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DIRTY RIDE: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (The Punishers MC) by Heather West (35)




Abby couldn’t believe herself. She just kept rocking back and forth on the bed, trying to get her mind to calm down and make an escape plan. She had to leave, right? That was the only option here. It was no longer safe for her to stay here, not after they’d kissed. But where could she go? Her place was a pile of ashes now, and it wasn’t like she could afford to find another one right away. Maybe her best bet was to stay in a cheap motel, but those places were dangerous enough as is, even if you didn’t have a psychopathic arsonist-slash-murderer hunting for you. It was a problem without a solution.


Maybe I’ll just look at my patient files some more, she thought, grabbing the pile of papers from where she’d dropped them earlier. She flipped through them until she found the file on the most severe case, Mr. Benson. He was going to die soon if his condition didn’t change. Still, no matter how hard she squinted her eyes and tried to focus, the words slipped through her brain without sticking to anything. She just couldn’t seem to absorb any of the information.


See, he’s distracting me already, she thought. That was another reason she couldn’t afford messing around with some stupid man. Her patients needed her. They depended on her. For most of them, she was all they had. She couldn’t let her attraction to some stupidly hot firefighter with thick, hard muscles keep her from doing her job.


Abby blew out her breath and collapsed back onto her bed, throwing the papers off to one side. It was no use. Her brain refused to focus on anything other than the way Jagger’s body had felt against hers, the way his mouth had gently yet firmly slid against her lips. She grabbed a pillow and pressed it deep into her face so she could groan loudly into it without attracting any attention. Goddammit. She was fucking screwed, and not in a fun way. The compound was the only place where she stood a chance of safely hiding from the arsonist, but it was also the only place where she might get swept up into growing attached to somebody. She just couldn’t do that. Not after Mark, not after everything he did to her, neglecting her and stealing all her money. There was no way she was going to allow herself to get hurt like that again, no matter what.


She turned to stare out the window, straining her eyes to see the lengthy line of cars parked out in the lot in front of the compound. So many people that stayed here, it seemed. She only got a few good looks at the outside of the clubhouse, but she could tell it was several stories high. There must be a lot of rooms like this, she realized. Lots of places for people to stay.


So that’s the solution, she thought, springing up from her bed as new energy replaced her despair. She would just have to switch rooms, staying as far away from Jagger as possible, preferably in an area with lots of people nearby so she wouldn’t be tempted to sneak down and see what Jagger was doing on the second floor. Abby felt sure that this was the way to stay safe from both the arsonist and Jagger’s kisses. If Jagger wasn’t going to allow her to participate in the investigation, she was just going to have to stay away from him entirely. That was the best way to handle this.


Abby straightened her clothing and hair, not wanting to appear as if she’d just spent the last half-hour huddled up on her bed, before exiting her room and walking across the hall to Tony’s bedroom. She hoped she would find Jagger in there, but it just had a dozing Tony still cuddled up on his bed, and this time Abby felt too guilty to wake him up again. She realized that she didn’t know where Jagger’s room was, so she just paced up and down the hallway, looking for an open doorway to peer inside. After a few minutes, familiar footsteps climbed up the steps from the first level. Abby held her breath, waiting for Jagger to appear. God, he looked handsome, dressed just in a white tank top and loose-fitting jeans. He froze in his tracks as soon as he saw her, stopping at the landing of the stairway.


“Hey,” Abby whispered, stepping a little closer to him. “Can we talk… Um… Privately?”


Jagger was silent and still for a moment, staring at her, surveying her body up and down. Abby felt like he was inspecting every inch of her. He finally nodded and pointed down the hallway. Abby turned on her heel and walked in that direction, keenly aware of Jagger’s body just a foot behind her as they walked to the end of the hall.


Jagger pulled out a large set of keys and stuck one in the door they stopped in front of. “Do you have a key for every room in this compound?” Abby asked nervously, feeling a line of heat streak its way up from her spine to the bottom of her neck.


He shook his head. “Just this level. I’m kind of like the landlord of the second floor,” he said with a smile as he pushed the door open and gestured for Abby to go inside. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing his keys were limited to a single floor. She couldn’t stay in the compound if he had control over every single room.


Abby sat down in a small wooden chair opposite Jagger’s bed, crossing her arms and ankles. It was a bad habit she had, covering herself up with her limbs in a weak attempt to protect herself. “Um, so, I was thinking…” she started to say as Jagger shut and locked the door behind them.


“Oh, boy, that sounds dangerous,” Jagger said, a teasing edge to his voice as he sat down on the bed across from her.


“Yeah,” Abby said with a short laugh, futilely trying to cut the tension in the room. “I think… I think that I shouldn’t stay here.”


“In the compound?” Jagger sighed deeply. “Abby, it’s not safe. Why can’t you understand that?”


“No, no, I’m not stupid, I get it,” Abby said, trying not to jump immediately on the defensive. “But I need another room… Not… Not on this level.”


Jagger stared at her with his face screwed up in confusion for a long moment before realization dawned on him. “Oh. You don’t want to be around me.”


Abby wasn’t sure what to say that. “Um…well…”


“You’re scared,” Jagger said. It wasn’t a question either, no, it was a statement. Abby immediately felt like she wanted to deny it, to argue with him, to say that she wasn’t scared of anything. But deep down she knew he was right, and it was hard for her not to be honest with herself, even if the truth was painful. “You’re scared of me.”


“Not exactly,” Abby said. I’m scared of me, she thought, but she didn’t say it out loud. She felt terrified of what she wanted. Or of what she needed. She wasn’t sure what the difference was.


“You want nothing to do with me? Is that it?” Jagger asked. “Do you hate me that much?”


“I don’t hate you,” Abby said, the volume of her voice rising a little. “I just…”


“What?” Jagger got to his feet, standing above her so that she had to look up to see his face, framed by the light from the window. “What is it then? Why are you so afraid?”


Abby felt herself start trembling, her hands shaking as she stood to face him. “Listen, I can’t afford to get involved with anybody right now. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. I’m just - I’m broken, all right? Please, just accept that.”


Jagger shook his head and turned his back to her. “That’s not true.”


