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Embracing Love (Once Broken Book 1) by Alison Mello (7)













I groan, stretching in bed. I can’t believe it’s Monday morning already. I roll out of bed exhausted from the long day yesterday. After drinking with Remy Saturday night, I slept in a bit and then went to Nana’s to spend the day with her and do some house chores at her place. I cleaned all three of her bathrooms, dusted every inch of her two-story house, cleaned all the floors on the first floor, and gave Nana a bath.

Aunt Kenderly finally made her way over at dinnertime, and by the time she got there, I was spent. I was going to come home to make dinner and relax, but she insisted I eat with them.

Slipping on my running shorts and sports bra, I throw my hair in a ponytail and quickly stretch so I can meet Remy for our run. I smile thinking about him. He sent me a text yesterday to let me know he had my number and to give me his. We’re going out for dinner tonight.

I run out the door with my music blaring as usual, and I set my pace. As I run I contemplate what I’ll wear for our date tonight. He hasn’t told me if we’re doing anything else after, but I’m thinking I should ask him so I wear something appropriate.

One of my neighbors waves as I run by, so I wave back. She’s out watering her lawn as she does every morning. A lot of people in this area have put in sprinkler systems, but some of the older folks just can’t afford it, so they water it with a garden hose. I think some of them like it. Gives them a chance to see what’s going on in the world without appearing nosey.

As usual, Remy meets me as I round the bend. He smiles at me, and we continue on in a comfortable silence until we reach my house. When we do, I bend over, placing my hands on my knees as I pant trying to catch my breath. I swear he was pushing me today. I stand to see him smiling down at me. I pull my earbuds from my ears and say, “What?”

“Nice run time,” he says with a grin.

“You were pushing me, weren’t you?”

“A little,” he says with laughter in his voice. I’m about to say something, but he pulls me toward him, pressing me against his hard, sweaty body. His green eyes are looking into mine and he says, “I have to run so I can get to work, but I’ll see you at five-thirty sharp.” Before I can respond, he presses his lips to mine and runs off toward his house. I stand there staring at him like a fool until my neighbor drives by honking his horn, waving hello. I shake off my thoughts and run into the house so I can go about my day.




I’m getting out of the shower to finish getting ready for my date when my phone rings. “Hello,” I say, holding the phone with my shoulder.

“Are you ready?” Lilly asks me.

“Somewhat, I’m just getting out of the shower. I meant to ask him if we were doing anything after dinner, but I forgot so now I’m not sure how to dress.”

“You saw him on your run this morning?” she asks, sounding excited.

“Yeah, the comedian thought it was funny to push me to run a bit faster.” I giggle into the phone. “Anyway, back to clothing. It’s gorgeous out today but it’s supposed to cool way down tonight, so I think I’m going to wear capris and a short sleeve shirt.”

“Sounds good to me, but why don’t you just shoot him a text and ask him?”

“Because with his job he probably doesn’t have his phone.”

“Ah, your boy does the top secret stuff, huh?”

“Yeah, something like that.” I giggle, because she called him my boy. “Listen, I have to go. He’s going to be here in less than an hour to pick me up, and I guarantee you he isn’t one to be late.”

“Okay, I’ll see you at lunch on Wednesday so you can tell me all about it.”

“You got it, talk to you later.” I cut the call and slip into the clothes I pulled out while I was talking to her, then rush into the bathroom to do something with my hair.

Grabbing my cell from the charger and an extra hair elastic from the drawer, I rush into the kitchen to see him pulling up in his silver Audi. I look at my watch to see it’s five-twenty-five. Damn military men are always punctual.

He knocks on the screen door, and I shout, “Come in.” I don’t have central air so the doors are open, as well as the windows. I turn to find him in shorts and a polo looking handsome as always.

“Hey, pretty lady. Are you ready to go?”

“Sure, but where are we going? I never asked, am I dressed all right?”

He steps closer so our noses are almost touching and says, “You look gorgeous.”

I feel a blush creep up on me as I look to the floor and say, “You look pretty good yourself.”

