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Gabriel by S. Cook (31)

Chapter Six



Two hours later, my cheeks were aching from having to force smiles at David’s attempts at humor. As he pressed his hand to my back and guided me through my parking lot, I fought the urge to brush it away.

“You really don’t have to walk me up to my apartment,” I said. “Really, I’ll be fine.”

He smiled down at me. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I doubt much can happen from here to the elevator and down the hall to my apartment.”

“You can never be too safe.”

I wanted to groan. Couldn’t the guy take a hint? We’d had a terrible date. I’d spent two hours sitting there and trying to smile while being shown photos of his ex-wife and kids.

Right now, all I wanted to do was dig into a pint of ice cream. Maybe mixed with a splash of Bailey’s. And then sit in front of a cheesy chick flick that might only make me feel worse about my love life.

I didn’t care. The last thing I needed was to have this loser think that I would possibly invite him into my home.

“Listen, David—” I was about to hand it to him straight when the elevator doors opened.

And just when I thought my night couldn’t get any worse, I was, of course, proven wrong.

Because standing right in front of me was Liam.

I was frozen to the spot. My limbs wouldn’t move. My first instinct was to bolt. Back to the parking garage. Into my car. Fire up the engine. Drive as far away as my tank of gas would take me.

Damn, did he have a special radar that alerted him to my presence? Couldn’t I just have one night that didn’t consist of me making a complete ass of myself in front of him?

David was oblivious to my sudden panic. “Come on.” He nudged me into the elevator.

I had no choice but to step inside. Liam scooted over and gave me space. But not enough. He stood so close that our shoulders practically touched. Not that it mattered. An entire ocean could have separated us and it still would not have been enough.

If David noticed the tension that choked all the breath from the elevator, he didn’t show it.  “What floor?” he asked.

“Um, it’s already pressed.” I glanced at Liam. “We’re going to the same floor.”

“Oh.” David looked confused. “You two know each other?”

“Yeah, this is my neighbor, Liam. Liam—” I turned to him and stopped when I saw the look on his face. He looked like he was ready to murder someone. Namely David.

But why? I had no idea why he was so angry. He knew I had a date that night—and he had told me to not get my hopes up. Now my date was walking me to my door.

Look who was laughing now! Obviously, I wasn’t going to admit that I didn’t want David anywhere near my front door.

But still this was the one bright spot of my evening.

The fact that I could shove it in Liam’s face that I was perfectly capable of hooking my date was accomplishment enough.

“You must be Misty’s date for the night,” Liam said, reaching out a hand.

David shook it hesitantly. I froze as the two men sized each other up briefly, then let go. I continued to hold my breath for the rest of the elevator ride, which felt about a century-long.

When the door dinged, we all paused. David and Liam looked at each other, and I imagined a silent battle charging between the two of them. Finally, David gestured for me to step out of the elevator.

I walked out first.

And then something weird happened.

David followed...but so did Liam. And both of them reached for me. Liam pulled his hand back as soon as he realized what he’d done, his face resuming a somber expression. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

David let his hand rest on my waist, shooting Liam a confused and offended look.

“Have a good night,” he said coldly.

“You too,” Liam said, sounding confused more than polite.

I started walking down the hall to my own apartment. I felt David’s body stiffening next to me.

“Is he following us?” David muttered. He turned around before I could answer. “You got a problem, buddy?”

“David,” I whispered.

Liam’s challenging voice interrupted me. “That depends.”

David stopped, and I had no choice but to turn with him. I swallowed at the sight of Liam’s tall figure. The hallway light shone behind him, making him look larger than normal. I couldn’t help but compare the two men.

Liam wasn’t necessarily more classically handsome, but he was far sexier, with those broad shoulders, the dark stubble, strong jaw and those damn lush lips.

“What the hell does that mean?” David said, his fists clenching.

“On Misty, of course.”

David snorted. He opened his mouth, then closed it. Then turned to me. “Do you know this loser?”

“I told you, he’s my neighbor. He lives across the hallway, and I’m sure he wants to get home just as badly as I do. It’s no big deal.” I swallowed. “David, I told you, you don’t have to walk me to my apartment. It’s just over here—”

“There’s no way I’m leaving you alone with this asshole.”

“Hey,” both Liam and I said defensively at the same time.

“You stay out of this,” David snapped, one finger pointed at Liam. He grabbed my arm to jerk me away.


“Ow.” I yanked my arm out of his grip.

A scowl appeared on David’s face. He reached for me again.

