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First Impressions by Aria Ford (70)

Chapter Six

Gabrielle approached the compound gates and found the keypad. Using her birthdate, she unlocked them and drove up to the house. She felt, in a certain sense, like she was reporting to fulfill a prison sentence. How did I lose control of my life in the space of a week? she asked herself.

She opened the door of the compound and found it already filled with staff. Movers were going in and out from the back entrance, laden with boxes and shrink-wrapped furniture that appeared to be brand new. I hope he doesn’t replace everything…I sort of liked it the way it was, she thought.

She spotted Arran out by the pool and joined him.

“Good morning, Gabrielle. I’m glad you’ve come.”

“Thank you. Can we have a talk before we get down to business?”

“Of course,” he said, waving her into a seat. “Coffee?”

She remembered what he’d said and nodded. “That would be nice, thank you.”

He poured a cup from the cart next to himself and handed it to her. “Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I don’t mean to belabor the point, Arran, but I’m feeling a bit violated. You have been exceedingly kind and generous. I also realize your need for security and that you just can’t pick up someone from the street and make them part of your intimate staff. I just wish you would respect my privacy.”

Arran listened and nodded thoughtfully. “May I share a story?” he began and she nodded. “My full name is Sheikh Arran Muhalla and my family is very wealthy. We own a variety of businesses; some of which my younger brothers, Sinhad and Farrah, oversee. All of which I am responsible for. Thus, they work for me, too. My family has been in business for generations and earned their success. They did not do so by stealing, ruling, or torturing others. They simply used their intelligence and passed what they knew down to the next generation who kept it ongoing. The result is what can afford; that which you see around you. I have never been married and when I do, it will be to a creature who is extraordinary. The reason for this is I intend to have an extraordinary life. This does not mean she must be the most beautiful woman, or the richest, or the brightest – she must simply be right for me. I was born on the twenty-second of June and I have a weakness for sweets but combat this with daily exercise for a minimum of an hour. I enjoy water – obviously, it comes at a premium in my country. I do not have a social security number because we do not require these. I speak four languages in addition to my native tongue and I’ve been on every continent except Antarctica. I am educated and my blood type is A positive. There, now you know almost as much about me, as I know about you. Does that make you more comfortable?”

She thought about it a moment and smiled, “You know, in an odd way, it does. Maybe that’s what was lacking. It wasn’t so much that you researched me as that you knew so much about me and I knew nothing about you. I felt violated.”

“Now then, would you care to tell me more about this man who continues to follow you?”

She shook her head. “I told you before. He really is a foster parent from the past who overstepped himself. He frightened me. I left that life and have a built a new one for myself. It’s disconcerting when an unpleasant past comes back to haunt you.”

“Is that what haunts you? The past or the man?”

She thought a few moments and answered, “Perhaps it’s both. He represents the past and they are inseparable.”

“Where are your parents?” he asked her, knowing it would hurt but needing her to say it.

“I was abandoned as a baby and grew up in foster homes.”

He nodded. “There we have it. You don’t fear the man. You fear the abandonment by anyone with value.” He set down his cup and kicked off his sandals. “You need not fear that here, Gabrielle. This is your home until you say otherwise,” he said cryptically and walked to the pool and dove in.

Gabrielle sat back and watched him swim his laps, pondering his words. In reflection, she realized that her self-protectiveness was yet another aspect of having been a foster child. She’d never had a guaranteed permanent home or family. She didn’t have a bedroom that would always be hers alone. Once she’d gotten on her own, her privacy had seemed like a glorious freedom. Arran seemed to understand that, which was why he no longer required her to live at the compound. If he could be so considerate, perhaps it was time for her to open a bit and learn how to trust. She knew at the rate she was going, she would be alone for the rest of her life and that prospect didn’t make her happy at all.

Inspired, she strolled over to the edge of the pool. “Arran?”

“Yes, my Gabrielle?” he answered, coming to rest at the edge before her.

“I was thinking maybe you are right. Maybe I need to learn to be a little less sensitive about my life. Would it be okay if I moved in here after all?” she asked, hoping he understood her indecision.

“It would be more than okay; it would be welcomed,” he smiled and stroked her arm.

She blushed. “Thank you. I’ll bring my things with me tomorrow, then.”

“Don’t bother. I will send someone to get them now. All those clothes are waiting for you to select a suite. Go pick one now and find a bathing suit to join me. Let’s play today.”

