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Chapter 8

“After we go to the police station, we can meet everyone at the rock-climbing gym if you want to,” Ethan said.

Ana pushed the elevator button. They’d had croissants and coffee out on their little balcony and now were on their way down to the first floor to see what everyone else was up to. “It would be fun, unless you have a better offer?”

“If you want to go, we’ll go. Or—” He cut off when the doors slid open.

“Or what?”

He tugged her inside and pressed her to the wall. “While they’re all gone, we’ll use one of the casitas.”

Her heart jumped a beat. “Casita.” The idea intoxicated her more than the wine she drank last night. “I want that. With you.”

He sucked in a breath. “You’re making me hard again. I swear I can’t get enough of you.” The doors slid open, he took her hand and they walked into the great room.

Ana couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. She loved that he wanted her, that she was exciting him as much as—

“There you are. We need to get going.”

Ana stilled, her smile freezing. “Siena? When did you get here?”

“Good morning, Ana.” The woman nodded at her. “I stayed in a casita last night. Didn’t Ethan tell you?”

She blinked, turning to look at him.

Ethan ran a hand over his hair. “She said she wanted to work on the descriptions for the recipes and review what we wrote together yesterday, so I offered her a casita.” Shifting his attention to Siena, he asked, “Go where?”

“I had this fabulous idea. The kitchen here is quite adequate, so why not test our recipes? Let’s hurry, though. We need the absolute freshest produce and seafood. By the time everyone returns from rock climbing, we’ll have several dishes ready, and they can test them for us.”

Ana couldn’t believe it. “Now?” She ignored Siena to concentration on Ethan. “I thought we had plans.”

“We do,” he assured her, and said to Siena, “Let’s do this tomorrow. I didn’t realize you were coming last night, but I made time. I promised to spend today with Ana. We have some important things we need to take care of.”

The woman’s face tightened slightly. “I only have a few weeks to get this cookbook finalized and in to the publisher. One of the recipes I want to test is yours. If you want your name on the book, we need to focus on it.” She turned to Ana. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

Ethan’s hand stiffened in hers.

Ana could feel the tension bleeding off him from the implied demand in Siena’s tone and comments.

With a pained expression, he said, “We could shift our plans to tonight.”

Part of her wanted to say no, but she was being childish. “Sure.”

“Wait, we need to make that report.” Ethan eyed Siena. “I have to take Ana to—”

“No.” She didn’t want Siena knowing her business, nor did she need Ethan going with her. “I’ll take care of it.” Releasing his hand, she said, “I’ll go find Franci and Chelle and have them come with me.” She headed for the doors to the deck and stepped out into the balmy air.

Chelle sat on a padded lounge chair, her hand moving in graceful sweeps as she drew something in her sketchbook. “Where’s Ethan?”

Dropping onto another lounge, Ana tried to swallow her disappointment. “Going shopping for the freshest produce and seafood.”

Chelle’s charcoal pencil stopped moving. “Is he making you a special dinner? That duck last night was good.”

“No. He’s cooking with Chef Pain in My Ass.” Oh yeah, that didn’t sound bitter at all.

“Seriously? I saw her skulking around the kitchen this morning. Thought she left last night?”

“Me too. We have a change of plans.” She told Chelle about Gregory’s text, that Ethan thought she should file a police report, and her lawyer had agreed when he texted her back.

Chelle shut her sketchbook. “I’ll get ready, but back to Siena. Ethan didn’t tell you that she spent the night?”

“No.” This morning, Ana truly had felt like they were getting closer, then they’d come downstairs to reality.

Why hadn’t Ethan told her Siena was staying at the manor?


* * * *


A day later, Ana, Franci and Chelle explored the game room and got into a heated battle playing a virtual reality dance game until Franci won.

“Pay up, girls,” Franci taunted as she held up her phone.

Sighing, Ana looked at Chelle. “We may have been a tad overconfident.”

“You think?” Chelle turned back to the camera and held up her sign that read, This is my Loser Face, then made a sad face.

Ana did the same.

Franci laughed and took the picture. “Posting to Facebook now.” Looking up, she gave them her sweetest smile. “I’m tagging you both, of course. I wouldn’t leave you out.”

Chelle tossed her sign and pulled out her phone.

“No deleting,” Franci said. “That was in the bet.”

“We deserve it for making a bet with a law student,” Ana muttered as she got out her phone and accessed her page. When the picture appeared, she couldn’t help her laugh. “God, we look pathetic.” She headed to the big sitting area.

