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Fury by Cat Porter (14)


They call you Finger now?” Serena asked, her voice just above a whisper.

I turned on the motel bed and took her in. The lamplight created a golden glow over her. Her eyes were full and round. “Yeah. I earned my patch in a big way.”

A serious look passed over her face as her hand stroked over my chest, lingering there, sending shivers skittering over my flesh, my pulse charging like a generator kicking in under storm conditions. She planted light kisses on my pecs, gentle, revering, almost timid. She bit her lip, the side of her face sinking into my arm.

This was our first time together, alone, like normal people, a normal couple. But there didn’t seem to be much normal about us. Yet here we were together, and here she was, mine, and I was so fucking grateful.

My heartbeat hammered like I was a boy about to kiss his first girl—a girl he really liked and didn’t think he’d ever have. A girl whose light touch drove me just as crazy with lust and emotion as her mouth around my cock once had. This was different, though. Right now, these heady looks, light but sizzling touches of hers over my skin were pulling me under. This was more, more in a way that I couldn’t explain, but my body knew. I knew.

I kissed the side of her face, my hand at her jaw, my lips trailing to the edge of hers, and her mouth opened to mine. Her warm hand slid around my neck, the caramel taste of the whiskey still on her tongue. She made a soft noise in the back of her throat, her hips rising, and I crushed her body with my own.

Yeah, we both knew.

I pulled back, my thumb rubbing over her full lower lip. “I love being with you, here, like this, free and in the light. I like seeing you when we touch. Seeing your body with my eyes, not just my hands.”

“Me too.” A slow smile lit her face. She pulled my head down to hers and kissed me, a more insistent kiss, her one leg wrapping over mine, pressing.

Tania was taking a bath. A long, long bath, with her ear plugs in and her Sony Discman on. I could hear faint strains of the music through the closed bathroom door. She was a good kid and smart on the uptake. She was giving us some private time without being asked.

“I’m sorry for what they did to you.” Serena’s warm breath fanned my skin as her fingers traced over the grooves on my face. “I’m sorry for helping them. For—”

“Stop. You got nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes I forget, you know. But then I pass a mirror or a window and see my reflection. I notice that look people give me. It’s a split second of horror, a mental and physical freeze. They look away real fast, they back off.”

She took my right hand in hers and brought it to her mouth, and I hissed in a breath as her tongue danced over the nub of where my middle finger used to be.

I grit my teeth at the sensation springing over the stub. “You kissing my claws?”

“These hands aren’t claws. They hold me, carry me. They fight for me and make my dreams come true in hell and high water. These hands are beautiful and strong.” She ripped off her T-shirt and placed my hands on her breasts. My skin heated at the feel of her tits, at the sight of them covered with my large damaged paws. She raked her nails over them. “And they’re mine.”

My heartbeat grew louder at her words. That deep, sensual tone of her voice that was just for me, ticked off a time bomb deep inside me that I didn’t even know was there.

Her fingers went to my lips, stroked down my chest, my middle. Tucking her hands under the waistband of my boxer briefs, she tugged them down, and I flexed my hips so we could get them off. My head twisted back, my hips shifted, and both our gazes fell to her hand working my already rock hard cock.

My breath jammed in my lungs. “Serena.” I closed my eyes, letting out a grunt. I buried my face in her throat, nuzzling her warm skin. “It ain’t the same anymore. It hurts now.”

Her hand stopped moving. “Your dick?”

I put my hand over hers and brought it back to my cock. “I start coming and expect the chop, the pain, it just hangs over me. I come jerking off, but I don’t get in there anymore, just can’t. Can’t let go.”

“It’s okay. I understand.” Her hand stroked firmly under mine. “Don’t I understand?” A knowing smirk passed over her face.

I stopped her hand. “Hey, you’re no whore. No whore,” I breathed, my lips brushing the side of her throat, nuzzling the warm delicate skin, inhaling her soap fresh scent to push back the demons.

Clean, clean, we’re both clean now, aren’t we?

“I know exactly what you’re talking about. I learned to shut it off,” she said, her voice low.

“I don’t want you shut off with me,” I said. “What they did to you isn’t what we do. Different…” I struggled to find the right words.

“I don’t want to be shut off anymore, and definitely not with you,” she breathed, her warm fingers opening over my cock once more, stroking.

