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Happy Trail (Lucas Brothers Book 3) by Jordan Marie (20)


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“Look what the cat dragged in,” Mom mutters from the breakfast table the next morning. I ignore her, although I know I am blushing.

“I’d say it’s more like: ‘Look what the worn-out pussy dragged in’,” Maggie teases with a laugh.

I cut her a mean look. “Don’t you have a home to eat breakfast in?”

“I do, but then I’d have to go grocery shopping, and that requires too much effort. I guess we don’t need to ask you how your date went.”

“We should probably ask her if she used protection,” Cyan smirks.

“I raised nothing but a bunch of horny boys and easy daughters,” Mom grumbles, taking a drink of her coffee.

“Hey! I resemble that remark!” Cyan jokes.

“We all do,” Maggie agrees.

“I thought you were the ones who said I needed to get laid?” I exclaim, going to the cabinet to find a bowl. After the workout Luka gave me this morning, I’m starved.

“You did, but Jesus, make them work for it a little bit,” Mom says, shaking her head. “In my day, a girl didn’t just spread her legs and roll out the welcome mat. A man had to work for it.”

“I thought you told us White and Gray were products of free love rallies in Kansas?” Maggie asks, smiling sweetly.

“Just because it was free, dear, doesn’t mean it was easy,” Mom answers. Maggie and I look at each other as I sit down, each of us clearly rolling our eyes and not getting the distinction.

Bullshit,” Cyan coughs.

“Is that any way to talk to your poor, sainted mother?” Ida Sue asks, trying to look upset, but ruining the effect by sticking out her tongue.

“Did I miss something? When did they give you sainthood?”

“They haven’t yet. Damned bureaucrats. I’m sure it’s coming soon, however,” Mom answers Cyan, and I swear I think she might be serious. Maggie and I grin at each other.

“So was it good?” Maggie asks me.

I can’t stop myself from grinning in return. “There’s no cobwebs now, that’s for sure,” I brag, taking a bite.

“I don’t want to hear about my sister getting laid,” Cyan groans.

“My stomach is even sore,” I add—my grin growing larger.

“La, la, la, la! I can’t hear you!” Cyan sings.

“And I may not walk the same for a week,” I add just to irritate him more, but I’m not really lying either. Luka was a machine last night. I didn’t think a man could go that many times. Once we got to the house, he had me against the wall, on the couch, in the shower, and then woke me up two more times through the night. When he said he had been storing up, apparently he wasn’t lying. This morning, he was complaining his balls were sore, but that didn’t stop him from using his mouth on me before I left.

“Now you’re just bragging,” Maggie sighs.

“Of course I’m not. If I was bragging, I’d tell you how I discovered I’m double-jointed and can put my legs up around my

And,” Cyan all but yells, “I’m out of here! I’d rather walk in on Mom and Jansen again than hear how my little sister spent her night of debauchery.”

“You’re a fine one to talk about debauchery. I know the kind of clubs you hang in, Cyan,” Maggie says with a smirk.

“Why are we even using the word ‘debauchery’?” asks Mom. “Is that even a word anymore?”

“After last night, I think it should be,” I giggle, and Maggie gives me a high-five.

“See? All my girls are easy,” Mom complains, sounding like she might be going into mourning. She really would if she knew Craig Weston wasn’t the reason I was smiling and sore this morning. I can’t find it in me to care either. Last night was one of the best nights of my life, and I already want more. There’s even this small hope inside of me that thinks maybe there’s a chance Luka and I can get things right this time.

“So you’re saying they’re taking after you?” Jansen asks, coming in the kitchen and smacking Mom’s ass with the back of his newspaper.

“Jansen, you take that back right this instant!” Mom growls.

“Hush your whining, Lovey. I like you just the way you are.”

“You’re an old goat,” she huffs, but she’s smiling when he walks behind her and hugs her close, nuzzling the side of her neck.

My mother has made parts of my life hell, but I’m not stupid. I know she had a reason, and I don’t judge her for it. I can’t even say I wouldn’t have done the same in her shoes. I’m so glad she found her happily-ever-after with Jansen. He’s a good man, and they’re good together. My mom deserves that after the hell she’s been through.

“I’m out of here. I got a meeting at eleven,” Cyan says as he kisses Mom on the cheek.

“What kind of meeting?” I ask, curious. Cyan keeps things close, but he’s been more and more secretive lately.

“Never you mind, nosy-britches.”

“Britches?” I snort.

He laughs, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

“When is Luka bringing River home?” asks Mom. “Jansen and I were going to take him fishing out at the old goose pond.”

Just the mention of Luka makes my body flush.

“No name-calling today?” Maggie asks.

“No need now that my Petal has seen the light and moved on. So what time?” she prompts.

I have to bite my tongue before I tell her I’m not moving on. I won’t tell her. I am not sure where Luka’s mind is, and we promised to take it day by day with no stress. My mom would definitely be stress.

“Sometime after dinner. He decided he’d take some alone-time with River this evening, because I have a color job at the shop scheduled at four.”

“Well, shit. I hope he doesn’t keep him too late,” Mom whines.

I want to add that I don’t either, but our reasons are completely different. I just want to see Luka again. I’ve barely been away from him for an hour, and my body is already craving him again.

I might be in trouble.