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Discovery_Authors_Bundle_1_ePub by Unknown (119)

Chapter 5

“This is Bayside Manor?” Ana blurted out in awe. The massive gates slid open, and they drove up a long, winding road through lush lands and passed a few buildings. “What are those?”

“Recording studio with offices, and three casitas are scattered around. This place is owned by a record label.”

Wow. The scope of the life Ethan was living sank in. Finally they reached a huge, multistory, sand-colored mansion overlooking Tampa Bay. The building had curving lines that made her think of a gentle wave. “This beats the hell out of a hotel.”

Inside the house was even more breathtaking, all done in whites, ocean blues and sea greens. “How big is this place?”

“Not sure. Big enough for ten bedroom suites.”

She crossed the cool marble floor, barely noticing the pristine couches stacked with blue pillows, to the wall of sliding windows that had been opened, leading to an outdoor room complete with a kitchen, thick-cushioned couches and chairs, a pool, and beyond that the bay and dock.

Back inside the house, she eyed the spectacular gourmet kitchen boasting two sinks, double ovens and even a pot-filler faucet mounted over a six-burner stove.

“Ethan,” a new voice said. “I saw you come in on the security cameras. I have the tickets for Ana and her friends set aside for tonight.”

It only took Ana a second to recognize the man striding toward them as Hank from the VIP party last night

“Chelle and Franci are on their way.” Ethan checked his watch. “Probably ten or fifteen minutes behind us.”

“Sounds good.” Hank smiled at her then returned his attention to Ethan. “Preshow meeting in an hour at the Hyatt. The threat called into the venue has been checked out. No validity, but they brought in bomb-sniffing dogs anyway. You and I are going over there for a final update.”

Ethan nodded. “Let me get Ana settled, grab a shower, and I’ll meet you at the hotel.” He guided Ana across the great room to an elevator.

“Why are you meeting at the Hyatt?” She had too many things she was curious about.

“The rest of the security team, staff and road crew are staying there. We’ll go over everything for tonight’s show.”

The elevator doors parted to reveal another beautiful foyer.

“We’re this way.” He led her down a hallway and opened a door.

Ana walked into a living room with a TV, couch and a two-sided desk. She headed into the bedroom, taking in the huge king-sized bed covered in a thick white comforter. Her stomach fluttered. Going to the French doors that opened to a balcony overlooking the bay, she thought about all the effort Ethan had gone to for her, even inviting her friends. He was giving her everything she’d once dreamed of.

Ethan settled his hands on her shoulders. “Second thoughts?”

“None.” She turned to face him. “Thank you for all this. You’ve gone to a lot of trouble. You didn’t have to do this.”

Surprise softened his face. “I’m happy to. That last night in San Diego, I wanted to do something nice for you, but you hijacked my plans and turned it into the most amazing night of my life by giving me a chance to cook with Chef Zane.”

Part of her rejoiced, and the other part wanted to flinch in embarrassment at her stupidity later when she’d kissed him. But at least he had some good memories of that night too. It made her happy to believe she’d helped him see he had options. Back then, Ethan had been, well, depressed. If she’d helped him to heal and move on, that was good. “You’re doing so well. Kat had told me you’re happy, but I’m glad I have a chance to see it for myself.”

He fingered a lock of her hair. “You worried about me?”

Every day and night. “Nope, I forgot all about you. Kat would bring you up, and she’s my boss, so I had to pretend to listen.”

He smiled, and he tugged her against him. “I’m going to make damn sure you never forget me.” He lowered his mouth to hers in a slow kiss. Tender. The word slid into her brain, and sparked a need to push away the vulnerability that came with it. She didn’t need slow and tender, that was for people in love. She and Ethan were just old friends indulging in a fling. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed Ethan back, capturing his tongue, and sucking.

Breaking the kiss, he caught her hair, his eyes intense. “When you fight me for control, I’ll fight back. And I’ll win.”

The knot that had tightened after seeing Gregory loosened. She didn’t have to hold back as much with Ethan as she did with everyone else. He was only interested in sex and fun. “Can’t handle it?”