In her hand my need grew ferocious. That familiar pressure cast its net over me, pulling, pulling…

I winced.

“What is it? Did I—”

I swallowed down the knot in my throat. “It starts burning with a hint of fear. The one time I’m supposed to be letting loose, I can’t.”

“I helped them do that to you,” she whispered, pulling back from me.

“No.” I grabbed onto her hands. “You’re the only one who understands. You were there. You were in all of that hell with me. You know.” I kissed her, my throat thick, my breath all fisted up in a knot. “I need you. Only you.”



“Let me change it for you.” She put my hands over her tits again, and my pulse hammered. Her small nipples were as hard as tiny stones against my skin.

“You’re so beautiful,” my voice quaked, like my rattling insides. Her face softened, a hint of a surprised, shy smile lighting up those incredible eyes.

Wild magic. All of it for me.

I’d never said nice things to a girl before. Never spoke during sex. To say what? Yeah, like that. Harder. Open more. But now I wanted to, I wanted to make Serena happy, make her smile with pleasure which made me lighter and warmer inside. I wanted to fill her with my tumbling thoughts, my crazy feelings. I couldn’t stop it.

Why should I?

I gently cupped a silky soft breast, and she whimpered and moved under my exploring touch. She leaned back, bringing my head closer to her breasts, offering her body to me.

“You don’t have to do anything. I know you think you do, but you don’t,” I whispered. “If you don’t want to, if you don’t want me—”

“Oh, Justin…” Her hands dug into my hair. “I feel and I want, and I want you. I want to be with you, make things better for you, and I want you to make things better for me. I want so much, so badly.”

“You want to live,” I whispered. I want to live too.

“Yes, yes…” She planted kisses on my forehead. “And I want you to feel good again.”

“We got plenty of time for that.”

“Do we? Really? We might only have tonight.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What if they find us? What if Tania turns out to be a psycho serial killer and murders us in our sleep with some lethal injections she’s got stashed in her bag? What if aliens land in South Dakota tonight and take over the world?”

I laughed, and she stroked my cock again.

“Oh fuck, Serena...” I slid my forehead against hers, my grip on her shoulders real tight. Overwhelmed.

“Let me have you. Please let me have you,” she murmured.

She slid down alongside me and took me in her mouth, and I let out a long hiss of air. It’d been so long, so long since I hadn’t dreaded being touched by a woman. So long since I’d wanted to come. Since Serena in that hellhole dungeon.

I was fucking coming tonight. I was unraveling.


She sucked on me, her head moving between my legs. I pulled her new dark hair out of the way, and she moaned as I wound it tightly in my grip.

“Fuck yes, yes.” My insides roared, my every muscle was on fire straining with need. I wanted nothing more than to come at her will, to come the way she wanted me to. To spill myself inside her, and feel her take all of me in.

My heart pounded as my hips moved against her on some wild, animal instinct. There was no thinking now, only giving in, giving over. The swell of heat and excitement roared in my veins, only it tore at me, ripping. That familiar panic edged around my heart like a steel cage. The blade was at the ready, the spill of my blood.

A black fog filled my eyes. My skin was covered in a film of sweat, my neck twisted, my eyes jammed shut. “Stop. Stop.” I pulled back, and so did she. “I can’t. I start and then, there’s the knife and the—”

“Shh.” Her hand smoothed across my hot face. “Concentrate on my voice, on my body around you. Listen to me and take me. It’s just you and me here in this bed. You and me.”

She was saying it to herself as much as to me.

I swallowed hard. “Yeah, you and me.”

She turned on the bed and spread her legs. “Kiss me.”

I didn’t need to be convinced. I sank my mouth between her legs and relished the taste of her musky arousal that I knew so well. A narcotic filling my veins. I lapped at her slick flesh, taking in every detail, every throb and shudder and cry of her body. Thread by thread, ounce by ounce, I let go of that red-stained terror, the anxiety unchaining me, the shroud of pain lifting a few degrees more and more, fading.

Yes. Yes. This is better, so much better. Making her fly for me.

She moved underneath me, her hands tugging roughly on my hair, her eyes on me. She spoke to me in a steady stream of urgent words. Words of encouragement, words of lust. I focused on her voice and let it wrap around me and hold me.