“How would you know?” Abby asked, her voice getting higher and harder as her anger grew. “You don’t know me. You don’t know a single thing about me.”


“I know that you deserve to live, Abby,” Jagger said, flipping back around to face her and walking up until only a few inches separated their bodies. “You deserve to…”


Abby waited to allow Jagger to finish his thought, but when he turned his head away and sighed it was obvious that he wasn’t going to share the end of that sentence. “What?” Abby asked. “I deserve to what? Let you save me?”


That made Jagger turn his head back to stare at her, his eyes burning with something Abby recognized but couldn’t name. “Yeah,” he whispered lowly. “Yeah, maybe. You could let me try, at least.”


“What are you gonna save me from, huh?” Abby demanded. “Some random freak out there who’s obsessed with your club?”


“Yeah, maybe, for starters,” Jagger said, and the implication made Abby tremble in anger and fear. He wants to save me from myself, Abby thought bitterly. He thinks I’m weak. He thinks I’m a victim. I’m not a victim. I’m a survivor.


“I’m not some fragile little bird you have to shield from the world,” Abby said, swallowing hard to keep her voice steady and clear.


“I don’t think that,” Jagger said, pinning one hand to the wall behind Abby’s head, making her gulp around the knot in her throat. “That’s not what I think. I don’t think you’re weak, Abby.”


“Then prove it,” Abby whispered, blinking hard to keep the burning tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes where they belonged.


They were silent for a long moment, staring at each other before Jagger cleared his throat to speak.


“I’ll prove it,” Jagger whispered hoarsely, stepping closer to her. “I’ll fucking prove it to you, baby.”


Abby didn’t have time to gripe about him calling her baby, as Jagger grabbed the back of her skull and pressed her forward into a deep kiss. She whimpered a little as he dove deeper into her mouth, licking her lips and tongue in slow, gentle, firm circles.


“I’m sorry,” Jagger mumbled into her lips a second later, pulling back a centimeter before rushing right back to slide their mouths together. “I’m sorry, ugh, I should have…. I’m sorry.” He finally pulled back and let go of her head, leaving Abby frozen as the chilly air hit her heated body.


“Shit,” Abby mumbled, wiping her damp mouth with the back of her hand. “Shit, fuck,” she whispered, forgetting that she wasn’t alone. Her heart was thumping in her throat while her chest heaved furiously, trying to get more air into her lungs.


Jagger turned back around to face her, panting in front of her. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you…” Jagger trailed off, his brow furrowing in concern.


Abby quickly shook her head, even as she sunk back, totally limp and lifeless, against the wall behind her. “No, no, I—I’m fine. I just. I just can’t feel my feet, or my hands or…” She reached out with her numb fingers, stretching toward Jagger. “I think I’m having a panic attack.”


“Shit, shit, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m with you, I’m with you, you’re not alone,” Jagger said in a rush, reaching forward to take Abby’s unsteady body into his arms and pull her over to the bed. “Here, sit back against the pillows. Just relax. Everything’s going to be okay.”


Abby did as she was told, as best as she could despite the trembles that shook her body. She reached out with her hand, settling on Jagger’s shoulder and squeezing to feel the muscle underneath his shirt. “Please. Please, please help me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—I didn’t mean to be weak…” Abby felt warm tears flood her eyes, and she furiously blinked, trying to convince them to recede, but it was no use. Jagger’s face immediately fell when he saw the tears in her eyes, even before he reached out to cup her cheek. “I’m sorry,” Abby choked out again despite the huge heaving breaths that dragged in and out of her throat.


“Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have scared you, it’s okay. You’re with me. You’re with me, here, in the compound, and we’re safe. Everything’s fine,” Jagger whispered, enunciating each word slowly as he stroked the side of her cheek.


Abby’s heart started thumping more slowly, sinking down from her throat back into her chest, still beating so hard that it shook her body. “You’re good at this,” she murmured. “Calming people down. I wouldn’t have guessed.”


“Part of the job,” Jagger said with a small, warm smile. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” He tangled his fingers into her hair, stroking soothingly over her scalp.


“Oh, yeah? Are you like this with all the girls you pull out of fires?” Abby murmured, reaching up to wrap her hand around Jagger’s neck. She didn’t quite know what she was doing, but she needed the physical contact to ground her. Meanwhile, Jagger kept stroking her hair and used his free hand to move over her ribcage, giving her a point to focus on while she slowed her breathing down.


“Not at all,” Jagger whispered as he leaned in, fanning her face gently with his fresh, sweet-smelling breath. “Not even close.”


Abby closed her eyes and leaned up, brushing their lips together again. She moaned lightly, licking his lips until they opened to allow her inside to taste him. She rubbed the back of his head, tangling her fingers around in his hair to tug him closer whenever he pulled away to breathe.


“Jesus, baby,” Jagger grunted, pulling away from her lips just to drop wet open-mouthed kisses on her chin and jawline. “You taste so good.”


“Mm, you haven’t tasted anything yet,” Abby moaned, her heart beginning to thump hard and fast again, but this time in excitement rather than panic. Jagger laughed loudly before growling and biting at her neck, dragging his teeth along the veins there. Abby squirmed around at the wet, sharp sensation of Jagger’s mouth on her throat. Goddammit, she’d never felt this turned on in her entire life. “Grab me,” she demanded, turning her head to bite at Jagger’s ear. “Grab my fucking ass, grab me.”


“Mm, you’re feisty, huh? I should’ve fucking guessed,” Jagger murmured as he chuckled softly, groaning as Abby bit down on his earlobe. He did what he was told a minute later, reaching under Abby’s body to grab her clothed ass and knead the soft flesh between his fingers. “Like that? You like that?”


“Uh-huh,” Abby said, feeling all the leftover fear leave her body as she focused on the pressure on her ass. “Yeah, I fucking like that.”


“Mm-hmm, you’re a dirty girl, aren’t you? You’re a nasty girl, huh?” Jagger hissed into her ear, moving down her body to bite at the exposed skin of her chest above her shirt collar.


Abby quickly wrapped her legs around Jagger’s waist, grinding her crotch into his a few times before starting up a rhythm of wide, slow circles, their two groins pushing together and pulling apart. “Mm, yeah, I’m dirty, I’m so dirty for you, baby,” Abby groaned, shoving her hips up harder as she felt Jagger go firm inside his jeans.


