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Enshrine by Chelle Bliss (24)

Buon Natale

Um, aren’t you going the wrong way?” I glance down at the Maps app on my phone.

“Nope.” He doesn’t look at me, just keeps his eyes on the road, driving in the wrong direction.

I point to the tiny arrow on my screen. “It says to stay on 80 and not take 380.”

“Babe. Who’s driving?”

“You, but Apple doesn’t agree.”

“Their maps are shit.”

“No, they aren’t.”

“Where does 80 take you?”

“Through Pennsylvania.”

“Exactly.” My face shows my confusion when he glances at me. “I’m not going into PA.”

“Why?” My eyes dart around.

“It’s best to stay where I’m known.”

“People know you?” I ask and laugh, being a complete smartass. “I’m sure they know of you in Pennsylvania too.”

“It’s safer.” He shakes his head and grips the steering wheel tighter, adjusting in his seat. “I like it this way. It’s ten minutes longer. Can you deal?”

“Uh, yeah. Are you sure it’s only ten minutes more? I mean, it seems like you’re going out of the way not to leave the state. Like, way out of the way.” He looks at me and gives me a look so serious I bite my lip to stop myself from continuing. “So is Lee your only sister?”

“I have another one.”

“Any brothers?”


The old Bruno’s back. Not the one who told me about the sunrise but the slightly guarded and stressed-out guy who keeps his answers short and doesn’t add anything that normal people would refer to as small talk. “I’m just trying to figure out how many people will be there. I’m really nervous,” I admit and glance out the window, watching the snow-covered trees disappear.

“Sorry. I’m being a dick. I’m nervous too, Cal. I’ve never brought anyone home with me.”

I gawk at him. “Never?”


“Huh,” I say.

“It’s not that big of a deal, Cal. I never really had a girlfriend to bring home.”


“Anyway, you met Lee, but there’s also Gabby, who is the youngest of us all, and then there’s my brother, Lucca.” He blows air out of his mouth and shakes his head. “He’s a piece of work, though.”

“So you’re the oldest, then Lee, Lucca, and Gabby. Right?”

“You got it.”

“What’s wrong with Lucca?” He’s so lucky to have a brother and sisters. No matter how crazy they make him, he has to know how special family is… I’d give anything to make that aspect of my life different. Becca is the closest thing I have to a sister.

“He just refuses to grow up.”

“Um, he has a dick. Most men don’t grow up.”

“I act like an adult.”

I touch his arm and squeeze. “But you’re older. How old is he?”


“Oh, please, Bruno. He might as well be a kid. Cut him some slack.”

He lifts his chin toward me. “You’ll see when you meet him.”

I laugh because I’m right. Men don’t age at the same rate mentally. Twenty-one-year-olds still act like prepubescents except they’re horny bastards. “And your parents?”

“My dad’s name is Gino and my mom is Franci. They’re your typical Italians.”

“So we’re talking, what? Loud?”

“Yep.” He smiles.

“Well, if they’re anything like Lee, I’m sure I’ll love them. Tell me about them.”

Bruno spends the rest of the car ride telling me everything about his childhood. His family seems to have a bond that I envy. His parents met at Woodstock, fell madly in love, and married a week later. He blames drugs for their quick courtship, but he’s only kidding…I think. Bruno says they waited to start their family because they were enjoying life a little too much.

“They’re not your typical conservative older people either. Just be prepared. My mom can get…” His voice trails off.

My eyes widen and I’m scared to hear him finish the statement. “She can get what?”

“Dirty. She’s really lax about sex and doesn’t have a boundary or a filter.”

I snicker. I like her already. “She sounds perfect.”

“Dad’s no better. I swear the amount of weed they did in their youth has dulled their thought processes.” He relaxes into the driver’s seat.

“Are you worried?” I grab his free hand and entangle my fingers with his.

“Nah.” He glances at me. “It’s all good.”

“Do I look okay?” I ask and touch my wig. I rarely realize it’s not my real hair most of the time. It’s become part of me.

“Cal, they went through cancer with Lee. They know exactly what happens to someone battling for their life.”

“Yeah,” I whisper, and I know it’ll be fine. Lee is the one who makes me feel more beautiful than almost anyone in the world besides Bruno. I peer at my reflection in the side mirror and recognize the girl staring back. Lee gave that to me.

Somehow, I doze off while we drive through New York heading toward Watkins Glen at the base of Seneca Lake. When I open my eyes, the terrain has changed. Rolling hills and mountains fill the window for as far as the eye can see. “Where are we?” I rub my eyes and stretch.