I wanted more of her. I wanted her to explode for me, on me. Sliding my index finger inside her, I rubbed at her inner wall. A few years back one of the girls at the club had showed me how. Hitting the G-spot, she’d told me, was worth every ounce of effort and not enough men bothered. I wanted to bother for Serena. I wanted to shower her with gold and silver and diamonds, dazzle her, give her everything she’d never had. Give her a fuck of worship and adoration.

I churned my hand, forgetting I didn’t have a middle finger to slide inside her and give her a more intense experience. I gnashed my teeth together, doing battle with those same dark villains that I dueled with every fucking day. Inadequacy, resentment. Anger. Even here, in bed with the woman I craved, they wouldn’t leave me the hell alone.

That phantom ache sprinted over my chopped knuckle, reminding me.


My muscles relaxed as I settled into a rhythm, my breathing easier with every moan that escaped her mouth. She cried out, once, twice, her back arching, body stiffening. A prickle raced over my scalp. That cry wasn’t from pleasure. No, I damn well knew the difference.

That was pain.

My heart clutched, and I stopped, rising up, bringing my face to hers. “Serena? What is it? You okay?”

“Please, please, keep going. Don’t stop.” She bit at her lip, her face turning away from mine, her arms taut against my shoulders, her jaw stiff like she was holding back being sick.

“Am I doing something wrong? You don’t like it? Tell me—”

“No! No, it’s not you,” she bit out.

My chest constricted. “What the fuck they do to you?”

“Please, please, Justin.” Her fingers touched my rigid jaw as if persuading it to ease. “Please...”

“What did those fuckers do to you?” I ground my forehead into hers, her tears wetting my lips.


“Tell me!”

Her legs pressed together against mine. “He had me do a train the night before they left for San Diego, so I wouldn’t forget my place at the club.”

My heart flew up my throat and jammed there.“Fuck! Fuck!”

“And Jan—”

“Jan? The girl you shot? Whose car we took?”

“Yeah, she’s his new favorite. He had her pick the order of the men.”

“Jesus.” My grip on her flesh tightened.

“Don’t say another word.” Her hand swept my hair from my face. “Please.”

“How about, I’m real glad you fucking shot her.”

A weak smile flickered across her face. “Me too.” Her legs pressed around mine. “Keep going, Justin. I want to feel you inside me.”

“You’re all bruised inside, then you rode all day. I’m not ... I can’t...Shit.”

“I don’t care. I want you, I want you inside me. I want you to make it all go away.”

“Baby, you need to heal.”

“It’s you I need. You—”

“You’ll get better. You will. This will all get better. Not right away, but soon.”

“Wait. Let me talk. Let me say whatever I want. I haven’t been able to do that in years.”

I brushed her lips with mine. “You say and do whatever the hell you want, baby. You’re out of there. You’re free.”

“I’m free, but I can’t do what I want right now which is have sex with you. I’m free, but I feel trapped and I don’t want to be trapped.”

“What they did to you was a violent assault, not sex, not any kind of sex. That was a power trip, a form of torture. It has nothing to do with you, with what you want, how you feel, who you are, all right?”

She hiccuped, short breaths heating my shoulder. “I don’t want to be broken.”

I held her close. “You’re not broken, you’re not. And from now on, you’ll always be free. I promise you.” More tears came. Silent at first, then real weeping. She emptied herself. I’d bet good money she hadn’t cried in years. I murmured into her hair, losing myself in the warmth of her skin, her body clinging to mine.

The bathroom door slowly opened and the light switched off. Muffled footsteps. “Is everything okay?” Tania whispered. “Am I—Should I—”

“No.” I pushed my hair from my face as I sat up. “Her ex fucked with her, and ...”

“Oh shit, I’m sorry. Honey…”

Serena turned in my arms and held out her hand and Tania took it, sinking on the edge of our bed. The fresh scent from the soap Tania had used broke through and lightened the thick murk of misery and unsatisfied craving that was now plastered over me and Serena.

“It’s okay, Serena. It’s early days yet,” said Tania, her voice gentle. “You need to give yourself time. Both of you do.” She glanced at me and back to Serena. “Sucks, but that’s the truth.”

“What’s your truth?” Serena asked.

Tania’s head jerked back. “My what?”

“What are you running away from? Really running away from? It’s not your family or your home town. Not really.”

Tania’s shoulders fell. “I want to break out of my mold, but I haven’t been able to yet.”