“Just for me? Just me?” Jagger asked as he licked around her collarbone. “So ready for me, baby, aren’t you?”


Abby groaned and jerked her hips upward, rubbing against Jagger’s clothed cock, her back bent at an almost impossible angle. “Yes, yes, please, I want it, I need it, please.”


“Be. Patient,” Jagger said slowly and roughly as if he were speaking through gritted teeth. “You gotta be a good girl for me, don’t you, baby, don’t you?”


Abby nodded furiously and pulled him back up to kiss his lips. “Yeah. But you gotta be good to me, too, huh? Or I’ll leave. I’ll walk right out of here.”


Jagger growled and dove down into her neck again, nipping at her most sensitive skin with his sharp teeth. Abby grunted wordlessly communicating her pleasure as she pressed her hips up harder, thrusting against his rough jeans. Jagger’s hands started traveling down her body even as his mouth remained latched onto her throat, his fingers rubbing over her covered breasts and down onto her heaving stomach. “Please stay, baby. I want to make you feel so good,” he whispered, licking a hot line from her collarbone to the soft little patch of skin under her ear.


“Please, I need to feel good. I’m so tired. I’ve been so tired for so long. I need you to make me feel good, please, please, please!” Abby cried out, her voice getting higher and more desperate with each word.


“I’ll take care of you. I’ll save you. I promise,” Jagger whispered before biting onto her shoulder, sucking hard until Abby squealed and jerked her hips up more firmly into his. For one brief, beautiful moment, Abby let herself believe his words, accepting them at face value and pressing them deep into her heart, quickly, before her brain could touch them and corrupt them with filthy reality.


“Okay,” she whispered, gripping his hair harder while her other hand drifted down to grab his muscular, defined shoulder. “Okay, I’ll let you. Just for tonight, please, I’ll let you.”


Jagger nodded and kissed the side of her neck, her collarbone, her chin, her cheeks. “Just relax. Just lay back. You can fall here. I’ll catch you.”


Abby did as she was told, sinking back into the pillows beneath her body, letting the tension sink away. It was like Jagger had given her some drug to make her brain go on sabbatical, but instead of any substance, it was just his sweet kiss, his sweet touch against her skin that allowed her to let go. She allowed her legs to fall open, dropping down from Jagger’s body to the mattress, giving Jagger the opportunity to fit his entire body between her legs. He traveled down her body until his head lingered over her stomach, applying sweet little kisses over Abby’s shirt before pushing it up to reveal her bare stomach. “Oh, God,” Abby huffed, overwhelmed even though barely anything had happened yet.


He pressed his lips against the skin right below her belly button, gently applying small little licks that tickled her and made all her sleeping nerve endings spring to life, trembling like they hadn’t been awake in years. For all Abby knew, that was the truth of the situation. She’d honestly never been touched like this, never examined this thoroughly before fucking. Jagger dragged his nails over her stomach, causing her breathing to become harder and heavier with every swipe of his hand back and forth over her ribcage. Next, he lightly pressed his teeth against her stomach, nibbling a little until Abby giggled and squirmed under his touch. “God, you’re good. You’re so sweet,” she mumbled, rubbing the top of Jagger’s head clumsily with both of her hands.


She could feel more than see Jagger’s smile against her stomach, right before he licked delicate circles around her belly button. Then his tongue traveled north, his nose pushing up the hem of her shirt so that he could lick his way up to her sternum, between her breasts. Abby started panting heavily, her lungs burning with the effort as though she was running for her life. She brought one hand up to grab the bottom of her shirt and finally tugged it over her head. She had taken off her bra earlier after she got home from work, so she was bare-breasted, her skin flushing deep pink as Jagger pulled back to look at her. Jagger smiled a little, soft and sweet, before he slowly dipped his head back down again, this time to apply his tongue and teeth around one of her nipples.


“Oh, Jesus!” Abby cried out, probably loud enough for their next-door neighbors to hear. At that point she couldn’t bring herself to care. She twisted her legs around Jagger’s body, rubbing his back with her feet until she found the bottom of his shirt and pushed it up to reveal his bare skin. Jagger bit down a little harder on her nipple, sucking it between his teeth. “Jesus, Jesus, oh, mmmm!” Abby moaned, pressing her hand into the back of Jagger’s head to encourage him to bite harder.


“Your skin tastes so fucking good,” Jagger mumbled into her breast. “Such a good girl. Such a sweet girl. I want to lick you up.”


“Do it, do it, please, do it,” Abby moaned, the mental images flooding her brain becoming too much, too intense for her to handle any longer.


Jagger chuckled into her skin, pulling back to wipe his chin before leaning back in to drag his teeth back down her stomach. He went farther south, wrapping his mouth around the band of her sweatpants and pulling lightly, yanking the fabric away from her skin. Jagger brought his hand to her panties, sticking his fingers inside the gap he’d created and rubbing along the soft skin of her vulva. “Baby, baby, unnh,” Abby cried out, jerking her hips up to encourage him to go further down.


Abby bit down on her bottom lip as Jagger tugged her pants down over her hips, down her legs to pool around her ankles. Abby kicked them off quickly, sending them flying over the edge of the bed and leaving herself in her underwear. She was almost naked, but Jagger was still fully clothed. That was unacceptable. Abby groaned in wordless complaint and tugged on Jagger’s shirt hard until he got the message, laughing as he threw his shirt over his head. His pecs were so defined, so firm. He looked so strong, and she knew from personal experience that it wasn’t just superficial. There was real power behind his muscles, real strength that could pick her up, carry her, and save her from the flames of her life. Abby wanted him to take care of her. That realization was so scary that she had to shut her eyes to stop looking at him, trying to focus on anything other than the overwhelming realization that she, without a doubt, wanted to hand control over to this guy she barely knew.


Jagger’s hand returned to her face, cupping her cheek again while his thumb rubbed the little space under her ear. “What’s wrong, baby?” he whispered softly.


Abby just shook her head, keeping her eyes screwed shut, hoping that Jagger would get the message that she didn’t want to talk about how she was feeling.