Moving fast, he spun her, wrapped an arm around her and pinned her back against his chest. “You don’t learn, sunshine.”

Ana squirmed, but he had her arms locked to her sides.

“Still want to tease me?”

Oh yeah. “Thought you had to go to work?”

He slid his hand up her thigh. “If I find you wet, baby, I’m going to take you right to the edge…” He kissed her ear.

Ana tilted her head, giving him access to the curve of her neck.

“…and leave you like that.” He tunneled his fingers higher up her leg, his cock long and thick against her back.

The feel of him surrounding her fueled her lust. Part of her wanted to rip her panties off and beg him to touch her. But she wanted to prove she could make him more crazed.

Forcing a laugh, she said, “So? I told you, I know how to make myself come.” Lowering her voice, she added, “Want me to describe it?”

“Fuck.” His hot breath feathered over her neck, and his arm banded tighter. “Witch. You’re going to plead for mercy.” His fingers edged over her panties when her phone rang.

Ethan tugged his hand out and growled his frustration.

Ana couldn’t believe this. “I hate technology right now.” She snatched her purse off the mattress, fished out her phone and looked at the screen. “It’s Chelle.” Trying to calm the lust searing through her, she put the phone on speaker and struggled for a normal tone as she said, “Hi, Chelle.”

“We’re here at the gate. How do we get in?”

Ethan took out his phone. “I’ll open the gate for you.” He punched in some numbers.

Ana added, “I’ll come downstairs. This place is awesome. See you in a bit.” She hung up.

Ethan tugged her back into his arms. “After the concert, no more interruptions. The only thing that will stop me is you.”

She shivered, liking this demanding side of him. “Do you see a stop sign on me anywhere?”

“I’ll definitely do a thorough search tonight.” He stepped back. “Go get your friends. I need to take a shower, get dressed and go over threat assessments. I might not be back for dinner. Will you guys be okay? The cook will make something. You can eat with the band or scrounge up what you like in the kitchen.”

Ana cleared her brain of sex. He had a job to do, and he was serious about it. It hadn’t escaped her notice that Ethan was part of the band’s inner circle. That he could just bring her and two of her friends here said a lot.

“We’ll be fine. Thanks.” She headed for the door.


She looked back. Her mouth dried. He’d stripped off his shirt and untied his boardshorts.

“Sure you can find your way?” He slid them down. Slowly.

His cock popped out, fully erect, long, thick, the head nearly touching his stomach.

Dear God. Still clutching her phone, she took a step toward him. Ethan stood there, sunlight haloing him, hair spiky from the gulf water, wicked-ass grin on his face. Her nipples tightened, and air locked in her lungs. She’d never seen anyone so magnificent. So big…everywhere. Not perfect—he had scars that marked him as a man who’d survived things she couldn’t even imagine.

But damn.

Finally she drew in a breath. “Uh…”

“Uh isn’t an answer.”

She forced her stare up to his face.

“You teased me by taking off your bikini top and doing naughty things with the whipped cream. Thought I’d even the score.” He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. “Is it working?”

She wanted to touch every inch of him. Heat flooded her body, making her wet. So wet. He was showing her a side of him that enticed her mercilessly. She gripped the doorway between the two rooms. Erotically torturing each other was a game she’d discovered she liked. Ana upped the ante with, “Did I mention the dare?”

His hand slicked up to the head of his penis. Down. “No, I don’t think you did.”

“Last week, Franci and Chelle decided to get Brazilian waxes. They dared me to do it too.”

He stopped jacking his dick, but he didn’t let go. “Did you?” The words came out harsh.

“You’ll have to find out for yourself. Later.” It took everything she had to turn and walk away.

His dark groan followed her.


* * * *


Ana was still buzzing from the concert. She’d had as much or more fun than last night. But now she was thrilled to be alone with Ethan while the others went out clubbing.

Ethan unlocked the door to their room and stepped aside for Ana to enter.

She uttered a soft gasp. The coffee table in their room had a silver bucket, champagne and two flutes flanked by a tray of intricately designed chocolates and a second tray with chocolate-dipped strawberries. The candies were exquisitely crafted—one tiny square had a delicate lavender butterfly on the top of it. Another was white chocolate with dark chocolate latticework.