“Why?” Serena pressed.

“I’m afraid. Uptight,” Tania replied quickly, her eyes lifting back to Serena. “I had a chance recently to step out of my homemade box, my tight little comfort zone, but I backed out in the end. And I regret not taking that risk.”

“With a man?”

“A hot man. Real hot.” She rolled her eyes and tilted her head down, a noise rising in the back of her throat.

Serena sat up straighter. The sheet falling from her bare chest. “You’re taking a huge risk now, with us, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I have to confess, you two scare the living daylights out of me.”

Letting out a dry laugh, I reached for a cigarette on the side table. I lit up and sucked in deep, the smoke searing my lungs.

“We won’t bite, unless bitten,” said Serena. “And anyway, I trust you, Tania.”

“I trust you, too. I do,” whispered Tania. “You two should be happy, though. You’re together now. Isn’t that something to be happy about? I’m happy for you.”

“You’re too sweet,” said Serena.

“Yeah, I’m sweet all right.” Tania let out a dark laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before. Lately, it’s been bitch or cold, hard bitch or—”

“That isn’t you,” Serena said. “Not you.”

“Not you.” I exhaled a thick stream of smoke to the side.

Serena leaned over and planted a soft kiss on Tania’s mouth, and Tania’s eyes widened. Her fingers went to her mouth as Serena pulled back. My muscles tightened. What the fuck?

“Tania,” Serena whispered. “I need you.”

“W-What is it?”

“I can’t be with Finger the way I want to be.”

Tania’s head dipped slightly. “You can’t what?”

“My ex hurt me the other day, real bad, and I...I can’t be with Finger the way I want, in every way. Help me. Please? Help us.”

“Serena!” My voice was sharp, and Tania’s eyes cut to me.

“Wait, what?” Tania spit out. “I don’t understand. How do you want me to…”

Serena stroked Tania’s arm. “Together we could help each other feel good.”

Tania’s face froze. “Uh, I..I’ve never...I don’t know...I mean...I—”

“Serena,” I said, my voice low, the cigarette burning down between my thumb and forefinger.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Tania,” Serena continued. “I’ll show you. It’ll be good for you, I promise.”

Tania gripped Serena’s wandering hand on her arm. “Serena, Finger’s your man, your—”

“I want him to be inside me, but he can’t be right now. And it’s hard for him too, after what they did to him. We all need this right now, Tania. We need each other.”

Her frank words, her emotional, raw voice settled over me like a hot wind when your skin is already on fire.

“We know each other. We like each other, right? I’ll make it good for you,” Serena said. “We both will.”

Tania blinked. “Yeah, yeah, but—”

Serena raised up on the bed, her back straight, her beautiful full tits clearly visible in the television light. “I just want to feel good tonight. Don’t you? I don’t want to struggle or cry or be afraid. Not tonight. Not now. This might be all we have left together. When we leave tomorrow, this is what I want to remember and take with me. This, us together, us doing something good for ourselves and each other.”

My heart thudded in my chest. She was fucking right.

Serena took Tania’s hand and placed it on her tit. Tania sucked in a quick breath, her eyes darting to Serena’s chest.

“I’m going to kiss you again,” Serena whispered, and my painfully hard cock twitched under the sheet.

Tania nodded.

I tossed what was left of my cigarette in the water glass at my side.

Serena leaned forward and planted another kiss on Tania’s mouth, gentle, sensual. Tania’s eyes fluttered closed. Serena’s tongue flicked against Tania’s parted lips. Tania opened up and they kissed full on, and I held my fucking breath. Serena’s hands lifted Tania’s shirt up, and Tania raised her arms. The shirt dropped to the floor and Serena fondled Tania’s tits. I licked my lips, my cock aching, my balls seizing.

Serena touched my hand. “Kiss Tania.”

My pulse spiked, and I leaned over and kissed Tania. Her lips were warm, and they quivered under mine. A moan escaped her, and I liked that. I liked that Serena had just been there. I could feel the heat of Serena’s gaze on us, and it made my blood quicken in my veins.

Serena tugged down Tania’s pajama shorts and Tania kicked them off. She was naked on our bed now. Serena guided her to turning slightly and leaning back against me. Her hand went in between Tania’s legs and stroked.


