. She’d begun seeing it as a series of opportunities. And now that she’d confided in Diablo about the truth of her “accident,” the urge to face her childhood and overcome it took hold of her. She knew she had a long way to go, but for her, being happy and hopeful were new emotions. She embraced them, wanting to foster and grow them until they became her new habit and norm.

“You guys ready to see the unit?” Muerto’s voice took her away from her inner musings and she focused back on the situation.

“I’d love to see the unit.” She slipped her hand into Diablo’s and followed Muerto and Raven into the elevator.

The apartment was perfect. It was only one bedroom and one bath, but it looked huge to her. Considering she spent most of her time in her bedroom at home, having a small kitchen, family room, and dining area seemed gigantic. It was a corner unit, so the kitchen had a window and the living room had sliding doors that led out to a nice-sized balcony. No more roofs for me. She giggled to herself as she followed Raven out onto the balcony. Green grass and tall maple and evergreen trees dotted the landscape. Next to her unit was a wonderful weeping willow—her favorite tree. This place feels so right. Warmth radiated throughout her body and she tipped her head back, turning her face to the sky.

“It’s so beautiful. I can’t believe how perfect it is. Just so beautiful,” she kept repeating.

Raven laughed. “I guess that means you’re going to take the apartment?”

“Oh yeah.” She knew she had a silly grin on her face, but she couldn’t help it. My first apartment. The thought thrilled and liberated her.

“I can help you paint the walls. You need color. White walls are so generic and boring.”

“I would like to add some color.” Painting the walls would be symbolic for her; it would mirror her life. She was leaving her beige life for one filled with color. She’d taken the first step by going out with Diablo; he certainly wasn’t beige.

“We can go to Shineman’s. They have the most awesome variety of colors in the county. This will be so much fun.”

“Is Muerto cool with me painting the walls?” Fallon glanced inside at Muerto and Diablo, who stood talking by the kitchen counter.

Raven shook her head. “Nope. But don’t worry about that. I never did. We can go shopping whenever you want. Call me.”

“I will.” She opened her phone and plugged in Raven’s number as she said it. She’s the third number I have in my directory for women friends. She had Sylvia’s, Annie—the girl she’d met the previous week—and now Raven’s. Awesome.

“You wanna look at another place? I have a two-bedroom a couple of miles from here. I thought I’d show you this one first because it has security doors, a pool, stackable washer and dryer, and a group of quiet, decent tenants. A bit older, but that can be a good thing.” Muerto hooked his arm around Raven’s waist.

“I love it. Do you?” Fallon looked at Diablo.

“Yeah. It’s cool. You think it’s big enough? Maybe you should check out the two-bedroom.”

She shook her head. “No. This is the one for me. I’ll take it.” She went over to Diablo and hugged him.

Muerto headed to the kitchen counter and took out papers from a folder. “I’ll have you look the lease over and sign it. Since you’re Diablo’s woman, I’ll forgo the security deposit and first and last months’ rent. You can move in today if you want.”

She reviewed the lease, noting the clauses about only one pet and no painting the walls without permission. She figured Raven would have her back on that one, so she signed it, a bolt of joy sparking up her spine when he gave her two sets of keys. This is really mine. The keys cut into her tightly clenched hand.

When Raven and Muerto left, she whooped loudly and walked around the apartment. “It’s all mine!” She fell into Diablo’s arms, kissing and hugging him.

He laughed. “It’s yours, sweet pea. Do you wanna go to Tula to get some of your stuff? I can get a truck if you want to bring some of your furniture with you.”

“I don’t really have any furniture. My dad bought everything I have. Anyway, I want to start over. I want to buy my own things and furnish my place the way I want to. I do have a lamp my mother bought me when I was a kid. I’d like to get that along with my clothes and books. I’m not sure if you should come. I mean, my dad may call the cops about what you did to him. I don’t want you to get into any trouble.”

“No fuckin’ way is your dad gonna call the badges. He’s in too deep with illegal fighting. The badges would haul his ass in, and the feds would get involved since there’s gambling. Anyway, there’s no damn way I’m letting you go up there to face all that shit with him alone.”

