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Heard: An Omegaverse Story (Breaking Free Book 3) by A.M. Arthur (21)


Karter slept for shit that night, pacing the downstairs of his parents’ house, feeding or changing Karson when the baby demanded it. He nodded off on the couch a few times, but nightmares of Jax hanging from a ceiling naked while other alphas sniffed around him kept startling Karter awake.

Omegin came down around seven to start a pot of coffee. Then he pulled Karter in for a long hug. Karter tried to draw strength and hope from his omegin, so grateful for the man’s never-ending support and love.

“Shit, bad news?” Sloan’s voice startled them apart.

“No, no news,” Karter replied. “I’m going out of my mind.”

“Help me with breakfast, then,” Omegin said. “You need the distraction.”

They put together a big breakfast of waffles and sausage, and it was on the dining table when everyone else came down. Karter hadn’t had a full breakfast like this with his whole family in years, not since he moved out. His brothers tried to distract him with stories of weird jobs they’d been on, or video game tournaments they had at night, and he loved them for it.

When Karson demanded breakfast, Karter prepared a bottle and held his son while he fed. Every new moment with this baby boy was a miracle, and Karter desperately wanted to bring his omegin home to his son.

Karson slurped down the entire bottle. After burping him, Karter settled him against his chest, needing him close.

“May I hold him?” Father asked.

Karter looked up, surprise jolting down his spine. “Really?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve held a baby that small. And I would…I’d like to hold my grandson.”

Those words broke Karter’s chest wide open. He willingly and lovingly transferred Karson into Father’s strong, capable arms. As he sat again, Karter caught Omegin’s eye. He was smiling, too, so happy to see Lem Jenks softening to his new family.

“Can I hold him next?” Sloan asked.

“Have you ever held an infant before?” Karter replied.

“No. But I won’t drop him, I swear.”

Eventually, Karson visited everyone until he was back in Karter’s arms, fast asleep. His phone chimed with a text message, so he balanced Karson in order to check it. Unknown number. The message was an address, nothing else.

“Is that work?” Omegin asked.

“I’m not sure,” Karter replied. “Can you take Karson?”

“Of course.”

Karter transferred his sleeping son, then went into the kitchen. The provincial map was in the junk drawer, under dozens of old takeout menus and random bits of detritus. He searched until he found the address on the map. Industrial area, but not totally abandoned. He tried calling the number behind the text, but he got a message that it was disconnected.

Of course, it is.

“Something wrong?” Father asked.

“I don’t know.” Karter showed his father the text message. “The area is industrial, so it’s a good place to hide a person without being noticed. Could this be from Udall?”

“Daring you to come face him?”

Karter nodded.

“I don’t know. He’s pushing close to the deadline, isn’t he? Perhaps it’s someone Udall’s working with who’s turned against him?”

“Do I go? Or do I report this?”

Father was silent a moment. “This has to be your choice, son. I’ll stand by you, whatever you do.”

Karter considered his options for a split second. “I know you’re retired, but I could use backup.”

“You have it.” Father clamped a firm hand down on Karter’s shoulder. “I’ll get my gun.”

“Thank you. I mean it.”

“I’m happy to help, son. Let’s go get your omega.”

* * *

The drive across town was mostly silent, and Karter spent a lot of time second-guessing this decision. But he didn’t want to risk a lot of cops tipping Udall off. If the man panicked, he could kill Jax and run. Two men, both out of uniform and of differing ages, should be less conspicuous. His plan was to drive past the building simply to scout it out and get a lay of the land.

The street held a mixture of warehouses and abandoned factories of different food products whose production had moved to other provinces. Their address was a storage warehouse with a For Rent sign in one window.

“Looks abandoned,” Father said. “Might be rear entrances with that alley right there. It’s a quiet place to hide with a hostage.”


Karter’s heart sped up as he continued another block down the street, and then parked in an alley. He got a flashlight from the emergency kit in his trunk. Instead of heading back up the street, they went down the alley to the rear, where a service road ran between the buildings on both sides of the block. Karter took point, Father close behind him, both with pistols in hand.