Tania gasped, her hips lifting, her back pushing into my chest. She let out a cry, her nails digging into my thighs.

We were doing this, and yeah, I wanted it. If this was the only way to be with Serena, why the hell not?

I cupped Tania’s breasts, squeezing them hard and kissed her again, my tongue sliding against hers. Tania’s hands rose up around my neck.

I caught Serena’s pleased gaze. She lowered her head in between Tania’s legs, her eyes hanging on mine.

“Shit!” Tania yelped, seizing in my hold.

Tania turned her head against my chest. “Holy shit, she’s—”

“Yeah, she is.” I grinned at Serena, tugging on Tania’s nipple, my other hand going to her clit, a finger flicking against Serena’s mouth. Serena’s tongue swirled over my pulsing fingers, and we both worked Tania. I rubbed my cock against Tania’s ass. Our shared lust rose up like vines around our limbs, tightening over my flesh, burning through me.

I backed up on the bed until my feet hit the floor. Tania’s eyes fluttered as I pulled her back, her head falling off the side of the mattress. I tapped her lips with my stiff cock. “Take it.”

Her eyes widened as my hand cuffed her neck, supporting her, applying pressure. I slid my hard length past her parted lips and fucked her mouth. Her chest heaved as Serena sucked on her pussy. Within moments Tania’s body shuddered in our grip, her hips jerking. Her mouth released my cock, and she let out a wild cry. Serena slithered up Tania’s body and kissed her, their tongues dancing in a frenzy.

I fell onto the bed at their side, my cock throbbing. I needed Serena. Suddenly her lips were on mine, and I tasted Tania on her.

My simmering blood rushed through my veins making me dizzy, my vision blurry. “So fucking good,” I breathed.

“Oh hey, I’ve got a pack of condoms in my bag.” Tania’s lazy laughter filled the room.

We were high.

I wanted Serena so fucking bad. I wanted Tania so fucking bad. I wanted them both on me. But that fear danced in my insides, skittered over my skin.

Serena’s eyes hung on mine in the semi-darkness. She knew.

I’m at your mercy, baby. Deliver me.

With a firm hand at the base of my cock, she said, “Get a condom, Tania.”

Tania scrambled from the bed and went to her handbag. She came back, flinging a thick pack of rubbers on the bed.

“Take his cock in your mouth,” Serena said. “Blow him slow.”

Tania’s eyebrows jumped and she crouched on the bed, ass in the air and took my dick in her mouth. I let out a grunt, my hand sliding down her ass as she moved. She pulled on me once, twice, her hands clamping around my thighs. Her moans rose between me and Serena as Serena brought my free hand to her mouth and licked at the nub of where my one middle finger once was.

“Baby,” I groaned, my throat aching.

She flicked at the scarred area slowly with her tongue, nuzzling it, sucking on it with her lips.

“Serena...” I whispered hoarsely, my chest burning, my cock throbbing in Tania’s mouth. I dug a hand into Tania’s hair, holding her head against me.

Serena stroked Tania’s back. “Put a rubber on him.”

Tania released my protesting cock and tore open a packet. She fit the rubber on my dick, and I helped her pull it in place.

Serena pressed me down on the bed. She guided Tania to straddling me and kissed the side of her face. “Make him feel good for me. For us.”

Serena held the base of my cock in her hands as she guided her on me. Tania’s eyes closed as she sank down over me, a hand on my middle. “Ohhhhh.”

“That’s it,” Serena’s husky voice licked over me. She slid her fingers down between Tania’s legs, rubbing at her clit in circles as Tania rocked over me, taking me in deeper. “You like that?”

Tania let out a long moan in response, her head falling back. I’d bet the girl had never had it so good. I moved inside Tania, my eyes on both women who were side by side over me, taking them in. We found a rhythm to our fucking, and Serena’s strokes on Tania and over my cock got faster, tenser. She kissed Tania on the lips. Kissed the side of her face, sucked on her earlobe, squeezed a breast, murmuring encouragements to Tania.

“Oh yeah. Yeah...” Tania rode me harder.

Serena bent over and kissed me, her fingernails cutting a fierce path down my taut chest. Goosebumps rose on Tania’s skin. I gripped her damp thighs tighter and we fucked faster. That rush of adrenaline came at me like a steel wall, preparing me for the chop, preparing me for the blood, warning me about the burn. I couldn’t stop it.