He chuckles. “You’re dressed fine, come on.”

He takes my hand and we walk out the door toward his car. He opens the passenger’s side door for me, and once I’m seated inside, he closes it and runs to the other side.

“You still haven’t said where we’re going,” I tell him with a questioning look.

“Well, first we have to stop at my place. I wanted to do something other than just take you to dinner, and since I don’t have a place of my own yet to show off my cooking skills, I asked Mama to make us a picnic. We’re going to go out to the open fields up the street for a quiet dinner for two.”

“That sounds great! I love to picnic.”

“Good, I’m glad you like my plans.”

“I love your plans,” I tell him as he pulls up outside his parents’ house.

He runs to my side of the car like a gentleman and opens the door for me. When he takes my hand as I stand, I press my chest to his. He looks down into my eyes for the second time. I feel like he’s dying to kiss me, so I take the pressure off. Rising up on my tippy toes I press my lips to his, and the same feeling of shock that hit me the other night hits again. He licks my lips and I instantly open them. Our tongues collide and dance with one another. He breaks our kiss, but then presses his lips to mine one last time. He says, “Let’s go grab our dinner.”

When we get inside Mrs. Bennett has a picnic basket waiting with a blanket for us, but we don’t see her anywhere and the house is quiet. Remy shrugs and scoops up the basket. “I don’t know where Mama is, but I’ll thank her later,” he says as we make our way back toward the front door.

Before we get there, we hear Mrs. Bennett shout, “You two have a nice time now, you hear?”

We both turn and give her a warm smile. Remy says, “We will, Mama, thanks.” She gives him a small nod, and we head out to the car.

He pulls up to the field a few moments later. Neither of us live far from it, and to be honest, I’m not even sure who owns it, but it’s a beautiful spot. It reminds me of the lake Mama used to take me to when I was a kid. Remy grabs the basket from the trunk, and I take the blanket. We both walk down this small path that leads a beautiful open area. It’s completely empty and very private. I open our huge blanket and lay it down in the grass. It’s a perfect day for a picnic dinner. It’s not too hot, the lake is calm, and the wildflowers are breathtakingly beautiful.

Looking through the picnic basket, Remy starts to laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“I told Mama her southern cooking was going to make me put on too much weight, that I had to watch myself.” He pulls out a container. “So instead of traditional southern fried chicken, she made us fried chicken tenders.” He chuckles.

“The unhealthy way to eat white meat,” I say with laughter.

“At least she tried.” He takes two plates from the compartment in the cover of the basket. “We also have mashed cauliflower and watermelon.”

I open the lid on the chicken. “Mmm, this smells delicious.” I put a few pieces of chicken on my plate, and Remy hands me some utensils. I help myself to cauliflower as he makes his plate.

Remy lies back on the blanket and says, “So, Miss Kenzie, why did you move north?”

I lie back in the same position facing him, and think about my answer while I swallow the food in my mouth. “Well, my father died when I was a little girl, and my mom had passed away from cancer.” I pause a moment thinking about how amazing my mom was. “I decided life was short and that it was time that I spread my wings and fly a bit. I had always wanted to live somewhere with four seasons, and I wanted to experience real snow, so I chose the north as my location to settle. I had a great job as a teacher in Boston, and was doing well until I got the call that Nana was ill.”

As I pause to eat some more, Remy says, “Yeah, that must have been tough. I’m sorry about your parents.”

“Thanks. When I heard Nana wasn’t doing well, I knew I had to come home and had long ago decided winter wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.” I look down at my blanket thinking about the friends I left behind. It still stings a bit. “I’d met some great people while I was up there and it was nice, but it was time to come home.”

“I’m glad you did,” he says with a warm smile.

“What about you?” I ask him to change the topic.