“Oh, dolphin watching.”

Confused by the abrupt shift in topic, Ana looked up at Franci. “What?”

“I have it on my agenda on my phone. I forgot about it with all the excitement, but I’d like to go. How about this afternoon? It’s not too expensive.”

Ana was torn. “Let me talk to Ethan when he gets back.”

“Humph.” Chelle sat on the arm of the leather couch. “That barracuda has her claws in Ethan—you’ll be lucky to get him back in one piece. She’s downright possessive.”

Ana’s stomach tensed. Siena was gorgeous, but even more importantly, she and Ethan shared the same passion—cooking.

“I have to agree with Chelle,” Franci said. “You saw her at the wine tasting. She kept Ethan’s attention focused on her.”

Last night at dinner—which she almost hated to admit had been a spectacular array of Italian dishes Ethan and Siena had prepared—Chef Barracuda had announced that she’d arranged a private tasting with a wine broker to go over some pairings. Then she’d graciously invited Ana, Franci and Chelle along for the tasting. It’d been fun, but Siena had done exactly as her friends said, hovering over Ethan like a dog guarding its bone. They’d gotten home late, and Siena had insisted she and Ethan get all their notes together for the cookbook.

Ana’d ended up going to bed by herself.

This morning, Siena had snagged Ethan for a Skype meeting with their lawyers to work out the language of adding Ethan onto her cookbook.

Ana was really starting to hate that cookbook.

She stared at her phone when she noticed a new comment on the photo Franci had just posted. “Gregory.”

“What?” Chelle said.

She shook her head in frustration. “He commented below the pic Franci just posted on our pages. ‘Ana, as the daughter of a star athlete, you should know the three traits of a winner: Hard Work, Discipline and Ruthlessness. I outlined those in my mother’s biography. She lived by those, and so do I. And now you will too. You’ll see, you’ll be much happier and productive, and I’ll help you. Call me, we’ll get the contract signed and start work.’” She shuddered, a sensation of being watched creeping up her back. “He’s not giving up.”

“Who’s not?” Ethan strode into the massive game room.

“Gregory.” One look at Ethan, and her crawling-skin sensation calmed. Ana stood and walked to him. “He commented on a picture on my Facebook. I should have unfriended him, but he never contacted me through Facebook or even liked my posts, so I didn’t think about it.” She held out her phone.

Ethan tensed as he read it, his eyes cold and pissed. “Where’s that book he sent you?”

“I deleted it.” Had that been a mistake? At the time, she thought he’d go away. And really, she’d had other things on her mind.

“Screenshot this, add it to your file. Have the police talked to him?”

“Yes, but he told them it’s a misunderstanding, a coincidence that he’s there at the resort at the same time as I am.”

His eyes narrowed in concern. “Maybe it’s time I go see him.”

Ana laid a hand on his arm. “No. That’ll only complicate things, and he could file some kind of harassment report. The police said no contact except through my lawyer for legal matters.”

Anger flickered in his gaze. “What if he doesn’t give up when you return to San Diego?”

It wouldn’t be Ethan’s problem, that’s what. The emptiness loomed like a wave rising up, ready to consume her. Get a grip, I’ll figure it out. “My lawyer is getting the request for a restraining order ready. He says the fact that I’m Roger Kendall’s daughter will help with that.” Before Ethan could form arguments, she went on, “But right now, I’m here. Franci, Chelle and I were talking about going dolphin watching.” Ana wanted to spend time alone with Ethan, but she also didn’t want to abandon her friends.

His jaw hardened. “I can’t. Siena is insisting we go to her restaurant to tape some test videos to see how I do on camera.”

“Well, that’s a no then.” She refused to look at her friends, not wanting to see their anger or pity.

“I came to ask you if you want to come. We’ll have a late lunch or early dinner there.”

“Just you, me and Siena?” Huh, good to know her sarcasm was in perfect working order.

Tense silence hung between them before he said, “I’ll try to get her to leave us to eat alone.”

He looked harried and tired, but enough was enough. “She won’t. And I’m not going to be a third wheel.” Again. Nor was she going to sit here and sulk. “Franci, Chelle and I are going dolphin watching. It’s a couple hours’ tour. Will that be enough time for you to get the video shoot done?”

His forehead creased. “Yes, and this should be it. I think Siena’s leaving tonight.” He pulled her in for a kiss. “I know this isn’t ideal, but hang in there, I’ll get rid of her soon.”

Ana wasn’t so sure about that.