They reached the rear of the warehouse, which had a large entrance at street level that was big enough for delivery trucks to drive through. Right next to it was a regular-sized door. Karter inspected the lock, while Father checked out the delivery door. The knob was smooth, not dirty like the rest of the door, which suggested recent use. He peered through the dusty glass window, into a wide area that seemed empty. No lights shining anywhere he could see.

“Some of the dirt has been displaced,” Father said quietly. “It’s likely this door has opened recently.”

“Maybe to allow a black van to drive in?”


Karter tested the knob, unsurprised to find it locked. He was surprised, however, when Father produced a lock picking kit from his pocket and knelt in front of the door. “Your uncle Lance taught me how to do this,” Father said.

The lock popped.

“Nice,” Karter said. “You stay behind me.”

Father growled once, but didn’t argue.

Karter wrapped his left hand around the knob. Twisted. It didn’t squeal, like an old, unused door should. He yanked it open, snapped on the flashlight, and stepped inside. The wide-open space immediately ahead was dusty, with tire tracks in the grime that Karter followed a few feet ahead to a black van. Past the van was what looked like a long hallway of doors, possibly old storage units. Jax could be in one of those rooms.

His pulse jumped as he inched forward. Two unfamiliar alpha scents were in this room, one strong and one faint. No sounds other than the faintest scrape of their shoes on the floor.

The van was empty, but it still smelled faintly of Jax.

Karter met his father’s eyes and nodded; his father nodded back.

A shadow fell upon them from the wide-open door. Karter started to turn. Father shouted and shoved him to the ground in the same moment a gunshot echoed through the cavernous room. Karter hit the cement floor with his father’s weight on his back. Fear chilled him to the bone. Someone was moving toward them.

Karter wrestled his right hand free and aimed at the hulking, back-lit figure stalking toward them. Fired. He missed, but his target darted toward the hallway, squeezing off a careless shot in Karter’s direction.

Udall. Had to be.


The older man groaned and rolled off Karter’s back. “Fucker shot me. Go get him.”

Panic clawed at the back of Karter’s mind. He sat up but didn’t see any wounds on his father’s front. “How bad is it?”

“Not bad. Get after him before he hurts Jax. Go!”

Karter stood, reacting not only to his sire’s command, but also his desperate need to get to Jax. He raced down the hall, following his target to the only open door spewing light. Gun up, he swung around into the door frame to face his enemy.

The room stank of urine and fear, and Karter snarled at the sight of his mate, still naked, and being touched by another alpha. Udall stood behind Jax, using him as a shield, his gun pressed into Jax’s neck, his other hand gripping Jax’s shoulder. Jax was shaking all over, his skin too pale. The bruises on his ribs made Karter snarl a second time, as did the white bandages wrapped around both of Jax’s bound wrists. Jax’s ankles were also bound, giving him little room to stay balanced.

“Let him go, Udall,” Karter snapped.

“Fuck you, that wasn’t the deal,” Udall retorted.

“We didn’t have a deal. You made demands.”

“Yes, I did. And right now, I’m demanding you let me go, or I’ll shoot your mate in the neck. He’ll be in agony while he bleeds out.”

“Shoot him, and I shoot you.”

Udall sneered. “Except he’s your mate, and you won’t let me shoot him. You’d rather take a bullet yourself than let that happen.”

He wasn’t wrong. Every instinct inside Karter demanded he save Jax, even at the expense of his own life. His beautiful, bruised, battered Jax, who looked like a gentle push would knock him over. That other alpha scent was in this room, too, and its presence set off a brand-new rage inside Karter.

“You’re right,” Karter said. “I will do anything to save his life. You want Ferral? Take me as your hostage. I’m part of the constabulary. They’re more likely to trade him for a constable, than for a constable’s mate.”

Jax perked up enough to level a glare at Karter. He shook his head and blinked twice. No.”

“I don’t know,” Udall said. “I’ve quite enjoyed my reunion with Jax.”

Before Karter could lose his mind, Jax rolled his eyes and blinked twice. No.”

No, what? No Udall hadn’t touched him sexually, like he’d threatened? Karter had to believe that right now, or his temper would take over, and he and Jax would both be dead. “Reunion’s over, Udall,” Karter said. “Let Jax walk out of here, and I’ll put my gun down. Do whatever you want with me.”

