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F*CKERS (Biker MC Romance Book 7) by Scott Hildreth (142)

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Eddie finished chewing her food and set her hamburger down. “So, what did the doctor say? You went to the doctor today, right?”

“Oh, yeah.” I alternated glances between her and Smokey. “Everything looks good. It’s a kumquat baby. That’s what she said. Bigger than a grape, but not as big as a little bitty lime. It’s got lungs and a brain and everything. It’s just hard to believe. It’s exciting.”

“The baby’s healthy? You’re healthy?” Smokey asked.

“Yep. Good for another four weeks. She said no more stress, though.”

“Hopefully all that’s behind us.”

It had been two weeks since Detective Watson stopped by, and not one word had been mentioned about the matter since. The one time I had asked, his response was that it was nothing to worry about.

I had no idea if it was nothing to worry about, or something I simply needed to try and forget. Either way, I wasn’t concerned. I trusted Smokey to keep Eddie and me safe from all the things that threatened to split us apart.

“I’m sure it is,” I said.

“That’s exciting,” Eddie said. “It’s weird to think about, though. A kumquat. That’s crazy.”

I took the last bite of my hamburger. “Mmhhmm.”

“Damn,” Smoky said. “You’re done already?”

“I was starving.”

Eddie slid the platter across the table. “Eat. You’ve got to feed the baby.” She pointed toward the hamburgers. “Maybe it’s twins.”

“Oh, don’t say that,” I said. “I can’t even…”

“That would be awesome,” Smokey said. “Twins?”

“I know, right?” Eddie chimed.

“Wait.” I looked at them both. “Neither of you are carrying them, giving birth to them, or breastfeeding them. Twins would be insane.”

Eddie shot Smokey an excited look. “Insane and freaking awesome.”

I grabbed another burger and shook my head. “No twins.”

“Did you tell her?” Eddie asked.

Smokey shook his head lightly, as if trying to dismiss her question.


He raised both eyebrows and shook his head.

I looked at Eddie. “What?”

She looked at Smokey.

I scowled at each of them. “What?”

“I had a dream,” Smokey said.

I took a bite of my new burger. “And?”

He shrugged. “Twins.”

I took another bite. “So.”

“Sometimes his dreams come true,” Eddie said.

“What?” My eyes shot to Smokey. “Really?”

“I don’t know. There’s been a few that were questionable. Nothing to worry about.”

I took another bite of my burger, swallowed it, and then studied him. “Are you serious?”

“About the dream, or about worrying about it?”

“About the dream.”

He nodded. “I had a dream the other day. A boy, and a girl. Twins.”

I sighed. “I sure hope not.”

“I sure hope so,” Eddie said.

“So do I,” Smokey agreed.

He motioned toward my plate and laughed. “Want another?”

I looked down.

My plate was void of any food.

I hadn’t realized it, but I’d eaten the other burger already. “Holy crap,” I gasped. “I can’t believe it.”

They looked at each other and chuckled.

“It’s not twins,” I said.

“Still hungry?” Smokey asked.

I shrugged. “Not really.”

I was, though.

“Are you sure?” Eddie asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m okay.”

She picked up her burger, and took a bite. “This is so good,” she said over her mouthful of food. “Better than In-N-Out.”

Smokey took a bite. “It’s cooked just right, too. Great job, Ed.”

“Thanks.” She took another bite and then looked at me, and shook her head in disbelief. “Mmmm.”

I looked at the platter.

There were four left.

I reached for one. “Maybe half.”

I took a bite.

It tasted so good.

Smokey stood, opened the refrigerator door, and pulled out the horseradish sauce. “Here.”

I pulled the top half of the bun off, covered the top with sauce, and took a bite.

Oh my God.

I was in heaven.

I took a bite, and then another. Before I knew it, the burger was gone and I was licking my fingers.

“Three down.” Eddie nodded her head toward the platter. “Three to go.”

I shook my head. “I’m done.” I patted my stomach. “I’m stuffed.”

“When we get done with dinner, I’ve got ice cream and brownies,” Eddie said. “But you’re probably not hungry, are you?”

“You got ice cream?”

She nodded. “Neapolitan, and Rocky Road.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe a little brownie, and like a tiny scoop. Not much, though.”

Smokey and Eddie looked at each other and did the high-five thing.

I rolled my eyes.


The thought of it was the most ridiculous thing ever.

That night at midnight, when I was sneaking another burger and eating ice cream with a fork, I began to wonder.

As I sat on the floor with a burger in one hand, and the tub of ice cream between my legs, Eddie snuck in behind me.

“Boo!” she whispered.

I all but jumped out of my pajamas.

She sat down beside me and took the fork from my hand. “Still thinking it’s only one?”

With a mouthful of burger, I looked at her and nodded.

She poked the fork into the ice cream and then looked at me. “You’ve almost killed this.”

With my mouth still full, I responded. “I know.”

She shook her head and laughed. “Either way, I’m really excited.”

I took another bite. “Me, too.”

After digging around in the tub for a minute, she managed to excavate another bite from the matter stuck to the edges.

She poked the fork in her mouth and placed the empty container between my legs. She nodded toward my burger. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”

I raised my hand. “Girl power.”

She slapped her hand against mine. “Girl Power.”

I poked the last part of the burger in my mouth and savored every morsel of it, closing my eyes as I chewed.

“What in the fuck are you two doing?” Smokey snarled from behind us.

We both jumped, me so high, the cardboard ice cream container shot from between my legs and slid across the tile floor.

I spun around, swallowed my food, and shrugged one shoulder.

He glanced at the empty platter, and then looked at the ice cream tub. “Well?”

There was no sense in lying, so I told him the absolute truth.

“What do you think,” I said with a shrug. “I’m feeding the twins.”