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Finding Jack (A Fairy Tale Flip Book 1) by Melanie Jacobson (33)

Chapter 33

I slung my suitcase into the trunk of the rental car at the Portland International Airport and settled into the driver’s seat, but I hesitated before starting the engine. I took a calming breath. Once I put this car in gear, I would be on the road to Jack.

He didn’t know it yet. Sean had offered to pick me up from the airport when I called him to tell him I was surprising Jack and that I needed directions to the clinic. But I wanted my own transportation so that

Well, so that I could leave the second I wanted to if things didn’t go right.

I slid the key into the ignition and took one more deep breath before turning it. Time to do this.

My phone guided me to Highway 26, and I settled in for the drive. Focus on the journey, I told myself. I tried to pay attention to the pleasing contrast of modern buildings against the lush Portland greenery, but my attention kept jumping ahead to my destination. What would happen when I got there? How would Jack react?

My lips quirked as I replayed Ranée’s prediction when I told her why I needed a ride to the airport. “Yes, girl! You are Princess Charming. He’s going to swoon when he sees you.”

I tried to focus on the Oregon scenery again, but it was useless. I spent the next hour imagining all the ways this could go wrong or really, really right until I wasn’t sure which one had twisted my stomach into an impossible knot by the time I signaled for the exit in Featherton.

Sean told me that Jack took lunch every day around 1:00. That was an hour from now. I drove to the only motel in town, checked in, and freshened up my makeup and hair. And then there was no more stalling. It was time to find Jack.

I found the clinic without any trouble. It was a block off the main street in a low, squat building, but it was covered in new siding and bore a neat little sign reading, “Featherton Health Clinic.” I opened the door to a small waiting room. There was no one at the receptionist desk but a sign scrawled in marker read, “Ring bell if you need the doctor,” next to a silver call bell.

The only other occupant was an elderly woman sitting in the corner. She had a pile of knitting in her lap, but she wasn’t doing anything with it. She smiled at me and massaged her hand absent-mindedly. Maybe that was why she wasn’t knitting. “Dr. Hazlett said he’s running a little behind, but isn’t he always?”

I made a sound that suggested I sympathized.

“Anyway, he’s been back there awhile, so he should be out soon. I just need a steroid injection, so I’m sure he’ll be with you in no time.”

“I’m not in a rush,” I assured her. It was the truest thing I’d ever said. Now that I was here, I could see how insane my plan was. I should have told him I was coming, not shown up at his place of work. Or better yet, not come at all. What was I thinking?

I needed to get the heck out of here and at least call to let him know I was in town, so we could decide when and how to meet up. I was halfway out of my chair when the door leading back to the treatment rooms opened.

“—fill this over at the Sandy pharmacy and you’ll be—” He caught sight of me and stopped talking.

I offered a tentative smile while I drank in the sight of him. He wore gray jeans that were almost dressy enough to look like business slacks, and a button down blue shirt but with no tie, open at the collar.

He looked delicious.

Um, perfect. I meant he looked perfect.

“Doctor?” The middle-aged woman at his side stared at him expectantly.

He cleared his throat. “Uh, yes, get this filled and you should be good as new in a couple of days.”

She coughed into the crook of her arm, thanked him, and left. Jack leaned against the doorframe. “Hi,” he said quietly.

“Hi.” I gave him a tiny wave. His voice was as warm as it had always sounded over the phone and FaceTime but richer, somehow.

A smile had started working on the corner of his mouth. “Mrs. Castille, I’ll take care of you in just a minute. I’ve had an urgent case come in.”

She tilted her head and studied me. “You do look feverish, honey. Your color is high. Go right ahead.”

If my cheeks hadn’t been hot before, they were flaming now. Jack didn’t even try to hide his grin. “This way, Miss Riker.”

He led me to a room that was bare of anything except for a desk and his medical license hanging on the wall. There weren’t any photos or personal effects. He pulled a couple of chairs to the same side of the desk and waved me into one before taking the other.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” he said.

“I can’t either. Is itum, are you okay with this?”

“So okay with it. I mean not okay with it. Happy? I’m happy about it.”

It sounded almost like a question, and I wondered if I had made a huge mistake in surprising him this way. “Sorry, I should have called.”

“Wait, why are you apologizing?”

“You don’t seem certain you’re happy to see me? Like it was kind of a question?” I hated the insecure way my voice rose at the end of each sentence, but I couldn’t seem to stop it from happening.

His eyes widened. “I messed this up. I was trying to think of a way to tell you how happy I am that you’re here without completely freaking you out. Um, but the answer is super happy.”

“Oh. Good.” Relief spread through my chest in a gentle billow, like the soft puff of a newly washed sheet tossed to settle on a bed.

Er. Maybe I needed to focus on different analogies.

“Could I get a do-over?” he asked.

“Sure?” I had no idea what it would entail, but he rose and opened the door, waving me through it.

When I stood on the other side of the open door, he stood in the office and gave me a sudden look of delight. “Emily? Is that you? Are you really here?”

“Yes, Jack. It’s me. I’m really here.”

“Come right on in,” he said, stepping aside so I could pass him. But this time when I walked into the room, he shut the door behind us and gave me a slow smile.

“Hi, Emily Riker. I’m going to kiss you now. What do you think about that?”

I reached out to catch the edge of his lab coat and tugged lightly. “That’s what I’m here for.”

He backed me against the door and framed my face with his hands. They were warm and steady as he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, and I slid my hands up to his shoulders to pull him closer. “Hi, Jack Hazlett.”

He kissed me again, a real one this time, and I melted into him as he tangled his fingers through my hair. My lips opened beneath his, an invitation to explore, and he took it, turning the kiss deep and long. I clasped my hands behind his neck for support and disappeared into the wave of heat breaking over me. I didn’t even want to come up for air. For long minutes we didn’t, until he finally broke away to trail kisses along my jaw.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered. I tilted my head to give him better access to my throat, and I managed a soft, “Me too. But wait.”

I pushed against his chest, the lightest pressure, but he immediately gave me space. “I just wanted to inspect this for myself.” I reached out to touch the hair gathered at the nape of his neck.

He wound a strand of mine around his finger. “I like yours. It’s lighter than it looks onscreen.”

“I like this enough,” I said, touching his lips, “to overlook any opinions I have about your crowning girly.” And I kissed him before his grin could even spread all the way.

He kissed me breathless, and just as I felt the kiss turning hungry, he pulled away to rest his forehead against mine. “I’m so glad you’re here. But I still have to take care of Mrs. Castille.”

I blinked at him and then his words registered, and I slipped out of his arms with a gasp. “Oh my gosh, I forgot about her.”

“I don’t want you to go.” He groaned and reached for me, but I stepped out of range.

“No, you’re right. Poor thing, sitting there in the waiting room. What time are you done today? Maybe I can meet you after work?”

“It’ll take me a few minutes to treat her then I’m free for lunch. I’ll call in an order to a place called Annie’s and we can eat here.”

“Tell me where to pick it up. It’ll keep me busy while you take care of your patient.” I pointed to the door before he could sweet talk me. “Now you should probably see to Mrs. Castille.”

He reached for the handle. “Okay, but you promise you’re coming back here?”

I darted over and laid another kiss on him. “Only because you asked nicely.” Then I slipped under his arm and headed out to the reception area.

Mrs. Castille glanced up at me. “Now you’ve got a rash all over,” she said, pointing to her mouth. “I hope Dr. Hazlett fixed you up with something good.”

“I think I did,” he said from behind me, laughter in his voice. I didn’t bother turning around and showing him that Mrs. Castille had turned my cheeks red again as I fled to find Annie’s.