“Watkins Glen. We’re just a few miles away from my parents’.”

“Oh.” I straighten quickly, pulling down the visor and checking my makeup in the mirror. I want to look perfect when I meet his family. The last thing I want is to make a bad impression.

My stomach fills with butterflies the closer we get. Bruno reaches over and takes my hand, slowly stroking the top with his thumb. “Just breathe, Cal.”

I laugh nervously. The last thing I want is to become so overwhelmed that I babble. Because I do that sometimes—talk uncontrollably. Not usually around Bruno because he isn’t much of a talker, but I know I have the capability of being a blabbermouth.

“It’s so cute here.” I push up the visor so I can get a better view. The downtown is classic and quaint. It looks like the small towns I dreamed about as a kid. Growing up in New York City made me crave green space, a backyard to play in, and the ability not to have to look over my shoulder every time I left the house.

“Did you grow up here?”

“We spent a lot of time up here. We lived in the city but spent weekends here and every holiday. But about ten years ago, my parents moved here permanently.”

“You were lucky.”

“I guess I was.”

“I would’ve killed to grow up here. Seriously. It’s the type of place I always imagined when I read books as a kid.”

“Read a lot?” he asks.

It is my escape. The way I can forget about my life and live a million lives that aren’t my own. “Yeah.”

“I wasn’t much of a fiction reader as a kid.”

I glance over at him and I don’t imagine he was. “Comic books?”

“I liked military books.”

It isn’t shocking that he likes things that deal with wars. It’s a man thing, and I can see Bruno spending countless hours reading about battles and weaponry.

The waterfront is lined with boats, and then it gives way to a tree-lined street with beautiful houses that have to be more than fifty years old. “We’re here,” he announces as we pull into the driveway of a stunning white Victorian.

“Jesus, it’s enormous.”

“That’s what she said.” He snickers and my eyes flash to him.

I can’t stop my laughter. Bruno’s sense of humor is…off and weirdly timed. It isn’t often that he makes a funny, but when he does, I relish it.

“Sometimes I think you’re a goofball.”

He winks at me and climbs out of the Range Rover. I open the door and hop out to follow him closely. “I was coming to open your door,” he tells me as he rounds the Rover and comes to a stop in front of me.

“I got it. I’m a big girl.” I smile up at him, wide and playful. This is what I need this weekend. I want to smile.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheeks. The warmth of his mouth battles away the cold that has started to settle on my exposed skin. “It’s freakin’ cold.”

His hands cup my ass. “Let’s get you inside and warmed up.”

“You just want me naked.”

He leans closer with his mouth next to my ear. “Although I want to bury my dick in you, I wouldn’t advise you to walk around naked. My mother may frown upon that.”

“Don’t ever say dick and mother in the same sentence, please.” I giggle and stick my cold hands under his jacket and shirt to find his warmth. He hisses when my fingers touch his flesh.

“Oh my God, Rocco’s here!” a male voice yells from the house and we both turn.

“Dad.” He glances toward the door. “Ready?”

I nod and look over at his father once more. The resemblance is uncanny. It’s like looking into the future, and I like what I see. The man has loose gray curls that flop around his face. The cardigan sweater reminds me of something from Tipsy Elves—playful and festive.

“Hey, Dad,” Bruno greets his father as we walk up the steps, but I hide behind him.

“Roc.” His father scoops him into a bear hug the moment his feet touch the top step and actually lifts him off his feet. “You feel lighter. Losing weight?”

When his father sets him down, Bruno punches him in the shoulder. “Stop with the bullshit. You know I can kick your ass.”

“You can try, kid, but I’ll always be stronger.”

Bruno reaches behind him and pulls me forward. “Dad, this is Callie.”

“She’s a knockout, son.” His father slaps him on the shoulder.

I get the initial nod of approval and have passed the test so far. “Hi, Mr. Bruno.” I smile and hold out my hand.

He glances down, confusion written all over his face. He wraps me in a hug just like he gave Bruno. I can’t breathe and I wonder how long my ribs will hold out under the crushing of his body against mine.

“Pops, don’t kill her, please,” Bruno tells his father and grabs me around the waist.

When I’m safely on the ground and his father disappears into the house, I look up at him and whisper, “Thanks.”

“He’ll calm down. When he’s superexcited, he gets a little carried away.”

“Rocco!” a woman screeches and comes running out of the house, jumping into his arms.

“Mom,” he whispers and twirls around with her in his arms.

The smile on my face grows so wide. This side of the man is something I only caught glimpses of with his sister. He is a family man. His face changes being around them, his body relaxes, and he is an entirely different person. He doesn’t carry himself so stiffly or seriously. There is a calmness and naturalness in how he moves and acts near them.