* * * *


Ana came downstairs freshly showered after their dolphin-watching expedition, and caught sight of Ethan in the great room. She stopped, absolutely stunned. He was dressed in a tailored suit that set off his shoulders while emphasizing his narrow waist and hips. He suddenly looked older, sophisticated.

The strain on his face melted into pleasure when he saw her. “Hey, did you see the dolphins?”

“Yep.” But she wasn’t interested in dolphins right now. “You look amazing.” She’d never seen him dressed so sharply. He wore the suit with a naturalness that exuded power and confidence.

“We did some of the video test in chef whites and…” he glanced down, a wry twist to his lips, “…this.”

“A formal suit? Is it new? Doesn’t seem like something you’d have on hand as a bodyguard.”

“Wrong. I often work close protection for formal events, and it’s better if I blend in.” He strode up to her. “Since Siena wanted formal, I figured this would work.”

Oh it did. “You look awesome.” Jealousy flickered. She wished she were dressed up and going out with him. “Maybe we should put that suit to good use. Go out to dinner?”

A real smile curved his mouth. “Anywhere you want. Even if they’re booked up, I’ll use Justice’s name to get us a table. Have anything in mind?”

“Not really.” A frown weighed down her face. “I don’t think I brought anything dressy enough to—”

“Ethan.” Siena walked in on stilettos, wearing a black dress and her hair done up in a lovely twist. “Oh hi, Ana.” She turned to Ethan. “My lawyers have the revised draft of the contract. They’ve sent it to your lawyers, and we have a meeting at the law office in an hour.” She glanced at her watch. “We need to get going soon before the rush hour traffic. Hopefully we can get it finalized and have that done.”

Oh come on! Ana stared at Siena’s oh-so-serious face, then Ethan’s tight one. She already knew how this was going to play out because, hello, anyone else seeing the pattern here? She almost opened her mouth, but clamped it shut instead. If she forced a choice, she knew how that would end. She was the girl he was screwing for a few days, while Chef Schemes-A-Lot held the keys to his future.

“No,” Ethan said. “First, I haven’t talked to my lawyers or seen the revision. I’m not signing it without a thorough review.”

“I would hope not,” Siena responded. “But it’s the exact changes we discussed. Your lawyers are reviewing it, and a representative from their Tampa office will be there. The others will join us via Skype. You can go over it yourself in the car. I’ll drive.”

“Second,” Ethan ignored her and went on, “I’ve promised to take Ana out, and that’s what I’m doing. She’s put up with enough interruptions. I already told you that in the car.”

Surprised pleasure that he was choosing to spend time with her soothed Ana’s irritation.

Siena straightened, and iron determination radiated from her. “Business comes first. The publisher wants an answer from me about the names on the cover, and I can’t give it to them until we have a signed contract.”

Ethan turned to Ana, his jaw rigid. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Disappointment crashed into her chest. “You’re actually going.”

His mouth flattened. “It’s business.”

Indeed. “All right.” She headed toward the elevator. The tightness in her throat made her mad.

“Wait, Ana,” Siena called.

The click of the woman’s heels on the floor pounded in Ana’s head. She had loved Siena on TV, really enjoyed her fiery personality and flare. Watching her show, it was like she cooked with her entire soul.

Much like Ethan.

Now Ana’d definitely soured on Chef Siena Draco.

“Ana, please.”

Fine. She fought to get the bitterness and jealousy out of her expression as she turned. But one look at Siena and Ethan brought home a harsh reality. The two of them were wearing beautiful, sophisticated clothes, while Ana’d put on shorts and a tank after her shower, her hair scraped back into a simple ponytail.

Which one of the three of them didn’t belong in this picture?

Siena touched Ana’s arm, and the scent of jasmine washed over her. “Ethan told me in the car that he was devoting his whole evening to you. Believe it or not I feel bad about this, and I know I’ve monopolized Ethan. To make up for it, I’ve made reservations for two at Nadine’s Steak and Seafood. It’s right on the bay. The food is amazing. It’s on me as a thank-you. The two of you will have the entire night to yourself, I promise. No more interfering. But I just need Ethan for another couple hours, including the drive time.”

Startled by the kind sincerity in the offer, Ana tamped down her earlier frustration. “That’s very generous of you.”

“Not really. I want Ethan happy working for me. And you seem to be a big part of his happiness. Anyway, the reservations aren’t until seven. There’s plenty of time if you’d like to go shopping for a new dress or get your hair done, whatever you like.” She flashed her charming TV smile. “Forgive me for my workaholic ways? And forgive Ethan too? I’m not really giving him a choice here.”