“You can tell me,” he said in a calm tone of voice, rubbing her neck firmly yet gently with his large hands.


“I’m scared,” Abby whispered, the words leaving her mouth involuntarily. She flushed as soon as she said it, but she couldn’t exactly take it back now.


“Of this? You’re in control here, baby. You can say no anytime you want,” Jagger said in a rush, leaning over her to drop a kiss on her forehead.


The gesture of turning over control to her made Abby feel warm, her body buzzing a little as Jagger repeated the motion, pressing his lips against her brow and down her nose. “I’m not scared of you,” Abby whispered. “I’m not scared of this.”


“What is it then? Are you sure that you want this?” Jagger murmured, but he couldn’t hide the sense of urgency within his voice.


“Yes!” Abby said, her eyes flying open, meeting Jagger’s. “I want it - a lot. The ‘wanting’ is what’s scaring me.”


Jagger’s face changed immediately, a frown of concern furrowing up his brow. “You don’t have to be. You don’t have to be scared,” he said, leaning in until their foreheads pressed together. “Baby, it’s okay. I promise. It’s okay. It’ll be okay. I’ll take care of you.”


“I know,” Abby whispered back, pressing their mouths together, kissing him deeply again. “That’s the problem,” she said, but before Jagger could pull back and ask her to explain why, she pressed hard against the back of his head, keeping him trapped in her kiss. Somehow, though, he didn’t seem to mind, slipping his tongue deeper into her mouth while his thumbs rubbed their way down from her cheeks to her neck to her breasts, playing gently with her nipples.


“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her lips, saying each sentence in between long deep kisses. “Your body is so fucking hot and sexy and gorgeous.”


“You,” Abby said, wrapping her legs around his waist again and tugging his pelvis closer to hers. “You are. I want… I want to feel it. I want to feel it all. Take your fucking pants off. Take them off, now,” she demanded, her voice becoming more and more breathy as she became more desperate to get him out of his clothes.


Jagger untangled her legs from around his waist, and for a second Abby whined a complaint, but he just smiled down at her as he shucked off his pants and underwear, his hard cock bobbing up and down as he finally got out of his clothes. “Fuck, ugh,” Abby grunted out, sitting up and reaching her hands out toward his body before he stepped forward into her grasp. “So hot,” she murmured before attacking his chest with her teeth, sucking mark after mark into his skin, traveling further down from his pecs toward his lower stomach.


“Yeah, baby, you like it? You like my body?” Jagger said teasingly, rubbing the back of her head with one hand while he gripped the base of his dick with the other.


Abby didn’t answer with words, instead sticking her tongue out to draw circles onto his lower abdomen, going right above his pubes before pulling back up, causing Jagger to groan out impatiently and shove her head closer to his body. “Can you give me what I want, baby? Can you please me?”


“I wanna please you,” Abby answered in a rough whisper, swallowing thickly to clear her throat. She had to get it ready for what was coming next.


“You know what I want?” Jagger asked, stroking his dick a little before pressing it softly on the side of Abby’s face.


“Yeah, I know, baby. I want it, too,” Abby whispered, pulling back to stare down at his cock, pulling Jagger’s fist off of the base and replacing it with her slender fingers.


It felt good, holding onto him like this, feeling like she had all the control, if only for a second. Her mouth was watering just looking at it. It looked so big and thick, a deep purple color that made her want to lick every single inch of it. She started with the base, applying a tiny little touch from the tip of her tongue, but even that small motion made Jagger’s hips jerk forward, pushing his cock harder against her face.


“You want it bad, don’t you, baby?” Abby asked innocently.


“Yes, yes, baby, I really want it,” Jagger whispered, tangling a fist into the back of Abby’s hair.


“Then why don’t you fucking beg for it?” Abby asked, digging her nails into the side of Jagger’s thigh.


Jagger laughed out breathlessly before moaning a little at the sensation of Abby’s nails digging into his skin. “You’re so good. You’re so fucking good. Please, baby, I want more. Please, give me more.”


That was good enough for Abby. She leaned in again and placed the tip of her tongue on the middle of his dick before dragging it back and forth along his entire length, getting him wet on the top before lifting his dick up a little with her hand to get at the underside. She wanted to be thorough. She didn’t want a single inch of his sweet, salty skin to go untouched.


“Unnh, God, yeah, baby, yeah,” Jagger muttered above her, sighing and dragging his nails over her scalp, tangling up her hair in the process. “I want you to suck it. Please suck it.”


“Patience,” Abby hissed, leaning back on her knees so that she pulled off his cock, simply allowing her breath to hit his skin until he squirmed and whined a little under his breath.


“I’ll do whatever you want,” Jagger grunted out, his grip on her hair becoming firmer.


“Anything?” Abby asked before dropping a big wet kiss on the tip of his dick.


“Unngh, yes, yes, anything,” Jagger said between big panting breaths.


Abby considered for a minute, feeling a little bit nervous that she was going to land on the wrong thing. She didn’t want to be bad at this. Usually, she never got active during sex, just lying there instead to let her exes do what they wanted. But now she was getting involved. She was getting her hands dirty, and she liked it.


“Will you promise to eat me out after?” Abby asked, her voice trembling a little, feeling herself grow wetter between her legs. It was the power; it felt so unfamiliar, but it was so good, so sweet, and warm in her hands.


Jagger blew out his breath, and for a second Abby was terrified that he was going to act disgusted, horrified that she would ever suggest something so filthy, but when she looked up, she saw a smile spread across his face, big and mischievous. “Is that it? Seriously? I was going to do that anyway,” he said with a chuckle.


Abby blushed and lightly slapped the outside of his thigh to punish him for laughing at her. “Do you want your fucking dick sucked or not?”


Jagger nodded and dropped his hand down to her face, sliding his fingers gently along the underside of her chin. “You’re beautiful, you know.”


“I bet you say that to all the nurses you bed,” Abby said, trying to sound nonchalant, as if the words hadn’t touched her at all, when they were a great big flaming knife piercing their way through her heart.


Jagger suddenly grabbed her chin and tilted it upward so that Abby had to look him in the eyes. “Hey. No bullshit. You’re fucking gorgeous. Perfect.”


