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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Roxeanne Rolling (16)


I take a shower myself, and wonder why I didn’t suggest showering together. I know she would have gone for it. I saw the way she was looking at me. But I want to take it slow with her. It’s going to be so much better when I finally sink my cock deep into her tight pussy.

She’s a virgin. She’s a virgin.

The water runs over me, and I soap up, letting the suds stay on my body for a moment.

My cock is fully erect, with soap suds gathering around it. The head is swollen far beyond its normal extent.

Just wait, I think to myself. Just wait.

As I towel off, the door bell rings.

“Yeah?” I say, hitting the intercom button in my bathroom.

A moment later, a video shows up on the intercom screen, showing me the delivery guy from Changasitos out front, who’s idly shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he holds the plain brown pizza box. I ordered an extra large with everything on it, which is the only kind of pizza to order from Changasitos, and frankly, the other pizza in San Francisco isn’t even worth eating in my opinion—it’s all foodie nonsense. Sure, that’s good sometimes, but not with pizza.

“Be right there,” I say into the intercom.

I throw on a pair of shorts and plain t-shirt from the bathroom closet where I keep most of my casual clothes and head downstairs.

“Thanks, man,” I say, opening the door quickly, taking the pizza, and handing the guy a hefty tip.

Before I can close the door, a van from Rapid-Cleaners shows up, with the emblem painted on the side, and I wave the man on over.

I tell him where to pick up the clothes, and he goes jogging up the stairs.

He’s back down in less than a minute, and racing away in his van.

“Pizza’s here,” I say into the intercom, pressing the button to let me speak directly into the bathroom where Lily is showering. She’s probably out of the shower now, completely naked, drying herself. I close my eyes for a moment and imagine what she must look like.

My cock stiffens in my pants.

“I’ll be right down,” she says. I guess she figured out how to use the intercom.

I’m in one of the living rooms, with the pizza box in front of me, my feet kicked up on a soft piece of furniture that serves as a sort of a coffee table.

It’s not like I designed the room myself. I had someone do it, of course. They asked me a bunch of questions about what I like and dislike in furniture, and at the time I didn’t have any idea whatsoever, so I just pointed to things in a catalogue. In the end, the decorator just used her best judgment, which was probably for the best.

Lily steps into the room, her hair wet and falling down around her. I didn’t realize just how long it really is. It looks beautiful wet.

She’s wearing a pair of my gym shorts, which are short on me, but somewhat long on her, covering about half of her thigh. I can still see the creamy, beautiful texture of her thigh, and as she moves, the shorts move along with her, revealing more of her leg.

She’s wearing a button down shirt. I left her a t-shirt, though.

“I found this in the closet,” she says. “I hope you don’t mind that I put it on. I thought it might be a little cold in here with the air conditioning on.”

I nod and grin at her. “Of course,” I say.

I don’t know what it is about seeing her in my clothes, but it’s hot. The button down shirt is quite long on her, but she doesn’t have it buttoned all the way up, and while I can’t see much of her cleavage, I can make out that she’s not wearing a bra.

My cock stiffens as she walks towards me.

Slow, I remind myself.

She sits down.

“Pizza! I’m starving.”

“You’re going to love this,” I say, opening the box and handing it to her.

She takes a bite daintily, eating just the tip of the triangular slice.

‘Wow,” she says out of the corner of her mouth as she chews.

I chuckle. “Best pizza in San Francisco,” I say. “And I’m willing to defend that.”

“You don’t need to,” she says.

I grab myself some, and a minute later, we’ve both devoured our first slice.

“I guess that fire took a lot out of us,” I say.

She nods. “So,” she says. “I remembered in the shower about what it was I figured out in Simmons’s paper… I think we can use it to reverse engineer his algorithm… and now I know why it’s been so hard to figure out what he’s doing, even though we have all the code…”

“Shhh…” I say, putting my finger to her lips.

“Don’t you want to hear about it?”

“Let’s just relax,” I say.

“But what’s more important than this? Your whole company is at stake.”

“You’re more important,” I say, looking her right in the eyes, speaking calmly.

She pauses for a moment, not saying anything.

She moves slightly, and I look down to see that her nipples are hard in her shirt.

My cock springs up, swelling completely. The ache is so strong, it’s painful.