She stroked his cheek. “You’re so good to me. I would like you to be there. My dad’s still mad, but he’s been texting me and asking me to come home. I haven’t wanted to deal with it, so I only sent one text asking how he is. He said he’s better but he wants me home. I’m pretty sure he won’t be home now, so we should go. I really don’t want to bump into him.”

“We’ll take the SUV. Let’s go.”

“On the way back, we can stop at Furniture Mart. I want to pick out some things.” She giggled. It was like she was a kid in the candy store and could have anything she wanted. “Let’s go.” She pulled his arm impatiently, trying to drag him with her to the front door.

“Hold on. I wanna make sure all the windows are locked along with the sliding glass door.”

After determining everything was secure, they walked out of her new apartment. Settled into the SUV, Diablo turned out of the lot and picked up the old highway as they drove to Tula.

When they arrived at her house, Fallon turned to Diablo. “I think it’s best if you wait in the car.”

“No fuckin’ way.” He turned off the ignition and started to open the car door.

She grabbed his arm. “Hear me out. If my dad is there, it’ll be a big scene if you’re with me. I know how to handle him.”

“I haven’t seen any signs of that. I’m going in.”

“Okay, but give me twenty minutes alone. If I’m not out by then, you can come inside. Deal?”

He narrowed his eyes as he pulled at his beard. “Five minutes.”

“Come on… I can barely put anything in my duffel bag in five minutes. Fifteen.” She smiled sweetly and brushed his cheek with the back of her hand.

“Five fuckin’ minutes, and don’t give me that sexy smile.”

She leaned over and kissed the side of his mouth, licking it with the tip of her tongue while she brushed her hand across his crotch. “Ten minutes,” she breathed against his face.

A grunt tumbled from his mouth and he ran his hand over his head quickly. “Fuck, woman. You better get going ’cause you got nine minutes left.”

After giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she flew out of the car and opened the garage door with her remote. A breath of relief escaped her as she looked at the empty spot where her dad’s car should be. Only Shanna’s was there.

She strode over to the door leading into the house and turned the knob slowly; it swung open and she went inside. Cautiously approaching the hallway, she glanced all around but no one was there. Shanna probably went with Dad.

As she walked up the circular staircase, she heard muffled sounds coming from the master bedroom. She froze on the stairs and strained her ears. Nothing audible, just garbled sounds. She slipped off her shoes and went up the rest of the stairs, pausing in the hallway. The sounds were louder and more discernible: grunts and moans in varying octaves. She padded over to the master bedroom and noticed the door was ajar.

Sucking in her breath, she went to the door and peeked in. Her eyes widened when she saw Shanna on her knees, her butt high in the air, and a fit man with long black hair and tattoos all over his back, arms, and shins pounding into her. Oh shit. Shanna’s screwing around on Dad.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something black. Moving her gaze from the bed to the vanity chair, she saw a leather jacket with a bright patch of a devil holding what looked like flaming pistons. She noticed the name “Satan’s Pistons” over the top of the devil, and on the bottom it read “Arizona.” Fuck! I can’t let Diablo come in here. Backing away quietly, she glanced at her phone: seven minutes to go.

She hurried to her room and closed the door, sending a quick text to Diablo telling him everything’s cool and her dad wasn’t home. She’d be out real soon. Grabbing the duffel bag from her closet, she went into her bathroom and threw things inside it. Her heart sank when she looked at her bookcase. She’d never be able to take all the books with her without having Diablo help her, and she couldn’t do that. Throwing just a few of her favorite books into the bag, she went to her closet and groaned. The majority of her clothes were shapeless, oversized tops and baggy pants, the predominate colors beige, tan, and white. She folded a few T-shirts and jeans and decided to leave the rest. A large part of her craved a new wardrobe with color and some style. I’ll ask Raven to go shopping with me. She smiled. Going shopping with a friend was totally new to her.