Before Ana could answer, Siena faced Ethan. “There? See, I’m not a total dictator. Now you can finish business without feeling torn and enjoy your evening. I’ll wait in the car.” She sailed out.

Ana stood there, still fighting the sting she didn’t want to feel, hurt at always coming in behind another priority. Even her dad and stepmom put each other first, before Ana. Not in a cruel way, but the reality was there. However her baggage wasn’t Ethan’s fault. “Okay, well, I’ll see you later.”

He strode to her, pulling her into his arms. “I swear I’ll get rid of her this time. We’re going to have our night. Dinner out first.” His eyes darkened. “But I’m paying for it. I’m not taking you out on my future boss’s dime. And then we’ll come back here to our own private casita. I’ll be back here at six thirty on the dot to pick you up.”

Relief soothed away the sting, and anticipation bubbled beneath her breastbone. But she wanted to make a point. “Don’t let me down this time.”

Ethan slid his hand down to wrap around her hip. His thumb dipped beneath her shirt to skate over bare skin. “I’ll be here and all yours.” He kissed her and left.

She desperately wanted to believe him, but Siena really did have her claws in him, and how could Ana fight that?

She couldn’t.


* * * *


Ethan refused to be bullied. “No. I own my recipes.” The contract put his name on the cookbook as promised, but added a clause that Ethan couldn’t prepare the recipe outside of Siena’s restaurants or shows, unless he gave credit to Siena in perpetuity.

“Ethan,” Siena said, her eyes flat. “You’re getting exactly what you asked for, your name on the cover and credit for the recipes in the book. But I own them, that’s how this works.”

He leaned back in his chair. “Fine. Buy the rights from me or split the royalties on the book. My lawyers will draw up the contract.” He’d expected hardball and silently thanked his mentor for teaching him how to play. Yeah, he risked the whole deal, but while he was willing to pretty much sell his soul for a year, he wouldn’t give up his rights to his recipes. “You already have my agreement not to republish the recipes for profit for a term of seven years.” That he deemed fair.

Two hours later, he won the battle, with the language hammered out. When he checked his watch, it was six fifteen.

Fuck. Ana. He’d sworn to be to be at the manor at six thirty to pick her up. No way could he make it now. He stood, grabbed his coat off the chair and looked at Siena. “I’m late, we need to leave.”

She raised her eyebrows. “We’re nearly finished. They’ll hold your reservation. Text her, tell her to wait.”

His patience snapped. Ana had waited, over and over. For two days, he’d put business and his ambitions first. Not completely unreasonable if she was just some girl he was screwing, but Ana was more. A woman who’d been there for him when his world went dark. Now he was stringing her along like some meaningless hookup.

On top of that, Siena was fucking with him, manipulating to get between him and Ana. He’d begun realizing it yesterday but had wanted to let it play out to see how far she’d go. Pretty far. That meant she saw Ana as a threat to Ethan signing the contract, and she was willing to fight dirty. But Ethan hadn’t intended to let Ana down again tonight, and guilt stabbed him.

“I’m done now. You have my terms. Meet them or the deal is off.” He yanked open the door.

“Ethan, you can’t leave. We came together in my car. You don’t have a ride.”

He refused to answer and left. Once he made his way out to the front of the building, he called for an Uber, then dialed Ana.

She answered with, “Are you going to be late or canceling?”

Another guilt-blade dug in. He’d make it right. “I’m leaving now. An Uber is on the way to pick me up.”

“Why an Uber?”

“Because I just walked out, and an Uber car is close by. Can you meet me at the restaurant?”

“You really walked out?”

“Yes. This is our night, Ana.” Low panic burned in his guts, and his neck muscles ached with the fear that she was done and would leave.

“I’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

Relief untangled his biting tension. “Perfect, my ride should be here any minute.”

“Okay, but if you need something to entertain yourself while waiting, check out my Facebook page.” She hung up.

Ethan pulled the phone away from his ear and loaded her Facebook page. A stunning image formed of her dark blonde hair, straight and sleek around her face, long neck and shoulders bared in a shimmering metallic gold dress that molded to her body and exposed her legs down to killer heels.

The second picture showed her back bared to her waist except for the straps riding over her shoulders and meeting in a twist at the center. That pretty dress cupped her ass, ending with a tantalizing slit. Ana looked back over her shoulder with a sexy grin that made his cock twitch and thicken.

Jesus, he couldn’t breathe. All his ambition coiled into a knot of need, low in his belly, for only one thing:





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