She holds his face in her hands and peppers him with kisses. “You look tired, baby.”

“I’m fine, Mom.” He laughs and lets her continue kissing his face.

Lee pops out of the house, giggling, and heads straight for me. “Welcome to the nuthouse.”

“Sounds like the best way to spend Christmas,” I tell her and watch over her shoulder as Bruno’s mom finally lets him go.

“You say that now, but wait.” Lee laughs.

Mrs. Bruno turns her attention toward me. “Who do we have here?”

“Mom, Callie. Callie, Mom,” Bruno introduces us, motioning back and forth.

Her eyes widen and she takes a step forward. “Oh, you’re a pretty little thing.”

I smile and feel my face flush. “Thanks.” I look down toward my feet. Her warm hands touch my cheeks before she cradles my face in her hands.

“Let me get a better look at you.” She smiles and I smile back as my stomach starts flipping on its own. “Perfection,” she whispers and looks over at Bruno. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my boy.”

I rub my hands together and hold them up to my mouth, trapping my warm breath. It helps hide my facial expression, which is a mix of uneasiness and happiness.

“It’s cold outside. Inside everyone.” Lee puts her hand against my back and ushers me forward.

Bruno comes to my side and holds the door for me. “Brace yourself. It gets wackier.”

I giggle because I don’t think his parents are crazy. Maybe they verge on eccentric, but we all have a bit of odd living inside us. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others are.

“Lucca,” Mrs. Bruno yells upstairs. “Get your lazy ass down here and say hello to your brother.” She looks over her shoulder at us. “And his sexy as hell girlfriend.”

As soon as she finishes the statement, a door upstairs opens and Lucca appears, half dressed. His eyes flicker back and forth between us as he jogs down the stairs, a giant, lopsided smile spreading across his face. “Nice,” he mutters as his eyes travel up my body.

“Stop it.” Bruno slaps him upside the head and his entire body jerks.

“I didn’t do anything, asshole,” Lucca sneers at Bruno, but he keeps his eyes glued to me.

“Stop looking at her like a slice of pie.”

“I bet she’s sweeter.”

Bruno hits him again, this time a little harder, and Lucca yelps. “I’m seriously going to kick your ass this weekend, Lucca. Stop being a dick.”

I start to giggle uncontrollably. Even though Lucca is kind of a shit, I give him a pass because he’s a kid. Plus, the way he gets under Bruno’s skin, I kind of adore him.

“Don’t worry,” Lucca tells Bruno and scratches his head. “My woman is coming over in a few.”

“Yet you aren’t even dressed,” Lee says as she pushes past him and makes a noise deep in her throat.

“Who needs clothes when she’s around?” Lucca laughs and flexes his muscles.

“I just can’t believe you have a woman.” Bruno sighs. “Wonders never cease.”

“I’ve had more tail than you ever will, Rocco.”

The names are confusing. I have to remember that they don’t call him Bruno because they are all Brunos.

Bruno moves behind me and helps me with my jacket before removing his own. “Go into the living room and sit by the fire to warm up while I carry in the luggage.”

“Okay.” I’m still laughing at the way he acts with his brother. I’m envious. But then again, I envy them all for having each other. It is everything I want and haven’t had since my childhood.

“Cal,” Lee yells from the living room.

“Coming,” I call out and stand on my tiptoes to give Bruno a kiss before disappearing in the direction of her voice.

“Wow,” I mutter when I walk into the living room, which is at the back of the house. Wall-to-wall windows give the most spectacular view of the lake. Snow covers the trees and the lake is the darkest blue I’ve ever seen.

“Yeah, sometimes I forget how beautiful it is here.” Lee pats the couch next to her. “Sit.” I follow orders and sit down, but I keep my eyes glued to the windows. The view of the snow falling, fluttering onto the lake, and then disappearing captivates me. “How was the drive? Do you need a rest?”

“I slept in the car. You know your brother isn’t the best conversationalist.”

She laughs and lies back into the couch. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good, actually.”

“Did you have the scan and blood work done since your last treatment?”

I give her a halfhearted smile. “Yeah. I went yesterday and did everything. Now, we just wait and see.”

“No matter what—” she wraps her arm around my back, hugging me awkwardly “—you can face anything.”

“I wonder,” I mutter, not realizing I say that out loud.

“You can. I remember how scared I was to get mine done. I worried that the cancer had spread and that the chemo didn’t work. I worried for nothing.”

“But what if I’m not as lucky as you are?”