Serena kissed my throat up to my ear. “You want me?” she whispered and my chest squeezed.

“Fuck yes!” My neck strained up.

Serena turned, facing Tania, and straddling my face, lowered her hips over my mouth.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I sucked on Serena, lapped at her. I’d never been so greedy, so hungry, so high, even in that dungeon. Serena leaned forward and kissed Tania. Murmurs, and moans, tongues reveling, flesh slapping. There was no thinking, only flying, only bursting. I thrust harder into Tania, and she cried out loudly. Serena came on me, and I came in Tania, and we were a glorious fucking hot mess.

No chopping, no cutting, no pain, no terror. Only the glory of breaking through, coming pure and simple with Serena.

She climbed off me and laid down on the pillows around my head. I kissed her.

“You’re amazing,” I breathed.

Sounded so stupid, but it was the truth. I was fucking tongue tied. Incapable of thoughts, speech, anything. Serena only stroked my chest, and I took her hand in mine.

Sputtering, Tania collapsed on the other side of me.

Serena slid a hand in her hair. “Did you like that?”

“Yeah, I did.” Tania caught her breath. “I’ve never done a threesome or even kissed another girl before. I’ve never even come during sex, how about that?

Serena propped her head on her hand. “Never?”

“No. I did now, though.” She let out a lazy laugh. “Twice, in fact. Can you believe that? That was—I don’t know what that was. Are you okay? How was it for you?”

Serena’s face bloomed into a grin. “That was really good for me too.” She took Tania’s hand in hers and kissed it.

I pulled the full condom off my dick, and the rubber snapped. Tania’s eyes darted to my cock, to my hands at work tying up the rubber.

She bit her lip and sat up. “I’ll go back to my bed so you two can...”

“No,” said Serena. “We just got started.”

Tania’s lips parted. “Oh?”

“Don’t you want to do more?” Serena asked, a finger coiling in a lock of Tania’s hair. “It’s a long night.”

The women glanced at me.

“I’m not going to say no,” I said.

“Neither am I,” replied Tania.

“Good,” Serena said.

Tania’s large eyes darted to mine, and I leaned back on the bed again and stroked my cock up and down, up and down.

Serena’s face blazed and she nestled in between my legs and went down on me, sucking on my balls as I continued to work myself staring at Tania who blushed bright red.

“How do you like it, Finger?” Tania asked, sliding a hand up and down Serena’s bare back, stroking her.

“I like it hard,” I said through gritted teeth, and Serena pushed my hand away and pressed her tongue down the side of my cock and back up, flicking at my wet tip. I fisted a hand in her hair as she took me in, swallowed me whole. “Yeah, oh yeah—”

Totally at her fucking mercy, and I loved it. She was my portal to hell and to heaven. She was making a kind of heaven come true for me right now, for both of us, and for Tania too.

Tania’s cool hand cupped my balls making my breath catch. She stroked and massaged me as Serena sucked and swallowed. The two of them working me blew my mind and every cell in my body. My vision blurred, my lungs crushed together. The steel wall still built over me blade by blade.

“We’re right here, baby,” Serena reminded me, and I breathed in again.

She released me and guided Tania to lay stomach-down on the bed. She quickly put another condom on my stiff cock. “Fuck her from behind.”

I got out of the bed, and, planting my feet on the floor, I gripped Tania’s hips and rubbed my cock in between her ass cheeks, dipping in her wetness. Tania gasped, shuddering in my tight hold.

“I don’t know about...I mean, I’ve never...”

“I like playing with you, Tania.” I thrust easily into her wet cunt and she moaned loudly.

Serena positioned herself at Tania’s head, spreading her legs, a hand at Tania’s face. “I want to come for you, Tania,” she whispered. “Make me crazy, the way Finger is making you crazy.”

Tania’s face sank over Serena’s bare pussy, and Serena sucked in a breath. I pounded into Tania as I watched them, licking my lips. I could still taste Serena on my mouth as Tania’s tight heat drove me insane. She groaned loudly and pushed back against my every thrust. Serena squirmed on the bed, her hands curling in the twisted sheets, in the mattress, her tits swaying under the thorough invasion of Tania’s mouth and the relentless pounding I gave Tania.