A warm bubble formed in Abby’s chest, spreading wider with each passing second, filling all her molecules with energy, spreading down to the tips of her fingers. She had never felt this warm in her life, and it was all because of Jagger’s sweet, simple words. “You. You are. It’s you,” she whispered before leaning in again and sliding her mouth over Jagger’s cock, taking it halfway inside.


“Uffffgh, Jesus, fucking, Christ, baby, ungh!” Jagger moaned, pressing one hand down hard onto Abby’s shoulder, gripping onto her as strongly as she began to lick and suck on the tip of his cock.


He tasted so good, so fucking sweet. Abby would never have guessed that. He seemed so rough and ragged on the outside, so strong and powerful. Here, he was soft, fragile, vulnerable to her touch. Abby began to bob her head, slipping off until only the very tip of his dick touched her mouth before sinking back own again. She bobbed repeatedly, until Jagger grabbed the back of her head and pushed until she sucked the rest of his cock into her mouth.


She held still for a long moment, letting her throat get used to the size of him as it stretched her fully. When she figured out how to breathe comfortably, she began to move, letting a little bit of his cock escape her mouth before sucking it back in. At the same time, she hollowed her cheeks around the center to provide suction while her mouth moved faster around his entire cock.


“Yes, baby, yes, baby, yes,” Jagger muttered above her, petting the back of her head.


Abby loved hearing that, loved hearing his tiny whimpers of desire. It made her spread her legs, feeling herself getting wetter as Jagger’s noises became louder. God, she couldn’t help it. She had to moan around his dick, creating vibrations that had Jagger echoing her pleasure.


“How are you so fucking good at this?” Jagger whispered, jerking his hips forward to fuck his way down Abby’s throat.


Abby didn’t know. She’d never felt good at it before, but she just loved having his cock in her mouth, loved tasting it, 1feeling it and smelling it. It was like she wasn’t even doing it for his benefit. Nothing in the world could have convinced her to pull off his dick right now.


Jagger fucked her mouth faster, his legs pressing against Abby’s shoulders. Abby reached behind him to grab a handful of his ass, squeezing the firm flesh between her fingers to encourage him to go deeper into her throat.


“Shit, shit, shit, I might not last if you keep doing that,” Jagger grunted, dipping his cock in and out of her mouth as she gobbled him up with sloppy abandon.


That just made Abby go faster, bringing out her tongue to swipe the leaking tip of Jagger’s dick every time it pulled out of her mouth. She could barely breathe, her mouth was consumed by giving Jagger as much pleasure as possible, but she still wanted more. She wanted his come.


“Shit, baby, shit, baby, it’s coming, it’s coming, I’m---unnnngh!” Jagger cried out, shoving his dick in as far as he could go without suffocating her.


He pulled out a second later, allowing Abby to breathe deeply and lick her lips. Abby giggled at the salty taste that filled her mouth. It tasted good. It tasted like strength, Jagger’s strength. She wished she could have all of it. She needed it.


Above her, Jagger was smiling, brightly, lit up like a streetlamp. Abby reached her hand up to pull him down to her level, joining their mouths intensely. Jagger didn’t hesitate to lick into her mouth, to pull at her lips like they were candy. Abby was sure that she had never felt this adored in her entire life.


“Your turn?” Jagger whispered, gently petting the side of Abby’s face and playing around with her hair.


“If you want,” Abby hurriedly replied. “You don’t have to. It was just kind of a joke, you know.”


“Shh,” Jagger said before leaning down to kiss her lips once more. “Shh, whatever you want, baby, okay? I’ll give it to you. You want it?”


Abby’s eyes slipped shut, a little too embarrassed to look at him as she answered his question. “Yes,” she whispered while nodding her head slowly. “Yes, I want that.”


“How bad do you want it?” Jagger murmured, running his hand up from her knee to the area just under her cunt, in between her legs. “How bad, baby?”


“Mm, so bad,” Abby whispered back, reaching down to press Jagger’s hand into her moist pussy. “So fucking bad.”


Abby was already so wet that Jagger didn’t hesitate to slip a finger inside of her, causing her to gasp out brokenly. “Baby, ungh, shit,” she groaned, swirling her hips around in slow circles to encourage Jagger’s finger to slip in deeper.


“Yeah, you like that?” Jagger asked, leaning down to lick a wet line up her inner thigh. “You like it fucking deep?”


“Mm-hmm,” Abby moaned, jerking her hips up to get more of his finger inside of her. “Yeah, I fucking like it deep, baby, so deep. So fucking deep.”


“Yeah,” Jagger whispered, adjusting his body so that his head was between her legs, keeping his finger inside of her. “You want more?”


“Unnngh,” Abby groaned. “I want so much more.”


Jagger added a second finger, scissoring them apart a little as he fucked them deeper inside of her hole. Before Abby could even get used to that new addition, Jagger’s tongue slid up her outer labia, his teeth coming out to nibble at her lips.


“Jesus,” Abby moaned, lifting her hips off the bed to take more of his tongue and fingers on her body.


“Mm, taste so good, so fucking good,” Jagger murmured into her skin, parting her lips with his tongue, sending jolts of intense sensation throughout her entire body.


“Baby, please, mmmnnnh!” Abby groaned, bending her neck back and arching her spine at an almost impossible angle.


Jagger sucked her lip into his mouth, playfully teasing her sensitive skin with his teeth. Abby groaned and roughly slapped the mattress in a mixture of pleasure and frustration. She was so overwhelmed, yet she wanted more.


It wasn’t long before she got what she wanted. Suddenly Jagger was on her clit, sucking as hard as he could while his two fingers dipped deeper inside her cunt.


“Fuck! Fuck me!” Abby screamed, shriller and louder than she’d ever shouted in her life, bouncing her ass off the mattress to get Jagger’s fingers in as deep as possible.


Jagger’s left hand traveled up Abby’s body, stretching up until he found her throat, wrapping his fingers around her neck as tightly as possible without restricting her breathing. Abby groaned in joy, placing one hand on Jagger’s to encourage him to squeeze her throat harder. Meanwhile, her hips began thrusting up and down, off and on the mattress, fucking herself on Jagger’s fingers, her sweat dripping down as she exerted herself.