“You know? I would absolutely love that!” she grinned and set off to pick out her new home.

She found the suites were relatively the same in size; they only differed in their decorating and the direction they faced. She chose one that was pastels and florals. It overlooked the courtyard and she could see the mountains in the distance. One of the servants had followed her and when she nodded, suddenly the cases began to appear and be opened. She asked for a bathing suit and was handed a selection of four. Choosing one, she changed in the bathroom and went out to join Arran.

Dropping her cover-up on a chair, she tested the water with a tip of her toe and found it to be perfect. Arran splashed her and she objected, but it was fun to be the object of his attention. She was beginning to like the feeling more and more. They swam and chatted, casually as if he were not her boss and her his employee. He talked about growing up and how his father would fly them to the Mediterranean for extended vacations on the beaches.

“You’ve seen so much of the world and I’ve seen so little,” she mentioned. “I’ve never been more than two states away from here. It’s beautiful, though, so that’s fine. I can’t imagine what could be better.”

“Oh, my dear Gabrielle. There is so much to see in the world. You shall see some of it, you know. You’ll accompany me as I travel. That reminds me, do you have a passport?”

“Me? No. Never needed one.”

“Please go in the morning and apply. I have business interests all over the world. Where have you always wanted to go?”

She looked at his animated face and the idea of travelling had never occurred to her. “I don’t even know if I like to fly,” she said.

“I have a jet. It’s not really flying – it’s just like having your own set of wings,” he said, drawing a picture for her that made her look forward to the trips they would take.

It had become late afternoon and Gabrielle pulled on her cover-up. Her skin wasn’t accustomed to the sun and she didn’t want to burn. Men in white jackets began to emerge from the house, pushing carts with serving dishes and dinnerware. They set up a buffet in the outdoor kitchen and stood by waiting for Arran and Gabrielle.

Night fell quickly in the desert and by the time Gabrielle had changed, there were lighted candles and torches in the courtyard. The effects were dazzling against the last of the sunset. There was a warm breeze blowing and it made her feel rather sensuous. Arran was waiting for her and handed her a glass of wine.

They chose to fill plates and sit by the water fountain as they ate. The mood was relaxed and they felt more like childhood friends; having shared so much about their early years. Gabrielle finished and as her plate was being clear away, she asked, “What do you want from your future?”

Arran motioned his dishes away as well and picked up his glass of wine to sip, thoughtful. “I believe that my future will reveal itself. I know that I influence it by the things that appeal to me. You, for example. I did not expect to find you, and yet here we are. You appeal to me and therefore fate holds that you become a part of my life, in one way or another.”

“Are you saying you didn’t hire me for my secretarial skills?” she asked, laughing and growing very comfortable with the idea.

“I really have no use for a secretary, if you must know the truth. I asked you to be my companion – my assistant for business purposes. I value your companionship more highly than to leave you there. I am giving you time, Gabrielle. Time to discover who you are when exposed to more than you’ve known in your life. I wish for you to lose your fear and open yourself to the possibilities. It is my hope that you can see me in that future happiness for yourself.”

“You’re a very philosophical man,” she commented, sipping her glass and crossing her legs. This did not go unnoticed. Arran’s eyes travelled down the length of her and he could feel himself harden.

“I’m open to what comes and believe there are patterns to be recognized. A good businessman sees the patterns. A fool seeks to alter them.”

She was thoughtful at this. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, letting the warm breeze ruffle her silvery blonde hair and brush against her face. She was in a very mellow mood at that moment.

Tentative warm lips touched hers. Her eyes flew open and a pair of dark brown eyes looked into hers. Her mouth opened in surprise and Arran took advantage of that – delving into her mouth with his tongue. Gabrielle knew she should resist, but she didn’t want to. Instead, she melted beneath the heat of his mouth and her arms rose to wrap about his neck. His muscular body arched over her, and Gabrielle felt an enormous rush of longing. He sensed this and lifted her to her feet. He was gentle and luxurious, showing his vulnerable side to her and she knew this. Leaning into his chest she broke the kiss and took a deep breath, turning her head away.

“Don’t resist me,” he urged her.

She shook her head. “It’s too soon.”

“You’re feeling the same as I,” he persisted.

“Shhh… give me time,” she pleaded and pushed away from him. “Goodnight Arran, I need to go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning,” she said with regret that she felt, but did not show.

He nodded. He understood. That made all the difference.