Liam rushed forward, asserting his solid build in front of me. I was so shocked and grateful that I didn’t even try to stop him. As I stared at his back, my stomach clenched with an overwhelming rush of something...something warm and fuzzy that I couldn’t name. I shook my head as the moment passed, then poked my head to peer over Liam’s shoulder at David’s angry expression.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” David demanded.

“You were hurting her,” Liam said, crossing his arms. “What? You think I’m just going to stand here and watch when she doesn’t want you anywhere near her?”

“I’m walking her home, you asshole. Why don’t you mind your own damn business?”

“It’s my business if my neighbor is being assaulted by some idiot I don’t know.”

“This is bullshit.” David glared at me. “Come on, Misty. Let’s get you home.”

“I am home,” I said. “Thank you for walking me here, but I’ll be fine now.”

David’s face grew so red that I thought steam was going to rush from his ears. “You’re telling me you want to go with this idiot?”

“This idiot’s going to get her home safely,” Liam said. I couldn’t see his face but I imagined that he was wearing a mega-watt grin. “Don’t you worry.”

David looked like he wanted to punch something. Judging from the look on his face, that something might have been Liam’s nose.

I swallowed, reaching into my purse for my mace. I didn’t want to have to use it, but there was no harm in being prepared.

Just when I thought David might go for the punch, he lifted his lip in a sneer, then turned on his heel and stomped down the hall.

Liam and I stood there watching him go. Neither of us said a word even after he had turned the corner. My hand still in my purse, I let my fingers uncurl and drop the mace, releasing a breath of relief that I hadn’t had to use it after all.

Eventually, Liam turned around. His expression was full of concern as he searched my face for a reaction.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I nodded, unable to find words to express how I felt. I was immensely relieved and simultaneously angry for having run into Liam again. Remnants of our arguments from earlier were still fresh in my memory, though I couldn’t remember what we had even been arguing about.

I was reeling from the surprise of seeing him. My heart still pounded from fear that a fight might break out between him and my date.

The first date I’d had in months since I’d broken up with Bryan. And I’d blown it.

Damn, what was wrong with me? I was incapable of finding love. Of being in a stable, long-term relationship.

And what the hell was wrong with Liam?

Something, obviously.

Why was it that when I wanted nothing to do with him, he seemed to be everywhere I went? And why did my body react so strongly to him? All hot and sensitive and shivery. Like my nerves had been asleep and suddenly woke up, ready for some action, when he was near.

He was just a man. A hot, muscular, sexy man...

I shook my head and ended that thought before it went too far.

“Hey,” Liam’s soft voice filtered through all my thoughts. “Hey, it’s okay.”

It wasn’t until he wrapped his arms around me that I realized I was shaking. And it felt good. Damn be enveloped in such a strong embrace, to feel the hard expanse of male chest beneath my hands, to rest my head against his shoulder. He smelled heavenly. Like strong, healthy male, a hint of cologne, and something I knew belonged exclusively to him. I took a deep breath, leaned into his strong weight and enveloping warmth, knowing that any second now, he was going to let me go and our hostile armada would pick up where we left it.

I leaned in closer instinctively at that thought. I didn’t want to go back to that. I wanted him to hold me forever. My eyes flew open when I absorbed the stiffness of his body. He was going to push me away. He was going to reject me like he’d done the first time when I’d practically thrown myself at him.

I wasn’t going to let that happen again. I was going to pull away before he had the satisfaction of pushing me away.

Taking a deep breath, I extricated myself from his arms. I gave him an embarrassed smile.

“Thanks for getting rid of him,” I said quickly. “I was trying to get him to leave since the parking garage, but he insisted on walking me to my door.”

Liam frowned at me. His hands balled into fists at his side. “I hope I didn’t ruin your night.”

“No.” I sighed. “Wasn’t going to be much of a night, anyway,” I said under my breath.

He heard me anyway. “It’s not over,” he replied softly.

I looked up at him, eyes wide. What was he suggesting?

He shifted from foot to foot and crossed his arms. “Look, Misty. I know we didn’t get off on the right foot, but...I mean...” He pushed a hand through his hair, making the strands stand up in a crazy fluff. I wanted to smooth it down. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair, and then wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. “Maybe...”

“Maybe what?” I held my breath.

He sighed. “Maybe we can be friends.”

I inhaled sharply. A stinging sensation burned behind my eyes. I blinked rapidly, not looking at him. “Yeah,” I said, hoping my voice wasn’t too shaky. “Friends. Sure.” I brushed a strand of hair away. “Thanks. I should probably get going. See you around.”

“Misty, wait—”

I was already walking away. The door was just down the hall. I could make it before I started crying right in front of him and completely embarrass myself.

Again. Ugh!


Just keep on walking. That’s all I had to do.