“There isn’t much to my story. I left when I was eighteen to serve our country. My mission had always been to become Military Intelligence so I kept my sights on that goal. I’m not allowed to talk about my job much, because it could put me and my family in danger. To be honest, the stuff I see is not pleasant.” He finishes his plate and places it back in the compartment where they belong. “During my last overseas tour, I took a bullet to the shoulder and was told I had seen enough. Since I still have a few years left, I was transferred to do something a little calmer for a while.”

“No more overseas missions?” I ask, hoping he will be here, and I can at least feel a little better about dating him. It’s really the fighting that scares the shit out of me.

“A lot less likely. Unfortunately, there’s always a chance I can be put in rotation at any given point in time, but the chances are slimmer in my new position.”

I nod but say nothing more, because I don’t want to ruin a nice night. I look over to the lake and take in how beautiful it is. I’m so lost in my own thoughts of how much I’m starting to like Remy in a short time, I hadn’t noticed him slip closer to me. When I finally look to him, we’re practically nose-to-nose.

He whispers, “I wish I knew what was going through that beautiful head of yours.” He gently rubs his nose against mine, but I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t know how to tell him that his job scares the shit out of me, so I press my lips to his instead. His tongue gently glides across the seam of my lips. I open to him, and our tongues meet in a duel, tangling together. His hand slips into my hair, pulling me closer, and deepening our kiss. He rolls me onto my back and presses his firm strong body onto mine. He breaks our kiss and looks down at me, and I stare into his amazing bright green eyes. I show him I’m okay with this by way of a smile. He lowers himself, pressing his lips to mine in a much more passionate kiss. His hand slips up my shirt, over my stomach, setting my skin on fire as he finds my breast. He’s massaging it through my bra. My nipples harden, and he pinches one, causing me to moan into his mouth.

He begins trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone, where he scrapes his teeth across my skin. I can feel the moisture building in my panties. I’m so worked up already. It’s been far too long since a man has touched me this way. He continues his trail of kisses down to the top of my V-neck t-shirt, where he licks between my breasts.

The sun is starting to set, providing us with a little more privacy. He lifts my shirt revealing my white-and-pink bra. He smiles down at me as he removes one of my breasts from the cup of my bra. Still looking me in the eye, he sucks my nipple into his mouth and rolls his tongue over it. I bite my lip as waves of pleasure shoot through my body.

My hips start to grind against his hard cock. My hands are rubbing all over the ridges of his muscular back and chest. I’m not sure what’s gotten me so brave since we’ve both only been drinking water, but I slip my hand down the front of his body until I find his cock straining in his shorts. At the same time, his hand has slid down into my capris.

He growls when I give him a gentle squeeze, and he kisses his way back up my neck to my lips. My hips jerk up when he finds my clit, and I’m moaning into his mouth as he works my hardened nub. I can’t believe he’s driving me so wild with just the touch of his hand but it feels so good. He presses his forehead to mine. “You ready to explode, sweet pea?” He presses a bit harder and my breathing picks up, but I never answer. I simply close my eyes and enjoy the pleasure he’s providing me, but he wants to hear it. He whispers in my ear, “Tell me you want it.”

I moan out, “I want it.”

Nibbling on my earlobe, he presses against my clit, rolling it around between his fingers. It’s enough to send me over the edge. I’m about to scream his name, but his mouth crashes down on mine to dull the noise as he continues working my clit while I ride out my orgasm.

He slips his hands from my shorts and begins licking his fingers clean of my juices. “You’re such a sweet treat, I can’t wait to taste more of you.”

I giggle at the face he’s making. It’s like he just had the world’s best peach cobbler and he’s now in heaven.

“Yeah, well, I’m about to find out what a sweet treat you are.” I roll him onto his back. I unbutton his shorts, gently wrapping my fingers around his length as I pull him free, slowly stroking him while licking my lips. He closes his eyes and I press my tongue to the tip of his cock, removing the bead of cum before I suck his mushroom tip into my mouth. He sucks in a deep breath as I continue to work him between my lips. His fingers run through my hair as his hips start to roll. I moan around his cock. I like the feeling of his fingers pulling slightly on my hair as I suck him off.

“Fuck, Kenzie, I’m going to come.”