“That’s the thing, constable. I don’t want you, I want Ferral.”

“Your lover cut a deal, why do you want him? He turned on you.”

A wicked smile crossed Udall’s lips. “I want him so I can cut his fucking heart out for betraying me. You’re right, though, you would make a more valuable hostage. You and the other alpha I shot, if he’s not dead yet.”

Jax startled, a big question in his eyes.

Karter couldn’t think about his father in this moment. His father was wounded, but not in the room, and he didn’t have a gun to his neck. Jax did.

Jax was also standing straighter and seemed more alert, which alarmed Karter. His omega had a mind of his own, and if Jax tried something that Karter didn’t anticipate, they could both be killed. His restraints made it difficult to signal properly, but Jax tried. “Ready. Move.”


“The man you shot is a retired constable,” Karter said, hoping to keep Udall distracted. “Gives you even more value, so we need to let Jax go, and then make sure he’s still alive.”

“Why don’t all three of us go check on the guy?”

More space and less light? Great chance for things to go really wrong, really fast.

Jax’s body wilted, his head going down, like a man having a dizzy spell. Udall frowned, and then his face disappeared as Jax snapped his head backward. Bone cracked and Udall shouted. Jax dropped straight to his knees, so the shot Udall squeezed off hit the cement block wall. Jax rolled away, but Udall was shifting his aim.

Karter raised his pistol and fired. His shot sent Udall stumbling backward into the wall, blood spurting from the wound in his left shoulder. Karter charged the man, not giving him a chance to hurt Jax again, and drove a knee into his stomach. Udall’s gun clattered to the ground, and Karter kicked it away.

“Sansbury Constabulary!” a familiar voice shouted.

Thank goddess, help is here.

“In here! It’s Jenks!” Karter replied.

Five people swarmed the room, among them Tarek and Higgs. Higgs took over guarding a panting, bleeding Udall, so Karter holstered his weapon and raced over to Jax. Jax was trembling, but aware and struggling to get free of his bonds. Karter wrapped his arms around Jax and breathed deeply, needing the scent of his mate. Needing to know for sure Jax hadn’t been violated. Jax pressed his face into Karter’s neck and sighed.

Higgs started reading Udall his rights.

“Goddess, Jax, are you all right?” Karter asked. Jax nodded against him, then kissed his neck.

Someone found a key and released Jax’s bonds, and once he was free, Jax clung to Karter. Karter held him, glad they were being given time before the questions started. He spotted Tarek hovering nearby and had to ask, “My father?”

Jax looked up, shock all over his face.

“On his way to the hospital,” Tarek replied. He took a blanket from one of the patrolmen and handed it to Jax, who wrapped it around himself. “He’s the one who called us, told us where you were.”

“How badly was he wounded?”

“I’m not sure, but he was aware when we arrived. He’s in good hands.”

Jax poked Karter in the chest. “Your father was shot?”

Karter nodded. “Udall shot him in the back, the fucking coward. He came with me to get you.”

Wonder and gratitude passed across Jax’s face. “How did you find me?”

“That’s a question I’d like to know the answer to,” a very gruff Higgs said as he joined them. “Constable?”

“I got a text from an unknown number with this address. When I checked a map to see where it was, I took a chance that this was where Udall was holding Jax. My father volunteered to come with me.”

“You decided to play hero instead of calling it in? With a civilian, no less?”

“Yes, sir. I couldn’t risk a large group of patrolmen tipping Udall off. My mate’s life was at stake.”

“An understandable motivation, but I’m not sure how my superiors are going to take it. You may receive a formal reprimand.”

“I don’t care.” All Karter cared about was Jax. His mate was alive and safe, if a little worse for wear. “Love, what happened to your wrists?”

“Udall left me hanging longer than he’d planned. I was in pain. He brought a doctor to see me.”

Shock punched Karter in the gut. Udall had cared enough to allow a doctor to see Jax, after threatening to rape and murder him? Had his threats really been an act? His actions today said no, he’d been willing to kill. But he hadn’t been intentionally cruel.

“Do you think the doctor who saw me sent you the text? He seemed…kind.”

“It’s possible.”

“What’s possible?” Higgs asked.