“That’s my bad girl, that’s my bad little girl,” Jagger groaned into her cunt, applying thick, wide licks all over her clit. “Mmm, you’re mine. You’re mine, baby. No one else’s. Fucking mine.”


“Yours. Yours, yours, fucking yours,” Abby said back, jerking her entire body up and down to get fucked deeper, Jagger’s fingers brushing up against all the right spots inside of her cunt.


Jagger couldn’t reply to her; his entire mouth became consumed with her cunt, his tongue sucking on her clit while his fingers pumped in and out, faster and faster with each passing minute.


Abby couldn’t fucking take it any longer. She was building up between her legs, getting hotter and hotter, the sensations getting so powerful that they almost hurt. She felt like she was going to explode, totally shatter into a million different pieces. But she wasn’t scared. She wanted it. Goddammit, she wanted it so badly. She wanted to come apart in Jagger’s hands. She trusted him, somehow, to put her back together.


“Jagger. Jagger, I’m coming. I’m coming, baby. Baby. Baby hold me, please, hold me, I’m coming, I’m----aghhhhnnnnnnnn!” Abby shrieked, all the cells in her body quivering like they were caught in an earthquake, bright bulbs of light flashing behind her eyelids. Time froze. The world froze, but somehow at the same time, it was warmer than it had ever been before.


When Abby’s brain turned back on, rebooting like a worn-out computer, the first thing she noticed was Jagger’s arm around her back, clutching her like she was going to fly away. Abby exhaled a shaky breath and leaned back into his touch, trusting him to catch her if she fell. Her brain buzzed over like the static on late-night television, and she didn’t have the neuron capacity to feel anything but pleasure, deep pleasure, the kind that Abby imagined Heaven would be like.


“That was… that was fucking amazing,” Abby groaned, her words barely comprehensible even to herself. “That was fucking ace.” She tried to lift her hand to give a thumbs-up motion, but her hand just flopped on her chest lazily, too worn out to do anything but roll over.


“You, you’re so fucking great at sex,” Jagger replied, brushing the hair out of Abby’s face gently. “I have never been sucked like that.”


Abby blushed and averted her eyes, staring down at Jagger’s chest and stomach and cock. “I’ve never… I’ve never come with a guy before. Not like that, at least,” she admitted.


“What do you mean?” Jagger asked softly, gently tickling the bottom of Abby’s chin until she looked back up at him.


Abby sighed deeply, afraid to say the words out loud as if they were a shameful confession. “I’ve never had… an orgasm… with a man. It’s always just been me. I thought there was something wrong with me.”


Jagger shook his head slowly. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Absolutely fucking nothing,” he said before crashing into Abby’s mouth, kissing her more deeply than ever before. “Not a goddamn thing.”


Abby was so swept up in the kiss that she didn’t notice what Jagger was doing with his hands, but before she knew it there was a thick sensation poking at her still throbbing pussy, and when she looked down she saw Jagger’s condom-covered cock pressing its way inside of her. “Is this okay?” Jagger whispered as he rotated his hips in little circles, his cock ever-so-gently pressing against her hole. “Is it okay if I fuck you?”


She nodded quickly, lifting her hips to invite Jagger’s cock to sink inside of her. “Please, yeah, do it,” she moaned out, her voice pathetically desperate.


“I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. I’m going to make you fucking scream,” Jagger promised, hissing into her ear before biting down on her earlobe and sucking hard at her neck.


Abby couldn’t do anything other than exhale shakily and hold on tight to Jagger’s back, groaning into his ear. “Baby,” she whispered, and she didn’t know what she was begging for, exactly, but she knew that Jagger was going to give it to her.


Without warning, Jagger sunk half of his length inside of her, making her feel so full that she might’ve burst. Abby squealed a little and dug her nails deep into the skin of his shoulders and back, clutching onto him as hard as she could like a life raft in the middle of a hurricane. She needed him to anchor her, to make sure that everything was okay, to remind her that this was actually happening. Abby tipped her hips up, allowing Jagger to sink deeper inside of her, almost to the hilt. “Yeah, baby,” she groaned. “Yeah, baby, yeah, fuck me, baby, do it, do it, please do it.”


“Yeah, darling. Yeah,” Jagger whispered back, beginning to move his hips back and forth, sinking his cock in and out of her slippery sex. “You’re so fucking tight. So fucking wet and ready for me, too. So fucking hungry, huh?”


“Yeah,” Abby said breathlessly. “Yeah, I’m so fucking hungry for you. For your cock. Inside of me. Please. More. Please.”


Jagger did as he was told, driving his cock deeper into her body, and stimulating her clit with his rhythmic motions. “Unnngh,” she groaned out. “Unnngh, baby, I think it’s happening again. I think it’s fucking happening again.”


She felt like her body was on fire, like all her little hairs and skin cells were standing up and screaming for joy. Her body was begging to be fucked harder. Before she could even get accustomed to that feeling, Jagger’s hand appeared above her cunt, his fingers finding her clit and rubbed it in a firm circular motion, to the rhythm of his hips.


“Baby!” she screamed again, quickly bouncing her hips and ass up off the mattress to get more of his cock to push against her g-spot. “Baby, yes! Yes, ugh, yes, please, yes!”


Jagger’s thumb rapidly jacked off Abby’s clit, pushing it up and down and side to side in big and little circles repeatedly while his cock slid against her inner walls. “So wet, so tight, so fucking hot for me, baby, yeah. My baby’s got a hot little cunt,” Jagger whispered before capturing Abby’s mouth in a deep kiss. “Love that fucking cunt.”


“Unnngh, baby, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ooooohhhhhh!” Abby shouted out as huge sensations spiraled out from her clit, from the center of her sex, combining to tear her entire body apart and push it back together again. The beautiful warmth created by the union of her pussy and Jagger’s cock reverberated throughout her body, invading every single molecule until she felt more alive than she’d ever felt before, her blood singing in her veins. “Jesus Christ,” she whispered, and she didn’t know if she meant it as an exclamation or a prayer. Honestly, it could’ve been either, or both at once. All she knew was that hot tears had sprung from her eyes, dropping down to her cheeks without her permission. She couldn’t care, not right now, not when her sex was still vibrating with the aftershocks of her second orgasm with a man. The best man she’d ever been with.