“You did this?”

Ethan closed and locked the door. He walked past her and called out from the bedroom, “I stopped by a chocolatier when I was out today and ordered this for you. Staff put it in here, along with the champagne.”

His thoughtfulness touched her. She chose a dark chocolate topped with a swirl of white and red. She bit into it… Oh God. Luscious chocolate with notes of amaretto and cherry gave it a decadence that had her closing her eyes to savor it.


Lifting her lids, she got an eyeful. Ethan had stripped off his clothes and was yanking on a pair of sweats. She assumed he’d wanted out of his work clothes.

“It’s delicious. And romantic.” As soon as the word left her mouth, she regretted it. This wasn’t a romance.

He tugged the champagne out of the ice, wrapped it in a towel and opened it.

“You’re pretty good at that.” She indicated the champagne bottle he’d expertly uncorked. He’d developed a sheen of sophistication over the last few months, but that shouldn’t really surprise her since he’d journeyed a lot of the world in that time.

After pouring out the golden liquid, he handed her a glass. “Practice. I’ve tried to learn as much as I can in our travels. This is an exclusive Krug champagne. I think you’ll like it.” He selected a strawberry coated in a white chocolate. He held the fruit out. “Open.”

She parted her lips, the delicate shell giving way to sweet, tangy strawberry.

“Romance isn’t my thing, but sharing things I enjoy with you is. That hasn’t changed even if we’re crossing the line from friends to lovers.” Ethan brushed his thumb over her lip. “Watching you eat has always turned me on.”

Her chest filled at the depth of his words. Not romantic? That was the most sensual thing anyone had ever said to her. “You realize I’m a sure thing, right?” She wasn’t going to change her mind.

“I know. But I hurt you once, and I’m not doing it again. I don’t mean sexually. You want it hard, I’ll give you that. I mean when this is over in a few days or a week, you’re going to know you were more than a girl I fucked then walked away and forgot about. Is that clear enough for you?”

The flutters turned into full-fledged wings beating in her belly. This was what she needed and why she came to him. But what killed her was the torment in his eyes, the belief that he really wasn’t good enough for her.

You’re not here to fix him, she reminded herself.

“Crystal clear. Your turn.” She chose a dark chocolate berry and held it out to him.

He leaned forward, biting into the treat.

She took a sip of her champagne, enjoying the crisp bubbles with a hint of…hell, she didn’t know. All she could think about was the man in front of her. He was what she wanted. Craved. The wine could be vinegar for all she cared. “Like the strawberry?”

He set his glass down and turned all his focus on her. “Good, but it’s not you.”

A buzz raced over her skin, and her nipples tightened. “You want to taste me?”

“Taste is too tame a word.” Stepping closer to her, he slipped the flute from her fingers and set it aside. “I’m not tame, baby.”

Something dangerous glinted in his eyes, like a wild arc of electricity that couldn’t be captured, there and gone. It tugged deep inside her, igniting a need to chase it.

He framed her face in his hands. “You’ve taunted and teased me enough. You ready to behave?”

That question kicked her heart rate up. Going up on her toes, she kissed him, unleashing an aggressiveness that surprised her. Demanding access, she thrust into his mouth, appreciating the sweetness of the fruit she’d fed him.

It wasn’t enough. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his chest, eager to feel every dip and valley, to know him as no one else did. Her Ethan. Hers. Gliding her touch over the ridges of his abs, she relished the twitch of his muscles. She kept up the torment until her fingers brushed over the engorged head of his cock. Hot skin beaded with fluid.

Ana’s pulse ramped up at the sight of his erection, so big and hard his cockhead had pushed out of the top of his sweats.

Unable to resist, she stroked the crown, spreading that bead of fluid and—

A hand clamped down on her wrist. “No.”

Stabs of pleasure shot out from his hold on her arm.

“My cock is off-limits until you show me.” The growl in his tone stroked her internally, while his firm grip touched a secret yearning buried inside.

Ana tried to free her hand as a test. No give. He didn’t hurt her, not even a twinge, just held her trapped. A wicked flash of heat snaked through her, tweaking her nipples and sparking a throb between her legs. How far could she push him? Raising her chin, she said, “Show you what?”