Our ragged breaths, the sliding of our wet flesh, the jerking of the bed scraping against the wall filled the room. My eyes held Serena’s but the burn, the burn unfurled inside me, clouding everything.

“Finger—you’re here with me and Tania.” Serena’s voice sliced through the dark and into my soul. “We’ve got you inside us. You’re fucking us so good. So good. Don’t stop. Give us more. Right here, right now. Listen to me, honey. Look at me. Feel Tania all around you. Watch me. I’m loving this. Loving it.”

I groaned at her words, pushing the stinging flames in my hands back. I gripped Tania’s ass harder, and she jolted forward on a grunt. The raw slapping of our bodies together grew even more urgent. I thrust in her faster. I thrust in Serena.




“Fuck yes.” Her one hand cupped Tania’s head. “Feels so good. So fucking good.”

Tania only moaned as I pumped inside her viciously. Serena’s back arched and she cried out, her hips rocking faster against Tania’s face. The heat bunched in my lower back and shot through my legs, my hips driving into both of these magnificent women.

There were no knives, no chains, no acid laughter, not now. Now there was only these beautiful women giving to me, all of us giving to each other, moving together, creating a wave of raw heat together. My pulse roared in my neck, my heart exploded in my chest.


I came, I came, I came.

Tania collapsed on Serena’s torso, shuddering under my final grinding assault. Her hands landed on Serena’s tits, stroking them, her mouth nuzzling them, a search for gentleness. I pulled out of Tania and climbed on the bed with them. They wrapped themselves around me, and I held them close. I needed their touch, their smell, their skin against mine.

Tania practically purred against my chest, and Serena laughed softly. I didn’t think I’d ever heard her laugh before. Pure joy, ease, and delight which wrapped around my torn up soul and squeezed, mending it, sending me higher, sending me somewhere good, full, rich.

“I want to live.”

Yeah, I’d never heard anything like that laugh before in my life.

Light filtered through the motel room shade, prickling my eyes.

Desperate whimpers penetrated my brain, and I forced my eyes open. I held Tania from behind, and in front of her on the bed was Serena, her back to Tania. The whimpers and moans grew louder. Serena was coming.

Tania’s one leg was thrown over Serena’s hip, her hand over her waist, stroking in between her legs, the two of them rocking together in a rhythm, moaning together.

Shit, what a sight to wake up to.

I want in.

I dipped my fingers through Tania’s ass crack and found her wet slit. She gasped and threw her head back against my shoulder. I played with her, my rhythm steady, and she mumbled something incoherent. I raised my finger back up her ass and toyed with her tight hole and she let out a hiss. I retreated, laying kisses across her damp neck, around her throat, and she finally relaxed in my hold once more. Again, I nudged my finger past her tight ring, and she gasped.

“Let me in, Tania,” I whispered. Gently, I slid in further and further. “Yeah, yeah, that’s it.”

Serena came, her moans ringing out, and my chest contracted at the sound. She turned around immediately and kissed Tania’s mouth, kissed and licked her tits as I worked Tania’s ass.

“Let him in, Tania, it’s all right,” Serena said against Tania’s skin. She slid up her body and kissed her mouth again. “He wants us both coming all over him now.”

Tania let out another low moan.

These two were killing me.

Serena pushed down the bed and buried her face in Tania’s pussy, a hand curling around her ass, meeting my busy fingers. Tania squirmed, moaning loudly as Serena slid two of her fingers inside her pussy, working her as I worked Tania’s ass with steady, careful strokes. I’d never been with a virgin before, ass or otherwise. I liked it, I liked giving Tania something new, something only the three of us shared.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Tania jolted in my hold, her skin wet, her body stiff. I bit her neck, and she came hard, her groans and cries somewhere between shock and ecstasy, her body trembling yet bound between me and Serena. She clung to us, we clung to her.

Serena kissed her mouth gently until she relaxed. I released Tania’s ass, and my palm squeezed down over her wet pussy. Serena kissed me while Tania’s hand reached back and found my stiff cock.

“Shit, you’re incredible,” Tania muttered pulling on my cock. My last drop of self-control evaporated.

“If we had lube, I’d be in your ass right now,” I muttered.

Letting out a grunt, I sat up on my haunches taking in a breath, wiping the sweat from my eyes, down my chest. Serena took my cock in her mouth, her eyes on me.