A hand wrapped around my wrist. I spun around and didn’t have time to think or react before I was pushed against the wall by his strong, large body. Liam’s fingers threaded through my hair, tilting my head back.

Everything happened so quickly.

The next thing I knew, his mouth was covering mine. His kiss was scalding hot. It stole my breath away, claiming me.

Instantly, I was lost. Unable to think, to breathe, to move at all.

His lips were softer than I’d imagined. He surprised me with his kiss. My lips were already parted for him, waiting for his searching tongue. The touch of it made me shiver. Made my belly clench with something familiar and deep. A sharp twinge shot between my legs. My breast grew swollen, my nipples hardened.

I didn’t want any of it to stop. I opened to him willingly, grabbed the lapels of his jacket, and pulled him closer.

His mouth moved over mine, his head tilting in the opposite direction. The wet, delicious friction of his lips on mine made me squirm. I had the strangest urge to hook my knees over his hips, wrap my legs around his waist and let him take me right up against the wall. Moisture pooled between my legs at the thought.

His hands moved about my body in demanding searches. His fingers pressed into my flesh as if he was trying to grab onto me, hold as much as possible, and memorize the feel of me beneath his touch.

I moaned as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted me a bit, just as I had been fantasizing he would do.

I jumped a little to help him, and the next thing I knew, I was up against the wall with nothing to anchor me but his solid form, and arms about me that felt like nothing else. My short dress slid up my hips, exposing my thighs to his view.

One hand moved to grip me just below my ass. He held me that way, his fingers just inches from the source of all my pleasure.

And he knew it, knew what power he had over me. His thumb traced circles into my skin, tickled the sensitive flesh with concentric movements.

I moaned as his lips moved from my lips to my neck. He gave me soft, sucking kisses that drew pulsing sensations from my nerves. My teeth sunk into my lower lip to keep from making more noise.

I had to remind myself that we were technically making out against our neighbor’s wall.

Anyone could hear us. Anyone could walk out into the hallway and see us.

For some reason, the danger of that made me even wetter.

As if sensing the renewed rush of lust in me, Liam moved closer, nudging his hips up against mine. With my dress shoved out of the way, there was nothing between us but the thin silk of my panties and the roughness of his jeans.

The hardness of his arousal rubbed against me, and I gasped. I felt his grin on my lips. He did it again. A gentle nudge upwards. A small gasp. Again and again. My body jerked with each movement, nerves saturated with pleasure, blood heating and settling in areas that became over-sensitive to his touch.

“You better stop that,” I said eventually, unable to take any more. “Unless you plan on finishing what you started.”

Liam shifted me so that he could hold me more securely against the wall. “Oh, I plan on doing more than finishing,” he said. There was a gleam in his eyes, a sparkle, a hint of mischief and promise.

I swallowed, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I looked back at him, suddenly unsure of what to do or say next.

Thank God I didn’t have to. Because we heard loud footsteps from down the hall.

I shoved him away, landing on my feet with a shooting pain up my leg. Flinching, I touched my hair, my face, my clothes. I was sure whoever it was would know what we were doing no matter how much we hurried.

Not really caring to know who that someone was, I began walking down the hall again.

“Hey,” Liam said, following after me. He sounded like he had just finished running a marathon. “Where the hell are you going? We should talk.”

I gulped. “‘About what?”

“What do you mean about what?” he growled. “About what happened.”

“Nothing happened.” I yanked on the hem of my skirt, which was rather difficult to do when I was walking at breakneck speed. I was sure I’d just given Liam a nice shot of my ass. “That was clearly not planned. It was a mistake.”

He was silent for a second. I thought he had finally left me alone, but then he spoke. “Mistake?” His voice was quiet and calm. Like he was about to murder someone.

“Yeah. I said yourself just now that you wanted to be friends. Friends don’t go around practically fucking against a wall in the middle of a hallway.”

When he didn’t respond right away, I looked at his face. We reached my apartment, and I dug in my purse for my keys. I was thankful for the distraction so that I didn’t have to face him.

After a long pause, Liam spoke in a resigned voice. “I guess you’re right. I did just say we should be friends.”

I didn’t know why, but that caused my heart to fail for just a second. “Exactly.”

Liam sighed. Thankfully, I found my keys and busied myself unlocking the door. It wasn’t easy with him leaning on the frame, his body inches from mine. I felt the heat coming off him.

The same heat that had just engulfed me moments before. I wanted to delve back into that heat. Wanted to feel his arms around me again. Wanted to taste the sweetness of his lips.

“You don’t even want to at least discuss this?” he asked.

I opened the door. “There’s nothing to discuss.”




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