All the while, Jagger kept fucking her, and it felt nice even though half of her body had gone numb. She jerked her hips back as hard as she could, wanting him to get deep inside her when he came. Jagger went harder, faster, panting like a tiger above her. “I’m gonna come, baby, I’m gonna fucking come again. You’re gonna make me come.”


“Do it. Fucking do it. Come in me. Come,” Abby demanded, jerking her hips up harder and faster, desperate for him to break apart inside of her.


Jagger growled like an animal and grabbed at Abby’s ass, pushing her hips up harder. “So deep. So deep, so fucking deep,” he grunted, growling into her neck before biting down on her collarbone, sucking so hard he had to leave a mark.


“Do it, baby. Do it for me. Please, baby. Come. Come on. Come,” Abby said into his ear before biting down on his neck, licking at his protruding veins. He pushed in as hard as he could, crying out with his eyes screwed shut as his cock pulsed inside of her.


“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jagger sighed out as he collapsed on top of Abby a second later, his cock messily slipping out of her and nestling against her thigh.


“You can say that again,” Abby breathed out, unable to suppress a giggle.


“God, that was… that was…” Jagger trailed off, swallowing hard, probably having the same case of over-exhausted dry mouth as Abby did.


“The best,” Abby said, breathing deeply to try to get some air into her lungs. She felt like she hadn’t breathed in years. Maybe she hadn’t.


“Yeah,” Jagger said. “Yeah, it was.” He nuzzled the side of Abby’s neck, kissing sore spots that he’d sucked into her skin while they were fucking.


Abby’s brain was almost entirely switched-off at this point, overcome by the sweet temptation of sleep. She needed one last thing before she could finally let go.


“Kiss me,” she said softly. “Kiss me.”


Jagger lifted his head and grinned lazily at her, climbing the last few inches up her body to press his mouth against hers. They didn’t kiss very deeply, the two of them both so tired at this point that they couldn’t hold on for very long. “Now cuddle me,” Abby demanded, pressing her hand insistently on the back of Jagger’s neck and tangling her legs with his, trapping him in the confines of his bed.


“I’m so glad I met you,” Jagger murmured into her ear, right as Abby slipped into sleep. She had just enough consciousness to feel fear, for one terrible extended moment that stretched on throughout her dreams, until she awoke hours later.


Abby woke up sweating, her entire body slick with it. She lay pinned to the bed by one of Jagger’s legs and arms. Panic set deep into Abby’s chest as she remembered what she did before she fell asleep. She fucked Jagger. No. Jagger fucked her. They made each other come. And they’d - talked.


If it had just been fucking, just raw and dirty sex, Abby might have been able to deal with it. But before they started banging furiously, there had been the words. The powerful, gentle words that were strong and soft at once that had penetrated her heart and embedded themselves deep inside, deep into the dark corners where Abby’s brain couldn’t see. That was the part that couldn’t be erased or forgotten or reimagined into something different. That was the part that shook Abby to her core. That was the part she just couldn’t handle. She couldn’t trust herself to react the right way. It was becoming evident that it had to end here.


Still, she couldn’t exactly say all that to Jagger. She knew that if she said even a tiny fraction of what she felt, he’d kiss her again and they’d just start the cycle all over. It was unnerving, how well Abby felt she knew him even after just a week’s time.


Whatever ended up being said, Abby knew she had to get it over with sooner rather than later. The longer she waited, the more likely she was to fall prey to more kisses and then into more sex. She imagined herself getting trapped in a cycle of fight-fuck-fight-fuck-fight-fuck with him. It was more tempting than she would have liked to admit.


In any case, she inhaled deeply, summoning up all her courage before grabbing Jagger’s closest hand and rubbing at his knuckles, trying to wake him up as gently as possible.


He stirred awake beside her, all at once, probably a symptom of his firefighter training. “Oh. Hey, there,” he said softly, his eyes shining so brightly they pierced through the darkness. “How’d you sleep?” His hand reached out and found Abby’s face, rubbing her chin and jaw gently.


“Um, okay,” she whispered back, feeling herself sink deeper into the mattress even though she needed to run away. “But I… I, um, I have to tell you something.” Abby breathed deeply again, trying to hold on to any part of her mind that said she could be brave. She needed her courage if she was going to do this, if she was going to break her own heart.


# # #




Jagger had a feeling he knew what she was going to say before she said it. Even in the dark, he could see her eyes, see how they darkened with fear as if there was some terrible monster lurking over his shoulder that only she could see. He knew there was no arguing with her about it either. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try, though.


“What? What’s wrong?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer. She still had to say it. He wasn’t going to let her get away with not hearing it come from her mouth.


“We can’t… We can’t do this again,” Abby said softly, averting her eyes to stare down at her lap.


Even though Jagger saw it coming, it still hurt. “Why?” he asked, keeping his voice as steady and calm as possible. He didn’t need her to know how much he cared. He already knew how this was going to turn out.


“I can’t have a guy in my life right now, okay?” Abby said softly. “I’ve got too many other things I need to focus on.”


“Like what?” Jagger said, trying to keep his tone from sounding mocking.


“Like… my job?” Abby said. “Both of my jobs. My patients. My fucking money problems. Robert. I owe it to Robert. He’s gotta be the priority right now.”


“And why can’t we prioritize him together?” Jagger said softly, highly aware as to how vulnerable he was coming across. It almost made him sick, how weak he was sounding, but he was tough enough to deal with the embarrassment, even if the potential payoff for it was almost unlikely. “Why not?”


“Because I’m fucked-up, okay!” Abby snapped, her voice getting a little louder and meaner, less patient and sad. “I’m a fucked-up basket case with a fucking mess of a life. It doesn’t work out well for people who decide to get involved with me. Don’t make it my job to keep you safe from me, okay? Please?” She finished her rush of words, cupping her forehead in her hands, and Jagger felt the hot pinpricks of guilt stab into his heart. She was obviously in pain, and somehow, he knew that it wasn’t wise to push the issue any further.