She kicks her feet up on the coffee table, and after I push my shoes off, I do the same. Lee makes me comfortable. “Then you fight again.”

I look over at her and frown at the thought. “It’s not that easy.”

“It is. It won’t be easy, but what other choice is there, really?”

“None,” I admit and hold her hand, wrapping our fingers together. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Lee.”

“I’m pretty awesome, aren’t I?” She covers her mouth with her free hand.

“You are.” I smile and push back the tears. Bruno has gotten me through so much; he gives me so much strength, but Lee has given me something he never could—hope and self-confidence.

“Fuck!” Mrs. Bruno yells from the kitchen.

“I should go check on her.”

“I’ll come too,” I tell her, climbing to my feet and following her out of the living room.

Mrs. Bruno is on the floor covered in flour when we walk in, and Lee grabs a towel and joins her. “What happened, Mom?”

She blows out a breath, creating a cloud. “Your damn father and his Chicken Piccata. The man has to be difficult.”

“You make the best, though, Mom.”

“Aren’t I lucky?” She laughs, reaching for another towel on the counter. “What a mess.” I pull the roll of paper towels off the holder and dip a handful under the water and join them. “Oh, Callie. Don’t get all dirty.”

“I can’t just watch you girls have all the fun, can I?”

“Babe, if this shit is fun to you, then I think you need some help,” Mrs. Bruno tells me as she falls back on her butt.

“What are you guys doing?” Bruno asks as he walks in.

“We thought we’d do an assload of coke and found this was the best way to do it.” His mom snickers without looking up.


“What the fuck does it look like we’re doing, Rocco?”

He is right about her. She has no filter. I love her.

“Coke does sound good, though,” Lee teases and starts to laugh.

“For the love of—” Bruno mutters and grabs a stack of towels from the drawer next to the sink.

“It’s your father’s fault. He wants Piccata, and you know how I hate to touch chicken. I get all jumpy around it.”

“Haven’t you gotten over your fear of chicken? It’s dead. It’s not going to attack you.” He shoos us out of the way and wipes the remnants of the flour from the pristine white-tile floor.

“Bad acid trip,” she tells me before looking down at him. “I’ll never get over it.”

“Where’s Gabby?” Lee asks, changing the subject.

“She’s over at her friend’s house. They’re studying.” She uses quotes and rolls her eyes. “I don’t know why the girl can’t be honest about shit.”

I lean against the counter, looking back and forth between Bruno and his mother. He scrubs his hand down his face and looks a little more serious than he did before. “Who’s the friend?”

“Down, boy.” Mrs. Bruno points her finger at him.

I almost fall over. I bite my lip and keep my mouth shut to hide my laughter.


“Her friend’s name is Trista or something,” Mrs. Bruno tells him, throwing the towel down the basement stairs.

“You made me think she was at a boy’s house, for shit’s sake.”

“Make no mistake.” She laughs. “They’re not studying.”

“Wait.” Bruno stands up, his head tilts, and his eyes narrow. “Are you saying that Gabby and Trista are a thing?”

“Yep.” His mom’s face tightens. “Quite the scandal in this small-town shithole.”

“Oh, fuck what people think, Ma. Fuck them all.”

“I know, sweetie. I just worry about my little girl.”

Bruno holds his hands up. “Hold up here. So you’re saying Gabby is a…”

Mrs. Bruno nods. “A lesbian. Yep.”

A giant smile spreads across his face and his body visibly relaxes. “Thank shit.”

“Huh?” Lee mutters while staring at her brother.

“I won’t have to go to jail for killing some little prick for knocking her up. I’m good.” He laughs and drags his hand through his hair. Flour covers his face, and now, streaks of white pepper his hair. He glances down at his hand and realizes what he’s done. “Damn.”

I squeeze his hand and smile. “It’s a good look on you, B.”

“Go wash up, Doodlebug.” Mrs. Bruno grins at him, her eyes darting to me.

My mouth drops open. Doodlebug? I look up at him, and his eyes are wide. He stiffens at my side. “Do not call me that, Mom.”

She saunters up to him and strokes his cheek. “You’ll always be my doodlebug, Rocco.”

“Oh my God.” Lee laughs hysterically behind Mrs. Bruno.

“Doodlebug?” I whisper.

Mrs. Bruno glances at me and continues to stroke his flour-covered face. “When this one was a little kid, he used to pull down his pants and piss on the driveway. He thought he was Picasso. Hence the nickname.”

Bruno closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m going to shower.” He squeezes my hand. “Want to join me?”

I shake my head. “Nope.” I want to hear more about Doodlebug.




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