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F*CKERS (Biker MC Romance Book 7) by Scott Hildreth (56)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The smell of home cooked food hit me as soon as I walked through the door. My mouth began to salivate as I tried to identify a smell that I recognized, but couldn’t completely place.

Bradley looked up. He was dressed in khakis and a nice shirt. “Howdy, kid.”

I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. “You look nice.”

He patted me on the back. “Thanks. Got tired of the sweats and tee shirt routine. Deann helped me get dressed all by herself. Took an hour and a fuckin’ half, though.”

I inhaled a long slow breath through my nose. “It smells good in here.”

“Deann’s going nuts. Don’t know what got into that woman. Must be our approaching anniversary.”

“She must be.” I took a few steps, inhaled another breath, and then turned around. “What is it? That she’s cooking?”

“Hell, it’s hard saying with her. But whatever you do, don’t go in there. She hates people dicking around in the kitchen when she’s trying to cook.”

“That’s good to know.” I let out a light laugh, not knowing if he was joking or telling the truth.

“Care to eat with us? I’m sure there’s going to be plenty.”

Spending time with Brad’s parents sounded like a great idea. “Sure, I’d love to.”

“Well, we’d sure like to have you.”

The sound of Brad’s motorcycle pulling into the driveway caught my attention. Bradley looked at me and grinned. “What a surprise, sounds like Brad’s here.”

I was of the understanding that Brad was going to be busy with club business all day, and was surprised that he had finished. I tried not to act anxious, but doubted I was very convincing.

“I’ll get the door,” I said, knowing I’d left it unlocked, and there was no need. I pulled it open and smiled.

He was coming up the steps.


He met my gaze and grinned. “How’s it going?”

“I got invited for dinner.” I widened my eyes comically. “And, it smells really good.”

“I got invited to move a bed.” He leaned close “Pop was in a weird mood this morning,” he whispered.

“Seems to be in a good one, now.”

“Who knows with him.” He stepped onto the landing and kissed me lightly. “Fucker called me Brad.”

I chuckled. “Better than the circus clown.”

We turned and walked in together.

“Well what have we here?” Bradley said. “Don’t you two fuckers look cute together. Deann, come in here and look at this.”

Brad crossed his arms. “Jesus, Pop. We’re just standing here. It’s no big deal. Fuck.”

Deann stepped through the doorway and smiled. “You two look cute together. Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat. Help your father, Brad.”

“I came to move the bed,” Brad said.

Deann looked confused. “What bed?”

“Your bed.”

“Stop being silly and wash your hands.” She turned around. “It’s time for dinner.”

Brad looked at Bradley. “Pop?”

Bradley shrugged. “Guess she doesn’t want to move it. Women. When you figure them out, let me know.”

I glanced at each of them, then grinned. It was pretty obvious we’d both been set up to have a Sunday dinner all together without either of us knowing.

I was completely fine eating whatever it was she’d prepared, it smelled marvelous.

“Shall we wash our hands?” I asked.

“If we don’t we’ll get in trouble,” he said.

We walked to the bathroom together. He looked at me over his shoulder as he dried his hands.

“Sneaky old fucker told me to be here at 6:00 to move mom’s bed.”

I turned off the water. “He told me he had personal business all day, and to come at 5:30.”

He smiled. “I’m sure it’ll be good.”

“Smells good.”

“I’ll get your father in his wheelchair,” I said. “I’m the one getting paid.”

He knew better than to argue. “Fine.”

Brad went to the kitchen, and I got Bradley loaded in his wheelchair. After wheeling him up to his spot at the table, I sat down across from Brad.

“Say grace, Bradley,” Deann said.

He met my gaze, rolled his eyes lightly, and then closed them.

I grinned, looked at Brad, and then closed mine.

“Heavenly father, we thank you for giving us the ability to gather here today as one. We thank you for our guest, Tegan, and for all that she offers this family in body, and in spirit. We thank you for the meal that’s prepared and before us, and we humbly ask that you bless it, so that it may strengthen and nourish our bodies and allow us to serve you further. In your precious name we pray. Amen.”




“What is it?” Brad asked.

Deann pulled the lid off the serving dish. “Swedish meatballs,” she said. “Pass it to Tegan.”

I glanced at Bradley, but I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t look at anyone. At that instant, I was so filled with emotion that I couldn’t do much but accept the dish as he handed it to me.

“Thank you.”

I filled my plate with meatballs, potatoes, peas, and a little bread and jam.

Deann raised her eyebrows. “Do you like Swedish meatballs, hun?”

I lifted my head. “Yes, ma’am. As a matter of fact, I do.”

“Good. Bradley asked for them, and I was hoping you’d like it. It’s an old family recipe.”

After everyone had their food, I took an anxious bite.

Oh my.

I looked around the table. Everyone was eating quietly.

I took another bite.

Holy crap, this is good.

It may have been an old family recipe, but it tasted exactly like the meatballs my mother prepared for me when I was a kid.

I missed my mother, and I missed her meatballs.

In my odd way of thinking, we ate as a family, whether we really were one, or not.

On that night, at my first Sunday dinner with Brad, his mother, and his sneaky father, I had a family again.

Even if it was only for one night.