His mouth curved, and he tugged on her wrist, dragging her off balance. Before she could catch herself, Ethan snapped his arm around her waist and lifted her of her feet so they were face-to-face. “Ask me again. Do it.”

The feel of him locking her against his powerful body had her panting in excitement. Why did it turn her on? Easy answer—she didn’t have to hold back. “Show you what?”

His eyes darkened as his other hand wrapped in her hair, preventing her from moving. He leaned a fraction closer. “Your pussy. It’s mine tonight, Ana. You’re mine.” He slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her with a torrid fierceness.

Ana slapped hands on his shoulders, unsure if she wanted to try to fight him or yank him closer. Fire spread until she rubbed against him, desperate to relieve the growing ache in her nipples. What was he doing to her?

Ana broke the kiss. “Put me down.”

He did as she requested and stepped back. “More than you can handle?”

After tugging off her shirt, she tossed it aside. “You’re a lot of talk. I’m more a girl of action.” She undid her bra and slipped it down her arms. “See, I don’t make all these dire threats then never follow through. ‘I’m going to make you pay. Make you beg,’” she mimicked him. “And yet here I am, still waiting.”

His gaze traveled down her throat, fastening on her nipples. “Keep going. Find out what happens.”

She undid her jeans, shimmied them down and stepped out, revealing her black lace string bikini panties.

For one heartbeat, his eyes flamed hot enough to make her belly tremble. This was what she craved, to be the center of that intense regard. Knowing that in this moment he truly wanted her fueled her courage.

She slid the panties down her thighs.

“Bare.” He took a shuddering breath and moved in a blur, scooped her up in his arms and strode from one room to the other.

Startled, she asked, “What—?”

He dropped her on the soft bed, leaned over and kissed her, hard, his mouth no longer savoring hers, but owning. Tongue demanding. Once he conquered her mouth, he went to the spot on her neck just below her jaw that made her moan. He kept going, kissing and sucking her nipples until she writhed with madness, each pull of his lips arcing straight to her clit.

“Everything, Ana. Show me everything.” Not giving her a chance to think or answer, he pushed her back and knelt on the floor. His large hands caught her knees and pried.

Ana instinctively fought, not from embarrassment, but need, an unsettling impulse to see how far he’d go if she resisted.

Ethan’s eyes blazed a challenge. “No more warnings.”

She firmed her muscles to provoke him.

In one fluid movement, he shoved his hands beneath her thighs, yanking her legs up and apart.

Her breath whooshed out of her at how easily he had her at his mercy.

He draped her limbs over his shoulders and pressed a hand to her abdomen, imprisoning her on the bed. Slowly, he lowered his attention to between her widespread legs. “Look at you, so bare, wet and pretty.” He glided a finger through her folds. Shudders wracked her as he buried his face between her thighs, his tongue exploring while he eased a digit inside, stretching and pushing deeper.

It’d been so long, Ana couldn’t fight the sudden buildup of clawing need. “Ethan, please!” With nothing else to hold on to, she clutched his hair. The tension mounted, her belly drawing tighter, all her muscles clenching. Sounds spilled out, and she arched her back.

He latched on to her throbbing bud.

Ana exploded, her climax slamming into her. Hot, wild pleasure gripped her.

When she regained her breath, Ethan loomed over her, his eyes wild, jaw clenched. Tendons stood out on his neck. “More, Ana. Can’t stop.” His naked shoulders bunched, the power in him tightly leashed. “Don’t say no.”

Say no? Her desperation matched his. Ana shoved his sweats down and wrapped her fingers around his cock. “Now. I want to feel you inside me.” She guided him to her.

His cockhead pressed against her opening. Ana dug her fingers into his back.

He groaned and began to push in. “Damn, you’re tight. And wet. Christ.” His jaw bulged as he tunneled in another inch. Then two.

The stretch as he filled her, the soft burn of her flesh yielding, fired her nerves. She lifted her hips, trying to get more of him.

“Never felt this good, this— Oh fuck.”

Ana froze at the snarl. “What?”