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Free to Risk (Noella’s Life Unleashed Book 1) by Lillianna Blake, P. Seymour (25)

Chapter 27 

Wes’s last words left me feeling a little confused. Was that supposed to be part of the joke? I had no idea, but for the first time in a long time I was just excited about something. No fear or nervousness—just excited. 

The rest of the day went by in a blur, but it still didn’t feel fast enough. I was curious about how our virtual date would work and whether Wes would discover things about me that would help me during my date with Justin. I decided I would keep a notebook nearby to outline the changes I wanted to make.

Justin seemed like such a great guy and I hoped that our date would go smoothly. If things worked out, his son was only a year younger than my youngest. It seemed like a perfect situation. Of course, now I was getting ahead of myself—as usual. But this time, I couldn’t help it and I didn’t want to. What was wrong with a little imagination? 

I closed my eyes and pictured Justin walking up to me with his gorgeous smile. In the next second, however, his face transformed into that of Wes, whose face was equally as handsome. 

“Ugh, I’ve got to stop video chatting so much.” I rolled my eyes, then got back to work.

By that evening, I’d almost forgotten about the virtual date. Brady had played another prank and Tyler had scraped his knee on the playground. I managed to get a pizza going for them and as I slid it into the oven I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to eat. I was going to have a virtual date. The thought excited me a bit. It was something new and different, plus I always enjoyed time with Wes.

I settled the boys in the living room with their favorite movie. As I walked back to the kitchen to put something together for myself, my phone rang. I picked it up when I saw that it was Wes. 

“Are you ready for our date?” He sounded far too pleased with himself. 

“Sure, I’m just putting together something for me to eat.” 

“Why? I told you I’d take care of that.”

“Uh, okay?” I laughed. “How do you plan to do that?” 

“Answer your door.” He hung up the phone. 


There was a knock on the front door. For just a moment I thought Wes might be on the other side and the possibility made my head spin. What would I do? What would I say?

I opened the door and found a man in a China King uniform. He had a bag of food and a bouquet of flowers. 

“It was a special order.” He grinned as he held them out to me. 

“Oh wow, thank you. How much do I owe you?” 

“Nothing. The man who ordered paid. Enjoy your night.” He waved as he walked down the driveway.

Stunned, I carried the flowers and food to the kitchen. I could already tell from the smell that it was my favorite dish. I dropped the flowers into a vase then placed them on the table where he would be able to see them. All of a sudden I felt the urge to do my make-up and wear something nicer. 

“It’s a practice date, Noella. No need to gussy up.” I shook my head as I carried my computer to the table and set it up so that I would be able to see him well. Then I started a video chat.

When he appeared on the screen he had a big smile on his face. 

“Wes! You’re incredible. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

“I want to make sure that you know what a real date should be like—flowers, your favorite food, and of course me.” He grinned. 

“Yes, you. How did you know my favorite meal?”

“Are you kidding me? How many late nights have we worked together, Noella. You always order from China King and it’s always sesame chicken.”

“I guess I never realized you noticed.” I laughed. 

“I did.” He looked into my eyes. “By the way, I’m Wes. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too.” I grinned. 

“You look beautiful.”

“I do not.” I laughed. 

“Oops, that’s a point deducted. Self-deprecation is so unsexy.” 

“A point? I didn’t know I was getting graded.” 

“You are.” He met my eyes again. “So let me try that again. Noella, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” 

I blushed. I couldn’t help it. I knew he was just saying these things to tease me or to teach me how a man should treat me, but hearing those words from his lips stirred something. 

“Thank you.” 

“Great, that is the proper response.” He winked. “So tell me a little bit about yourself. I want to know everything.”

“Uh, I have two kids—”

“Nope, tell me something I don’t know.”

“Well, we just met, so—”

“No, I read your profile, remember? Tell me something real.”

“It doesn’t get much more real than childbirth.”

“Alright, that’s a five-point deduction. No one should bring up childbirth while eating Chinese food.”

I burst into laughter—so hard that I even snorted. 

“Is that a deduction too?” I giggled as I covered my face. 

“No, that’s a plus. Nothing cuter than a little snort.” He grinned. 

“Seriously though, Wes, how is this going to help me?” 

“Maybe it won’t. Maybe I just wanted to go on a date with you.” He shrugged. 

“Sure.” I smiled as I took another bite of my Chinese food. 

“Listen, you’re not doing anything wrong, Noella. You’re a wonderful woman that any man would be lucky to go on a date with. If anything, I’d say you just need to be a little more confident. Stop believing the lies that people have told you—or that you’ve told yourself—about yourself. Start knowing how wonderful you are.” 

“I’m not sure I can do that.” I frowned as I took the last bite of my food. 

“You can and you will.” He leaned close to the camera. “Now, how about a good night kiss?” 

“Oh sure.” I pursed my lips.

“I’m serious.” He gazed into my eyes. “Not even a little peck?” He turned his cheek to the camera. “I get it, you want to take things slow.” 

“Wes.” I laughed and leaned forward.

As I pretended to place a kiss on his cheek, he sighed with pleasure. 

“I’m never washing this cheek again.” 

“Wes, you’re amazing. I love you, you goof?” I grinned. 

He stared at me for a moment, then smiled. “Goodnight, Noella.”

“Goodnight, Wes.”