I grip his balls, massaging them as I continue taking as much of his length as I can. His hands tighten in my hair, holding me still while spurts of warm cum slip down my throat. I continue sucking until I’m sure I have every last drop.

When I finally pull away I lick my lips and say, “Yup, that was one sweet treat.” I wink as he shakes his head and tucks himself away.

“You’re amazing.” He presses his lips to mine.

“I think you’re pretty amazing too,” I say with a huge grin on my face.

He rubs his nose against mine before pressing a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. He begins to deepen the kiss, but I don’t want this to go too far yet so I pull away and say, “Um, it’s getting late.” I smile bashfully.

“Are you telling me it’s time for me to take you home?” he questions with a smirk on his face.

“I’m telling you I had a great time tonight and I look forward to seeing you again.”

His smile grows. “That’s good, because I really want to see you again.”

“Are you joining me in the morning for our run?”

He brushes the hair off my face and plants a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. “You better believe it.” He kisses me one more time and says, “Come on, let’s get you home.”

I adjust my bra and the rest of my clothes while he collects the rest of our picnic. It’s really getting dark. He takes the basket and blanket in one hand and takes my hand in the other, guiding me back down the path we took to get here.

When we pull up to my house a few minutes later, he walks me to the door like a true gentleman. “Thank you for having dinner with me.”

“Trust me, the pleasure was all mine,” I say with a devilish grin.

He laughs at my little joke and kisses me goodnight before running down my porch steps. I give him one last wave before he climbs into his car and drives off.






I climb into my car, watching her wave to me with that beautiful smile on her face. I truly enjoyed watching her come undone under my hand. Her whimpers and moans nearly had me exploding in my pants. It took all I had to not slip those capris down her long, toned legs and bury my cock inside that sweet pussy of hers. The thought alone is making my cock harden again.

I pull up outside the house and can see there’s a light on in the living room. I sigh, knowing I’m about to face an inquisition. Grabbing the basket from the trunk of my car, I race up the steps to find Brooke in the living room on her phone with the TV on. I walk past her and go straight for the kitchen to start emptying the basket. Brooke walks up behind me and says in a sassy tone, “You act like I didn’t see you come in.”

“Oh hey, Sis.” I continue to load the dishes into the dishwasher.

“Don’t ‘hey, Sis’ me. You ignored me,” she says with a pout.

“No, I didn’t ignore you. I’m busy. I need to unpack this and get ready for work tomorrow.

“Good, so tell me about your date.”

I roll my eyes. I knew it was coming. “It was great. We had a picnic, we talked, and I dropped her off at home so we could both shower and get ready for our morning run.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “That’s it, end of story?”

I shrug. “For now. It’s only our first date. What did you expect me to tell you? I swept her off her feet and I’m off to marry her?”

She giggles. “No, but I love seeing how bashful you get when you talk about it. You’re blushing.” She smiles. I flick water at her, and walk past her shaking my head.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I run straight for the shower. Turning it on, I strip off my clothes, pull my phone and keys from my pocket, and place them on the counter before I step in the shower. The water feels damn good running down my body, but it reminds me of Kenzie’s hands. She kept running her fingers up and down my back and over my pecs. I close my eyes picturing her lying beneath me. Her eyes closing as her orgasm storms through her body; her legs tightening around my hand as I continued pressing my thumb to her sweet little nub.

Lathering my body with soap, I pay special attention to my fully-erect cock, stroking it to thoughts of her. Imagining what it’ll be like when I get to slip into her tight little pussy. I growl as I shoot my seed down the drain of the shower to thoughts of her for the second time. Damn, this woman is going to be the death of me.

I step out of the shower to see I have a text. I quickly dry off and slip down the hall to my room with a towel around my waist. I never bothered grabbing clothes before jumping in the shower. I slip on my running shorts and climb into bed with my phone in hand.


Kenzie: I had a nice time tonight. Thank you again.


Remy: I did too. Sweet dreams, sweet pea. ;-)




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