Glancing around the room, she spotted her extra bottle of the lemon body spray she’d bought with Sylvia a few weeks before. She scooped it up and threw it in a plastic bag. Before she left, she looked around, her gaze landing on an antique lamp with hand-painted flowers on the milky-white glass shade. Her mother had bought it at a flea market when Fallon had been six years old. She still remembered the day her mother had brought it home, gushing about how old it was and how she loved it. It was the one thing her father had allowed her to keep from her mother. When she’d run away, he’d been so angry and upset, he’d thrown everything away that had belonged to her. Even photographs weren’t safe.

That’s right. The photos I hid under the loose floorboard in my closet.

Fallon had been desperate to save as many photographs of her mother as possible, so she’d gone up to the attic where boxes of pictures had been stored before she’d even been born. She knew her dad had been planning to throw them away when he got home from work, so she took as many as she could without even looking at them and ran down to her room. She’d worked hard prying up the floorboards in the closet, but she finally loosened them and stashed all the pictures there. The only one she kept was of her sitting on her mom’s lap with her mom’s arms wrapped around her. Fallon figured she must’ve been about seven years old in that photo. She’d kept it in a slit she’d made in her mattress. Her dad never found it. She’d look at it often.

With duffel bag, photographs, and Victorian lamp in hand, she left her room and headed for the stairs. A man’s voice floated into the hallway. “Bloody Knuckles don’t know how to fuck you. Each time we hook up, you’re so fuckin’ hungry for my cock. Was it the money you wanted?” The sweet scent of weed filtered out of the room.

“You got the cock but he’s got the bucks. I got myself covered. Let’s go for another round before he gets home. You want me riding that big thick dick of yours?” Shanna’s giggles repulsed Fallon.

Standing at the top of the stairs, she waited until they got things rolling again before she gripped the bannister and went down the stairs. As she came out of the garage, she bumped into Diablo. “What are you doing here?” Her muscles tensed.

“Going to get you. Fuck, it’s been more than twenty minutes. I was worried.”

Handing him her mother’s lamp, she walked to the car. “I forgot about some photographs I wanted to bring with me. Let’s go. I don’t want to bump into my dad.”

It wasn’t until they had put some distance between her house and them that she relaxed. For the first fifteen minutes, she acted like she’d hadn’t noticed that Diablo kept looking at her. She uncrossed her arms and leaned back in the seat, watching the landscape slip by.

“What the fuck happened back there? You’re as wound up as a goddamn top.”

She pulled at a piece of dry skin on her lips, then took out a cherry-flavored balm and spread it on. “It was just weird being at home.”

“Bullshit. Don’t shut me out, Fallon.”

Turning to face him, she breathed out. “Okay, but I don’t want you freaking out or turning back around. Deal?”

“Just fuckin’ tell me. I’m not making any damn deal.”

Inhaling and exhaling slowly, she rubbed her palms against her jean-clad thighs. “I saw Shanna fucking another guy.”

“That’s it? I knew she was a slut the first time I met her. You feeling bad for your dad?”

“No. Yes… a little. Anyway, that’s not what made me freak. The guy she was with belongs to a motorcycle club. I saw his leather jacket. It said Satan something and the bottom said ‘Arizona.’”

“Fuck!” Diablo slammed his hand against the steering wheel, then pulled over. “We’re going back so I can beat the fucker’s ass. You shoula told me when you got in the car.”

“This is exactly why I didn’t tell you. We’re not turning around. I don’t want you and this loser punching it out. I don’t want you getting in trouble with the law.”

“If I’m not in trouble with the goddamn law then something would be fuckin’ wrong in my life.”

“I’m not joking. I’m serious. I don’t want to lose you. Let’s just go back to Alina.”

He stared at her for a long while but she held her own, and he finally turned the ignition and pulled the car back onto the highway. They didn’t speak for the rest of the ride back, but when she placed her hand on his shoulder, he grasped it and intertwined her fingers with his. She smiled inwardly; she hadn’t backed down.

Bringing his hand to her lips, she kissed it, then rested her head against his shoulder. He was her strength, but she now realized she was his as well. A sense of ease shrouded her, and she knew she no longer needed to pretend to be living a different life. Her life had good feelings in it now and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“We’ll get you some furniture. You good?” Diablo said as he turned off the exit for downtown Alina.

Giving him an easy nod, she squeezed his hand. “I’m good. Very good.”