Karter repeated what Jax had told him.

“I’ll see if we can trace the number that texted you,” Higgs said. “Anyone doing favors for Udall is a man I want to speak with. For now, let’s get Jax to the hospital so he can get looked over.”

“Yes, please. I’m hungry and my arms still hurt. Where’s Karson?”

Karter growled, then kissed Jax on the forehead. “He’s with my family, he’s safe. I’m so sorry Udall hurt you.”

“This isn’t your fault.”

“I know that in my head, but my inner alpha is still furious with myself for your pain. I’m supposed to protect you.”

“You did. You saved me today. My hero.” Jax kissed his mouth hard. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Come on, let’s get out of here. Can you walk?”

“I think so.”

Karter bit back a growl as Tarek helped him get Jax on his feet, the blanket covering as much skin as possible. It was winter, and this room was freezing. Jax limped a bit, and he leaned heavily on Karter, but he walked to the ambulance on his own two feet. Pride swelled in Karter’s chest, and he climbed in with Jax.

The EMT’s piled more blankets on Jax once he was settled on the gurney. Jax reached out to hold Karter’s hand, and they remained connected the entire trip. Karter never wanted to let go again, but eventually he had to, and then they were in a cubicle.

A nurse took vitals. “His temperature is a little low, but he’s warming up. And his heart rate is elevated, but he’s also dehydrated, so that isn’t unusual. Everything else looks pretty normal.”

“Thank you,” Karter said.

He guarded Jax’s bedside, keeping steady watch, because he still didn’t trust that Udall had no more stooges out there, ready to do Jax harm. He’d had a fucking doctor come see Jax, and even if that doctor tipped Karter off to Jax’s location, he was complicit in the unlawful imprisonment of a human being.

When the doctor arrived, Karter flat-out refused to leave the room, declaring himself private security. The doctor wasn’t happy, but he looked over Jax’s shoulders and wrists.

“There is some swelling and signs of minor tearing,” the doctor finally said. “We’ll need to do a few scans, but I don’t think he’ll need surgery. Just time, rest, and some pain meds to keep him comfortable.”

“You can speak to him, you know,” Karter said, irritated on his mate’s behalf. “He’s mute, but he’s not stupid.”

Jax squeezed his hand. Karter no longer cared that alphas didn’t speak directly to omega patients as a general rule; no one got to disrespect Jax again.

They’d just returned to the exam room following those scans when Tarek entered. “Both your father and Udall are in surgery,” he reported. “Bullet nicked your father’s liver, so they have to be careful in removing the bullet and repairing the damage, but his chances are good. Udall should be fine, too.”

As much as part of Karter wanted the man dead, he was glad he’d live to face trial and prison time. There would be a lot of inmates unhappy with how Udall had treated pregnant omegas, and he’d likely feel the full force of their wrath.

“I need to call Omegin and let him know,” Karter said.

“Already done. Your family is on their way here with Karson.”

Jax perked up. “Goddess, yes, I want my boy.”

“He’ll be here soon,” Karter said. “Kell took good care of him while I wasn’t able, and then we stayed with my parents last night.”

“I can’t believe your sire helped you find me.”

“Neither can I, but we came to an understanding today. He supports us, Jax. He’ll stand by our family.”

“I’m glad.”

Time passed in a bit of a blur after that. Higgs came by with more questions for them both. Jax described his captivity in more detail, including the doctor who’d tended to him. He’d been left alone the bulk of the time. Udall fed him twice. After hitting him during the first phone call with Karter, Udall hadn’t touched him again. Jax had thought he’d freeze to death before Udall could actually kill him.

“I really thought I was going to die in that room. It sickened me to think his face was the last I’d ever see.”

Jax teared up at that, so Higgs left them alone. Karter held him close while he worked through is emotions. Eventually, Sloan arrived with Karson, and they had another joyful reunion.

Sloan gave Jax a fierce hug. “I’m so glad I didn’t lose my new brother.”

Jax started sobbing then, as if the full force of what he’d been through finally hit him hard enough to shatter the dam. Karter and Sloan both held him while he cried against Karter’s shirt, and little Karson looked on in wonder.

His family was complete, and Karter would never take that for granted again.




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