“Okay. I understand. I get it,” Jagger said calmly, even if he couldn’t entirely mask the hurt from his voice. “We don’t have to do this again. But you can still stay here.” He got up from the bed, searching for his pants on the floor and quickly getting dressed. He didn’t want to be naked in front of her anymore. Somehow, he felt safer hiding his body.


“I don’t think I can stay here,” Abby said, but she didn’t sound mad or dismissive. She sounded sad, like every word she was saying hurt her as much as it hurt him. “I can… I can just go somewhere else.”


She started to get out of the bed, too, so Jagger quickly walked over to the door, blocking her way out. He wasn’t going to let her go, at least not before they talked about it again. “No. You’re staying here,” he said, trying to sound as confident and secure as possible, as if his word was law.


“I can’t, I really can’t,” Abby said, shrugging her way back inside her clothes, her beautiful body disappearing under the ugly fabric of her work scrubs. “It’s not safe here.”


“It’s not safe out there!” Jagger said, blushing a little at how desperate and pathetic his voice came out. He couldn’t help it, though. He was desperate.


He had to have a way to keep her in his life. He had to keep her safe. Even if he hadn’t bedded her, there was no way he was letting her suffer just because he hadn’t caught the arsonist yet. There was no way he was letting her leave this compound without protection.


“I don’t know what to do, Jagger,” Abby sighed, burying her head in her hands again. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. Can we just… rewind the clock and pretend it didn’t happen?”


The words hit Jagger like an arrow to the chest. His heart hammered, the pain of what she’d just said lingering like a dark cloud in the room. Carefully, he cleared his throat and nodded, deciding that maybe, for once, he’d try to be a little bit less selfish. “Yeah, yeah, we can do that. We’ll just start from square one.”


“Square one,” Abby repeated, pressing her fingers together in a steeple in front of her face, her beautiful eyes shining through the shadows. “What’s that, again?”


“I’m a firefighter, you’re a nurse,” Jagger said slowly. “I’m keeping you safe.”


Abby sighed. “I don’t know if that’s good enough. Maybe I should just skip town, go someplace the arsonist won’t find me. Since I’m fucking useless here anyway,” she said, exhaling deeply.


The answer hit Jagger. He didn’t like it. In fact, he hated it, but he knew that it was the only way. “You’re not useless. You haven’t had a chance to try yet. I haven’t let you help. But I’ll…. I realized that I need you.” Abby looked up, fear evident in her eyes. “On the investigation,” Jagger added, trying to erase the romantic implication of what he’d just said. “I need you to help me with the investigation. You’re important somehow. The arsonist wouldn’t have targeted your apartment if you weren’t. You’re the key, Abby.”


“Are you just saying this to get me to stay?” she whispered, and her throat sounded clogged up with tears like the truth might break her if Jagger said it out loud.


He said it anyway. “Maybe. Maybe I am. I don’t know. At least a little bit of me is only asking to keep you here, yeah. But is that really important? You wanted to help. You wanted to help so bad you risked your life to do it. That’s who you are, the person you’re willing to risk your life to become. You’re a helper, Abby. So, help me. I’m asking you. Please.”


Abby was silent for a long time, the moments adding up more and more as Jagger fidgeted with his hands, pressing his back against the door in case Abby tried to bolt. Finally, she cleared her throat again, and when she spoke her voice was clear even if she was obviously suppressing tears. “I’ll help. I promise. Just - get me a room on a different floor, okay? Please.”


The request hurt, but it wasn’t unreasonable, Jagger knew. So, he nodded, stepping aside so that Abby could walk back through the door. “I’ll show you an empty floor. Pick out whatever room you want,” he said, gesturing up the stairwell opposite his room.


“I think I’ll take the whole floor,” Abby said with a laugh once they got to the vacant fifth level of the compound.


“Yeah, you could take a different room each night,” Jagger said. That would give her some insurance that he wasn’t going to be constantly locking her in without her knowledge, at the very least. Jagger was trying to give her some control over her own life while keeping her safe the only way he knew how.


Abby jumped in the third room down the hallway, leaping onto the bed and bouncing around a little like a young child before falling down, nestling on her side and cuddling a pillow under her chin.


“I’ll need you… to listen to me,” Jagger said as he leaned against the doorway of the room Abby had chosen for the night. “When we’re working on the investigation together. If I can’t keep you safe, there’s no point to any of it. Okay? So please just listen to me and you can help me out.”


She stared at him for a long minute, her jaw set firmly, her lips pursed. She was displeased with the proposition, he could tell, but Jagger couldn’t justify taking it back no matter how uncomfortable it made her.


“That’s the only way?” Abby asked after her long pause.


“Yeah, that’s the only way,” Jagger answered, nodding.


Abby sighed deeply, rolling her eyes heavenward. But a second later she huffed out her answer. “Fine. Fine, I’ll listen to you. Just don’t be a dick, okay? You have to listen to what I say, too.”


“Yeah,” Jagger replied. “Yeah, I’ll take what you say into account.”


“‘Take what I say into account’ blah, blah, yeah, whatever,” Abby said mockingly, her face screwed up like an impatient little kid as she shut her eyes for sleep. “Turn the light out when you leave, okay?”


Jagger did as he was told, and he couldn’t help but let a smile stretch over his face at Abby’s impersonation of him. Even though it made her a pain in the ass half of the time, he still liked how feisty she was, how ready she was to fight him at any given moment. It meant a lot that she had waved the white flag in this argument and given in to what he’d asked. That was progress, right? Compromise.


At the same time, as he walked back to his bedroom on the second floor, he couldn’t help but mourn the loss of the sexual relationship he’d only just discovered. He’d never been fucked like that in his entire life. He’d never been with a woman so wild, a woman so ready to be dominated, a woman so ready to dominate him right back, to boss and be bossed around. It made him hot just thinking about it, about how ready she was, how horny she was, how desperate she was for him and only for him. He’d never felt so special in his entire life.


Then again, just like everything else good he’d ever experienced, it was yanked away before he could even fully appreciate it. And now it was gone, maybe forever.


No, I’ll find a way, Jagger swore to himself. I’ll find a way to get to her again, to make her want me, to make her see she must have me. I’ll find a way inside her heart.