Tania curled behind me, her tongue laying a wet trail up my spine to the base of my skull. Her nails skimmed down my shoulders and arms, her fingers traveled to my nipples, scraping around them and down my middle as she rubbed her body against my back. Shivers streaked over my flesh.

Hands, tongues, lips, sucks.

Tania’s tongue clashed with Serena’s as they both ravaged my cock and my balls with their greedy mouths. I slid my fingers between Tania’s thighs, in her ass again and she squirmed and writhed against my touch. My other hand kneaded Serena’s tit.

They were my women, mine for right now, mine in this goddamn bed.

My hands dug in their hair as I pumped my hips. The burn whipped around us, hot and thick. This burn was good, galvanizing. The three of us rode that fever, they rode it with me as they gave to me, taking me higher, giving me this insane pleasure. The pressure built in my cock and nothing stopped me, nothing ripped at me. I stayed inside it and rode its wave. I focused on their hands on my flesh, their wet tongues. They kept me close, the heat of their bodies blending with mine. I let myself into this vortex the three of us created and I didn’t get scorched. I fucking flew.


I came, grunting loudly, making a mess on both of them. I collapsed on the bed in between them, our limbs tangling, our breaths making short, savage noises. The three of us kissed and groped and sucked, our bodies wet, our skin burning.

We spent the whole day on that bed fucking any way we could until we had to leave.

Until I had to leave them at the mercy of the rotten world outside that precious room.

The shower water ran, the sound cutting through the fog of my sleep. I jacked up in bed. Tania was curled up, clutching a pillow on the other side of the mattress. Serena was missing. I tripped out of the bed on the twisted sheet and darted into the steam-filled bathroom. She stood at the sink, her body dripping wet from the shower. Her head was bent over her arm.

Red blood splattered onto the white porcelain.

“What the hell are you doing? Are you okay?”

Her head lifted to mine, her eyes heavy. In one hand she held my knife, blood dribbling from her abdomen, her other arm.

“What the fuck?” I grabbed the knife from her.

I wiped a hand across the blood just above her pussy. She had cut over the tattoo of the Smoking Gun skeleton. I gripped her bleeding arm. Another small red line rose up in blood there, about two inches below her wrist.


“Finish them both for me.” Our eyes met in the steamy mirror.

“What the hell are you talking about? Jesus.”

“I want to obliterate their brand and put your mark on me. And one over my wrist. Just like yours on your face. I want it on me.”

“That’s crazy.”

“You finish it for me.”

“No. You don’t want that.”

“I do. I do. Today we say goodbye for however long, maybe forever.”

“That’s not true. We’ll have another day and another and another. We’re gonna make it happen.”

“Until then...please.”

I scanned all the ugly bruises and scars over her beautiful body. “Baby...”

She gave me a watery smile. “This is my choice. This mark I want, and I want it from you.” Her voice was thick and determined. “Why should I only have scars of what they did to me? Of my stupidity in ending up with them? Why? Why can’t I have a good memory on my body? So that every time I see it, touch it, I’m filled with the good that is us, the good that these two days brought us. Knowing it matches yours. Last night was fantastic. It made me feel good, feel free, powerful even. I want to remember that victory every day, I don’t want to forget. It’s going to be a rough road without you. I need this, Justin. I need it from you.”

I took the knife from the sink and pressing my lips together, I sliced the two dashes along the line she’d made over the tattoo. The letter “F” rose up in red on her pale flesh.

“Finish my wrist now.”

I slashed quickly on the delicate skin of her wrist. Dropping the knife in the sink, I licked over the wound, and she let out a cry. We were both marked with each other, for fucking ever. Not just skin and blood, but soul deep, that shadowy place where twisted secrets are spun and hidden from even ourselves.

Lifting her up on the edge of the bathroom counter, I spread her legs wide with a shove of my hips.

She dug her hands in my hair, a line of blood skating down her arm, another down into her cunt. “Yes, yes. One last time.”

“Stop talking like that.” I dropped to my knees on the damp tile floor and kissed her pussy, licking at her blood, her wet heat.

She clung to me, crying out, her blood smearing my face.

Making every moment count, every moment between us last. Wherever and whenever. Even here in a motel bathroom in Who Knows Where, South Dakota at four twenty in the morning.

“This is just the beginning,” I said against her skin. “Just the fucking beginning.”




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